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Path of Glory: Return to Sender
Date of Scene: 28 April 2022
Location: Somewhere on the Isle of Skye, Scotland
Synopsis: Cael and Jon travel to the Isle of Skye to return the Amulet of Scathach to its proper resting place and bid their farewell to the Archangel Raphael.
Cast of Characters: Chas Chandler, Cael Becker, Jonathan Sims
Tinyplot: Path of Glory

Chas Chandler has posed:
    The green-blue portal opens up in front of a green hillscape. There aren't many places in Ireland like the one they're standing before right now, but this place by virtue of conservatism or some other force has escpaed the gentrification of modern infrastructure. There isn't a paved road anywhere in sight from their vantage point and the breeze that whispers through the mounds carries with it no trace of industry.

    There are foot paths. But they are thin and overgrown, giving evidence that it has been some time since humans paid this ara any mid other than picturesque scenery. Not far from the opening of Jon's portal is a hole that leads down into the ground. Whether it's a tomb or a natural cave is up for debate, what isn't is the almost transluscent figure standing near the entryway of the system. That is an angel.

    Raphael is as serene and calm in demeanor as he ever was. In a off-white toga with pink and red trim his strikes a regal and impressive figure, despite the humble means of dress. His wings, with their rosy feathers are tucked at his back at rest. He gives the pair of them a smile as he sees them emerge. "It has been some time, Jonathan. Cael. I am glad that you still persist despite difficulties for the both of you. It is high time we return what was loaned out."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael isn't quite sure what to expect on this little venture, and she steps out of Jon's portal, looking around at their surroundings, and breathing deeply of the fresh air. It's... nice. She even starts to relax, before her eyes land on Raphael, causing her arms to cross over her chest. Of all the angelic host, Raphael was the one she tolerated the most.
    But that wasn't saying much.
    "I mean, that's the general notion," she says dryly. At the moment, the amulet resides in her pocket, tucked into a vevelt lined box. It seemed only right to afford the object at least that level of respect.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon's still getting used to the portaling business, and looks pleasantly surprised that he hit it fairly closely. He's wearing tac gear, just in case they actually have to fight anything, and carrying both staff and sword.

    "Hello, Saint Raphael," they say with a polite nod. "Just this last bit of business and then I'll say a proper goodbye to Gaea and your brother in a day or two... and then we can put this all behind us. Mostly." They glance to Cael, smiling briefly. "She's been insistent she's putting this back, so..." A shrug. Jon understands, but still secretly sort of wishes she'd keep the thing.

    He worries, okay?

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Raphael looks to Cael and Jon and turns to gesture them to follow him into the hole. "There is little to be afaid of here. Especially while you are in my presence" he explains as he travels down. There is a faint rosy light that emenates from his indistinct form. "The entities that exist down here are to protect the treasure within. Currently, that treasue sits in your pocket, Cael."

    The general path leads down, down, down into the earth and soon any light from the surface fades. "I am certain both of them will be both happy to see you and mournful for the loss of your continued company. It might be worthwhile to see if you could rectify that, at least with one of them." He doesn't give much more indication as to which one and from the silence it doesn't seem like he's going to enlighten them directly.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael has likewise come equipped for the possibility of a fight - with her own armored combat fatigues, a gun, and a certain sword she had no intention of ever returning to Wade - just on the off chance. She nods briefly at Raphael's words, and glances aside at Jon to see if he has more idea of what he means. In theory, one of the spirits would be Scathach... But beyond that?
    "Never said I was afraid," she remarks simply, as she advances alongside Jon, stepping into the opening. She has a light strapped to one wrist, which she switches on to provide lighting in the impending gloom.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon's response to the lack of light is to shake out his staff and summon up an orb of light that he attaches to the end of it, grinning a little foolishly. Look, what nerd /wouldn't/ want to do the 'wizard lighting the staff' thing? Even if he'd insist he isn't a wizard, really. 'Magi' is the preferred term.

    They shrug to Cael, and look back to Raphael with a raised brow. They've got no more idea of what might be here than she does.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    The cave system contines down in the earth, the air growing chill and damp with each small slope. After a while Raphael stops at what looks like a ledge. "We go down here. I trust you are able to bear addition weight, Jonathan?" he asks. "It's perhaps one hundred feet to the chamber where the altar well resides."

    "I would advise against going past the entry to the alter well as you may not be permitted entrance if you dismiss it the first try." The Archangel looks at the walls of the cave. "Getting out from the system would prove... equally difficult were you attempt it without placing the amulet back. The beings that reside here are fickle and do not appreciated being disregarded."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael stops at the edge, looking down into the hole, and shining the light into the depths. There's a faint frown on her features at the thought of having to be carried down into there, and she gives Jon a questioning look to confirm he can do it.
    I mean - he should be able to. The first time he flew was so he could //catch her//. Right?
    "Well, I don't want the thing, so no worries there. Jon?" She extends a hand to him invitingly.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon nods to Raphael and then smiles to Cael, taking her hand and squeezing it gently. "Alright, let's see here..." He summons up his wings, and takes a moment to get Cael settled with her arms around his neck, one arm situated around her to hold her close and the other still holding the staff. "I've got you, okay?"

    Then he takes a step off the ledge, wings flaring out, and flies down to the bottom carefully. Glides down, really.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    The pit is dark aside from the three lights provided by Jon, Cael, and Raphael. Down, down, down. The only sound is the whisper of wind with their passge. After about thirty feet an opening appears in the side of the pit wall. What lies beyond is shrouded by mist but it appears to be some sort of small temple. It fades from view as they descend. Another ten feet down another opening appears on the opposite side. A plethora of colors is obscured by the mists clouding the opening. It too fades as they drop further.

