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Latest revision as of 06:16, 30 March 2020

Picking Pixie
Date of Scene: 25 March 2020
Location: Harry's Hideaway (Bar)
Synopsis: Jean and Zatanna meet up and talk about Megan taking magic lessons and Jean checks on Zee's well-being.
Cast of Characters: Jean Grey, Zatanna Zatara

Jean Grey has posed:
Well, Jean hasn't seen Zee in a little bit, so when she got the call from the magician... well, she's been wanting to show off Harry's to Zatanna for a while. So naturally a late lunch at Harry's was called for. Jean showed up early, wearing a light green silk blouse and matching scarf, as well as jeans. She does seem... a bit anxious, sipping a bit on a glass of water.

Might as well wait for any harder stuff until later, anyway.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Arriving at Harry's, Zatanna's dressed smartly in a knee length skirt, white silk blouse with black cuffs and little black buttons down the front of it with a black choker style collar and a ruby set at the base of it. "Jean!" she calls out when she sees the woman. "You look lovely. You always do though." Bussing over to the table, she kisses her cheek and moves to take a look at her. "Should I look for the rocking chair about to roll over your tail?" she asks playfully.

She sighs and orders a wine. "I'm sorry I've been out of touch. There's a lot that happened. And I want to tell you all about it because it was cool. But work stuff to, we can talk about whichever first. Because I know I called you out for talking about Megan, we can do that first."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean chuckles, "Just been a little bit of a long week. And it's only Wednesday." She smiles at Zee, and orders a chocolate stout, which Harry knows is her favorite. After all, she's been coming here since she was a kid... though she didn't drink alcohol back //then//.

"Yeah, I wasn't too surprised, since she was at the little soiree you had a little while ago hon." She smiles a bit, "Everything okay? Because I don't really want to have any demons try and eat the students. Bad for the GPA." She jokes, but there's a hint of concern in her words about that.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Don't ask Zee when she had her first drink. Dad was pretty liberal with her when she was young, and it shows sometimes. Smoothing her black skirt, the inner panels of white show for a moment as she settles in. "No demons. Interdimensional. Had a visitor in the house, a young woman that was displaced from her dimension. We found a way to get her back home, and with the help of Lara Croft, we were able to.." she looks a little sad for a moment, it's clear there was some feeling there, but she pushes that down.

"Well, the soiree was more for Marly than anyone, but she took a definite interest. And she is all magical potential, Jean. I know she's also a mutant... but she has raw, untapped potential. And I want her to focus that before it becomes uncontrollable. Do you know anything on her parentage?" she asks.

Then she adds. "And in full disclosure, I do have a demon in the house. A succubus. But she's promised not to do... any of that around those that I tell her not to. I mean, that's like everyone." she admits. Alright, so she's a little all over the place at the moment. Focus. She needs that.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean shakes her head, then grins, "Zee, I've met Satana already, and even bribed her with cinnamon ice cream so I stay on her good side." She winks, "It's not like I didn't stay the other night..."

She then grows serious, "Though, I personally don't know too much about Megan's parents, I do think that she'll need more specialized training than what we could provide. I mean, Illyana is the Queen of Limbo, but I'm not sure that exactly helps here." She hmms, and looks curiously at Zee, "What were you thinking?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Sorry, it seems so long ago now." Zatanna admits as she gives Jean's hand a quick squeeze. "Yeah, and didn't even bribe me." she teases. Though as the situation turns serious, she turns her attention to the official part of the meeting. "Illyana's a good magician. But I have a feeling that the way she was trained... may not parse well with how she would train others." It's nothing against Illyana, Zee adores the hell out of her. But that's not what Megan needs.

"I think we could work together. She's going to have courses at school, but how would you feel about her having an off-campus course that focuses on her training with her magic. We can call it an elective or something that will work for her graduation credits. But I don't want this to interfere with her school work. My father had me tutored and homeschooled my whole life. I can do the same. Especially since I'm not touring like my father did.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean grins, "Well, I can bribe you later... and yes, that sounds perfect. We'll make sure to not overtax her with classes, but I think we can slip in a few times a week to meet with you there." She returns the squeeze of Zee's hand, giving her a bit of a look, "And my dad is a college professor, so... yeah, I understand that."

