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Revision as of 09:38, 9 July 2022

After-Cyborg Action Report
Date of Scene: 08 July 2022
Location: Downtown Manhattan
Synopsis: Friends! After Action complete, Worthington is a real softie.
Cast of Characters: Warren Worthington, Beroe Kazinski

Warren Worthington has posed:
Emmanuel's is a testament to the amount of money that sloshes through New York. The restaurant occupies the top floor and rooftop of the Sawatzki Building, given Warren's great-grandmother's maiden name and owned by one of Worthington Industries' subsidiaries. Nominally open to the public, the restaurant's price tags kept it firmly in the realm of the corporate and social elite. Modern, airy, and light it was on the lighter and slightly less pretentious side of high end restaurants. Until you get the view from the roof. That retrofit of the building cost a lot.

Warren steps out of the elevator. He is seen here often enough the way he arrives draws little attention from regulars. Warren chats briefly with Eliza, one of the longtime staff, about her children while she takes him to a table. Up here the tables are set at a discreet distance from each other and thoughtfully placed garden arrangements create structure and privacy for the space. The force field used to shield the restaurant from rain and anything stronger than a light breeze is invisible today in the clear air.

The mutant settles in to wait for his guest, the young influencer he met just recently. He sent a limo to pick her up when they arranged to meet, and asked the driver to have one of the hosts from Emmanuel's meet her outside and bring her up to be sure she was comfortable. Though Warren doubted anything made her uncomfortable. He picks an errant hair from his cream coloured designer shirt, slides his phone into his jeans and leans back to wait.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
There's a limo coming for her? She is excited, but also a little takenaback. She thought she was meeting with that guy from the cyborg fight, and he didn't seem like he could afford A LIMO, unless it was this one time, trying to impress her? Did she do such a great job with the cyborgs he thought he was dealing with an A-lister? Thoughts that go through her head now are whether or not she made TOO GOOD of an impression, but she gets dolled up. Her finest clothes! A frilly dress with a biggish skirt that makes her look like she's out of some kind of anime, and that's because she used it for part of her Chobits cosplay a year ago.

Dressed in that, milder make up, and still a blonde. She gets to the limo, gets inside of it and takes the trip, on her phone, taking a few pictures of herself in the limo and offering some flashback @s to the folks who got her the clothes.

Once she arrives at Emmanuel's, she's looking at the place, and gasping a bit, "Wowwie!" She can't help but say, audible by the host, as she goes inside with them. Smiling, she asks them all sorts of questions as they go to the elevator and up up up, about being a host, their job, do they like it, seems like a nice place, and then she's offering a hug and a wave good bye before stepping off the elevator. To, a man in jeans.

"Hello." She takes a few more steps inside and smiles, "Are you who I'm supposed to meet? I'm Beroe. I thought it was going to be the bird man. He really SHOULD get a different name." And true enough, she's not at all nervous or uncomfortable, just walking right in and toward where the man in jeans is hanging out.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren stands up when Beroe comes over. He smiles broadly, and there is a faint bit of amusement in the charm, but he really does not blink at Beroe's appearance. The only tell is a slight twitch in his wings that those who know him well use against him all the time when they play poker.

"Actually, he goes by Angel," Warren says and offers Beroe a hand. "But when I'm not out heroing, I just go by Warren Worthington, call me Warren. How was the ride over?"

Warren gestures to a chair and takes a seat. He waves over one of the staff and explains to Beroe there is no menu, she can just tell them what she wants and they will make it happen.

"I'm glad you could make it, thank you for coming. Are you feeling alright? No injuries, I hope?" Warren asks.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"Angel?! That's such a much better name." Beroe comments as she looks Warren over a second, tilting her head to the side a bit, he seeeems recognizable, like maybe on the covers of magazine type, but she shrugs a little as if to put it out of her mind. "Well, Mister Worthington, you should give a raise to your driver, person, unless you rented them, then a 5 star rating. They played Ingrid Michaelson for me, on the way over, and then talked with me about the Limo Business they operate. It was fascinating. Truly." She beams.

