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When Tricksters Meet
Date of Scene: 10 July 2022
Location: Upper West Side
Synopsis: Secrets are shared, and plans are set involving a future join project between Sprite and Mercy
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Sprite

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    The Upper West Side is not a 'happening' place mid-day on Sundays usually. The collage has some private classes, Lux is not yet open. Sure there's museums and stuff not far away that can be opened, but the crowds are thin. That's why Mercy made sure it was okay to make her delivery today. She got a client that had someone send an gorgeous classic German car her way and Mercy was thrilled to give up her Saturday to get to work on it. She promised to have it done before Monday and she got it done early. They even let her drive it back.
    That is why at the early afternoon one Mercy Thompson is stepping out of Lux with the biggest grin on her face. She's got a nice payday, the receipt tucked away safely and she can't help but give a small hop down the few steps to the sidewalk. "Oh she was beautiful!" It wasn't as good as a run through the Park in the fur, but it was damn close!

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite, for her part, is wandering the West Side. She's already gotten in a few hours sleep after clubbing...not that she can't go days without it if she needs to. But New York is almost as good as Vegas in the vein of "the city that never sleeps". She's still in a little black dress from last night, and honestly, the thing that catches her attention at the start isn't Mercy. It's the car. Needless to say, she has an appreciation for old classics.

    She changes her position, walking over to where the car is parked outside the nightclub. Gorgeous. She's admiring it when Mercy comes out, and Sprite, curious as to whose car it might be, peeks lightly into Mercy's surface thoughts...just in time to hear something about running through the Park in the fur. /Interesting/. Her lips quirk upwards; she's found a new game.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy isn't really totally sure who's car it is. But it didn't report as stolen when she checked. The money was good, billed to a company car of Lux and she delivered to a tough looking woman that lived and or worked there. Mercy is also currently debating if she should go on a run tonight in the Park or drive upstate. Where to strip nude, where to hide her clothes before she just goes free with the wind in her fur. Yes fur, not hair.

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite approaches Mercy, the teen-looking girl wearing a smirk as she approaches. "You must be /really/ good if they trust you with their cars here." She bobs her head towards the car. "They've got the money for the best." She watches, taking in Mercy's attire, her tattoos, her movement.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    She looks over at the short teen looking girl. "I'm okay. I just specialize in the older cars and German make. Things like that are so beyond any warranty they have to go to people like me." She grins and looks at the car, "I think between you and me, it was maybe a test and they needed a rush job. My shop isn't all that far away." Mercy turns to look at the car, "no computers. Just good clean engineering and mechanics. She mostly just needed a tune up really. Switching out the type of oil too." Mercy right now is relaxed, and since she knew she had to make a high end delivery she dressed 'up' as it were. This means the good jeans, her hands scrubbed furiously to get rid of almost all the grease and oil, her top is a clean button up with the top few buttons undone, her hair loose and fresh washed. "If you're looking for a car, I recommend something reliable and not named after an animal. All cars named after animals are lemons."

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite grins. "I don't know. I thought the '68 Mustang was pretty good. And Jaguar's had a couple nice designs. Least, I thought so." She smiles a little. "Knowing a mechanic who can do good work in a hurry is always good too." She crosses her arms, looking up at Mercy. "Got a card?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy gives a quick laugh. "You know something about cars. But Jags are a company, their cars aren't named after animal they are things like the F-coupe and what have you. Mustangs aren't too bad. I just like my German cars over most American." She thinks for a bit and nods her head. "Yeah I had a few extra on me in case they wanted some inside there." She digs into a pocket and pulls out one for Mercy's Garage located in Harlem. "Here you go. You got a ride already?"

Sprite has posed:
    "This is true. And very rules-lawyery. I appreciate that." Sprite takes the card and puts it into her clutch. "I actually don't have a car here now." True! She owns many, but none of them are in New York at the moment. "Maybe you can help me pick out a good one to spend plenty of daddy's money on." Her eyes gleam with mischief. "Got anything at your garage you're looking to sell? At least I know it'll be well taken care of."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I mostly was talking about cars like the 'Rabbit' that doesn't seem to do near as well as the cabriolet." Mercy laughs at the idea of her car shopping for the girl. "Well to pick out a car I'd have to know your style more. Don't get me wrong, bold move with the LBD as daywear." She shakes her head at that however. "I'm restoring a VW Bug right now. She's got the frame of a '67 but isn't near done. Today's payday means I can put in an order for those new breaks I was hoping to get." She looks over at the girl and offers a hand, "I'm Mercy. Obviously."

