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Latest revision as of 12:41, 1 July 2022

Afterwork chit chat
Date of Scene: 01 July 2022
Location: Emiko's Apartment
Synopsis: And a Good morning is had by all.
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Emiko Queen

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has worked the night shift, and like normal, he has come home in the morning, he tries not to wake Emiko when he gets home, but when your girl friend has been trained to the levels she has, it is not easy, he has not given up, and considers doing it at speed, but he comes in normal speed. He has taken to showering at work after shift so not to be as stinky when he gets home.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Given most of her own activities, it isn't unusual for Emi to be getting home just an hour or two before Bart. Tonight was a more difficult one, however, so as he's coming in through the front door, she's coming up from the Quiver. Out of costume, at least, in just black athletic shorts and tank top, scrubbing at her hair with a towel, suggesting she also showered before coming up top.

Smiling at the sight of him, Emi moves forward to wrap her arms around his waist, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. "Hey there. How was work?" The fresh minty taste of toothpaste is still present, so she definitely cleaned up downstairs.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen holds her kissing her back for a long moment with a smile on his lips as their lips part. "Pretty good, we had a whole bunch of bats giving birth tonight. We knew we had some coming up, but did not expect a dozen or so to choose the same time." He will pull his phone out to show her the baby bats.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Awwwwwwwwwww! Baby bats! That's adorable!! They're so fuzzy!" Emiko looks through the pictures with a smile, leaning in against Bart. "That's really cool." She looks up at him, still smiling, "Hey, since we're both up, why not have breakfast together? I should eat before I sleep anyways, and then I can nap if you want to lounge in bed and play some video games or something."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, a bit and says "OK, you want to cook, me cook, or should I go grab something?" He asks her after she looks at the pictures, he keeps his arm around her "You in the mood for anything in particular? " He seems to realize she just came up and says "Anything interesting happen last night?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Uhmmmmmmmmmmmm, why don't you cook for you and I'll steal some of yours while I have something lighter?" Emiko flashes a grin at him, leaning up to press a kiss to the tip of his nose. Since he tends to go for things that are carb-and-protein heavy while she tends towards the lighter side of meals. Taking his hand and threading her fingers through his, she starts for the kitchen with a chuckle, "Interesting is certainly one way to put it. I caught wind of a robbery and went to go take a look. It was definitely a robbery, but the guy had a really interesting weapon. His tongue. It was actually sharp, like... a rapier almost, but pliant and flesible and really strong and really long. It was gross and fascinating all at once." Pointing out a few thin stripes of red on exposed skin, she adds, "He nicked me a couple times before I got his patterns down, but then I was able to get him muzzled. But first I had to chase him across half the city. So... long night, but definitely interesting."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and nods his head a bit to this tempted to run and find the guy and tie said tongue around his ankles, but he trusts Emiko took care of him. "Did you take swaps, make sure there was no slow acting venoms or such?" It seems hanging around Robin may have rubbed a bit off on him. He follows along and once in the kitchen he kisses her again and guides her to a seat as he starts getting things out to cook.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Nodding, Emi smiles at him, "They're running through the lab right now, I also did a DNA swab, just in case. But there's not been any -immediate- problems, so if anything was transferred, I don't think it was venom or poison. Most of those would have taken effect already." Returning the kiss, she smiles up at him and seats herself at the breakfast bar to watch him. "You know, sometimes I can't help but be amazed at how we managed to find each other."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to her, and says "It may sound odd, but I think the Speedforce may have something to do with it." He starts the pans for bacon and eggs to start with as well, as pealing some potatoes at speed. "I was trying to find the person for me and kept striking out and then when I was just sitting there bam, there you were."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Hmmmmmmmmm, not sure I like the idea that the Speedforce could manipulate me like that but... I have to admit, it was really fortuitous." Emi smiles across at him, "I wasn't even looking for anyone, but there you were with this big spread of food around you and looking adorable with the red hair and friendly expression." She lifts a shrug, "I knew I had to meet you. And once I met you, I... kept wanting to find excuses for you to stick around longer." Glancing down, Emi trails her fingers along the edge of the breakfast bar, "It's weird... I don't ever trust people but... I trusted you. Right from the start."