Then she takes a seat, and with the fluffy skirt that expands out from her hips, she swipes her hands under her backside to make sure it gets in the chair, before sitting down. "Anything? I can get anything I want? Do you think they can make a Big Belly Burger? I -am- trying to go vegan, as often as I can, so with one of those Beyond Burger patties, I would get them regularly, but they add a couple dollars to the order. Do that every day and you are out a lot of money that could've been spent on makeup."

The last question gets a little shake of her head, "No, no injuries. Just some bruised ribs, and some extra cleaning of clothes. I feel great though, thank you for asking Mister Worthington. How are you feeling?" Pausing, she waits, interested about the answer as much as she might whether or not Giraffes actually only sleep 30 minutes a day, while at the zoo. Which is to say, SUPER interested.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Eliza, who came over to take their order, smiles brightly when Beroe orders. "We can absolutely do that for you, Ms. Kazinski. And your dress is amazing," she says appreciatively. "Do you do cosplay? If you don't, you should, you would be incredible at it." Then Eliza excuses herself to get their orders.

"I promise, I will let the driver know he did a great job," Warren assures Beroe once Eliza leaves and there is a pause long enough to get in politely. "And I'm fine, thank you for asking. I'm glad you are, too."

"I had a look at some of your videos. You're building a following, I'm impressed. Your production value is getting better, too," he compliments. "And thank you for keeping the others out of the posts. That means a lot to me. I know it's hard to leave out good content, but it says a lot about your integrity."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Eyes, wide, big, and Beroe is grinning up at Eliza and gapes with her mouth, "Oh my god, thank you! I do, sometimes, when I get outfit pieces. You are sooooooo nice." To Eliza, and she's swooning from the kindness, but once Eliza's gone, she turns her attention back to Warren.

"She's also really good. I mean, I only just met her, but I can tell. I have a good radar for people." Offers Beroe, and clearly too, the way she defended that innocent Cyborg woman. On the comment of the following she wonders, "Did YOU follow? Cause, if you didn't, you should, I do giveaways from time to time, and personalized cards at the end of the year to my top followers. You could get a thank you card, from ME." Grinning she giggles a bit, "Not that, that, is such a big deal to you, probably, but it's a nice addition. And they sure like them. Plus, I am thinking of raffling off a lunch date, they've been asking for something like that, but I don't want to accidently lead someone on. That wouldn't be very nice." With the last compliment she nods her head, "Oh, I understand. I don't hide myself, but I get it. It isn't easy for everyone, especially our underrepresented, and socially oppressed mutant hero friends. I'm assuming they were mutants cause of the rawr" she opens her mouth big, and makes mashing motions, then she brings up her hands like they are claws, "Swipe swipe. And the tweet tweet." Who could that be? Though she looks around conspiratorially, to make sure no one heard.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Yes they are, just like me," Warren says with a laugh. He fishes his phone out of his pocket and leans over so he can show Beroe his screen.

"See? That one's me," he says showing her his name among the followers on her latest post. "But if I come up for the giveaways, you can pick one of your other followers, I got to hero with you /and/ have lunch with you already!"

Warren pockets his phone and leans back. "I was so surprised to see anyone in the alley, you must be a really good investigator. I only just figured out where those people were, how did you find out?"

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
There is a pause and Beroe's eyes get a bit wider, then wider, and all of a sudden, "Angel!" She squeals, and then grins big, before quieting down, "Ohhhhh, I get it now." She mentions and nods her head, getting the idea that Warren IS Angel. And she can't help herself, "Are your feathers soft? I mean, it must be nice to have cover from things like rain, whenever you want. The Shark Girl was really cool, but a different kind of fighting style, and the other claw girl. I felt I was sort of, different, the entire time, in a good way. THanks for making me feel special!"

With that though she shakes her head, "Nope. If you win the lottery, you get the stuff, you can always donate it to someone else, but I don't fiddle with the results. That way I can say, I don't fiddle with the results. So, just give the things to someone else, I have people all the time tell me that, like when I auction off free bras, or whatnot. They ask if they can have one of mine instead, thinking I'll just use the new ones." Is that what they are thinking? "But I say no, just give these to a girlfriend or whatnot."

