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Atoms and Universes
Date of Scene: 10 July 2022
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: The Atom, Ray Palmer, stumbles over Singularity and is fascinated by the idea of a living micro-universe who would like to try a chili cheeseburger and a malted.
Cast of Characters: Singularity, Ray Palmer

Singularity has posed:
    If there's anywhere in New York where just about anyone with powers can fit in, it's Brunswick. While it has its own issues, no one blinks twice at people with odd physical mutations, glowing eyes, or flying along on wings or with the use of powers. Most here have minor powers that are not nearly as useful or frightening as some, of course. But there are people who have found their niche, especially with the nearby center that's opened to help place mutants and their powers in a good position.

    They've also gotten fairly use to Singularity, who often stops by on her wandering around the city to help out where she can. She never asks anything for it particularly, though she'll accept offers of food or trinkets if they're genuinely offered with thanks and enjoyment.

    Today, she's sitting crosslegged in the small patch of a park in the middle of the area, having spent today mostly hoovering up the miscellaneous trash left in it. Literally, as she just seems to pull it into herself generally.

Ray Palmer has posed:
Singularity suddenly pulls much more than rubbish into her. Well, not into her. Ray Palmer, as the Atom was trying to get a handle on riding data streams in phones when his singularity field suddenly pitched Holy Hell. Ray finds himself dumped out of an electron stream and suddenly macroscopic, barely. At six inches tall Ray hardly weight fifty grams and has a comparatively high surface area -70 square centimeters. It's enough to glide on air currents or be at their mercy.

Seeing the glowing figure, Ray increases his mass to sevral pounds to drop to the ground, he returns to his normal size and weight almost immediately.

"Hey!" He is really getting tired if being knocked around. But this looks interesting...

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity blinks her glowing eyes, then leans forward on her hands, peering closely at Ray as she smiles. "Hi!" she returns cheerfully. It seems polite. She's not quite sure what just happened, though she felt the quantum disturbance before Ray popped out in front of her.

    She also waves, just to make sure Ray knows she really means that hello!

    Which leaves Ray with a glowing girl made of starfields who physically looks to be roughly a young woman in form, though lacking a lot of detail to her.

Ray Palmer has posed:
Ray Palmer is definitely not a normal person. For example, he changes size, appears out of nowhere, unless you have singularity senses, and wears red and blue spandex. For another thing, he is really good at quantum physics. He excels at hiding his mass off stage for one thing and he has experimented with Micro Worlds. Any normal person would be puzzled by such a glowing young female. The Atom nerds right up.

"Hi... are you a living hmanoid composed of cosmological forces, bound by a non-rotating singularity? I'm the Atom." He holds a hand out.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity cocks her head. "I am. Singularity." she responds, smiling. "I am. A universe?" She holds her thumb and forefinger together. "But. Small. Visiting." she clarifies. "Very small." Sort of a proto micro one, apparently. But sapient, from the way she's responding. "Hello! You are. Much bigger. Than most atoms." she says curiously.

Ray Palmer has posed:
Ray Palmer corrects gently, "Not an atom -THE Atom. I took Atom as my super identity because I can shrink down to atomic size. Atom gets up and dusts his gloved hands. He sees that indeed were Singularity buying clothing, she would be shopping in the petite miss section. "I've seen many Universes as small as you and maybe smaller. There's a whole Microverse of worlds I just started to explore. You're the first Universe I met who talks and has a face. But, do you have stars and planets in you? Do you actually mass millions of times what the Earth does? Is this a comparatively small access to your Universe or is this all of you? Amazing... I call my technology... a Singularity Field." He mentions -a little shyly.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity ohs! "Yes. Super name." she says, nodding in agreement. "That makes sense." She listens curiously, then says. "Not yet? I am. Still young. Clouds of gas forming. But in time." She wrinkles her nose. "I do not weight. More. Than I want to weigh? Here." she confirms, then smiles again. "Singularity field? I felt it. When you arrived. You changed the...." She pauses, searching for the right word. "Constants." she decides after a moment.