Sprite has posed:
    "Trouble is my style. And it's less in the way of "daywear" and more in the way of "still-last-night-wear". She grins at that. "Bug is reliable but not as sporty." She'll shake the offered hand. "You can call me Robyn." Her most common alias. Then a wider grin. "So how many times has somebody tried the "Oh, have MERCY!" pickup line on you. Three digits yet?" she asks, amused.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Kind of guessed that, but I respect a girl who can party past the sunrise." Mercy has a simple enough shake, no macho alpha powerplay. "Only slightly more often then when people hear my full first name and my job, Robyn. If you want sporty and looking for something slick like that," nodding to what she delivered. "Maybe an Opal GT or the BMW 507 would be more your style? Going to go on a wild limb and guess two seats is enough for you most times, right?"

Sprite has posed:
    "Oh, hell yeah. Got one there? If so, we're going to your place from here." Sprite replies, eyes dancing. She's still feeling out the shapeshifter thing, and her eyes look over for any trace of affiliation, clues, silver, as she inspects Mercy.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I don't. I am more a mechanic then a car shop. I just keep a project car for when work is slow." She looks around and says, "But it is Sunday and I bet we could maybe get onto a dealer's lot to look and see if there's one out here if you are serious." Mercy for the most part looks like a mechanic cleaned up. She's got a fair bit of ink on both arms, something is near her navel that winks now and then under her shirt there. She's handled silver but doesn't carry any on herself right now. The more clues may be in what she doesn't carry. No purse, no clear wallet or cellphone on her either. "Your feet going to be okay for a lot of walking," she glances down to Robyn's footwear.

Sprite has posed:
    Robyn's in black pumps; the appropriate accompanyment to the LBD. She grins. "Oh, hell no. But that's why God invented Uber." She takes her cellphone out, thumbs dancing over it with Zoomer speed, as she goes to order them one. "After all, you drove here, so you need a lift back anyway, right? Unless you were planning to run it." she says, innocently.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I was going to walk it," Mercy thumbs over her shoulder. "I like walks," she marvels at the speed Robyn works a phone. "Running is for playing, chasing or being chased," she grins back none the wiser that Sprite may know more then she seems. "But if you want a ride, I'll tag along and we can see about something to spend your daddy's money on. I'll give whatever car you got your eye on my professional inspection. No charge even."

Sprite has posed:
    "Pfffff." Sprite blows out air. "If you're not charging me, then how do I get to spend Daddy's money? And that's a long walk. Especially in New York. Not a fan of the subway?" She puts her phone away. "Should be soon."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I said I wouldn't charge for a look over. The tune up I'd do for you when you got one, that I'd charge for." Mercy can't live on charity, but she likes the kid. Anyone who works to be independent and free is doing something right in her book. "No. Don't are for the subways much at all. Too cramped, too smelly. I grew up more in big sky area. I get New York isn't teaming with nature, but there's enough to let you know it's there."

Sprite has posed:
    Fur. Big sky. Too smelly. Sprite definitely feels like she's narrowing in. Oh, sure, she could do a deeper telepathic scan and just GET the answer, but where's the fun in that? A car begins to pull up to the curb and there's a beep from Sprite's clutch. "That'll be us. Come on, you can tell me where to go for the best rides." She slides into the car first, letting Mercy follow.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Reflexively Mercy tries moves a bit ahead of Sprite to the car. Giving the drive and what is inside it a quick once over. Her senses telling probably more about that car and how many have been in it then she care to know. "I could never just let so many strangers in my car." Once she's sure it is safe she'll join the girl and get into the car. "507s and Opal GTs don't just hang out everywhere normally."

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite blinks in a little surprise as Mercy takes the point. "Well, that just means we need to find them. Don't you have some kind of, I dunno, Mechanic Instagram for showing off hot cars?" she asks. The driver looks back "Where to?" Sprite waves a hand, irritatedly. "We're figuring that out. Patience. You'll get paid. Start your clock."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Oh of course. But we can't tell you about the secret mechanic network. It wouldn't be a secret then." Mercy is laughing as she gets and says, "We're going to Harlem," giving the address of her shop. "I can make some calls and see what we can find. There may be a few gems hiding in the city somewhere."

