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Latest revision as of 12:16, 5 July 2022

Don't Move Into 113
Date of Scene: 05 July 2022
Location: Rundown Apartments
Synopsis: Hellboy huts ghosts while Gabby hunts apartments.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Hellboy

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The young woman that comes into the apartments shoulders the door open hard--because among one of the many things wrong with the place was the door sticking in the doorframe. It only takes two tries for her to hip check it open leaving her to stumble inside regaining her footing quickly from the sudden shift. "Huh. Well that sucks," she mutters to herself. "Strike one." A quick sniff of the air earns a wrinkle of her nose as she decides, "Strike twwwooo eeew," and reaches up to rub her nose vigorously a time or two with the back of her hand as the musty moldy air wasn't really agreeing with her.

None the less she heads down the hall to the apartment she'd heard was available to rent and been told by the skeevy landlord to 'go check it out' without so much as offering to show it himself. The floorboards in the hallway creak announcing her approach to the door which was left unlocked. He just hadn't cared enough to even bother locking it after the last tenant left for... whatever reason. It's at the door she pauses to tug the strap of her backpack a bit to readjust the way it weighs. The top of a doll's head peeks out. "Ready, Hanako? Let's see what this place is like. Cross your fingers for me! ... Okay sorry forgot, uh, just wish me luck."

The doll looks unimpressed.

Hellboy has posed:
    Inside the apartment is no furniture, lots of smells, of course, but most importantly, a seven foot tall behemoth of a man. His skin is just darker than a ripe tomato, and he doesn't seem to be expecting company. He's got strange goggles over his eyes that sit under shaved-down horns, and he's got a strange device in his hands that's got little arms slipping out from the sides. "Huh?" he says, turning to look at the apartment-hunting mutant.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney comes up short with her hand on the door as she stares in surprise at the tall red-skinned figure inside. For a half moment she doesn't say anything because let's face it: This was not what she expected. Rats or mice, maybe. Cockroaches definitely. Big red horned dude? Nope.

The head of the Japanese doll in the bag behind her shoulder seems to pop up to get a better look at what had caused Gabby to stop. In an eerily childlike voice the doll lifts an arm to bap Gabby's shoulder while declaring, "Onida!"

Gabby snaps out of her thoughts go look back at the doll. "Shh Hanako he is not an ogre that's rude! Got to teach you some modern day manners," she mumbles only to look back to Hellboy. If that little reader in his hand was searching for supernatural presences, there were definitely some haunting readings coming from the doll. As if it's ability to talk and move weren't indication enough.

Gabby grins brightly, the old scars on her face crinkling around her eyes in the process. "Hi! Sorry to interrupt, the landlord said to come look at the place since it's ... vacant."

Hellboy has posed:
    The demon dude lifts his goggles and looks toward the doll, staring a bit as the explanation was shot at him from the girl. "Uh huh," he says, tilting his head to the side. Stuffing the device away in his nebulous coat, he seems to come to some kind of conclusion. "You don't live here," he deduces, super-sleuth that he's at least pretending to be, "so I doubt you're the ghost I'm looking for." He extends his right hand, extended, stone, index finger reaching slowly and cautiously toward the doll.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney shakes her head in denial of living here. "Nope. Just apartment hunting." Flitting a quick glance over him as he approaches she remarks, "You're a ghost hunter then? I know a few people who are into that line of work. Kind of. But yeah, Hanako's not the ghost you're looking for. She's stuck in the doll. I'm Gabby, by the way," she offers apparently quite cheerful enough to discuss the situation.

Another door opens outside causing her to step further in, and kick the door shut behind her so that no one else can come in on the guy who was apparently not supposed to be here, either.

A smile is offered and she suggests, "Say hello, Hanako-chan." The doll leans away from the approaching finger but there's only so far she can go. At Gabby's urging a little sigh comes and she reaches out to pat her unmoving hand against the big rock finger to offer a very accented, "Herroo."

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy pulls his finger back like a kid very nearly touching a snake in class until the guy from the zoo tries to move it slowly closer. "Eugh," he vocalizes, taking a step backward, his tail lifting and slashing the air. However, reaction aside, he does compose himself and nod at the doll. "Hello," he makes himself say to be polite.
    Turning his head slightly to look at Gabby, he looks her over as well. He furrows his brow. "Why are you looking in this dump?" he asks. "Scars be damned, you're not bad looking. I'm sure you could find a nice enough job that you can afford something better than this." He gestures around them at the dive, looking around again. He turns his gaze back to the doll and a look of realization comes over him. "Unless..." he says, though he doesn't voice his thought.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Hanako seems quite content to leave things at that, and ducks back down into the opened backpack so only the top of her head and eyes peek out. Gabby doesn't push it further though--Tail lashing was usually a bad sign in her experience with tailed people. And cats. Mostly cats. She can only grin a bit in response, and tip her head to the side with an eyebrow arching slightly. "Unless... What?" She's honestly curious as to what he might have come up with as to why she was looking here.