Ray Palmer has posed:
Ray Palmer claps his hands in excitement. "Yes, I can manipulate my density and store my mass extra-dimensionally! This is amazing. I'm talking to a young Universe... so not stars yet? Well you're still growing... say would you like to meet some scientists at a school -Empire State University? Because I am sure they would love to speak with you. I'm not sure what kind of incentive I can give you. I mean what would a Universe even need or want. Lunch doesn't seem to cover it." He rubs the back of his neck.

Singularity has posed:
    The blue girl nods a bit at the explanation, then looks thoughtful. "If it would be. Helpful?" she decides after a moment of thought. "I want to help. Here. Like you do. Like heroes do." she explains, nodding firmly. She cocks her head at the part about incentive. "My incentive. Is being helpful?" she offers. "Can answer questions."

Ray Palmer has posed:
Ray Palmer nods. "I guess you don't have to eat, anyway. Could I touch you... on the arm, say? For scientific purposes." Wow a helpful Universe, very unlike ours from what Ray has seen in his young life. He is curious about what his singularity field will do with Singularity. More than likely a harmless light show. As long as he doesn't get thrown around. That happened a lot lately.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity holds out her arm easily enough. Trustingly, even. Touching her skin feels like touching a human arm in terms of pressure and give. There's no sensation of cold or heat through the glove, so presumably she's about at room temperature, perhaps a bit higher if she's mimicking human body temperatures. She giggles a bit as there's a faint spark and a few arcs of energy that pass between her skin and Ray's field, but she doesn't seem particularly bothered by it. For Ray, it's more of an odd tingle, a sensation of hair standing on end, like he's brushing his hand along a low grade electrical field.

Ray Palmer has posed:
Ray Palmer looks at the point of contact closely. "You're a very co-operative Universe. I'm trying to wrap my head around a giggly Universe. Is there anything I can help you with here on Earth, Not to mention Brooklyn? This is really amazing. I'd ask to shrink and jump right into you, so to speak but, a young Universe would not be a good place for a human being. How old are you supposed to be?"

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity smiles cheerfully. "Thank you. You can do that. If you like." She tilts her head. "Or I can pull. You inside? And expel. Provide air. Safe." she says after a moment of thought. "Other things already there. Have not expelled them yet." She wrinkles. "Will send those away. Later."

Ray Palmer has posed:
Ray Palmer scratches his head. "My own field provides air for me. I'd like to prepare for that a little. Maybe if you come to the University we can do it for the scientists to watch. I can bring a camera. Uhm can I buy you anything? Really. I'd like to do you a kindness." It's a matter of size compounded by her grammar but he can't help feeling a little fatherly to the little Universe. The Atom of all people should know size doesn't matter. But she seems so helpful and such a strange visitor.

Singularity has posed:
    "Yes. With friends! To watch." Singularity agrees, nodding. "I have never. Had someone record me. Like that." She considers the offer, pondering. "....chili cheeseburger?" she says after taking a moment to think. "I have not. Had one of those. Yet." She beams. So apparently a universe that likes eating junk food on top of everything else.

Ray Palmer has posed:
Ray Palmer tries to push all thoughts of a Noble Prize out of his head. For one thing, Dr. Raymond Palmer will have to phone in sick that day for the Atom to show up. That will put the rest of his department in the lead. He notes the diner across the street and he modified his belt to have a pocket for money (also a Metro Card in case his porting went really Rogue). "Hey we can go to that diner. A couple of burgers sound good... have you ever had a malted, they're good with hamburgers?" He tries to make it sound yummy.

Singularity has posed:
    The starry girl floats up to settle her feet on the ground. No toes, oddly. Just a general impression of feet. Apparently she felt fingers were more important. Also her hair, which seems to give the impression of depth and layer at least. Or at least that you could run a comb or brush through it as per normal. She tilts her head. "Malted? No! I have not." she says with interest. "I would like. To try that too." The odd verbal tic, now that you've experienced it for a bit, seems to be her having to pause for a second, like she's still searching for words to vocalize to get her ideas across.

Ray Palmer has posed:
Ray Palmer pretty sure she speaks human better than he would speak Universe or even Planet. He starts walking towards the diner, a diner that will now feed an entire Universe!

And an Atom.