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Latest revision as of 06:12, 30 March 2020

Safety Nets
Date of Scene: 29 March 2020
Location: Metropolis University
Synopsis: Clark and Kara catch up on the attack on Peter.
Cast of Characters: Clark Kent, Kara Danvers

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark and Kara have had a few texts back and forth over the past week. Mostly an outpouring of concern for Kara from Clark's end. Then a little more worry when he'd seen some danger in the news surrounding her. Getting a reply, though, was a relief: and her offer to get together to talk seems to have been something he welcomed. Clark gave a time and a place.

The place? The beautiful back lawns along the side of the administration buildings of the Metropolis University campus. It's a wonderful site for people-watching, and some families were out during the day enjoying the lawns, admist a wealth of student activity. Now, as the afternoon gets later, the families have left. Clark recently took a seat on one of the benches, relaxing. He doesn't stand out; Clark Kent never does, just sitting on the bench, one arm relaxed on the back of it, a coffee resting against one thigh loose but secure in his hand.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara was glad to hear from her cousin, but the concern that was evident in his texts gave her pause. She felt bad for worrying him. She'd made some poor judgment calls recently, and his worry fell squarely on her shoulders.

In a long, flowy floral dress and a linen blazer, she approaches the appointed place, armed with her tablet clutched in one arm, and two plastic clamshells in the other. Because snacks are an essential part of every day, in her world. She tosses her head to try and clear her blonde hair from her face as the wind catches it, and because she only has two hands, and they're both full. Even superheroes have weaknesses.

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark has spotted her, and lifts his hand from the back of the bench to show the palm in her direction, a wave. It's been a long while. Clark had this dark weight around him the last time, a cloud of something, as if mood hung on him like a weighted net he couldn't quite stand up while being trapped under. It was something consistent since his death, a cloud. Something that was, very likely, hard to see cast over Superman. His layer of hope was still there, but the injury was very real as well.

But the cloud doesn't seem to be be in evidence, not in the same way. There isn't a weight on him - well, not more than the slouching Clark always seems to have to diminish himself to mild-mannered reporter - but that oppressive veil of /death/ isn't present. It's a marked difference.

Clark gets to his feet when she reaches him, and puts down his coffee on the bench armrest, automatically offering to help her with whatever the items are. Polite gentleman as always. "Kara!" he calls, warmth on her name.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Clark!" Kara smiles and leans in to wrap her arm grasping the tablet around his waist and squeeze in a side hug. "You look...so good! How've you been? I've been worried about you!"

As Clark offers to take the items she's carrying, she offers him one of the clear plastic clam shells. "Soft pretzel with cheese? I got one in case you were hungry. It's...bound to go great with coffee?" she offers with arched brows. "They're still warm."

Clark Kent has posed:
"I'm doing well, Kara. I'm sorry to have worried you. Things are... coming around, for me, and it's been a great relief," he answers. They can worry about each other, it seems!

"I'd love one, thank you," Clark adds, charmed by her offer of pretzel, returning the brief hug, and checking over her with a /very/ critical eye. A critical eye and ear. He's zeroing in on any trouble with the penetrating look of a family member... and someone with super senses. "Please, sit," Clark says, gently, a mild protectiveness. He's picked up on her tired quality. With his empathy as strong as it is, that can't be a shock. Hiding things from Clark is generally rough: but also usually unnecessary. He sits as well, pretzel accepted, but blue eyes showing softened concern. "I'm glad you're all right."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"C'mon, Clark...I'm okay, really," Kara offers lamely, as Clark has her seated on the bench. "It was all my fault, you know. Of COURSE you know. You tried to tell me, and I didn't do something fast enough..." She frets at her bottom lip, trying to evade that blue-eyed gaze that seems to cut her straight through. "I fixed it, though. I did it. She's not with him anymore. It'll all be okay, now. And I'm getting better every day." She hopes it's enough explaining away for him, but somehow she doubts that he's ready to let it go.

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark watches her. There isn't judgement in his blue eyes: a sort of acceptance there. He's not going to be awful to her, not reprimand; she's beating herself up enough as it is, and he can see that. But he does just listen, with a steady look. If he's putting her under pressure, it's not intentional: it's a thing Superman tends to do. Clark, less so - but Kara knows about the Superman part, so she's likely to feel it regardless.

