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The work that needs doing still sucks
Date of Scene: 26 June 2022
Location: Main Kitchen
Synopsis: Finally home after a rough mission. Tabby gets her head together with some time spent with Ororo and a pot of Mac and Cheese. Very effective combination!
Cast of Characters: Tabitha Smith, Ororo Munroe

Tabitha Smith has posed:
It was probably not a good day to be in Weehawken in Jersey. A good chunk of the place had been exploded. And with some of the senior X-men aware of the existance of X-Force and the need for shady mutant shenannigans to be done. The existance and need is acknowledged by even the Professor. Not that anyone wants to be that open about it and just because it needs doing, doesn't mean some of the team are that comfortable with what they just did.

Which is why there's a blonde girl hijacking a lot of left over mac and cheese. Heating up a saucepan in her hand with her own powers while stirring with a wooden spoon.

The gir's had a shower and switcheed to the clothes she had in a locker in the sub levels. Old yellow denim jeans and a pink hoodie that's been cropped into a sleeveless top showing off shoulders and abs from which ever shoulder the top hangs from loosely. XAVIERS's on the front Pink sneakers and leather belt while cateye glasses in red frames and yellow lenses sit on her nose and let her actually see,

"Ororo, I swear between having a kryptonian show up and think she was all that and a guy that looks like Cable and maybe as powerful a telekinetic as Jean clearly screwing with us. Feel like we're being primed for an ass kicking." she says looking green around the gills as she talks with the Weather Goddess. "And Power Girl I think, really had no idea just how boned we would have been if the guy took the whole thing seriously. How many people, clones, or whatever did I kill because they were frigging disposable to them" she says and does her best to not be too angryu she throws the pot of chjeesey pasta goodness being heated and stirred. Or bust into tears.

At least she threw up on the commute from New York City.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo has her tea, the mug she's almost never seen without. It has its place in the cupboard when not being used, and all have the grace to //not// use it. She balances, no, cradles the deep earthen mug in two delicate hands as she leans against the counter, her calm presence maintained throughout what could be referred to as a 'data dump'. Venting, they call it. She's learned with some, solutions are rarely sought after; it's the ear, and the hearing that is important.

That's not to mention the understanding.

Ororo's in her summer atire; she prefers flowy to leather and harsh in the summer months, even if the temperature really doesn't affect her. It's more for show, and for those around her. She could easily be wearing her leathers, a hooded anorak, and still be comfortable.

She knows about X-Force, and without saying a word, it seems everyone knows her opinion on the matter. 'Needs doing' simply isn't in her vocabulary.

As Tabby vents, there's a fond expression on the Weather Goddess' face, and the disgust, the dismay and the disappointments all form up, which surprisingly or perhaps not so much, has her wearing a soft smile. There's hope. There's always hope.

Pushing herself from the counter, Ororo approaches slowly, and holds out a hand to keep her from abusing the mac and cheese too harshly, and is ready to set the girl into a hug, should she allow it.

Her tones are soft, even, holding a lilt that sounds as if it moves on wisps of air. "It's never supposed to be easy. Ever. It shouldn't ever, ever be. Even Logan doesn't care for such things." Now. Maybe. But it sounds good?

"You have a heart, and will always have one. Take it as a lesson? Or a warning, perhaps."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The pot is nice and warm enough to take a stirring easily enough meaning it's reheated well and while you could use a microwave, doing it slowly over a heatsource like a stove, or Tabitha own hand generating plasma at very small increments helps to keep it from turning into a horrid oily mess of molten cheese.

Setting the pot on a bench, the blonde goes to grab a bowl. "You want to share with me?" she asks and tries to get some cheer back in her mood by being all sharing and stuff. The hand reaching will grab one and start serving up a bowl if Ororo wishes it when she comes back. The offered hand squeezed again once there's no actual danger of accidentally burning Ororo.

"It's like with that other lab. Or the Dominators couple years back. It needed doing, I hate the idea someone might have died. This time I did and totally killed people. But these people really treat us mutants like a commodity or a weapon. At least when I did it it was fast. And yeah. I think I need to see it through. Almost as much as I need to finish this mac and cheese.

She states while using the wooden spoon to scoop out a lot of the stuff into the bowl in front of her. How she managed to even get home on her own with her power and energy expended and her stomach empty after throwing up is the real mystery.