She smiles a bit, "Though what sort of bribe would you prefer? We recently had a shipment of cupcakes show up at the mansion, and I think there might be a //few// left..."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"We'll find a good balance for her training. And make sure she has a healthy understanding of her magic." She takes a sip of her wine as it arrives, and her lips curl into a playful smile at the mention of cupcakes at the mansion. But she sobers a bit.

"When Gwen was there in the house... I had some intense feelings for her. Like I do you. I..." she trails off, preparing for the worst in all of this. "I mean, if that brings things to a halt, totally get it."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean pauses, and looks at Zee, "So, well, I don't know if that ends things, so much as... hon?" She smiles and gives Zee a wry look, "You wanted to be all exclusive at first, which I'm fine with, but if you don't want to be exclusive... I'm okay with that too." She hmms, "Honestly, I think that's something we should probably talk about. The three of us. Because I care about you a lot, I don't want to see you hurting."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"She's not there anymore. She's back in her home dimension." She doesn't know that her spell turned things sideways yet. Zatanna shakes her head. "I know. And that's how my heart is. It's strange. I care about you too. And I don't want to hurt you or anyone, and I'm probably going to end up hurting everyone because my heart's dumb." she admits with a shake of her head. "But for right now... I just want to see about those cupcakes of yours and just be in your company for a bit?"

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean grins, "You bet, Zee." She smiles and reveals a small box, "Turns out they're from Emma Frost. Met her earlier today, as she's dating a friend. Very nice." The box has a half-dozen cupcakes that Jean managed to keep the students from devouring.

Don't ask how much telepathy was needed for that task. Just don't.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Hellfire Club Emma Frost? I have a membership there. My dad did, and become him. Zatara family thing." Zatanna admits as she smiles at the box and then laughs outright, "Do I need to ask how you kept the students from those? My dad couldn't hide a chocolate bar in Shadowcrest without me finding it, and you've seen Shadowcrest." Zatanna says with a wink towards Jean and takes only one of the cupcakes to eat for now. Savoring it, well, for a moment there may be a very naughty lick of frosting, a rolling of the tongue over the surface to clear away the excess. Not suggesting, at all.


Jean Grey has posed:
Jean laughs softly, "Yeah, well, she's dating someone that's currently at the school, so... had to check the security. She seems legit, or at least she's not wanting attention any more than //we// do, so..."

Then Zee does the frosting trick, causing Jean to do two things. Blush a bright red, and ahem. "Er... um... what were we talking about, again?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Things and stuff, stuff and things." Zatanna responds with a light laugh and she finishes off the cupcake with a bemused smile before she sets down the wrapper neatly. "Ah, I didn't know she was a mutant?" she asks curiously, "Not that it matters, in the grand scheme. I mean, I'm not going to say anything on it. It's just what we happen to be born into. I'm not exactly human myself." There's a shrug of her shoulders.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean grins, "Well, she keeps it a //very// low profile, so you didn't hear it from me, okay?" She winks at Zee, then says, "I think you're human enough for me, if I'm human enough for you anyway. And I'm just... well, I'm glad to see you again. I was worried about you, Zee."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Glancing at her twitter feed, Zatanna chuckles. "I wonder if she doesn't realize I could actually turn her into a hedgehog." she says, showing Jean her phone for a moment. And then she sobers. Drawing in her breath, she smiles finally. "I get onto a task, Jean, and I tend to stick with it til it's done. especially when it's something that could lead to a bigger issue."

She closes her eyes in thought, and shakes her head. "I'm okay. We're okay."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean slides over in the booth to sit next to Zee, and kisses her lightly on the cheek, "Hey, it's okay. I know I get busy too, with everything that goes on around here." She tilts her head, "I just worry about you, Zatanna."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Closing her eyes, Zatanna lets out a breath and reaches up to rub the bridge of her nose. "Thank you." she finally manages and smiles up at her. "Want to get out of here for a little while? Get some air?" she asks quietly.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, "That sounds like a perfect plan to me, Zee." She slips her hand into Zee's, and chuckles, "Sadly, I didn't think to bring any kites with me this time."