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Latest revision as of 01:27, 7 July 2022

Ill Met by Moonlight Ave
Date of Scene: 06 July 2022
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: When a hero is needed to rescue a damsel in distress (Bunny Macleod) from a round of highschoolers with ill intent, Kurt Wagner steps up and delivers a not-quite thrashing, and then delivers the deliverer from an oncoming subway train!
Cast of Characters: Bunny Macleod, Kurt Wagner

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Brooklyn, New York City. Almost the center of the universe, not too far from Bushwick.

    Messenger services aren't out of the ordinary in New York City, some documents just can't be sent by Email, others need processing same day and then have to be signed, sealed, delivered in the afternoon, and that's where the myriad messenger services used by businesses in the Big Apple (and the smaller apples surrounding it) come into play.

    This particular messenger girl is wearing a colorful, rainbow tutu skirt and striped tights, along with Bright, Bright Yellow roller skates. She has a pair of cheap earbuds in her ear, a ballcap with a tartan pattern with a fancy M on it, and a drab brown T-shirt that announces she's part of the Macleod Messenger Services, Brooklyn NY. The bright pink of bubblegum completes the outfit, wearing a cross-body messenger bag with a small combo lock keeping the flap down.

    She's ducking down into the subway, not as busy during the day when most people are at work, but as classic, the train pulls away just as she gets to the platform, leaving her with some toughs who were going the opposite way on the other side.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
    It's nice when someone dresses so overtly noticeable. Makes it easier to blend into the rest of the people. There's not a lot of people down in the subway, and heaven only knows why Kurt is, but he's got on a hoodie, a long coat, his hands in his pockets, and his head down. For the most part, people treat mutants like pre-civil-rights people treated those with skin darker than paper. Usually, if you look different, you get people giving you a wide berth. He's not usually in much danger in NYC, but Kurt feels a little bit less stand-out near this courier.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Unfortunately, dressing brightly also means you stand out as a target for others.

    The group of guys, ne'er-do-wells by their matching tattoos talk quietly amongst themselves, before making their way over the the courier with her locked bag. She notices them, putting the toe-stop on her left foot down in case they plan on giving her a push.

    "Heeey. I think I know you. You're Bastian Mac's little sister. Aren't you s'posed ta be in school?" One of them asks with a slick grin spreading on his face. The other two try to palm switchblade knives out of their pockets. One keeps a wary eye on the hoodie-wearing figure a bit down the platform, wanting to make sure that the weirdly overdressed-for-the-weather guy isn't going to mess around with them.

    "Uuuuh...." the brightly dressed girl blinks. "You must have the wrong girl? I'm obviously a messenger service, not a high school student."

Kurt Wagner has posed:
    Looking up from beneath the shade of his hood, the solid, yellow, faintly glowing eyes look back at the one intended to keep an eye on him. "She's right, you know," he says in a distinct, but understandable, German accent. "You boys should move along and leave the girl be." There's nothing obvious about him besides his blue fur and yellow eyes, and a lot of mutants just look different. However, there is confidence in his voice. Patience, sure, but it's patience like a tennis player waiting for the serve.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "You wanna make a big deal outta this, man? Why don't you go back to Bushwick an' hide?" the teenager eyeballing Kurt states with equal confidence in his voice -- but not anything brought by experience, no. Cocky kid, used to being the big fish in the small pond. The other unoccupied teen's switchblade gives a click as the blade comes out.

    "Yeah, that's right. Bunny." the ringleader coos, and goes to knock off her ballcap. They're all head and shoulders above the girl, who grasps the strap of her messenger bag tightly. Her bright pink and curly hair is now showing as she takes a breath, and wheels ehr right foot back and forth slightly, keeping her balance in spite of her nerves.

    THe three guys, one harassing her has slicked back hair, dark brown. The one who told Kurt to go back to Bushwick has a blonde buzzcut, and the one who's placed himself in the middle has short, light-brown hair. The three of them have poorly done, equal-arm nautical stars on their shoulders with a scroll beneath: Pro Superioritate Humana -- For Human Superiority.

    Obviously, they're the best and brightest New York has to offer.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
    Pulling his three-fingered hands from his pockets, Kurt lifts his hood up from his hair and lets it fall behind his head. He looks over the switchblade the anti-mutant man has removed from his pocket. "Fancy," he says, albeit a little sarcastically. He suddenly disappears in a *BAMF*! The cloud of sulfur-smelling smoke quickly dissipates, and he appears behind the one who had threatened him, then grabs him. They both disappear, then reappear near the subway's exit. He pushes off, sending the guy forward. Four more in quick succession, *BAMF* *BAMF* *BAMF* *BAMF*, and the men are all deposited at the stairs. Kurt takes a few steps back. "I don't think you boys are cut out for the subway," he says. "Maybe you should take a taxi, instead."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Buzzcut looks a little less confident now as Kurt's hood falls backwards. He takes a step back and was about to The first guy disappears with a foul smelling poff of smoke, the sound of air rapidly filling a void filling everyone's ears as the stench of sulfur fills noses. And then Buzzcut is gone with a surprised 'waaugh?!' sound at feeling the grab, and he's deposited at the exit. Second to go was the brown-haired kid who pulled the knife first. Slick gives Bunny a shove away to reach for his own knife when he's grabbed as well, and deposited at the stairs.