At least she brushed her teeth after showering and getting dressed not long ago.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Absolutely no danger of burning her, no. The cheese is properly goopy, though 'Ro does turn to offer some milk to mix in, just to keep it from getting too bulky. Shaking her head at the offering, she lightly waves it away with a free hand. "A little heavy for me right now, I think. I've got more work to do in the garden."

Still, the words form a soft frown from the woman, and the light, white clouds that dot the sky darken ever so slightly, growing just a touch heavier in the skies without.

"No one has to die, no one needs to die." Ororo pauses, pressing her lips together and adds, "An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind." Hanging her head, she squeezes the girl's arm lightly and sets her mug down onto the table. "I know that the Professor may see this as a necessary evil, I do. I'm not certain how Kurt is taking this. I can't see him being very happy at all either." No fair pulling out the fuzzy elf!

"All I ask is that you never, ever, ever get comfortable with it. Taking a life means that they'll never have the opportunity to learn, and we may have lost a valuable ally." And soul.

Oh, she knows the arguments that the Brotherhood will give, and she pulls out a chair for the girl, before retaking her hip lean against the wide table, the mug retaken in hand. Her words are soft, and while not hesitant, they are slow to come from her lips, as if she considers each and every one of them.

"I do warn you. Once you objectify your enemies, it's easy to justify killing them. They're monsters, they're evil, they do this, they do that.. as they do to us, it's being done to them. There's no end to that."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The younger woman does let the milk get added and stirred in. It helps and adds some extra creamy flavor to the cheese. "I need the carb loading and the comfort food." she says and just goes nuts on maybe over filling the bowl. Theer's still a lot in the pot but it gets set aside so Tabby can decide what she wants to do with it later. There's always more macaroni and cheese in a school's kitchen.

"These are duplicates of Cable and Deadpool running the show. And oh god are they messed up. It was a cloning facility kinda like that one the Dominators were using to clone John Proudstar. There wasn't anything really sentient in what they were making. Just weapons made out of flesh. Gabby is probably the one most gonna feel beat up. But the others should be able to help her through that." Tabby states and sinks her backside down onto that seat when Ororo sets it close by for her.

"I've had to kill before. I hated it the first time and it was self defense. I hated when it was duplicates of my ex-boyfriend. Hate it now. But maybe we can eventually stop the guys behind it. Maybe. We're looking at Jean level psychic powers." she admits with a shrug and the first spoonful of pasta with a sigh as she tries to get her head space back to mostly normal.

Normal for Tabitha.

"I still feel more like I'm the monster. The horrible nasty killer beyotch. And I hate feeling like that cause mnaybe it means I know it's not a good thing. Even if the alternative to not doing this might mean we just end up being a generic template in a petri dish."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Storm leans over to lay a light kiss upon the top of the younger woman's head. "You're not a nasty killer, Tabby." She does have that sound of relief in her tones, however, as if she was holding out for that hope. Slippery slopes and all!

Canting her head, she does take in the rest of what she's being told, and nods slowly, her tones never rising above that calm resonance. "Then we'll attend to that, and I'll speak to Gabby, and hopefully it'll help."

Until then, however?

"Duplicates of Nate and Wade," she begins again, slowly. "Perhaps then it might be best to fight fire with their quench. Perhaps Neena would be of some help?" Even if the woman is, well, a killer. "She may actually be a very good guide in this." Particularly if 'Jean level psychic powers' are in play. Perhaps there is a way around it.

"I think the mac and cheese is a perfect idea, and then perhaps go and have a swim. Do some laps and clear your head. If you live in there," Storm points to that lovely head of Tabby's, and smiles again, "you'll begin to doubt here," and she points to the younger woman's chest, her heart.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The kiss on the blonde's forehead is met with a happy mmm sound and a brief nuzzling against Ororo's shoulder. "I figure with Gabby and how she came into our lives might just need some checking on. She's still a kid and no one should see that much death. Know damn well I wish I didn't" Tabby was a Genosha survivor after all.

"Neena's already in on it with Wade classic. It's his show after all." she adds and acknowledges. "I suppose once we have a place and a date we'll get the call and hopefully put an end to the mess. There might be more stuff and hopefully it'll be less lethal. Hopefully." she says with a sigh.

"I dunno about a swim but I may go make use of the hot tub. Not Jean's but I can clear out the communal one easy enough. Could do with a long soak. And my own shower might not cut it no matter how many shower heads I have." she states and scoops more pasta into her mouth.

At least she's waiting to swallow her food before she eats.

Ororo always did bring out that well behaved side of Tabitha she swears doesn't exist.