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Latest revision as of 06:13, 30 March 2020

Day of dates
Date of Scene: 29 March 2020
Location: Vacant Lot -- Queens
Synopsis: Gwen takes Zatanna to a place she hung out as a kid for date night.
Cast of Characters: Gwen Stacy, Zatanna Zatara

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Early morning back at the mansion in Gotham, Gwen is jumping on Zatanna's bed to wake her up, "Get up, get up, get up..." Hoping around in little circles like a child, "come ooooon get up... We're going out." She schmoozes down at the raven haired sorceress, "I wanna take you somewhere. Come on, get ready."

The younger mistress of the manor is already dressed for New York. A jacket over a light sweater. The shoulder revealed where it hangs halfway down her left arm in a wide cut neckline, the front graphic is the DEDSEC logo from WatchDogs.

She's wearing a pair of black jeans with slashes in the thighs and hightops. Scooting around like it's Christmas morning, "Are you up yet?!" Shouting back into the room from the hallway, "Come on!"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Is it Christmas morning?" Zatanna asks sleepily as she's roused by her other half, struggling to wake up. "R'yleh, I'm going to have to buy you a collar and lead." she teases as she pushes the covers off to sit up and run her hands through her hair. "Twenty minutes, I need to shower first." she points out, shooing Gwen with a playful wave of her hand. "And I need coffee if you're this excitable in the morning."


A black turtleneck sweater has been teamed with a pair of slim fit jeans and low heels as Zatanna puts the final touches on her hair as she comes downstairs to join Gwen, waving a hand behind her and commenting, "Ekam eht deb." And the bed sets into the motions of making itself.

"I'm up, I'm up. I need coffee like a car needs gasoline, but I'm up. Where are we going?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen peeks her head out from the kitchen hearing Zatanna coming down stairs, then disappears out of a view with just the hints of a big ol grin on her face as her head vanishes around that wall. Working quickly there out of view, she waits for Zatanna to come in and slides over a mug of coffee, made the way she likes it, and a bowl of oatmeal with blue berries. It isn't even instant!


"You should be glad I knew it would take you ten extra minutes to get ready." She grabs her own mug, holding it up in both hands to sip the tea she's drinking herself. "We're going to Queens. So once you've eaten, you can teleport us there, because it's going to be a big day and I don't wanna dilly dally with mudane travel like a couple of normal plebs."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Am I getting predictable?" Zatanna asks as she accepts the coffee and graces Gwen with a light kiss on the mouth. "I'll just have to remind you that I can be very unperdictable, just like magic!" It's not really a complaint. A warm smile and she works on her breakfast, but switches the mug out for a to-go tumbler, because she's going to need more coffee than a mug can provide. "...ugh, toothpaste and coffee so don't mix."

But she's still smiling, before she nods. "Just want to skip the bus fare." says the girl that's never paid for it in her life as she slips her arm around Gwen's waist. Not that she needs to hold Gwen to teleport her -- she's just very nice to hold.


And in flash of light and smoke, they disappear, just to reappear in Queens, as Gwen asked.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"No, I wouldn't say predictable." Gwen says with a smirk, "Not that it's not true... I just wouldn't say it." Gently teasing her girlfriend following the kiss, she leans against the counter waiting for her to finish breakfast. Herself already finished with her tea by the time Zatanna is pouring coffee into the tumbler.

Then stepping up to lean against the Sorceresses shoulder inside the arm wrapped around her waist. Bracing and shivering when the magic moves around them to deposit them in... Queens.

Gwen turns in a small circle, getting her barings, "Okay, we're not far away.." Reaching out for Zee's hand, "Come on, you're going to love this." All smiles, pulling her along.. not at a run, so much as an expediated walk!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Mmhmm." Already the gears are turning on how to surprise Gwen later as Zatanna watches Gwen, much like a puppy, spin in circles, before deciding on a direction. Hand grabbed, the young woman irks as she takes off at a speedster's walk. "Some of us don't have the porportion speed of a spider!" she points out as they walk, sipping from her coffee with her other hand.