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles and leans over to kiss her on the forehead and says "I don't think of it as manipulating us, more making sure we were close enough to meet, and if it nudged someone probably me. I will admit it is nice to be able to be honest up front, I have heard the stories of Grandpa and Wally trying to hide things from Grandma, and.." He stops himself "Irie's Mom." He tries to not do spoilers as much. "It is part of why I called you my lightning rod."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Chuckling, she gives a nod, "Okay, I can live with 'nudging' or just... arranging time for us to both be in the right place at the right time." Her smiles widens at the kiss to her forehead, though she chuckles when he stops himself and she offers, "You can say it if you want, I'm not about to tell anyone. Besides, even for you it's still just a possible future, right? This timeline could still split off into innumerable others." Pausing, Emi adds, "But if you'd rather not, that's fine too." There's a warmth that infuses her when he calls her his lightning rod. "I love you too. I know I'm not.. powered... but I want you to know that you really are very special Bart. You're one of two people in the whole world that I trust. 8 billion people in the world, and I trust two of them. So, you know, take that as you want."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to her, and says "If you have powers or not does not change anything hon, your the one for me, and thats a power all of it's own." He grins and is working on some hash browns now, and does pile the bacon and eggs on a plate as they get done setting it between them. He then makes a quick one egg, egg white omelette with her favorite fixing, so she has something special but can also share his more heavy food.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"No I meant more that... that I don't have anything like the Speedforce to help nudge me towards you but... you're special all on your own." Emiko smiles at him, "I guess I'm just trying to say that... you're -my- lightning rod." THere's a smile when he makes the egg white omelette with mushrooms and spinach for her. She swipes a piece of his bacon with a wink and bites into it. "I'm really glad we found each other. I didn't realize how much I... needed.. someone like you in my life."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will come around the bar to hug her from behind and says "We both needed one another, and I am proud to be yours." He holds her there a moment, and basks in the moment, for a full minute or two and then is back around checking on the food.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko turns and slides her arms around his waist and hugs him back, resting her head against his shoulder and just enjoying that moment. In the warm, solid feel of him, his heartbeat strong and steady against her cheek. She smiles, then he's moving away and she turns back to her omelette. "Oh! I meant to ask you, now that I've harvested a lot of what's in the greenhouse, I have to decide if I want to switch out any of the crops with something else. Is there anything in particular you'd like to have for fresh fruits or veggies or herbs? I've already started picking the things I want to get planted, but if you want something, we can certainly add it."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to her and says "I am not sure, I mean I am used to if I wanting something just going and getting it." He admits. He hmms and says "Anything but Parsnips, I hate those." He admits, and "Maybe some peanuts, I would like to see them grow, they grow under the ground and that just seems really weird for a nut."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"I like having fresh, organic product to work with. So I grow my own things." Emiko smiles and points to the omelette, "The spinach and mushrooms came from the garden. So do the cucumbers and seaweed when I make sushi. The tomatoes in the fridge are from the hothouse, too. And the carrots and lettuce. Most of it is herbs, but I've been trying to expand it so we can have fresh vegetables year round." She pauses, then thinks it over, "Peanuts could be fun, though you probably won't get the yield on them you're looking for. Each plant harvests about ten nuts."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to her and nods "Well I think it is more for looking at the neat thing than actually food." He hmms and nods abit to this and says "I wonder if we should try to find some really rare things and see if we can grow them."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Grinning, Emiko gives a nod, "Already ahead of you. I have acquired saffron seeds and will be growing saffron in the greenhouse. That is one of the single most expensive spices out there. The flowers have a really low yield, but I'm growing them hydroponically, vertically, in a small sealed off section to keep the saffron itself as protected as possible." She smiles, "I'm looking into some other ones that are harder to find or that are easier if we just grow them in the hothouse. If you think of anything, let me know. Oh, I -do- have a yield of catmint up there, too. So... free catnip once it's dried and crumbled up."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles and says "How do you plan on pollinating the saffron?" He will ask curious with it being sectioned off. He finishes cooking and has a seat opposite to her to eat while they talk.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko chuckles softly, "There's ways to pollinate without bees." Leaning over, she kisses him, then winks and carries her empty plate around into the kitchen. "I'm going to go brush my teeth and get ready for bed. If you want to fool around a bit before I sleep, finish up quick!" Grinning, she starts towards the bedroom, while Huginn and Muninn descend on Bart to steal scraps of meat while her back is turned.