With that little bit, she grins bigger, "I AM! If the person or people have social media accounts. I really just started checking on the missing people, pictures they are in, you know you can do a lot with image search, tiktok and instagram. People in backgrounds, to the side, in photos, common locations, where people go missing, etc. It's just..." She wiggles and writhes her fingers about like she's casting some kind of spell, "All intertwined. Though, that's about the extent of my social media wizardry. If they weren't on any of those places, I'd of been outta luck."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren chuckles and when Beroe asks about his wings, he shifts in his chair and extends one around the edge of the table enough so she can easily touch. It is such a practiced move it is clearly one he has used often. He straight up laughs about people asking for Beroe's bras. The Internet.

Warren leans in a little bit and rests his chin on one hand while he listens to Beroe. Eliza appears, and he moves just enough to let her place their food but not break his clear interest in Beroe. He thanks Eliza and gives her a wink then turns his attention back to Beroe. Beroe's burger is exactly what she order, but just a little more so, as if it was the canonical Big Belly Burger straight out of the marketing materials and into real life. Not bougie, but just as it should be.

"I wish I was that good at social media. I ran into those cyborgs before, trying to kidnap that same guy, but I only heard about this specific kidnapping from a friend, I don't know details about the others," Warren shares conspiratorially. Friend. Weekend fling. Close enough in his world. "Is it true that /only/ mutants have been kidnapped? Any idea why they're choosing the ones they do?"

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
The wing gets an astonished look, it just comes from 'nowhere' seemingly, and despite her own powers that still makes her surprised. Or, maybe she's just easily excited? Probably a combination of both of those things and she is reaching out, "It's really okay? I don't want to make it seem like I just am oogling what people, do, it is just. I really DO like animals, and people, and everything. This world is so amazing! I'm glad I was born here and not on the moon, or somewhere else." A pause as she thinks that through, "Though, that could be fun, being able to jump really high..." She defeats her own bolstering of optimism with MORE optimism.

Touching the feathers gently she giggles, yes Beroe, giggles as she touches the feathers, "They are great. Thank you!" And she puts her hand away, trying to avoid getting attached to those feathers and waves excitedly to Eliza as she comes back, "You are great, thank you, this looks great, whoever made it, please tell them it smells am-azing!" Though she doesn't yet touch it, just looking at it for a bit, and then her phone comes out and she leans down nearby it, getting super close, then taking a photo. Her looking at the camera, the burger right there, and her eyes looking sideways to the burger, caption: What is this? Vegan Big Belly Burger Perfection!

And then she's sitting upright again, looking back at Warren, "Oh? People tend to hide from their own accounts but then they are friends of friends of friends, to someone who has a public option, and they are commenting on photos or places, and there's location tags. It's not that difficult -really-. And once you post, it's on the internet, whether you delete it or not, shows up in archive pages even, or someone else's feed. Like, duh, don't post what you don't want haunting you forever. Like my 5th birthday when I face planted right into my cake!" And she's shrugging to the last question.

"I could, maybe, look, to see if they have any friends they follow or locations they check-in at. As for, only mutants, it is hard to say. So many mutants feel like they need to hide because of mean comments and people." She looks across the table, "Is there a reason you don't feel that way? I would be terrified, I think, if I had mutant genes and were public." And yet, she has video demonstrations of her own powers online, everywhere. Watched by tens of thousands of people.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren just shakes his head when Beroe explains about the social media investigation, clearly out of his depth, but interested all the same.

"I'd really appreciate it if you looked into the mutant connection. I bet it's true since I've only heard about kidnappings in Bushwick, but you never know," Warren says. "As for me... I did try hiding it when I was a teenager. My parents didn't approve and I didn't want to disappoint them. But... It's part of who I am, and well, with who I am everyone knew pretty quick. I've gotten used to it, but it is dangerous. I'm lucky though, wings like these? There are harder mutations to have. I get more people who are jealous than disgusted."