    More and more openings appear as the go down, each different from the last, even if the true contexts are obfuscated by mists.

    Raphael slows after about 10 minutes of silent gliding and stops before another shrouded opening. "This is us" he says before moving to the ledge of the opening and passing through the mist. A ripple of pink flushes through the mists as he goes through.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I know," Cael confirms quietly, her arms firmly locked behind Jon's neck. If this were anyone else, this sort of closeness would be supremely uncomfortable.
    As it is, it's still a little uncomfortable, as she's held close to Jon's chest for the descent, her eyes flicking to some of the passages they continue past, before finally landing on the correct opening. She gives Jon a brief squeeze and a smile before they separate, turning towards whatever comes next, and shining the light on her wrist around before she'll cautiously proceed.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon doesn't mind the proximity--but, then, Jon is a touchy-feely sort of person, who likes to cuddle enough that he's relented on his stance about Bear and has often been found sprawled on the couch with the dog when Cael's left them alone. But he knows Cael isn't entirely okay with it, so he lets her down as soon as they touch down, and puts his wings 'away,' stopping to catch his breath.

    "I need to practice more often. Strengthen my... well, my will, really, but my wings, metaphorically." They grin. "Lead on," they gesture to Raphael.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    The chamber within is dimly lit with braziers filled with black fire that nonetheless gives off some illumination. There are statues and wall carvings of a tall cloaked woman throughout; the hood obsuring the features of her face. Murals along the wall show the same woman, training a youthful looking man with a number of weapons. Others show her taking the young man to bed with her. Even more show her offering another young woman, wearing a different cloak--perhaps a daughter--to the same young man.

    Raphael leads them through the deep hall to the very back where a massive figure of the same cloaked woman kneels behind a dais. Atop the dais is a structure that looks like a fountain or a well. The archangel gestures. "This is it" he says. "The Well of Scathach."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well, you've only been flying for a few months," Cael remarks, as they move into the space, her gaze flicking around the chamber they find themselves in. The first thing she says is, "Fire shouldn't do that." Because... it shouldn't.
    Then she turns her attention to the various carvings, shining the light on her wrist onto each of the statues as they slowly move further in. "This is... what? Images of her life's story?" she asks. She lowers her hand to touch her pocket as she approaches the well.
    "Do I just put it in?" she asks softly.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I've only been training with the khopesh for a few months and I kicked Marc's ass in a sparring match the other day. It was the new moon, but still." Jon shrugs and furls in his wings as he follows Raphael and Cael into the chamber.

    A glance around and Jon nods. "That would be Cu Chulainn there, the young man. Scathach trained him. Through a whole complicated series of events, he wound up marrying her daughter, Uathach, as well."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    "The Ulster cycle reads like many of the modern day romance novels if you peel back the archaic language" Raphael says with a small smile. "But yes, Cael. Simply toss it in and your part of the pact will be complete." The smile widens. "I am very proud of you both. You've grown much and endured much and yet you have come out the other side closer and stronger than ever. It is endearing and encouraging for your kind."

    He steps to one side and glances at the statue behind the dais. "I think I did right in picking this particular artifact. You share her passion in life and while your carnal appetite is not the same you compensate by finding other avenues to engage in with your vibrancy." He nods. "A good choice indeed."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well, you've been training with me," Cael replies - flashing Jon a confident smile, before her attention returns to the task at hand.
    She nods, and pulls the velvet box out of her pocket. She snaps it open, staring at the amulet for a few moments, then murmurs quietly, "Thank you for your help." She lifts the amulet from its box (after all - a velvet box would just rot in the water) and holds it out over the well, letting it dangle by its chain before she releases it - and listens for the sound of the splash.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon smirks at Raphael. "Perhaps it's the other way 'round, hmm? Perhaps modern romance novels are just a modern version of stories like the Ulster cycle."

    He watches Cael reach into the box and pull out the amulet, dropping it in, with a faint smile. But then, as she lets go, he turns to the archangel and says, "I have to ask... did you /intend/ for us to get together? Did you... see the connection? I mean, I presume you did. That's your Purpose, after all."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Raphael turns to regard Jon with an impassive expression. Comepletely unreadable. "If you are insinuating that I manipulated you two to enter into the compact you have pledged to one another, I assure you that nothing could be further from the truth"" he says calmly. "But I did see a thread of fate that would lead you two to form a bond of love, yes."

    The pendant neveer maks a sound of touching bottom. Perhaps there is no bottom to the well and the pendant will fall forever until it is needed once more. Whatever the case, Raphael inclines his head and the black fires flare, giving more of that dark illumination to the chamber before dying down. "It. Is done" the archangel of Love says with reverence.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael rolls her eyes at the angel - then turns back towards Jon, taking their hand in hers, and giving it a squeeze. "To me - it doesn't matter if he had a hand in it or not. We have each other. ...and I don't know if either of us would have made it through that hell otherwise." She takes a deep breath in, and lets it out in a sigh before she smiles. She feels... better. //Lighter// somehow, with the amulet returned. "Shall we go home?" she asks Jon, before looking towards Raphael, and giving him a simple nod of acknowledgement.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon sighs and squeezes Cael's hand, then leans in to give her a kiss. The angel can just watch. So there.

    "I know. I'm not upset. I just... wanted to know. You know me." He smiles. "Yeah. Let's go home. There's one more thing to do and then we're quite done."

    A glance to Raphael. "Will you? Or shall I?"

Chas Chandler has posed:
    "Allow me" the archangel says and snaps his fingers. Pink rose petals surge up around the pair and they find themselves... in Central Park. There was no lurch of motion, no sense of transport. One moment they were somewhere in the Scottish Isles, and the next New York without seeming to even take a step. It is almost over.