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Latest revision as of 06:11, 30 March 2020

Following up on Selina
Date of Scene: 26 March 2020
Location: Alias Investigations
Synopsis: Case closed on Selina Kyle - And Jessica's 'Dinner Date'.
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Dick Grayson

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica was quite busy these days, her impromptu marketing campaign via Twitter was working quite well. She's been getting more and more cases, and was fairly methodical in clearing them up. The most recent announcement of case closed was to Detective Grayson, who was supposed to be coming in to pick up the report. Meaning Alias Investigations was neat for a change, even the door was in great shape, and not an empty bottle in sight. Unlike the last time when Grayson was a short notice appointment.

Jessica is sitting at her desk, doing work, and looking professional. If only by habit, because she's still dressed exactly like the last time Grayson saw her.

Dick Grayson has posed:
After getting the message on his cellphone that Jessica had information on his case, Dick called to set an appointment to come in for a visit. The following day, at mid-morning, there's a rap on the glass at Alias before the door opens. Making his way in, the Bludhaven detective is dressed for... well, work. White button up long sleeve, tie, slacks, belt and leather shoes. A suspenders style gun holster, but instead of a pistol, he carries a taser gun. Apparently chosing the non-lethal option there.

And in his right hand is a large paper sack. "Miss Jones?" he asks with a grin. "Since it seemed that your friend was really interested in making sure you were fed, and you were very against a dress..." he holds up the bag. "Figured we could do lunch while discussing the case." The smell of beef and chicken in spices is warm, as he looks for a place to set it down.

"I got beef and chicken gyros, pita bread, baba ghanoush, and tabbouleh with a gallon of that spice mint tea that the Halal Guys make every morning fresh." Easy and on the quick. A cop's lunch.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Detective Grayson, come on down, you're our next contestant on...Alias Investigations got the job done," Jessica says with a fair share of humor, before repeating herself as she extends a manilla folder towards Dick, "the job is done. I think you'll be pleased to know that your father is posed no danger by Selina Kyle. The woman is no gold digger. But she is a very savvy animal rights activist, more specifically large feline. You'll find within all charities she attended and initiated, big wigs and moneymakers she had donate to her cause. None of them ever took financial harm from helping her, or tagging along with her for some events. She generally doesn't date, and keeps to herself, so it could be she might actually be interested in Mr. Wayne as a person."

"Would you like a drink?" Jessica asks, gesturing at a bottle of bourbon on her desk. She tilts her head a bit at the mention of lunch while discussing the case, "that's a trade for the dinner? I'm good with that." She shrugs at the explanation of what food he got, "if it's edible, I'll take it. I'm real easy when it comes to food."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Gesturing to the badge on his belt, Dick offers a grin, "On the clock, unfortunately, maybe another time. He already has a to go cup with the tea as he sets the bag down so Jessica can fix herself a plate if she wants. And that gives him time to open the file to study it.

Most of this information is stuff he could have found on the cave's computer, or in his own search and he nods. "A bit of a socialite shutin, huh?" he asks her curiously as he flips through some of the pages.

Then he decides to ask, "Hypothetically, if your father was single, would you be alright with her interest in him?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Sorry, I keep forgetting, must suck working for the P.D.," Jessica grins, before pouring herself some bourbon. At least she's drinking it at a lesuirely pace, not looking like she's trying to drown something away. "I wouldn't call her a shutin, Selina is a very clever and sharp woman." Jessica notes, "hell, if I was the friend making kind, and anywhere near her sphere of affluence, I might have tried to befriend her." Jessica laughs, shaking her head at something she doesn't explain. "You could relax though, this is not an assumption, I tested her. Gave her every opportunity to show either she's a gold digger, or latch at an easy target like Danny Rand, CEO of Rand and heir of the Rand fortune...she didn't take the bait, had zero interest in money. She might be aloof, but she's no gold digger. If anything, I'd say your father has a good taste in women."

