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Latest revision as of 01:13, 14 July 2022

Date of Scene: 13 July 2022
Location: Labs - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Kara gets cleaned, dressed, and fed. A step closer to freedom.
Cast of Characters: Kara Danvers, Vivian Vision

Kara Danvers has posed:
    It's been an evening since the surgery to remove the microdart from Kara. The Kryptonian remains in the containment room, largely out of caution; while that PROBABLY fixed her, how can you be SURE? But now, the following morning, the blonde in the containment cell and the hospital gown is starting to wake.

    "Oh, Rao, my head." She groans, as consciousness returns, along with a splitting headache. Radiation poisoning and sedatives not your friend.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision has been more worried than most about the results of the surgery. Given the last time she saw Kara Viv had been zapping her with painful sound beams to try return her to normal. A process which worked but only for a short enough time to gather a little information about when Kara was turned evil.

That research is still ongoing. It is after all hard to process all the data for a large metropolitan area to find clues several weeks after an event happened!

Still with school out and the containment unit proving secure she's decided to join the rota of people taking shifts waiting for Supergirl to recover. She's even got a get well soon basket of fruit on hand. Because that's what Humans visiting sick friends do (unless television has lied to her that is!).

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Unfortunately, the very next thing to hit after the headache is a two-fold punch. First, the recollection of her actions...and then the nausea. Both from the actions and from the radiation aftermath. Kara rolls sideways and proceeds to empty the contents of her stomach, doing her best to keep her hair out of the mess.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision winces at the throwing up. "Hey there," she says, giving Kara a little time to finish taking care of immediate needs. "You gave everyone quite a scare the last few days."

While no-one knew for certain what to expect from Kara's recovery it wasn't outside the realm of possibilities she'd feel a little off. So there is bottled water and fruit juices on stand-by. Ideal for safely being delivered into the containment unit without risking opening the doors fully. Not until the experts have done their tests to confirm it's not an elaborate ruse anyway.

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara looks up, hearing the voice. "Viv!" And her expression falls. "Viv, I'm so sorry, for what I said, for how I acted. I...wasn't myself." She admits, though that's putting it mildly.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision shakes her head emphatically. "No you have nothing to apologise for!" she assures. "You weren't yourself. If anyone has to apologise it should be me. I zapped you with a sound beam and.. if I'd warned the Titans faster maybe they could have figured out what was wrong before it got as bad as it did..."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara looks up. "If we play "what could have been", we'll never untangle that mess. Could I have something to drink? My mouth tastes like something died in it." She stands and approaches the viewport.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision holds up a selection of bottled fruit juices and sodas. Letting Kara pick the one she likes. Which goes into the containment unit along with a large bottle of water.

"We've got the best minds at GIRL and the Titans looking into what happened to you," she assures. "Both researching the attack which took place and figuring out where the technology came from. And potential ways to counteract it."

She forces a smile. "It's good to see you acting like yourself again."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Thanks. It's good to not be...well, so /angry/ at everything all the time. Look...I know that you guys probably have to be cautious...but I would really, REALLY like to get out of this room, and get a shower, and not be wearing this...barely-clothing." Kara says, as she considers. The water is safest, and so that's what she goes for first, if only to get the taste out of her mouth.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Well," Vivian starts. "I can't let you out of the Labs.. But there's a shower in here you can use. And I can get you some things to wear other than hospital gowns. Sweatpants and a t-shirt okay?" Not that there are many options in the Lab. Viv can probably dig out some scrubs and a variety of lab coats.

She glances at the basket of fruit.

"Oh and I suppose you'll want something to eat too. You'll want something plain? Maybe some.. toast?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Anything's better than being stuck in here." Kara says, sounding relieved. "And yes, anything is fine. Toast, maybe something with a little sugar. Food was kind of limited in here." She pauses. "I have no idea what time of day it is." No clocks in there, nor windows. "Thank you for staying to watch over me, though." A small smile quirks her lips up.

Vivian Vision has posed:
While leaving Kara unattended is probably an unwise decision at this stage there are usually some snacky options near the Labs. Many are the times when a Titan, such as her Great Aunt, has spent far too long in the lab and needed a little something to pick them up.

Trying her best not to look cautious or worried Viv opens up the containment facility and motions for Kara to come out in the Lab itself. "Something like a jam or jelly? Marmalade? Or maybe a lemon curd."

The clothing options are already placed near the decontamination shower. Along with some towels. "I've sent a request for someone to come check your vitals out. Make sure you're not going to have any complications."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara moves out, stepping barefoot out of the containment room. "Thanks, it's appreciated." She looks really grateful. "ALL of that sounds delicious. Whatever you have at hand. Thank you, Viv." Ooh, moment of truth time! Kara's stepping over towards Viv and looks like she's planning to hug. To hug, or not to hug? Risk hurt feelings, or risk kryptonian squishings if somehow she's got access to some of her powers? "You're a great friend." The blonde says warmly.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision remembers Kara asking about the time and holoprojects the time & date for Metropolis onto the wall. Along with a scrolling image showing the headlines from the various news outlets. Just in case Kara wanted reassuring that Superman, Power Girl or any of those few remaining Kryptonians weren't busy flattening cities.

Her brow furrows for a moment as she runs through the data. Vocal patterns match, microexpressions also match and most importantly she isn't being talked to like an Alexa that just started playing smooth jazz for inexplicable reasons.

