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Latest revision as of 15:46, 28 June 2022

Look! Up in the sky! No... higher up than that!
Date of Scene: 28 June 2022
Location: Earth Orbit
Synopsis: Moral debates back and forth.
Cast of Characters: Ikaris, Hyperion

Ikaris has posed:
Nighttime in New York's harbor is daylight elsewhere; and late into the next day even farther afield. It's strange to some, at sea level-- but immediately apparent for those who've pulled back far enough to see the sun, to watch the blue-green cloud-streaked marvel of a marble whirl below.

That cover of darkness cloaking the city that never sleeps is the only timezone Ikaris descends near the ground, however-- and barring interruption, it may be trip after trip, all through the night. The Eternal descends like a bolt of lightning to a collection of secure warehouses, and leaves with massive cargo containers, sometimes several stacked atop one another.

From there, it's up, up, and away-- to where the pull of gravity lessens, to where the atmosphere is the thinnest, to the farthest reaches of the stratosphere and then in opposition to the planet's rotation to those aforementioned far reaches. Above wartorn lands, above the poverty stricken, a strange and direct airdrop of aid unfolds. Crates equipped with simple altimeters and self-deploying chutes are unloaded, and dropped with a precision proffered by only the finest of supernatural perceptions.

Food, cookware, medical and hygiene essentials-- Ikaris unloads a foundation's worth of aid without intercession of NGOs or governmental channels, without opportunity of interception by corruption or hoarding warlords; at least outside the moments where such happen upon the unusual deployment before the villages, the beleagured cities that the Eternal consciously targets.

Ikaris' features are pensive as he works, lost in thought far more than focused on the efforts, the remarkable Herculean task undertaken as if purely reflexive, rote; mundane.

Hyperion has posed:
    Motions like that. Airlifts, airdrops. All of that is difficult to conceal forever. Warehouses are reporting thefts. Alarms are triggering. And for his part, Hyperion has been monitoring the goings on in New York. His job lets him wander around without needing to really manufacture a reason.

    But the sounds of alarms ring in his hyper-hearing and before the latest tones have even been going for more than a few seconds, he's up and on his way. One would think that a cape might slow one down. But when you fly via psychokinetic projection combined with control of anti-gravitons, it really doesn't matter what you have on your back. So rocketing upwards, Hyperion finds himself decelerating ten or fifteen meters from the apogee of the latest container, "You know." he says at first, "What you are doing is called stealing..." before he recognizes who it is. "Wait. I know you." he says.

Ikaris has posed:
The tingle of power is unmistakable. It surges within both Eternals. With enough proximity, hearing in ranges far beyond any human would explain that tingle in the hairs on one's neck, that nigh-tangible -presence- that comes with conduits of cosmic energy; and indeed, most energy. Still, Ikaris seems scarcely concerned with Hyperion's approach, at least at first-- and once a careful //look// confirms that, yes... he knows this one already.

"Is it?" The blue-and-gold armored Eternal offers with a degree of bemused whimsy, canting his head in Hyperion's direction. A subtle heave suspends the latest, mostly-emptied cargo container in midair, lightly shimmering in a golden aura that traces back to his grasping hand. The alien geometry accenting his suit glimmers softly with that same power; but his eyes are without threatening glow, and carry the same whimsical, if distant levity of his tone and the half-smirk on his face.

Another crate is drawn out with his free hand, and tossed clear towards a destination he already scanned over; a group of farmers toiling in struggling, heat-stricken fields. The airdrop bears the name, in several languages, of the Taitale Foundation. Its emblem is a pair of wings superimposed across a yellow sun. Ikaris gives that a moment to sink in; perhaps just to see if it -does-.

"This planet could support all of them, and more, you know. If they embraced better technologies; smarter cityscapes; more -reasonable- attitudes." It's too non-chalant for its content. "Is our great power meant to ensure that such surplus sits in the right human's warehouse?" Too non-chalant, too disarmingly detached. Such quietly defiant manipulations towards philosophy have gotten no shortage of men killed, over the eons.

Hyperion has posed:
    "I agree to a degree." explains Hyperion as he drifts a bit closer. "And yet, there is an old saying.. the road to hell is paved with good intentions." he adds as he lets his eyes traverse to track the trajectory of the latest drop. Then he zooms in and nods, "I can see those you wish to help. It is a laudable goal, and yet... playing god as it were, is -never- really a good idea. Deciding for others what should be done is a slippery slope. Why don't you let me work -with- you and see if we can help the people in a way that doesn't involve re-allocating resources already earmarked for someone else. For all you know, those supplies -were- heading for someone else who needed them."

Ikaris has posed:
"Oh, for all I knew they most certainly were." Ikaris agrees readily. The Big Picture debate waits for the actual logistics of their situation; but one thing they always seem to have more of is time.

"Subsidiaries of my architectural interests run this foundation." The Eternal drily informs his counterpart, his face serious, eyes locked on Hyperion. "No one was hurt in their-- surreptitious delivery. Those in need receive that which was earmarked for them without the costs of transport, and the erosion caused by hands and eyes along their path. Some would argue that deciding for others what -should- be done is a moral imperative." Beat. Ikaris' gaze is drawn towards the cloudcover below, to the water and land revealed as winds drag them onward.