Because there's no way she's letting go of her girlfriend's hand as they walk down the streets to wherever Gwen is taking her. She takes in the environment, committing it to her memory just in case Gwen wants to come back here again, so she can pinpoint her teleporting spell.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen grins back over her shoulder, down her arm running to Zatanna's, "Don't make me throw you over my shoulder and carry you!" She says with a playful wink, taking a turn through the side yard of a quant little house in Pete's neighborhood. "This was Ms. Lansters house. She use to put pies out in the window basically every afternoon in the Summertime." She says, pointing up at the window she means.

"She always wiggled her fist at us when we'd snatch the pie, but you could see her smiling as we ran off thanking her..." Again glancing back, "Her kids were all grown, so she'd put them in the window for the neighborhood kids." All smiles, ducking into a back alley between two rows of houses. "It's just up here."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"So you stole pies. Shame on you." Zatanna teases lightly as she grins. "I know my butt looks great in these pants, but do you want the world to see how great it is?" This feels nice, and right. After her mistake, it feels like they're dating again, and Zatanna can't hide the smile from her face as she walks with Gwen.

"Wait. Are we here to steal a pie??" she asks in confusion. "I could just magic one up or better yet buy one. We're not really in a want to have to do that!" she protests, a sudden flail, but Gwen's leading her away from there, and Zatanna visibly relaxes as she goes back to letting Gwen lead.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"No, we're not here to steal a pie..." Gwen says backwards, rolling her eyes playfully. Looking much more relaxed than she has in days, looking like she's getting back to herself after the 'situation'. Tugging Zatanna along, but falling back a step so they're not in such a rush.

Just walking alongside her girlfriend with their hands linked together. "I was going to bring you here for like... I don't know.. one of our anaversaries.. but I had to make sure it was actually here in this universe." Bumping her shoulder against Zee's as they round onto the sidewalk where some kids are playing in the front yard. Touch football or something. Just enjoying a crisp, but clear Sunday afternoon.

Gwen points up to a vacant lot between two houses, "Right up there."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Tugged along behind Gwen, Zatanna giggles. "Good, cause there's only one pie I'm interested in." She couldn't resist, it was right there for her to comment on. But when Gwen starts to explain, Zee's epxression softens. She steps closer to the blonde, and moves so that she laces her fingers with her girlfriend's. The kids playing football brings a smile to her face.

As they approach vacant lot, she starts to look curious, stepping up so she's next to Gwen, and not exactly being tugged along now that she has made a clear destination for the pair. "This is your home neighborhood." she realizes. "After adjustment. Does it feel any different?" she asks, concern touching her features. She never really got a chance to probe on what she did to Gwen with the Siege.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen rolls her eyes at the obvious joke and smirks up at Zatanna, "Gross." Not at all gross. She's contentedly walking along with the Dark Haired woman though. Waving at the kids who peek at them, "Hey Gwen!" one of the girls shouts, waving at her. It's obvious Gwen doesn't recognize her, but she waves excitedly anyways! "Hey! Who's winning?" Cupping a hand around the side of her mouth to carry her voice.

"We are!" The girls say, iliciting a fist pump from the tiny blonde. Winking at the boys too, all playful and fun. "Good job!" Smile up to Zee, stepping off the sidewalk into the vacant lot.

"We use to hang out here.. Me, Peter, MJ and Harry." She says with a look around, "Back over there-" Pointing further down the empty lot, "There's a playground and a fishing pond... a little oasis, more than anything, but when you're twelve years old it looks a whole lot bigger."

Moving with Zatanna in that direction. "We were pirates... or coast guard.. I collected some of the water to look at it under my microscope I got for christmas one year." As to the sync? Gwen shrugs fractionally. "Some things are the same. Enough of them." Squeezing her girlfriends hand reassuringly as the swingset and picnic tables come into view.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Smiling affectionately when the kids call out to Gwen, Zatanna listens to her as she explains things about the neighborhood, her sync, and childhood. She squeezes a little closer to Gwen, looking around. "I didn't get to do any of that." she admits quietly. "I mean, I wouldn't trade spending my life with my father, but I never got the chance to make that type of friendship that lasts a lifetime. I don't want to take that away from you." And she was honestly scared she did when she synched Gwen.