    Three on one now at the entrance to the subway. Buzzcut's got a chip on his shoulder, and he takes his knife and tries to attack Kurt first, making a wide, amature slice at his mid-section, protected by the long coat.

    "Mutant scumbag!"

Kurt Wagner has posed:
    Kurt is more agile than a human, and these thugs aren't exactly trained fighters. He doesn't even teleport to avoid the attack; he just steps to the side, looking almost bored as he does so. "Didn't your mother ever teach you not to call people names?" he asks, rhetorically.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Buzzcut misses entirely, no question. Slick and Bruno look at one another, and they try to flank Kurt, Slick pulling his own knife as he tries to sock Kurt in the face.

    "You're gonna come to our turf and make fun of us?" he growls, "That girl's brother /OWES/ us -- we gotta get what we're owed!" he snarls. Bruno grabs a trash can and tries to sling it into Kurt's other side as Slick distracts him, but they're not exactly trained fighters ... or terribly coordinated!

Kurt Wagner has posed:
    At that, Kurt DOES teleport, going behind Bruno and pushing him into Slick's assault attempt. "Don't you remember the Lord's prayer?" Kurt asks. "Forgive us our debts, as we have forgive our debtors." He sticks his hands in his pockets again. This isn't exactly fighting Magneto. These thugs are just angry, ignorant children. His expression betrays that he even feels sorry for them.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bruno's trash can goes awry and hits Slick. Buzzcut recovers, and grabs at Bruno's shoulder, and he pulls back a little bit.

    "We're not gonna win this one, he's not even winded. Let's get outta here." he mutters, and with the two subordinates retreating, that leaves just Slick.

    Slick coughs, the breath knocked outta him as he pulls himself up by the railing, hearing the rumbling of a train coming.

    He gives a feral bit of a grimmace, flips Kurt off (insult to injury, of course) -- and makes a run for it.

    And with the sounds of the fight ended, distantly there was the call for help from down on the platform.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
    Kurt hears the call and teleports again, ready for just about anything. He's not really interested in letting that colorfully clad girl get hurt because he missed one.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    He didn't miss one, the three guys were gone. The girl's hat was still on the platform. The train rumbling grows closer, the light starting on the tunnel wall.

    "Help me! I'm stuck!" comes the girl's voice from the tracks. Her knee was wedged into one of the track lines, and she was struggling to get free without touching the electrified third rail!

Kurt Wagner has posed:
    Kurt springs into action. He runs at the tracks, leaping down. "Hold onto me," he says, grabbing the girl in an embrace. Whether she does or not, she's suddenly pulled in a direction she didn't know existed! In what seems like a singular *BAMF* to her and her savior, along with the lingering smell of sulfur, the two are deposited onto the platform. Kurt lets go of her and moves just a little bit back to check on her. "Are you alright?" he asks, the compassion evident on his face.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    The pink-haired messenger girl looks panicked, eyes wide and staring at the oncoming subway car, and when her savior grabs for her, she has zero fear in wrapping her arms around him, her hands holding tight to his long coat.

    BAMF. She feels a certain sickness, having never been teleported anywhere before, and with the smell of sulfur about them, the two are placed on the platform again as the train speeds by.

    Kurt lets go, and she loses her balance, momentarily disorientated, and falls to her butt, skates sticking out as she gives a nervous sound, and then looks up to Kurt.

    "TH--thank you! So much!"

Kurt Wagner has posed:
    "No need to thank me," Kurt says, smiling and offering her a three-fingered, blue, fuzzy hand to help her up. "You are God's perfect creation. You are worth protecting."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    She accepts the hand, and gives a smile up to Kurt, using him to pull herself up to a stand on her skates and lowering one stopper down.

    "I dunno about being a perfect creation of anyone, but I'm Bunny...err... /Bernice/. But everyone calls me Bunny." she smiles back up at Kurt, and gives his hand a shake. "What's your name?"

Kurt Wagner has posed:
    "Kurt," Kurt says, simply. He goes from helping Bunny up to shaking her hand. "Would you like me to stay with you until your train comes?"

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "... I wouldn't mind that, actually. Usually I'm not too bad about being by myself but... they knew my brother Bastian." she gives a small wince. "He's in some trouble. It's a work in progress." she explains, and she takes a breath, and leans over to grab up her ballcap and situate it over her bright pink hair again.

    "So, you live in Bushwick, Kurt? We're just outside it. Me an' my siblings an' my dad. All nine of us." she cheerily talks, and she sniffs. "... is it *always* rotten eggs when you do the 'poof' thing or does it change sometimes?"