Sprite has posed:
    The driver starts to pull away, and Sprite leans back, relaxing a little. "Harlem, huh? I'm not gonna get mugged, am I?" She asks, playing up her little rich girl act. "I'm sure you can hunt something down." She chooses her words carefully, even if it doesn't look like it.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "You're with me, you'll be fine. Honestly I'm just barely north of the park. Still technically Harlem but not anywhere dangerous." Mercy glances at the girl and tries to get a better read on her but is pretty sure this is just some rich girl who's playing with a platinum card. "So how much of 'daddy's money' are you looking to spend? A classic car can cost hundred of thousands up to seven figures." Way beyond the world Mercy lives in most times.

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite looks amused, and fishes in her clutch, coming up with a credit card. Amex Black Card. One of those "there IS no credit limit" cards. "I don't know. Whatever impresses me enough. After all, better something with style and history than just dropping bank on whatever sus supercar is out this year." Just north of the Park. Everything seems to be centering around that.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Holy shit! Is that real?!" Mercy has heard of those, and knows some rich people but she herself doesn't go in that circle. "Well yeah with that you could buy one already restored, but that be no work for me." The drive is not likely to take them too long on a Sunday to get up a dozen or so blocks in all honestly.

Sprite has posed:
    "Of course I could. But that's boring. And it doesn't give YOU any chance at a payday. Besides. If you restore it then you can do it up however I like. Get it just howling down the street. Sprite grins a little as she sits back. "I'll have to get some outfits to go with the car later..." she says, almost distractedly.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Well I won't lie, I'm not the best in custom paint jobs. But I can get the parts all inside, and whatever car it is purring like a kitten in no time." When the get into the lot of the garage the pair can get out. Mercy will hold the door open for Sprite. "Welcome to my place. This is where I work my so called mechanical magic." She will pull out some keys and the paperwork for the Lux and head for the office door to open it up for them. "We can use the computer inside and check some places. Maybe we'll get lucky. You got a favorite color?"

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite gets out, before dismissing the Uber, and then looks around. She moves to walk in, her heels clicking along. "Mmm. I'm partial to green. Looks good on redheads. That said, I can always get the car painted or wrapped. Or change my hair color." She shrugs.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy goes to turn on her computer, so not the newest model. From the office one can see into the garage where the Bug she mentioned earlier sits by one of the bays. "Green looks like it be very your color." She looks thoughtful for a moment and says, "I think the '68 had a green color with its official run initially. Sort of an ivy leafy green." Once the system is up she will start to type up some stuff to finish the Lux job's paperwork, then opens up some places to look up. "Come around if you like. We'll see what we can find."

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite grins a little. "Well, it's a start." She walks in, heading for Mercy's computer, and looks about. "Is there anything in here that's safe to sit on and doesn't have residual grease?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Ouch! I work to keep this area clean." Mercy looks around. "Mostly." She goes and fetches a stool from the side, "this should be okay and help you see at the standing height easier." With that Mercy goes back to the keys and to type up. "So looks like there may be an Opel GT here in New York for sale. It isn't green, but you can change that. Also you could always buy one remotely for delivery if you trust the seller."

Sprite has posed:
    "ALL garages have this little surface coating, I think. It's like the mess just atomizes and ends up in the air. We can change the color." Sprite smiles, and looks over. "So. How were you going to run all the way back from the West Side?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Hey. I work hard to keep my place clean. You want my help or not," Mercy is proud of her shop and Sprite has found one of the buttons she can push later when she wants to. "It wasn't that far and I was just going to walk. I've hiked for many many miles before. The city isn't that big." She nods to the one that seems to be fairly close by. "So what do you think of this car is it closer to your style? Oh... can you drive a stick?"

Sprite has posed:
    "No, you weren't." Sprite says, a little more seriously. "You were going to run." She's enjoyed her game, but it's also time to kick it over to the next level. "And not like you are now." That's a guess, but she thinks a good one.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy slowly turns to look at Sprite. "What are you trying to say Robyn," she subtly takes another breath to see if she missed something about the girl's scent. "I was thinking of doing a run tonight, that's true."