"If the spell worked right, they shouldn't have recognized a difference at all. But I know... they aren't your friends. At least not the ones you grew up with." And she looks momentarily guilty for that.

Gwen's squeeze of reassurance snaps her out of it as she notices the swingset and tables, and she leans slightly into the smaller -- but much stronger blonde.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Yeah they are." Her friends. Gwen shakes her head at the notion that there might be some difference between them, "I've given it a lot of thought, Zee.. I kept thinking about things in terms of what is and isn't me.. but look at the facts, really.." Turning as she walks, back in the direction they're going because she doesn't have to see to navigate. Rather facing Zatanna with a hand in each of hers.

"I'm still friends with the same people /here/ that I was there.. and I might be a little different than the Gwen they're use to, but I'm still me.. My dad has questions.. I mean obviously he does. I'm thinner, and .. I mean there's differences, but really?" She shrugs and smiles, but more than anything, just looks happy.

"Come on. I have one more surprise." Pulling Zee in the direction of a very specific picnic table, "Then I'll push you on the swing."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Nodding in thought, Zatanna squeezes both of Gwen's hands as they walk along, "You're you, and that's the most important thing in all of this." she admits quietly as she's led along. "You know, I still haven't met your dad." she says teasingly. Not that there's a rush. "I know that's a big step. Especially since I'm older..." she purses her lips in thought.

She quiets down as Gwen leads her to the specified picnic table. "Well, I don't see a basket, so you clearly didn't plan lunch here." she says, peering at the area curiously as if trying to figure out what's going on.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"You don't see a basket?" GWen's eyes go wide! Mouth hanging open! Then switches to grin mode, turning to walk ahead of Zee, but with the other womans hands around her waist, "I want you to meet him. He just works long hours. I promise I'm not hiding you." Said back to the sorceress, head leaning to lay on the others shoulder as they stop within a few feet of the table.

"I love you." Raising up to kiss the underside of Zee's jaw, she begins detangling herself from the other woman, "Sit, sit sit, sit,sit,sit... I'll be right back." Said all conspiratorially! "mahahaha..." Playfully twirling her mustache...

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I'm not doubting you!" Zatanna is quick to respond, worried that her girlfriend may get the wrong idea of what she's saying. "I'll be happy to meet him when you're ready. And tell him how in love I am with his daughter and I want to keep her happy for the rest of her days." She paises as she's sat down, and then closes her eyes to the kisses along her jaw, a shudder of delight.

Then Gwen is pulling away and Zatanna grabs her hips to hold her a moment longer before she gets away. "I've seen you bleach that thing!" she calls after her. She doesn't need to bleach it, but she's trying to be teasing, her hands folding into her lap as she looks around.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen grins, her blonde-pink hair up in a ponytail that fans out behind her head, glancing over her shoulder with a grin all the way up into her eyes set upon Zatanna talking about meeting her father. Then she looks up into the treet and begins scaling it as if there's not much difficulty to it at all.

She probably could have just jumped up there, but the journey is important right? That's what Bilbo Baggins said.

Buckaroo Bonzi too.

When she drops back down she holding a picnic basket, from which she's pulling off bits of webbing to set down in the center of the table. "You doubter." Teasing right back while sliding onto the bench beside, instead of across from, Zatanna.

"Okay, so I got-" Opening up to look down into it, "A blanket." Setting that down, "Because after we eat we're going to lay by the pond... And I got... Cheese.." A wheel of cheese, brie. Which she sets down still in the plastic rapper, "And some crackers." The good big waffer sized multi-grain crackers. "And some fruit." It's just a prepacked precut fruit tray of four different kinds. Apples, grapes, strawberries, and cantelope. Hands fold on the table... brow furrowing, "I probably shouldn't have led with breakfast huh?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Maybe a lighter breakfast?" Zatanna asks, but she looks absolutely delighted with Gwen's surprise for her. Brushing some of her dark hair over her ear, the young woman can't help but to smile. "Are you trying to court me, Miss Stacy?" she asks with a playful little smile, acting all demure in the moment, in appreciation of the effort made to do something so simple... so sweet for a sorceress that could do just about anything. She's touched, and the color in her cheeks proves it.