Jessica levels a deadpan gaze at Dick when he asks her that last question, "my father is dead," she notes coldly. "And if he was alive, and single, he'd be nowhere near Ms. Kyle's league, so he'd have no shot of her ever being interested in him. But if she was, hell, I'd encourage him..." but then she goes right back to that deadpan look, "but like I said, he's dead."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Sorry about the loss of your father. Both of my parents are dead, totally get it." Dick raises his hands in the 'whoa, there' motion as he takes a sip from his tea. "Bruce isn't my father." he finally explains. "Hence the different last names. My parents were murdered in Gotham when I was young, and it was Bruce that decided to take me in from the orphanage and raise me as his son. I owe him a lot for that, so you can understand my concern, I hope."

He glances across at the woman for several seconds, waiting for that cold air to dissipate. Because she just said that Selina has leagues, and that brings a nod from the detective as he folds his hands around the cup in thought. "Bruce... has a bit of a reputation. You know, the whole billionaire playboy philanthropist thing that Tony Stark's turned into an art form. So when someone gets in more than one date with him? Tends to raise a flag that needs to be looked at. So I appreciate you doing that for me."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"What a coincidence, both of my parents are dead too. As is my little brother," Jessica retains that deadpan look, her tone of voice masking very professionally if she has any feelings about any of this. "I know about you, Detective Grayson, The Flying Graysons, right? And you're his Ward, but I assume he's taking good care of you, Bruce Wayne dabbles in philanthropy, I bet he didn't get you just for the publicity of it...at least he doesn't register that way to me."

"I think it's admirable that you're looking after him in turn, it's well deserved, by the way...I aced your bonus challenge. Bruce Wayne found out nothing about my investigation, I didn't even cross paths with him."

Jessica looks a bit suspicious there, as she notes, "Tony I believe...Bruce, I'm not so sure is really a playboy. I bet you he does -that- for the publicity..."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"If he adopted me for publicity, he totally went about it the wrong way. All those tutors and private school." Dick smirks, and then nods. "Right, Flying Graysons. I still do some acrobatics from time to time. You never really want to lose it once you learned it. And it makes for great exercise." shaking his head, there's a playful note. "You keep bringing up these coincidences, I'll start to wonder if it was Matt or you that was pushing for that dinner."

"But since we're sharing info on each other, high school freshman loses her family in an automobile accident and gets adopted by strangers while in a coma. I can feel that, Jessica." There's no snark there. It is a bit like a kinship. "The stunt my parents were murdered doing? At our next stop, I was going to be part of it for the first time, they figured I was ready to try the harder tricks."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica chuckles, "like I said, I knew about that much, what can I say? I'm good at my job." Somehow, that didn't sound cocky, despite the sheer confidence she has in her ability as a P.I.

"I could tell you do, your body is way more toned and conditioned than the average P.D. detective, you definitely stay away from the donuts." Jessica grins, not even a shred of doubt in her as Dick describes keeping to his acrobatic ways. "I'm sure you're the more graceful between the two of us, I move like an inebriated tank..." she winks, before putting a finger to her lips, "don't tell your fellow cops, I never drink and drive, don't even own a car just to be sure." Joking aside, with her frame, it seems odd she's ever say she handles like a tank. Inebriated or not. Can tanks even get intoxicated?

"Really...? You're doubting that? Well, that's simple ennough, we can cancel that dinner right here and now, you good with that?" Jessica certainly sounds quite willing to forego that dinner. When Dick shows his detective chops in reciting some of her past back at her, she smirks, "so I see you do your own research before you hire someone, that's some good shit. A lot of people think I'm a Jones, you give me the right last name there, I'll be truly impressed," Jessica offers a challenging question.

