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Suicide Isn't Painless
Date of Scene: 29 March 2020
Location: Hole-In One Donuts
Synopsis: Mystique finds Carol and surrenders, falling on her sword and requesting help in finding the mutant murderer: Sinister.
Cast of Characters: Carol Danvers, Raven Darkholme

Carol Danvers has posed:
Saturday means weekend and not as many people from the Triskelion ducking out for lunch or snacks that don't come from the canteen on the govermental complex's campus.

Still there is a thriving crew there all hours 24/7 and honestly when your job is so random as Carol's it is hard to predict when and where you will be required to work. Natural disasters, alien invasions, and HYDRA do not really keep to a set predictable schedule.

Often she ducks down to Manhattan when she needs something not in the Triskelion, but coffee. Actually good old fashioned reminding her of being in the USAF coffee is usually fulfilled at Hole-In One Donuts near the Triskelion.

So this afternoon finds her ducking into the establishment wearing a flight jacket, jeans, and an AC/DC band t-shirt. She takes off her aviators and tucks them in a pocket as she heads to the counter "Usual please Beth."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    "Oh, Beth." Says a friendly voice, a taller man, grey hair and a large nose belying the age of the man more than his grey ears. "I will be paying for her." He says, having jumped up from his spot at the table he was seated at and left his news paper there.

    "If she'll join me in a harmless conversation that is." The old man says with a kindly smile with his clean but unstraight teeth. Character is how he describes them.

    "I'm a huge fan of you pilots and... you specifically." He says, and motions to his under shirt which is the red and blue with the golden star in the middle. "Please, sit and chat over your coffee, that's all I ask."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol is a little surprised when someone who isn't a regular or for work leaps at a chance to get her a coffee. She looks over at him studious for a moment then shrugs and looks to Beth. "I'll take a crawler too." then turns and walks over to the old guys table.

She studies him. "I don't have a lot of time and it could be cut short if there is any sort of emergency." she warns. "That said sure I can take a few minutes to talk to a fan." a smile and then she studies him. "Did you serve in the military in your day?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    The man gives a nod to Beth when Carol asks for even more and he just shrugs his shoulders before he reaches past Carol to drop a bill onto the counter for the donut lady to keep to cover the super heroine's bill. "That's fine, I understand how it is." He says sitting down opposite of Carol and frowns. "Yeah, I've seen my share of action and then some. Feel like I still get around better than most my age." He says with a shrug as he lifts up his coffee to his face and takes a sip. "There was one thing I did want to ask you specifically. Do you remember much of your incident in San Francisco?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol, well a lot of people try to talk about San Francisco really so it doesn't shock her. It isn't an exciting topic for her though and the body language is a bit more closed as she sits back and sighs.

"Enough of it yes sir, if you want a more in depth conversation I did an interview with the Daily Planet about it to let people know I am definitely back and no I didn't die. That whole situation was a dark moment though with those terrorists."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    The crux, the step into the unkown, or the known beating she is about to receive. William takes a deep breath and nods, "And what would you say to those terrorists, today, if they were in front of you, now?" He asks, setting his cup down with a clink against the vinyl tabletop and he shifts it so the handle is pointed towards Carol.

    Feeling the warmth of the cup in his fingers, before he looks up to Carol, and his eyes flash yellow, for the briefest moment. "What if they wanted to apologize?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Well I doubt they would do either of those things, they have all been either hiding or still doing terrorism depending on which of them is being referenced." wait... a damn minute. The eye flicker. Yeah it took a long moment for it to register.

"If they did though, well I would probably not punch them into the atmosphere mostly because I wouldn't want to ruin this nice donut shop. They also would really need to start talking pretty quickly because as far as I can remember I didn't do anything to them to merit an assassination attempt." there is some embers of fire. Maybe it was a trick of the light but yeah body language, tense.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    Keeping up disguises, and pleasantries, "I'm not sure it was an assassination attempt, I've looked up what I can, there is some footage out there on the internet." That part is a lie, for sure, "And that girl that was after you, no one knew she could do that with her powers, she was just doing what she was told. I'm sure." He says, still spinning that coffee mug around and around, slightly scraping the table with a soft sound each time he moves it. Eyes never leaving Carol.

    "No one knew Rogue could even do that, hurting you so deeply, that was not the intention. It did happen, and you've every right to hate the person who was in charge, not Rogue. She was just a pawn."

    Why? Why is Mystique here, telling Carol all this, so calmly, so deliberately, after roughly two years...

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Oh I'd come to the conclusion that the kid was a pawn a long time ago. That the person leading that group wasn't above essentially using child soldiers in their war or crusade or whatever it is to them." which honestly doesn't bode very well at all for Mystique.

"That doesn't mean I can forgive or just forget what happened, not even remotely." which probably explains why she was willing to cause an international incident with Canada over the whole situation with Mystique.

"I need to find Rogue, she has something of mine, and I need that thing back." at which point she leans back and stares. "Why are you here and why shouldn't I just atomize you?" pause "Carefully so as to not damage the flooring."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    "Simply to protect my daughter." William explains with a sorrowful look across his weathered face. "It goes like this, I give you me."

    "You forget Rogue in this whole thing, leaving her alone forever, and then you go and save the world from the man who attacked Genosha."

    William lifts his cup back to his mouth to finish his coffee, "Not bad last cup. Mister Sinister, find him, stop him, make him pay for the millions he killed, and you can vaporize me, or beat me till your fists are bloody, or lock me away to rot, we'll be square."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol hasn't touched her coffee or her pastry.

