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(Mike and Wade have a bit of a disagreement over one of their phone check ins.)
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Revision as of 23:18, 6 July 2022

Breathing Room
Date of Cutscene: 05 July 2022
Location: Dublin, Ireland / Shaw Studios - NYC
Synopsis: Mike and Wade have a bit of a disagreement over one of their phone check ins.
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan

"You look like shit."

"Being I just got off a flight I think you could spare me on that observation."

"Being you put yourself in a situation where you had to go on such a late flight in the first place, I think I won't."

Mike frowns at the screen displaying his friend's displeased face. It was merely an instinct to mirror the expression. "Well, it could not be helped."

A sigh erupts from the phone. "That is a bullshit response and you know it." Wade mutters, the furnishings betraying him to be seated in his office, "If you had just told me what was going on I could have moved something around."

"You are really going to tell an arena to stuff it for a night?"

"Demons, ghosts, doppelgangers, angels, and country takeovers, Mike. In less than a year period. Trust me, I've had practice with rescheduling. And you collapsing on stage in the middle of a show is NOT going to be a much better investment of their time than delaying something an hour or two."

"I've never done that."

"There's a first time. The point is you can't keep pulling shit like this. Emergencies pop up. I get that. Friends need help. I get that too. But if you have an inkling of this going on just TELL me so I can help better with getting you some breathing room." Wade's eyes shift to the side of the camera, the reflection of his eyes betraying another window being open, "I was able to push back a few things. Now, If I had gotten more of a heads up prior to finding out you missed your first flight I could have gotten you a few more hours than that. AT LEAST." The manager leans back in his seat, looking back at the camera. "Honestly. After all that's happened in the past year, is there really any reason to keep stuff from me? I think I handled things ok."

"I don't always know when stuff is going to happen. A lot of times it just is in the moment."

"Then tell me immediately after." Wade seethes, "I can't help if you drag your feet telling me stuff. Hell. I had to find out about Morrigan through other sources."

Mike is quiet for a few moments. Considering.

The quiet is telling. The studio owner's chair creaks as he leans towards the webcam, "Mike? Is there anything else you're not telling me? Is this about Morrigan? I know how you get when friends -"



"I need breathing room."

"Ok. Better. Around when?"

"I don't know. I'll tell you after."