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Latest revision as of 03:16, 28 June 2022

Time To Sink or Swim
Date of Scene: 27 June 2022
Location: Abandoned Property In Upstate New York
Synopsis: Pietro gets the drop on the Drowned Man and in the end the man chooses the RAFT. Micola is rescued and the ghosts that have been hanging around start to finalize their business.
Cast of Characters: Micola Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola went missing on Friday morning. Her phone, purse and the commisions she'd been working on for the royals of Genosha had been found on the island of the kitchen. The blood that had been all over the kitchen floor had came back as hers, so that added to the need to find her. There was very little for Pietro to work off of. Detective Dollinger had promised that he'd keep him up to date if he could. It's not even sun down yet on Monday and there has been some chatter over police radios that the Avengers might pick up. Pietro would probably pick up Micola's last name being used.

There are two units enroute to two different locations that are about a mile away from each other. Apparently both of them are of interest giving things that have been seen going in. They are especially interesting given one of the properties is believed abandoned.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
En route, generally means years behind Pietro. He'd been staying nearby, listening and waiting. Once the addresses were given, he was off like a shot. No plain-clothes, no concern for anonymnity - this was an Avenger at work. Blurring through the streets, he stops just a bit beyond the entrance to the place - wanting to scout the place before diving in.

He watches for a few seconds, observing everything in its slower than him motion.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
The place definitely has a horror movie aspect to it and there is a smell in the air that is salt water mixed with something...unpleasant. The property seems small from this entrance, which might help the Avenger in the end. Pietro can analyze things quickly and there's an odd set up here. The doors to an old barn are standing wide open, inside there are four long patches of earth that look like they've been freshly buried.

Pietro is not the only one here though, the white haired man can hear the door to the main house open and an agitated sound heralds the appearance of a rather unremarkable looking man that's probably in his mid 30's. There are three long nail rake gouges down the side of his face that look fresh. On his side is a pretty staple looking 9MM pistol that's tucked away. He seems to be heading towards the barn.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
This bears watching. It could be tied to the drowning murders she'd been helping out with. He, for now, is patient. He's not going to rush in and lose information, or get someone hurt.

Though, if she is hurt - there will be blood. Of that, he has no doubt.

He moves, ensuring he can keep an eye on the man - keeping him in sight.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
The man moves to the inside of the barn, with the doors open, it gives Pietro a good view of things. "Let's see what they're doing today." the man states as he moves to start clearing off some of the dirt...revealing a hatch door that goes into the ground below. The door is opened and he peeks his head inside, whatever he sees, he marks it off in the small notepad that he carries. He closes the door and then continues. It sounds like a water tank.

He moves to the second and the third, but no sounds come from them. He makes the same grim face and then moves to start uncovering the door for the last one. As soon as it is open though there is a scream of rage at the man as he reaches in to grab the occupant up by the shoulder, lifting them up.

Micola's never looked so angry...nor so pale really. There is blue around her lips and it is pretty ghastly with her hair. She struggles against the grip and then finally lets her head wind back and she headbutts the man. He lets her go, dropping her back down into the tank of salt water before he removes his gun quickly and pulls the trigger with blind rage.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:

Never has Pietro moved faster, than when a loved one is in danger. There's a roar from the man, though it's lost in the Doppler effect. Moving as fast as he can, he scoops up Micola - dodging the bullet as it launches at the pair. She's set out and to the side, even as he turns his focus on the man with the gun.

The first blow strikes hard enough to shatter bone - connecting with the gun-weilding hand. The next is a kick that lands squarely on his sternum, knocking him away from Micola.

"I will put you in the RAFT, or the ground. Your choice." His tone is icy - nothing but seething hatred in his voice.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola was not really looking to be stabbed or shot again. She was looking at the gun like she was about to say her goodbyes. There's that familiar rush energy that comes with Pietro's speed though and she manages not to faint out of relief. When he settles her down on the ground she rolls away, not wanting to get drug back into the tank, and there is blood that drips down her side and she coughs up the water that she had inhaled as Pietro goes after The Drowned Man.

Brendon is shocked by the sudden blur and the hit that does break bone, leaving the hand to dangle in a gruesome way. The gun goes clattering down into the tank and is lost for the moment. He drops to one knee and looks up to see who has swooped in and there is a blink as blood streams from his nose, he starts to raise his hands in a gesture of giving up, "I would not want to tarnish your good name with killing someone, your Highness." he tells him in a pained voice. "And I grow tired of all of...this." he spits out the blood onto the ground.

The sound of sirens can be heard off in the distance.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The patronizing tone serves to incite Pietro even more. His hand clenches and unclenches, wanting nothing more than to beat the man into a messy corpse. He remains vigilant, waiting on the police. His eyes dart to Micola, concerned of the blood and water. "Micola, are you all right - can you hold out a bit longer?"

Another look to the surrendering man - making sure he's not about to run or try to disappear. "No more words out of you. Not one."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
The man settles onto his knees and looks from Pietro to Micola, watching her for the moment, "She's rather impressive most die after the first night." he looks back to Pietro. Maybe he got that in before Pietro said no more words, but given his attitude he might not have. He does quiet after that, listening to the sirens and the cars that start up the drive to the secluded area.

Micola shuffles herself closer to one of the walls and leans against it, "I'll be alright for now. Just...in a lot of pain. Don't give him the satisfaction of pounding his face in, Pietro." she tells the white haired man.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Quicksilver vibrates in anger, all but fighting himself to prevent throttling the man right there on the spot. His eyes all but burn through the man, the intensity of his stare. There's a barely noticable nod as Micola speaks, the man listening to her - focused no her words.