Sprite has posed:
    "I'm saying that there's more to you than meets the eye, and I'm /really/ curious to know what it is." She leans forward. "I mean, I'm /guessing/ werewolf. But it just doesn't seem to click. So I'm trying to figure it out." Sprite answers. Her scent is unchanged; exactly what it was earlier.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy's posture shift some as the little girl leans in. She turns to face the girl, normally her default mode is to run. This is however her home, she fought for this. "I'm not a werewolf but was raised with some," watching the girl carefully. "For thinking I might be a werewolf you don't have silver and seem awfully calm."

Sprite has posed:
    "That's pretty cool. And no, why would I want silver? That might only hurt you, and that would be a dick thing to do to someone that I'm trying to find out about." Sprite grins. "So, not a werewolf, but something fuzzy. Tell me more." She pauses, leaning in and steepling her fingers, with that mischievous grin. "Please."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Okay. So do you really want a car then," Mercy motions to the computer she was using earlier. She grins at the small woman and says, "I'm not fuzzy. I shaved my legs this morning. I wanted to feel that buttery soft leather of the seats on my skin." She can try to play this game a bit as well. "Why does it mater if I'm not entirely human?"

Sprite has posed:
    "Oh, hell yes. The car idea sounds spectacular." Sprite answers, with a grin. "And it doesn't matter beyond the fact that I'm really curious and I want to find out what you are that you were going to run the entirety of Central Park, and that you hang out with werewolves but you're not a werewolf. Come on, you can't blame me for being curious."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Hey I can't fault you for curiosity, Robyn. It gets me into all sorts of things." Mercy goes back to the computer and pokes at things, "Werewolves are normally made and I don't think I've hears of them being born. I'm different. Honestly I haven't met someone like me before." She types up some keys and pulls up one image. "What do you think about this one?"

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite leans in. "Mmmm...well, you recommended this Opel GT. I say why not do that thing! Especially since it's close. We can get it and get some patience. I'm not the most patient of girls. Also, you kinda haven't answered my questions yet."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "It's cheap far as the asking price, and if you got the budget of that card. We can work to get all original parts and start to really restore her up." Mercy works on that by sending some information to the seller about being very interested in buying the car and at least seeing it. "Oh I haven't?" Mercy smiles and then says, "what was the question again?"

Sprite has posed:
    "Then I say do it. And I like you." Sprite grins. "And the question is "what are you"? Which you full-well know. I could find out on my own. But that's no challenge. So. What do I trade you for it?" She smiles.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I'm a woman named Mercy, which is short for something." Says the mechanic to the younger looking girl. She starts to put in her contact information for the car to be brought to her and review it for acceptance of paying for it. "I'm Native American is that what you want." She turns to Sprite and Mercy asks, "Well. You said you could find out, how? Who or what are you? I've been pretty honest with you, future client Robyn."

Sprite has posed:
    "You have been honest. You haven't ANSWERED me, but you have been honest. " Sprite answers with a grin. "And I can find out because I can read your mind." she offers over to Mercy. "As for the rest...well, I'll show you mine if you show me yours." She grins. "Metaphorically speaking."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "That's my way. I don't like to lie. I don't even like lies of omission most times." She seems surprised at that answer, "traditionally most have a hard time getting into my head. That makes you clearly more then a vampire at least, Robyn." Mercy stands up and says, "Sure I'll show you." She lifts up her shirt to show her navel and belly baring the coyote paw print on her tummy. "I don't truly hide it as much as some think."

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite looks back. "Not a vampire." She looks at the paw print, then looks back. "Oh, that's even better!" She grins. "I have an affection for trickster types. My name is Sprite. Also known as Puck, Robin Goodfellow, and well, lots and lots and lots of trickster gods." She chuckles.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "That's a lot of names, Sprite." Mercy laughs and says, "my full first name is Mercedes Athena Thompson. Pretty sure I got my situation from my father who died before I was born." She smiles at the woman and offers her hand again, "so guessing you're not shopping for your first car then huh?"

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite shakes her head. "Not my first car. But I do like the idea of getting this car, so we're still gonna rock that out!" She smiles, and leans in towards the screen. "So let's do this."