"I understand, Kara. It's a very difficult life," Clark says, gently, kindness in his voice. Gentleness. "I'm glad you protected that boy. I know that wasn't easy. It's one of the hardest parts of this. We all make mistakes. Ours can just be far more catastrophic. But if everyone is safe... that's what matters."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"He's definitely safe," Kara assures Clark. "I couldn't see him put in that position again. But I need to figure out who sent that package to him. It was obviously intended for me. And whoever sent it knew what to put in it." Kara looks back up at Clark. "Whoever it is, they know enough to be dangerous. I'm sort of glad you're not involved this time..."

Clark Kent has posed:
The steady look of strong disapproval wasn't there before, but it is now. It comes with a lowering of eyebrows and frown. "What was in the package exactly? The news said an explosive? I wasn't sure what to believe of that story. Can you tell me everything? Not involved...? I'm already involved, Kara." And he can't ignore the evidence that she just suggested. He doesn't say it by name on the public bench, but he's seemed to forgotten his pretzel.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"The one thing that can hurt us, Clark." Kara shakes her head, still seemingly trying to wrap her mind around it. "It looked like a child's toy oven. It was full of little cupcake looking robots..." Her voice is soft now. A whisper. She needn't give it any voice at all. He'll have no trouble hearing her. "Someone figured out how to infuse it into an aerosol, and the little robots spewed it everywhere. The oven itself tried to take advantage of what they'd done to weaken me. Some sort of laser. It as meant to kill me, Clark. There's no other possibility."

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark looks very grave, though he doesn't have the 'cloud' that he carried after Doomsday. This is more that he's taking it all in, and treating it very, very seriously.

"Exposure can be dangerous to humans. Is Mr. Parker okay? He may need to be checked for the raditation from it," he says, first. Protecting Peter and Kara are priority one. The lives of the people first. Always.

"I've seen 'toy' items before. Not the first time. Are there any pieces left I can compare to?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara nods quickly. "He's absolutely fine. No longer suffering any effects at all. He's perfect," she assures Clark. "But yes, he did get one of the little bots that he wants to take apart and examine." She lifts her hands quickly. "He's very intelligent...Like neurophysicist smart. But I'm sure he'd be glad to let you take a look at what he has. Hopefully might spark something for you. I'm coming up at a loss, for the moment. Every lead I get is a dead end."

Clark Kent has posed:
"All right. This is.... from a number of years ago. We had a 'Toyman' here in Metropolis," Clark explains, frowning. "Robots, themed on toys, used to commit various crimes. He had been dormant for a while, and shouldn't have access to that... aerosol." Not at all. "He got it somewhere." Clark shakes his head, jaw tensed.

"Perhaps you can frame it that your contact at the Planet has a history with a dangerous toymaker, and we can compare notes. I don't want to draw more superhero attention to him, to invite any more of these. But I think getting a good look at the bot, even if I can borrow it for an hour, would help. I know I don't need to caution you on this .... but it may not be the last of the item sent to him, either. He knows to be vigilant?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"He knows," Kara replies assuredly. "He's going to be on the lookout, and he'll let me know if anything at all shows up. As for the bot..." She crinkles her nose in sudden and perplexed consternation. She can't tell Clark who Peter is. She can't tell Peter who Clark is. And she can't ask either of them to compromise their identity to a complete stranger without telling them that the complete stranger is a cape. Invite superhero attention? If only she could tell Clark that Peter's already at the party. "I'm sure he'll have no problem letting you take a look at it. And I'll let him know what you said."

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark considers, finally eating the pretzel, and seeming to relax a few notches. He looks at Kara briefly over his glasses. "Would this be easier requested by the big guy, as he's familiar with Supergirl, not Kara?" Clark asks, in a quiet tone he knows she'll still hear, just as he can hear her. From what Clark knows, Peter has met Supergirl, and a connection to Clark Kent is odd.

But at least CLark Kent isn't /dead/. Superman being alive is a whole other rug to rip out from under poor Peter Parker. Although in terms of asking to borrow a robot? Superman is probably more trustworthy than a random reporter guy....

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara just stares blankly at Clark for a long moment. There are so many thoughts racing through her mind that her eyes practically go glassy. The thoughts and emotions are moving too fast for any one of them to register. "Do you mean..." She looks around them, as if her next words would be divulging the world's biggest secret. "He's back? Are you ready for that? Are you all right with that??" She stuffs a bite of soft pretzel with cheese into her mouth, suddenly transfixed on Clark like he's the most amazing thing she's ever seen.