"That sucks, I can see how that would be traumatic...I'll be honest, sometimes when I close my eyes I still hear the screams, my mom yelling at my dad to keep his eyes on the road...and everything just...stopping. Next thing I know, I wake up in a hospital bed, connected to wires and shit like I'm some kind of robots, and being introduced to strangers who are my new family because my old one is dead. That kind of shit really ruins your childhood..."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"What, I thought we were doing dinner." Dick gestures to the bag with a chuckle. "Not to burst your friend's bubble, but there is someone I'm seeing. Nothing terribly intense that would show up on a radar yet, but figured it was a start to something I don't really feel keen in fucking up." he admits before he chuckles. "You're a little small for a tank, I'd guess wrecking ball. However, I'm gonna guess that you're not a Miley Cyrus fan."

"As far as the phone book goes, I just figured you wanted to be Alias Investigations because you didn't want to go with AAA Investigations to be the first name in the listings. That smells of desperation." he points out as he takes a sip from his tea. "And yeah. Try having all of that in front of a crowd of 7500 paying customers." Dick shrugs his shoulders. "They knew they were dead the minute the wire snapped, and not a thing anyone could do about it. I'm sorry for your loss, Jessica."

He glances down at the file in his lap and folds it closed. "Now then, I said I'd give you a bonus if you kept Bruce in the dark about this. And since my cellphone didn't blow up with messages on what you did, I'm going to assume that didn't happen. And a good play on using Rand. He on retainer for these type of cases?" he asks curiously.

Pulling out his wallet, he pulls out a few extra 100s and sets them on the desk. "For your discretion."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Touche," Jessica grants the lunch bag trade-in for dinner as acceptable. Following the point, she goes about grabbing her portion and a plastic fork, no need to grab fancy dishes and utensils from the kitchen, the less washing to do the better. "Wait...you're dating someone!? Why didn't you just led with that and Matt would have left both of us alone, dumbo?" Jess shakes her head in disapproval, before snorting, "what gave away that I'm not a Miley Cyrus fan?" She doesn't remark on the refutal that she's a tank, she knows she's on the petite side, and doesn't care to elaborate.

"Yeah, never be the first name, but I already told you last time why Alias, not going to repeat myself," Jess notes as she reaches for some bourbon to wash down her first bite of gyro. She does go silent when Dick relates the death of his parents. Kind of a terrible thing for a kid to witness, she wonders if he's anywhere near the world of shit she lives in when it comes to PTSD. But she knows better than to ask about it. That's just not a topic you casually bring up.

"I guess that's quite a moment to have to experience, most people don't get to realize they're in the process of dying. It just happens...has to be horrifying. Yeah, I'm sorry for your loss."

"No need to assume, guaranteed Bruce Wayne knows nothing about it, because I was very careful in how I operated on this. I would have done it differently without your rule, but I respected it and liked the challenge." Naturally, she has no clue Dick went ahead and told him anyways all on his own. Coward.

"Let's just say I have some friends, I know I don't look it, but I got connections." Jessica says with a mysterious grin, clearly pleased that there are some things that Detective Grayson didn't find out about her. He also didn't make an attempt on the actual name, which tells her he didn't know, or so she hopes. She is rather anxious about people finding out stuff about her.

Collecting her payment, Jessica puts it in a tin box at the top drawer on her desk, "pleasure doing business with you, Detective Grayson, thanks for your support. It's tough being a small agency, so I appreciate any customer I get..." except for those who were sent flying through her front door, but right now there's no evidence of that ever happening.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Maybe if I come across another case, or something, we'll meet again. After all, Bruce has a habit of taking in strays." Dick points out with a teasing grin as he moves to rise to his feet and tosses the cup in the trash. "It was a pleasure to meet you. And again, thank you." tucking the folder under his arm, he heads to the door, and opens it.

Glancing at the file and back up to her, he smiles. "Thank you again, Ms. Campbell." And with that, he's out the door, closing it behind him.

Jessica Jones has posed:
The door opens just narrowly after Dick closed it, and Jessica can be heard loudly asserting after him as he steps into the elevator, "you're insufferable, you know that Detective? Now never speak that name again..."