When Gwen rejoins and sits next to her, Zatanna gets as close as she can and lays her head on Gwen's shoulder. "...this is the sweetest gesture anyone's done for me, Gwen." she admits quietly, hand reaching to hold hers. "I'm so used to having to make the first move, because I give off that total hetero vibe, and it's really hard sometimes. And I just... I'm blown away, sweetheart. Thank you."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen frowns a little at the admission that she may have flubbed the surprise by trying to keep it with breakfast, but ultimately does smile up at Zatanna's attempt to nullify her. Taking the Sorceresses hands and turning on the bench to face her so she's braced up against the table on her left side.

"I just wanted to do something for you, Zee... I know we had a little bit of a rocky road after... that things.. you know.. It's..." She looks down with just a hint of the smile fading way to the frown from earlier. "I'm not who you .. you know. It's.. I just..." She shrugs both thin shoulders, "I know I'm not Jean, okay. But I don't have to be telepath.. or.. whatever.. I don't know."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I never ever asked you to be her." Zatanna turns, facing Gwen. Her eyes search the younger woman's face. "My biggest fear was losing you without telling you how I felt. And I hid it so well that I nearly let you go as well." her hands grip Gwen's tightly as she looks down at their joined hands and then back up at the pretty blonde. "You're you. The girl I met on the rooftops. That made me smile. Made me laugh. I never had to make an effort to fall in love with you, Gwen. But I'm going to make every effort to keep you."

"You came up with something that is simple, but so sweet. I rely so much on my magic, that you could have swept me off my feet just by bringing me flowers. Or writing me a note. I don't need powers. I don't need my mind read. I just want to be loved... cherish."

"And I don't want to share. I'm greedy. It broke my heart to think of even trying it, which is why I never tried to bring it up. I want to be your only, Gwen..." the tears come to her eyes and trail down her cheeks. "...and I love you. For you. Not for Ghost Spider. I fell in love with Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy."

She smiles sadly, worriedly. "...and that's the spell you have cast on me."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Okay." Gwen shakes her head, flicking her it off to the side to flip some hair back from her shoulder, "We don't have to talk about that anymore. I just wanted to do something for you... with you.. I know it's kind of dumb." Grinning at the picnic and the table and the spot where she chose to set it all up.

"This spot meant a whole lot to me when I was young.. and you mean so much to me now. I felt like bringing the two things together was important." Said with a beaming smile replacing the lopsided grin. She turns on the bench then and lays back against Zatanna, making to wrap the sorceresses arms around her with her head rolling up and back to gaze at her chin. "Do you beeeeeliieeeeve in magic..." She starts singing the old McDonalds commericial jingle...

This is your girlfriend Zatanna.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
This is her girlfriend.

"....in a young girl's heart..." Zatanna whispers. And tilting down, the magician lays an upside down kiss on the blonde that's stolen her head, fingers creasing into her shirt as she draws in Gwen's breath before breaking away.

"...can we pack this to go?" she asks suddenly. "And go home?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Mmmhmmm." Gwen says up to Zee, sitting up to put the things back into the picnic basket, laying the sheet out atop it once the lid is closed, "I was hoping we could watch the sunset, though... It's always raining in Gotham or I'd say we could watch it from the balcony." With the basket on her arm, she holds out her other hand. "but let's go home."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Oh. We can stay then." Zatanna responds, staying Gwen's hand. "Sorry, I just wanted you next to me." glancing down, she smiles. "You make me feel like a schoolgirl on her first date sometimes."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Shhhh, it's okay. We have all them magical doors, might well go watch it somewhere tropical." Gwen squeezes Zee's hands, "Take me home, Ms. Zatara."