Calculations complete she holds her arms up to welcome the hug. "It's good to have you back."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara gives Vivian a warm hug. "You're the best. Let me get cleaned up. I've been sitting in there for DAYS." She turns, heading away from the synthezoid over to the shower, to start getting her hair and body clean; something very needed after the bloody fight and spending several days in confinement. "Oh, that feels so good! I almost feel like myself again!"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"We figured you'd want to get cleaned up," Vivian admits. "So there should be a selection of shower gels and shampoos you can use already in there. Plus fresh towels." A science lab shower is (much like hospital showers) probably not really the /best/ of places to clean up. But generally when you're in a situation where that's all you have on offer. You take it anyway because it's better than nothing!

Viv takes a brief moment to pop into the containment room and tidy up. Putting the bucket in a biohazard container and swapping it for another clean one. And of course getting the light breakfast ready. Alas the 'something sweet' option seems to be those little spreadable fruit preserve packets they have in hotels. The kind which only does a few slices of bread.

"Please do not say the word /almost/ when the others come to speak with you!"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara doesn't care about it being a lab shower. It's still a shower! She washes her hair, and body, and then takes a couple moments to dry herself off, wrapping one towel around her hair, another around her body. She walks out of the shower, and blinks at the caution. "Oh. Yeah. I just meant...well, not THAT. I'm pretty sure I'm normal in my head again. I still need a solar recharge like crazy, but other than that, I'm doing well."

She smiles to Vivian. "I'd offer you to have breakfast with me, but I remember what you said last time." She starts to apply some jam to the toast, and eating it down like a starving woman.

Vivian Vision has posed:
The fruit basket is also close enough to the toast selection for use as actual food. And not just a weird ritual greeting for sick people. Presumably because hospitals don't like people bringing flowers in due to the allergen risks? Something for Viv to look up later when the crisis is over anyway.

"I've started looking into the.. the lead you gave me when you were briefly lucid," she explains. "But there's a lot of information to go through. Hopefully with the Titans assisting and any other recollections you might have about the day it'll narrow the search area down a lot."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara starts to eat. "I can imagine. Aerial cameras, drones, things like that might be the best place to start." She considers. "I can probably narrow down the area too. It was really hard to focus with you drilling hypersonics into my head." Her tone is good-natured, despite the jibe, showing there's no ill-will towards Vivian for it.

She grabs an orange and starts peeling it, grinning at the basket. "Your idea?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"When I was still young and new to the world," Viv starts, despite chronologically only being three she still considers herself much more mature than when she first woke up! "Several of my organic friends and family ended up in hospital. Doctor Pym for example had a spell of poor health. And I researched traditional Human get well soon gifts. Fruit baskets are a very common choice. Even though statistically most people do not actually eat the recommended amounts of fruit or vegetables."

"I really do feel awful about that experiment. Even though I knew it wouldn't actually hurt you I... didn't really feel comfortable doing what seemed necessary. I had to keep reminding myself that you wouldn't want the same thing happening to Superman or the other Kryptonians."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I admit, I usually don't. My diet tends to be horrible, but then I have a superhuman metabolism and I mostly get by on sunlight, too." She doesn't bat an eye at Vivian's comment; three years is an eternity for an AI!

"And you're right. The thought that this could happen to Kal or Karen is terrifying." Kara polishes off her orange.

"Okay...think I'm ready for that t-shirt and sweats or whatever it is we have handy." A wry grin. "I'd say we should raid Donna's closet, except pretty much everyone here is taller than me, darnit."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I couldn't even begin to guess what the recommended diet for a Kryptonian is," Viv muses. "But given how aggresive your immune system was, it tried to eat us and we were inside a submarine, I guess you can break down just about anything?"

Actually given Kryptonians can eat food from alien worlds without any ill effects it's less of a guess and closer to a proven fact.

"I'll step outside the lab and give you a chance to get dressed." She gives Kara a grin. "I'll be monitoring all the systems so please don't try to subvert security or anything like that." She's pretty confident Good Kara is here but until an expert says she's clear to roam freely some rules are best followed!

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara replies "You know I don't mind if you stay." Kryptonians don't really have body modesty taboos. But she'll move over, and doff the breezy hospital gown, switching into whatever attire Viv had brought for her, tying up the waistband of the sweats, and adjusting the t-shirt.

"All done." she calls, whether Vivian had stepped out or remained.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Viv did indeed step out. It was partly to ensure Kara got privacy from anyone turning up and walking into the lab. And partly as a secret final test to make sure that Kara wasn't faking being nice until she was left alone.

Thankfully it seems to have been a pass!

"I don't know if I dare go in Donna's room. What if Rachel was in there?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Good point." Kara admits, with a smile. "Okay. So now, the big question. When do I get to go start soaking up some sunlight? Because honestly, my back hurts and I'm not used to feeling this awful. It would be really nice to start putting this behind me."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision frowns. "I don't know the exact ETAs but as soon as you've been checked out by a medical expert I'm sure you can head upstairs and get some sun bathing in!" Her mouth opens, then closes. "I was about to say you could borrow a swimsuit from Kori to sunbath in but.. I expect she probably just sprawls out in whatever."

Or more likely notever she wants.

"You also need to be careful in case this was a specific attack on you. There could be someone with advanced tech out there hunting you as we speak and as soon as they discover the scheme failed...."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Somehow, I don't think that Kori's big on the swimsuits. And yes, you're right. I think I may be keeping a low profile till this is a little more settled. A little more Kara Danvers and a little less Supergirl. Well, keep an eye out with the Titans or GIRL to see if there's someone who can clear me? Sitting down here in containment is absolutely zero fun." Kara says.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"She probably gets them free from work," Vivian points out. "Although I suppose she does likely just wear them like outfits."

She smiles and adds "I sent the message requesting someone stop by as soon as you woke up. I'm sure it'll be resolved shortly but until it is I'm more than happy to stay and keep you company!"