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark releases a deep breath after swallowing the piece of soft pretzel, lifting one palm towards her in a 'hold your horses' motion with a brief little laugh. It's a deep laugh; generally one he doesn't allow escape as his mild mannered persona. But he's among family, and there isn't other witnesses of the slip.

"I am starting to reveal that he is alive to key heroes and groups. They are aware he is available as a resource. One step at a time. This is a serious matter, though I'm not ready to go 'public' quite yet."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"All right...all right..." Kara's tone is playfully defeated. She might as well be kicking a rock down the road. "I need a chance to talk to him. I'll get you a look at that little icing monster one way or another. But I need a chance to ask him a few questions before I decide how's the best approach. And you...you can be comfortable with this, no matter what it takes. I PROMISE not to rush you. But I'm SO happy to just--" And then she goes utterly silent. Tears brim her eyes, and she looks away. Swallows. Breathes slowly. If she speaks at this very moment, her voice will break and betray every emotion that's racing through her head.

Clark Kent has posed:
"My... secrets need to be kept out of it. I trust you with those," Clark says, quietly, with a tightness to his voice. The connection of Superman and Clark cannot be leaked for any reason, naturally. For the same reasons that have caused the murder to be aimed at Peter. "Which is part of why I think Superman is a better direction, as he has met Supergirl. And if you trusted and like this boy...." Clark lifts his shoulders a little. "I will believe in your judgement that he can keep Superman being alive under wraps, if you believe he can."

Superman, emblem of hope and faith: he does believe in her. And he moves a hand to attempt to draw it around his cousin's slim shoulders. Her baby cousin, supporting her, being the rock. ....after a long period of darkness. "I'll be all right. And we'll get to the bottom of this. All right, Kara?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Of course. I promise, I won't breathe a word to him. But I do need to approach it carefully. He's intelligent on a level that most people can't even imagine. He'll see through me if I lie to him. And I don't....I don't /want/ to lie to him. I just need to gauge his response. I won't divulge a word that I don't have to...it all just depends on his thoughts on the matter...and whether you'll need to talk to him directly." She frets at her lip again in thought. "I just want to make sure which way to approach this."

Clark Kent has posed:
"If you borrow the robot, I don't need to speak to him at all. I can scan it and return it," Clark offers, moving to try to alleviate the stress for her as much as possible. "I want to determine if it is a similar toy to what I've seen before. I would not want you to lie at all if we can avoid it. Borrow to show to a member of the Justice League, if you like. Or if he is as smart as you say, a copy of his readings and the programming from it. But I don't want to endanger him."

Clark smiles briefly. He is trying to help, not initiate problems. And he has no trouble believing someone is extremely smart, or could even help out. "I don't want it to explode on him." Clark sighs softly.

"Well, talk to him first. But let's not wait too long," Clark cautions. He looks around the university's lawn, eating a piece of pretzel. "I have some other news."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara positively beams. "Thank you. Thank you for your faith and your trust. I promise you I won't let you down. I appreciate you more than you can possibly know. And I'll get you that little murder cupcake."

News? "News?" Kara's eyes go wide. "More news than that??"

Clark Kent has posed:
"Ah... just ... different news," Clark says, adjusting his tone some. He's also blushing, rather abruptly, which leans the content in a very different direction, no doubt, from Superman returning to the world.

"Lois and I have ... started to date," Clark explains, simply, but then covers it in drinking his coffee.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Well, FINALLY. Gods, I thought I was going to have to lock you guys in a room until you both finally gave in and agreed to it. I'm happy for you, Cousin." Kara is smiling brightly, now. "Do I need to start monogramming towels? Or are we still at that awkward stage where you don't want each other to know you have to shower?"

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark is still heavily flushed, possibly worse as Kara teases him about the towels, his laugh is nervous, but brighter. He finishes the pretzel, and moves to stand in order to put the little container into the nearby trash can. Clark doesn't /litter/. He returns to sit back down, and rescue what's left of his coffee: or at least, a cup to hold onto.

"No, having been best friends for a decade has made the transition... remarkably easy and comfortable. But I thought you should know," Clark says, with a warmed little smile. Perhaps another reason there, in that smile, for something that helped his clouds to part: Clark is /happier/.