"And um, thanks about the rest. I don't mind the scars though. I think they make me look interesting." Another grin comes though it's perhaps just a little sheepish at being called not bad looking. Even if it was kind of odd. Reaching down into her pocket she pulls out a few folded papers with a shrug. "It's just one on a list, and I admit I wanted to see how bad this place was. I've heard things from others around here. I wasn't hunting any ghosts," she assures, only to clear her throat. "This time at least. So..." Her head tilts slightly at him, "Who're you, big guy?"

Hellboy has posed:
    "Unless the doll is bound to you," Hellboy says, explaining as he returns eye contact to Gabby. "That could make things awkward at work." He offers his Right Hand of Doom again, this time to the young lady to shake, but only with that one extended, stone finger. "Hellboy," he introduces. "My friends call me Red." His tail calms quickly after the initial 'don't touch me' reaction of the unexpectedly approaching dollface.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney oohs softly as he explains that. That would be a problematic situation after all, though she just shakes her head a little as her grin returns once more. Reaching out she accepts the overly large hand to shake without any sign of fear or hesitance. Sometimes growing up around other mutants was a bonus for finding very little to be unnerved by.

"Nice to meet you. Honey Badger, or Gabby." She grins at Hanako who dips down into the bag with a little squeak as she apparently decides hiding is the better part of valor. "No, she's not attached to me. I got her off of EBay and found out she really was haunted. She was just bored sitting around so I said I'd bring her out for awhile if she behaved."

Dropping her voice a little she admits to Hellboy, "She was six when this happened to her, but that was like a hundred years ago. Her tantrums are *epic.*"

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy nods. "Huh," he says, eyeing the doll with the same eyes one would use if the cute girl in class had pulled a tarantula out of her pocket and was holding it in her hands. You try to be calm, but there's some strong instincts about spiders that it's poking. Same with the doll and ghosts, apparently. "Well," Hellboy says, changing the subject valiantly, "I was looking for ghosts in here, but I didn't find any until you showed up." He looks up at Gabby's face and furrows his brow. "Ebay, you said?" he asks, as if he hadn't considered that particular avenue of ghost busting. While not specifically a ghost buster, he definitely had busted (largely punched) his share of ghosts and geists and other supernatural hooha.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh yeah, there's a whole section of stuff there that's supposedly haunted. I'm sure some of it's fake of course," Gabby reasons with a shrug. "Guess I just got lucky." For a moment she allows her gaze to slip around the room which was not in the best of shape to say the least.

"What made you think this place was haunted? Something happen?" Reaching out she places fingertips gingerly to the wall as if that might tell her somethig. Other than the fact that it was gross and needing cleaned. Her hand withdraws to swipe over her pant let a few times with a little scrunch of her face.

"My sister-in-law runs a way better apartment to help folks out. I should leave her contact details for the tenants here."

Hellboy has posed:
    "Oh yeah?" Hellboy asks as the flow of consciousness drips from Gabby, providing her namesake. He looks around as she does. "Wouldn't be hard," he admits, sharing her distaste. He looks back at her, a weariness in his expression. "You got two names. You're not doing vigilante work, are you, kid?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Not much of a kid anymore," Gabby responds even if it was still a month until she was eighteen. Not that it was much better. "I've been doing the vigilante thing since I was fifteen. Before that..." She trails off with a small frown of thought as to whether she ought to say it or not. "Spent most of my time in some labs. Anyway. I can take care of myself, Red. And when I can't I know a lot of people that can help out," she assures with a tip of her head back toward him.

"I'm a lot tougher than I look."

Hellboy has posed:
    He keeps eye contact with her through that whole exchange. When she's done, he nods. "No doubt," he offers. He holds out his hand, tightened (as much as stone can tighten) into a fist. "Just looking out for you," he says.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches out to dap her own fist to his with a broad grin. "Thanks, I appreciate it. Always good to have friends after all." Another glance around is given only to let out a sigh as she reaches up to rub her nose. "It was good meeting you but I think I should head out. This place smells awful. And my nose is super-good so it's not the most pleasant."

An apologetic smiel is given as she offers, "Catch you around, Red?"

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy upnods. "See you around, Gabby," he says. "Don't buy any more ghosts, okay? Not all of them are good companions." He pulls down his goggles and looks around the room again as his fleshy left hand slips out that tool. "Okay," he says to himself. "Back to work."