"What about you?" Warren asks and tilts his head. "What you did was... Impressive. And really saved us. Me. Twice," Warren points out and smiles. "I really owe you, you know that? I don't even know how to make that up to you."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"It'll be tough, cause, I mean, it would mean they published somewhere that they were a mutant. I think that's about the only way I'd be able to figure that out." Offers Beroe as she shrugs lightly, "Though I could, maybe see if they've shown up at rallies, or anything. That might help." And she says right into her phone, "Google, remind me tonight to check in on the widnappies." With that, her phone calls out what she'll be reminded of at 8pm and she puts the phone into a pocket, away from her, and likely far away.

With the description of the mutations, she offers a bit of a pouty face, her mouth softens, eyes get only part wide open, and she nods her head slowly to the conversation. "You don't owe me anything. You help those others out, it seems, and you were there to BE a hero. That's it. We heroes, we have to stick together." Her hand turns into a fist, and she bends her arm at the elbow, and across the front of her, making a slight motion to add strength to her words, "AND! You've already subscribed as a follower, so you know, keep liking posts and such. That really helps bring my posts higher up on the algorithms, which helps all the sponsors get exposure." A few excited nods, "And, it, wasn't really anything. Not comparatively. I just, do what I can. While I can, won't be young forever, right?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
"We can't?! That's lame," Warren jokes. He picks up his fork and sets into his prawn and scallop salad. He smiles contentedly. "They do a really good job here."

"You're right, though," Warren says. "We have to look out for each other. I have been doing this for a while, I'm only still here because of the people that have backed me up. Speaking of which, your.... mutation? Magic?" Warren queries as he continues. "Is very powerful. Have you had that for long? I'm guessing you are new to heroing though, am I right? That could have gotten pretty ugly. Whoever is funding these cyborgs is not messing around. You could have gotten hurt pretty bad on your own. Is there anyone you work with?"

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Once Warren starts to eat, though she just reaches down and grabs her burger. She brings it straight up to her face and tilts her head back and forth, looking for the 'best approach' and then takes a tiny, itty bitty, bite. Something that won't ruin her rather resilient makeup, but also that fits her size rather well. Petite, little, bites. And she chews, and then swallows in quick order, "Mmmmm! So good!"

With the continue conversation on heroes, she nods her head enthusiastically enough to make her dual pigtails bounce about her shoulders some, and then she wonders, "Huh? My what?" She questions a bit, and then shrugs a bit, grinning, "My mom, she knows more than I do, but it's just way over my head. It's natural, so, maybe a mutation? I dunno, she calls it part of my lineage, but I'm not sure who my biological parents are. I'm adopted, but shhhh, we don't tell people that."

It's a secret, that she just blurted out, and probably has said more than once on her tiktoks by mistake, but who's counting? Someone, probably. "It is, very powerful? Oh, sometimes, I guess. Most of the time, all I can do is grab my phone, but ..." She clenches her fists and crushes her eyes closed tightly, "Nope, still small." Giggling as she pulls out a stuffed animal from no where in particular.

The last questions gets a slow shake of her head, in a negative, "I've only been doing this a little bit, but things work out for me. I dunno, maybe I'm lucky? Ooooh, luck powers? That'd be SOMETHING, wouldn't it? I could always get my favorite bubblegum from those machines..."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren keeps eating, but he is clearly listening very attentively to what the influencer across from him is saying. He chuckles and shakes his head a bit when the bear appears.

"I have seen luck powers at work, they really are something," Warren admits. "I don't know if I would trust them though. When it comes down to it, I count on really solid people I know well. Speaking of which, if you are interested in knowing if your lineage is a genetic mutation, I know some experts in that. They could tell you pretty easily. At least you would know."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Listening to Warren as she chews on some more petite little bites, Beroe grins around her food, "Really?! You must know tons of pretty amazing people, then. Having so many friends means you are also a great person. It's true. Great people make lots of friends." And she has gotten through about one normal sized bite by this point.