"Others, that the chaos of causality demands one stay their hand, regardless of the potential costs of inaction. Perhaps what I do tonight will bring other desperate or powerful parties down on those who now find themselves, if briefly, with Enough." The pensive sorrow carries behind his eyes far more than on his face when Ikaris looks back to Hyperion, "They do have a terrible habit of burning down or painting in blood everything they build; or all that was built for them."

Hyperion has posed:
    "Most people can't see beyond their own limited perception of the world. They do not think of how their actions will affect others. But there are those who -do- try to help others. Perhaps we should focus our energies supporting those who do have the vision, rather than simply taking the choices out of their hands." suggests Hyperion.

    he shrugs his shoulders and looks back down at New York. "So, you are saying however that you were not stealing. These -are- supplies you own that were already intended to go to where you sent then. So if that is the case, perhaps I can help."

    "At the same time..." Hyperion adds, eyes turning back to Ikaris. "Rather than simply taking the choices out of the hands of the rest of humanity... you must understand, I am quite literally only about forty years old. I have not lived the centuries or millennia that you and yours have lived. So I don't have the perspective of that sort of time, but... from what I was told, the Eternals of this universe... well some of them, have -been- mistaken for gods in the past. I think humanity would do better to have guidance, not intervention. That's all."

Ikaris has posed:
"Indeed they do not." Ikaris again agrees, though it seems to offer little in the way of comfort or rebuttal to the other Eternal. He gives a quiet, mirthless chuckle at the advice, however.

"Do you believe, "young" one, that such has not been tried? Yes, they worshipped us as gods, and we walked among them as protectors. Around some of us, they built entire civilizations; on our backs, wars were won and lost. Even in the death and constant struggle, progress was made; and now they possess, perhaps, the ability to destroy one another. Numerous beings, the ability to ravage this planet; or their societies."

Ikaris focuses, and the cargo container vanishes to a point with a resounding rumble, stashed away into a pocket between dimensions. He floats towards Hyperion, but more towards a better vista of the planet spinning below them. "Do you believe they have the wisdom; the vision to take steps beyond the spiralling consequences of the past? Beyond habit; instinct; fear?"

A considering glance is passed sidelong at Hyperion, and once again Ikaris appends a deceptively tangential musing, "Strange that an Eternal would be cast to their world so very recently." And indeed it is; there are implications, secrets to that-- the ancient doesn't need a keen nose to scent that.

Hyperion has posed:
    "Well, as I said, I never knew what I was until arriving in -this- universe. I never met another. Never even heard of another. In my home universe, on my Earth... there was far less energy, far fewer powered individuals." A pause and he turns to regard Ikaris, "I thought that you were -from- Earth, made eternal by aliens or some such. That's what I was told. For me, it was totally different... I think that I may have been the last Eternal in my universe. Or at least if not the last, we were far more rare. I was raised among humans, by humans who cared enough to teach me their own morality..."

    He grins as he recalls his adopted 'father'. "Dad said once... you can only -truly- help those willing to help themselves. What he meant was.. if I just do everything for some people, it's not helping them. It is giving them the belief that I will just continue doing so and that they need do nothing to help themselves. I think what we need to do is inspire people... not simply operate like mysterious godly overlords."

Ikaris has posed:
"Mankind evolved to its theoretical pinnacle; tied as conduits to the raw power of the cosmos." At least, that's the understanding Ikaris has; or conveys. "Though Eternals exist to nurture the growth of more than just Earth's inhabitants. Perhaps something happened to your world's; or perhaps they were simply even more removed from the present day. Perhaps you were an attempt to reinforce that stewardship." Ultimately, Ikaris obviously does not know this answer. But there are indeed a great number of intriguing potentialities to consider.

"A common human attitude, however..." The wisdom of Mark's patriarch is brushed aside, or at least dealt with with that same analytical detachment. "What of those trampled so low they see no hope without a sign, without inspiration they did not deserve? Each of them holds potential for great or terrible things. But the causal spiral of inspiration and intervention are both ripples in a chaotic sea, Hyperion. Mankind has heroes, has always had heroes, great and small-- my charge is to ensure that alien and deviant threats do not snuff out this beautiful blue speck of rock. Not to decide which of their cause celebre warrants superhuman might."

The Ancient's vibrant eyes quietly hold the weight of eons of trying so many different things. "Which of those flags is worthy, in your mind, to hoist? And how long do you imagine it will be before they let you down; before the spiral curves towards tragedy anew?"

Hyperion has posed:
    Shaking his head, Hyperion shrugs his shoulders, "Another old saying. None as blind as those who will not see. But.. it's possible that I am wrong too. I admit that. Can -you- do the same? Can you conceive of the possibility that your outlook may be a bit skewed?" He smiles wanly at that and turns in the air. "The sad truth about -my- past is.. I will likely never learn more about the Eternals of my Earth. I cannot go home again. But.. I believe that it is our job to provide inspiration. To stand between humanity and oblivion, but -not- to make decisions -for- them... our job is to make decisions that enable them to direct their own future, fate... whatever you want to call it. They deserve the chance to reach for it themselves... guidance, not dictatorial direction. But.." He tilts his head a bit and then turns to look downward. "Speaking of guiding. I have a robbery to stop.." and that said, he is off like a shot. Sure, he can still hear any reply from miles away, but he is -fast-...