"The RAFT." He states, with finality. "For every life you took, you will spend a lifetime imprisoned."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola lets her head lull back against the shelf and she looks to all of the ghosts that are looking down on her, some of those faces new to her, "He's going to be put away. You'll all be getting to rest." she smiles to them. She listens to Pietro and there's a moment she closes her eyes, he was very angry. She didn't blame him.

Brendon doesn't make another snarky comment, he knew he was already playing with fire. The NYPD does roll in with their guns out when they realize that there has been a scuffle already. Detective Dollinger is at the front when they come into the barn and he looks over the scene, "Avenger business, Mister Maximoff?" he asks him. Then he looks over to where Micola is and he looks relieved, "Someone get medical in here and check these other tanks for survivors!" he calls out.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Once the police are here, Pietro nods. There's a scanner pulled from his belt - the perks of being with the Avengers, and mutant. A quick once over of Brendon, and a frown. "He's carrying the X-Gene. He needs to go to the RAFT, with all due precautions. He's the man behind the drowning murders." He comments to detective Dolinger. "The other tanks, I fear, are not going to have survivors. I will help check."

Quick as can be - he blurs over and opens the tank, to save the officers some work.

Returning to the detective, he hands over a set of binders to restrain the captive. "He will need medical assistance for his hand and ribs." That said, he moves to stand closer to Micola and aid her where he can. "Help is coming, Micola. You will need a night or two in the hospital, I suspect."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
The detectives and the officers listen to the man, most didn't really get to work with Avengers, so it was basically a once in a while situation. "The other property was just a cover. Nothing over there. So we got here as quick as we could." Detective Dollinger tells Pietro. The tanks being opened lets out the smell of death. A few of the newer officers have to move outside again, not wanting to throw up.

Detective Dollinger frowns, but takes the binders from Pietro, "We'll get him medical attention and we'll get him to the RAFT. I'm sorry about all of this." he tells him.

Micola is currently trying to keep herself together. But Pietro's voice makes her open her eyes, "Thank you." she whispers to him. "I think you are right. Stab wounds tend to get nasty." she admits. She was probably in shock as well given the trappings.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A nod to the detective. "Bind him first, to make sure whatever his gift is doesn't get brought into play. There are people you can call, experts, who can help. Dr. Henry McCoy might be able to give insight as to his gifts." A nod. "Thank you for arriving so swiftly." The Avenger offers over. "And thank all of you for what you do, daily."

There's a quick look to Micola, then to the detectives. "I will get Miss Lykaios to the hospital. I'll let you know which one, I am sure she'll answer questions once she's had care and rested."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
The detective makes a note of it, "I'll contact the Doctor and see if he'd be willing to help us with that." Dollinger tells Pietro. There's a few that give nods and others that say it's their job. None of them like dealing with death and there is a coroner that arrives to start looking over the tanks, their face is grim.

One of the EMT's gives a nod to Pietro, "You can get her there way faster than us, so I'm good with that. Her wound is not doing well, so getting her there as fast as possible is the thing to focus on." they tell him. "We'll question her when she's out of the hospital. I'm sure she's had enough stress from us, just be careful, Mister Maximoff." they tell him.

Then he's free to go.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Once cleared to go, she's picked up gingerly. "Keep your eyes closed, Micola." He whispers, holding her close. A nod to the EMTs and police officers, and he bolts. Fast as he can - they arrive at the best hospital in the city, within moments. Slowing to enter the ER, he looks for the on-duty triage nurse. "I have a woman who has been stabbed and nearly drowned. I need help immediately."

There is no dismissing his tone or regal demand - his aura pervades the room.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola knows the difference in Pietro's touch and there is a moment she wants to cry when he picks her up. One arm is slipped around his shoulder, the other is holding the wound on her side. "Eyes closed." she whispers to him. Honestly she was so close to sleeping that it would be a miracle if she would open them unless he talked to her.

She lets her head rest against his shoulder as she listens to him speak.

The nurse gives a look up to the condition that Micola is in and then there's a few of the nurses moving to get a gurney wheeled around, "We'll take her, sir. We'll need you to sit out here for the time being though while we assess the situation. Are you her husband, boyfriend or other?" the nurse asks him as they start to wheel Micola back into the ER to see what the damage is.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
That... is irksome, for certain. "Boyfriend." He says, carefully laying her on the gurney. "She was ... trapped in salt water, as well." Pietro explains. A hand brushes through her hair before she's wheeled into triage.

Waiting. That was always the hardest part. Still, he was going to do so, without pacing up a hurricane in the waiting room.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
The nurse has the good sense to give Pietro a reassuring smile, "We'll update you as soon as we have something. She's probably going to have to go straight to the OR given she's in shock for certain." she states. Then there is the dreaded waiting.

But he only has to wait for about fifteen minutes before one of the doctors come out to the waiting room, the nurse points him out and they head towards him, "Miss Lykaios is going to need to go into surgery very soon. There are two stab wounds, one in the right side just below her ribs and a second one that was in her chest. No arteries were hit, but the wounds are infected. And I am guessing her concussion is from headbutting someone." the doctor frowns. "Her mother is on the way up. I figured we'd let her do the paperwork. I don't know how long it will take us, the main thing is I don't want to put her through anymore pain than she's already been through." he admits.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
As the doctor steps in, and he's pointed out, he's face to face with the other man. Listening intently, he nods. "Take good care of her. I will be here." He explains, offering a look of thanks to the man. "If there are any costs incurred, please let me know." A very slight chuckle. "Yes, the concussion would be from a headbutt to her captor. Thank you again, doctor."

That said, he finds a chair - and waits - fingers drumming in an absurd rythym.