Thinking about the offer, Beroe tilts her head to the side, looks up toward the ceiling a bit, like she has to 'think up there', or maybe the answer will just 'come to her'. "I dunno. When I was young I kind of wanted to know, you know, as kids do. And, I now, I think I like what PinkTart29! said. She's adopted too, and she said, if I seek out my biological parents, that's okay, but if I'm content with my actual parents, it's also okay not to go looking. I love my mom, and it couldn't of been easy raising a brat like me!" She giggles some, but softly ends it with a smile, "I don't need to know, I just want to be. Be the BEST, I can be, as I am. Everything else will work out."

A quick nod to that idea, and she adds one last bit before biting another portion of her burger away, "If it's meant to be, that I know, I'll know it. Till then, I'm happy, and try to be helpful."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"You're off to a good start," Warren says with a broad smile. He has a thoughtful look on his face while eats a bit more.

"I'm sure your mom would be proud of what you're doing. Maybe a little worried though," Warren ventures after a moment. "It's a big city, and easy to walk into things that you did not see coming. If we weren't there, would you have been okay? Not doubting you, it's a real question. I'm a little worried about you, but I don't know if I need to be."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"Oh, my mom knows everything I do!" Offers Beroe, with a big grin, "I don't live with her anymore, but it's not like she can't see all my antics on my social media accounts. She even helped to get me started a few years ago, well, on the media front. It was a life saver. Really. I mean, I was tired a lot, and sometimes not really up to doing much, and then we got me out there, and talking, unpacking videos, and product reviews, and a lot of other stuff. Then, I guess, people thought at first - cute girl. Then then started listening, you know? And, I think, their hidden positivity got unlocked, and it came flooding onto my comments, and that just... it worked like some kind of feedback loop."

And she is using her free hand, and the hand with her burger to make circles, to indicate the 'loop', "Their positivity grew, mine did too, then it fed into them, and it's just been... it's been a lot of work. I have to admit, but my powers, were finally coming into their own during this time and I thought. I thought, well, if I can help people with dresses, and skirts, and things. Why can't I ACTUALLY help people who are in danger?" Cause those two things are so much the same, "And I started to."

With that she takes another bite of her burger, and chews it, and then she nods her head, "Oh, I'd of been fine. I'm sure. I'd probably of walked away with more friends, you know, cause, of the ... chomping that happened. Which was sad, but they were bad people. I just don't like it when folks get hurt, you know?" Did she answer the question? Who knows, but she seems to think she would be safe.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"I wish that hadn't happened, too," Warren admits. His expression clouds for just a moment, but then the sunny playboy returns. "Glad you would have been fine, bet you're going to get some amazing content as you go. I'll keep liking your posts."

Warren pushes his plate back. "I'm so full, but that was great. I'm sorry to eat and run, but I have to be at a meeting across town pretty soon. Don't feel rushed though, and order whatever you want if you're still hungry, it's on me. Your ride is still downstairs, they will take you wherever you want to go after."

Warren stands up. "Can I get in on a selfie with you? You mind taking one?" Warren asks. If accepted he gives a patent-pending Warren Worthington grin for the camera and winks at Beroe after.

"I'll see you out there. If you find out anything, let me know," Warren says, walking backwards. He tosses a wave to Beroe. Warren stops to give Eliza a hug, which draws a few blank stares of shock from her co-workers, and a look of exasperation from the manager. Warren disappears into the elevator with a laugh.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
The selfie is grabbed, Beroe has on a smile, near to Warren, and snap. She writes a caption below the picture: Great food, great company. Awesome!

The post will go up within moments, she's got all the buttons and things memorized, she can probably type on a touch screen phone without even looking down at it. "Well, Mister Worthington, thank you for the lunch." And she grabs whatever is left, and starts tucking them into 'pockets'. The keen eyed will notice she's putting them into what looks like the inside of a fridge, somewhere else, clearly. And once her food is away she shakes her head, "No, thank you for your time, and being amazing. I hope to see you and your friends again soon. Maybe in less of a dire situation. I'll let you know if I find out anything from their media posts as well!"

A quick wave, and as Warren leaves, Beroe gets up and then ALSO hugs Eliza, and then heads off to try and find the Chef, to hug, and thank for the food, and then the person who brought her up here, and then eventually getting to the driver to get taken home. If it's a place where hugs are allowed, she's gonna hug.