"Keep talking. Tell me about this Mr. Sinister... cliche villain name sure.. and what he has to do with Genosha."

She doesn't address the whole Rogue situation at all, no agreement on that front is verbally.

"Because we will be dealing with whomever committed that atrocity, but you're not a very reliable source of information."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    "I don't expect you to trust me, I expect you to do your due diligence like any intelligence agent, but I also expect you to know the gravity of the situation and push things forward ahead of schedule to make sure you save lives." William notes, leaning forwards and resting his elbows on the table with his hands outwards, grabbing onto the edges of the table in a loose grip.

    "Mister Sinister, he was the one who programmed the sentinels to attack Genosha. His was the finger on the button." Mystique in disguise explains. "You're one of the few who could probably defeat him. Not SHIELD, /YOU/, Carol."

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Okay. Why would this Mr. Sinester do that. Tell me about him. The name hasn't crossed my radar in our investigation of the Genosha incident at all yet. Dump your intel then on him." she taps the table with one finger. "Lay it out for me who he is, why he would do this, and how he would get those Sentinels."

Yeah she isn't laying out her cards in return, but she is talking to Mystique not blasting so there is that.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    "He has a thing for mutants. He has been studying us, and learning about us for ... longer than you've been around." William says, still sounding just as pleasant and old as ever as he speaks of these horrific things. "I'm still lacking info on his base motives and his motives for the attack unless he was going to use it as a way to gather more genetic materials. Now for HOW he would get the sentinels, I am not sure myself, unless he bought them but that's billions of dollars of tech on that island. I was hoping to learn that when I caught up with him, but it seems fate is taking life in a different direction. As it does."

    William leans back in his chair and still looks at Carol, "That's all I know..."

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Got a description of him or any of this associates?"

A name is only so useful, I mean yeah it is definitely useful but only so useful.

Still yeah this is tying into something Carol does know about the aftermath of the attacks so Mystique has her attention certainly.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    "My last encounter with him was in Boston, ... some time ago, he could be anywhere, I haven't the faintest clue. I've been held by Hydra I believe for the past two years..." William explains, "I was still getting back into the game, but this is more important." Mystique is actually caring about SOMETHING at least. "He has black hair, pale, alabaster skin, and a ruby, or a red gem stone, planted in his forehead, tends to dress in black and is flamboyant in ... ways." William explains before he crosses his legs beneath the table, waiting for more from Carol.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"There is intel that someone with that description was on Genosha after the assaults with associates." she will give a little for all that she got. "The name is helpful though and we will chase this down."

She shakes her head. "I'll still be looking for Rogue. I don't blame her for what the asshole in charge had her do but I do need to see if there is some way to get my memories back that she took from me."

"I can't walk away from that and you would be a fool to ask me to. I do not intend to hurt her though."

Honestly Carol is trying to decide what to do with Mystique now.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    "Stop him. That's all I need from you, because I'm sure you wont allow me to do that myself, seeing that I'm here, I don't know what the future has in store for me." William shrugs his shoulders, and he raises a hand up to his mouth to stifle a yawn. "Rogue is staying at a safe place, a good place, there are people there that might actually be able to help you get your memories out of her, that I'm not sure about. If you'll call off your PI, I'll give you the address and the name of someone that can help you and her... Maybe."

    Mystique then leans back in the chair, and puts her hands on the table, palms flat, knobby with age and liver spots as she waits, patiently for Carol to make her move.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Good to see Jessica is earning her keep if this is the output of that." there is a smirk. "Or that she is getting close at least." she considers the request.

"I'm being up front about Rogue. I have no intention of hurting a kid that did what she did because of you. If you can give me the location and someone who may be able to sort this mess out that iss good in my book and I'll call off Jessica."

"Now what to do about you. I should take you in and toss you into a cell at the Triskelion and let Fury decide what to do with you."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    Mystique reaches over to the side of the table and pulls out a napkin and finds a pen she had prepared for this occasion and writes down the address to Xavier's, and then the name Jean Grey.

    A moment looking at the napkin, Mystique slides it across the table and then looks up to Carol, putting the backs of her wrists onto the table with her palms up, next to each other in the sign for, 'cuff me now.'

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol reaches out and takes the napkin and then looks it over. She tucks it into a jacket pocket now and then moves to stand, still not having touched the coffee or pastry. She has no idea if Mystique maybe did something to the whole donut shop after all.

"I don't carry cuffs with me, so I'll just have to walk you over and in myself. I'm sure Fury and Natasha will want to speak with you at length about this."

She gestures for Mystique to get to her feet. "This is a good gesture towards your actually carrying about Mutant Lives in Genosha and wanting to do the right thing for once.."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    William stands up and as he does so, his facade shifts, his hair fills out and lengthens down to his shoulders and turns deep red, while his skin shifts to that of the infamous blue mutant.

    Mystique shakes her head and follows behind Carol. "One moment." She says, reaching over, grabbing the coffee and pastry and takes a bite and another sip as she's going to walk out with the mug.

    "Too good to leave." She says as she takes another bite. "You know I helped /build/ Genosha from the ground up, right?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
"I'd read intel to that effect." yeah she has no idea about Mystique's mutant physiology, she still doesn't regret not drinking the coffee.

She will hold the door open for the suddenly obvious mutant to head out with her, ready for some sort of ambush honestly in the street at the worst case. Head on a swivel as it were.

"The walk isn't too bad but we should get a move on."

Yeah everyone in the donut shop and the street are staring a bit at this point. I mean Mystique is ...well infamous and all. Is she in custody. What is going on.

It will be a longer than normal walk at this rate to the Triskelion and SHIELD holding cells.