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Latest revision as of 04:26, 5 July 2022

Fireworks Aren't Allowed
Date of Scene: 04 July 2022
Location: Micola's Recovery Room
Synopsis: Doctor's say Micola can go home, but the 4th is had in a quiet way.
Cast of Characters: Micola Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Evening check in had gone well and the doctors said that Micola would be released sometime during the day on the 5th. Trying to release someone on a holiday was going to be a nightmare plus her doctor was still waiting for her last blood tests to come in. She was healing very well though and there was hope that physically she'd heal with minimal scarring and no muscle problems.

The doctors had left and Micola had asked Pietro if he'd be up for picking up something sweet to enjoy while fireworks were watched.

When Pietro returned though he'd find an empty hospital bed, but Micola had not gotten far. The blue haired woman had wiggled her way into the window seat that was connected to the large windows. She was wrapped in one of the white blankets from the hospital and looking out the window, lost in her thoughts for the moment.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The view was nice - and should provide an ample opportunity to watch the fireworks. Pietro was all too happy to run out and collect two large sundaes, loaded with all the fixings she'd want. As he returned with the treats, he paused - grinning as he saw her in the chair.

"Better view?" He guesses. "It's not uncomfortable for you, is it?" He wonders, moving over to hand her her ice cream.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a look to when the door opens and there's a smile to him, "Better view and just tired of lying around really. Nurse said as long as I don't move too much it should be fine." she explains. Then she sees the ice cream and she grins, "My hero." she states with a dip of her head to him and accepts the ice cream.

"I bet you're ready to get back to sleeping in an actual bed and not a chair. This has had to suck." she murmurs to him as she pats the seat next to her.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"It's a good sign, to want to move a bit. Laying in one position can be unhealthy." Pietro comments, kissing the top of her head before taking a seat near her in the other chair. "There wasn't much of a line - I think most of the people were already on blankets in the park to watch the display."

"I am ready for us both to be in a comfortable home environment, not hemmed into a hospital." He grins.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives another big grin when he kisses the top of her head, "That's a good thing." she nods to that. "I've always liked watching the fireworks, but I also know that some don't like them because of bad memories." she admits.

She takes a bite of her ice cream and there's a happy sound at the taste, but the bite is swallowed and she looks over to him, "Would you like to move in with me after the apartment is done?" she asks him. "I mean, you could do that now, but I want a place where it feels like its...ours. If that makes sense?" she offers.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
As he relaxes into the seat, he nods. "Yes, many are troubled by the large explosions. I prefer to watch professionals do it, not neighborhood people who bought their fireworks out of a tent." Pietro chuckles, before taking a bite of his ice cream.

"I'd like that, if you'd like me around?" He smiles, watching her face. "I cannot say I'd be there every night, with Avengers duties and all. But I would like to live with you. Have something that is ours." He nods.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a nod to that, "New York is super packed so neighborhood fireworks can be dangerous." she admits as she enjoys her ice cream. Honestly this was the best she'd felt in the last week. Then she gives him a look, "I'd love to have you around, Pietro." she tells him softly.

"And I understand that you have the Avengers and things of that nature. I know you'll have things you can't tell me and times where you can't be home." she nods to him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Freedom is not about fireworks or pyrotechnics, but they are a symbol of the hard fought war America went through." The man muses, after another bite of his sundae. "I think then, I'll have to look for furniture. I don't think that Tony wants me moving furniture out of the compound." Pietro teases.

"I would very much like to share a home with you." A sly smile. "We'll have to see how bad the upstairs is." The man muses.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a thoughtful look to Pietro as he talks on fireworks and there is a soft nod to him, "Very true on that." she states as she settles her ice cream off to the side. "Furniture shopping was definitely on my list of things to do. I'd rather not have Tony send any robots to repo a couch." she teases him softly.

She sits there quietly for a moment when he tells her he wants to share a home with her and she finally shakes herself a little, "I keep thinking I'm having fever dreams or something sometimes. But it's all real." she smiles to that. Then there's a laugh, "It's not that bad. I just never thought I'd get to remodel it." she admits.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Did you have a preferred style?" He wonders, eyes on her - ignoring the fireworks for now. "And yes, Tony is quite the repo man, I am sure. I'd hate to see Iron Man suits coming to collect furniture... thought I am sure it'd look amusing."

"Fever dreams? Why is that?" He wonders, moving to press the back of his hand to her forehead, checking her temperature.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives him a soft shake of her head, "Not really, what about you?" she asks him as she watches him. Then there's a laugh, "It would pretty hilarious. Just slap some stickers on the furniture that say property of Stark Industries." she muses to that.

There's a soft look to him when he presses his hand to her forehead, "I love you." she states. "You know when your fever gets high enough you start hallucinating, sometimes it doesn't feel real is all. But I am thankful that it is." she tells him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Sitting back in his chair, Pietro nods. "I like ... comfort. Style is fickle, comfort is important." He muses. "I think I'd make up flyers to pass out if he did that. Pass out his number as a new, up and coming moving company." A wink.

"I love you too. Want to make sure you're not feverish, though." He grins. "It is real. Ups and downs, it is real. I am hoping to give you more ups than downs, of course."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Comfort is a plus. There is a place that's high up that I was thinking of doing up as a reading spot, lots of comfy floor pillows and things. A nice little break space." Micola offers. "You know...that would be pretty fun to see." she grins.

"No, I'm not feverish." she smiles to that. "Nothing is perfect so if we have downs we'll work through them and we'll cherish the ups." she smiles. "But, this is a two way street. I want to make sure that you are happy and things as well." she points out.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A smile as she describes a reading spot. "I think that would be lovely. Plenty of space to stretch out and read. I can bring some of my library?" Pietro offers. "Though it may need to be upstairs and downstairs..." A chuckle. He has a lot of books, after all.

"You have yet to cause me any downs, Micola. I promise." He smiles. "A two way street. And I promise to communicate with you, so as to not leave either of us in the dark."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Of course you can." Micola comments on him bringing some of his library. "I'd expect it to be a place where you feel at home in." she adds to that. "That gives me an idea really. Maybe make the back wall in that corner bookshelves and we won't have to worry about storage." she smiles to that.

She looks to him and there is a soft smile, "I will try to continue not giving you downs, Pietro." she grins to that. "I think we do good at communicating." she nods to that. "Ice cream and company is relaxing me to the point of wanting a nap, but I wanted to spend some time out of bed with you." she chuckles to that.