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Latest revision as of 06:18, 30 March 2020

She's A Rainbow
Date of Scene: 24 March 2020
Location: Downtown - New Troy
Synopsis: So what do you do when an alien warrior princess drops by for coffee?
Cast of Characters: Terry O'Neil, Lois Lane, Koriand'r

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Alarm goes off at seven and you start uptown
You put in your eight hours for the powers that have always been
'Til it's 11 am- and you go
Downtown... where there's coffee shops...

It was a Tuesday. And every coffee machine at The Planet was on the fritz. This was a dangerous thing, because everybody knows journalists were a special type of vampire, one that could only be sustained by the blood of the bean of life. Surprisingly enough, this emergency wasn't caused by Intern Terry. It was Gary's turn to do the kitchen clean-up.

So, lon story short, it'll be about four days before the six Mister Coffees and the more esoteric coffee machines are delivered. This leaves reporters and their underlings to fend for themselves in the search of the vital juice.

Fortunately there are several coffee shops within a moderate walking/driving distance. This is, in fact, where Terry is, because Lois needs her fix.

"What I'm saying is..." Terry comments while they wait in line to place their order, "Who the hell is this guy flying around? I think that trying to pass off as Superman is bullshit. I mean, it's just disrespectful. I hope some high-speed camera catches him and we can identify who it is that's playing this sick joke."

Lois Lane has posed:
"It's not the first time we've had a Superman wannabe," Lois points out, shrugging a bit. What? Lois uninterested in a Superman story? IMPOSSIBLE. It must be the lack of caffeine in her system. "Besides, he's probably long gone at this point. Those pretenders don't stick around too long."

Lois, despite her lack of coffee, seems pretty relaxed. Even with her what she only described as 'crazy' weekend, she seems to be doing pretty good. She's legitimately happy and, while not distracted, simply taking things as they come. "You're very passionate about Superman all of a sudden."

Koriand'r has posed:
And speaking of Superpeople wannabes...

An orange flash across the sky - well, with a bit of purple, and a bit of fire.

Koriand'r had been in Metropolis for /reasons/ - she had a gig around Metropolis; while she wasn't /certain/ she wanted to do a modeling lifestyle, she had an offer, and with the Titans having fallen apart a few years back, well...

She had to make a living. But the modeling gig had turned into a brief fight against a small creature of some sort that had crawled out of the ocean and scared a bunch of beachgoers. It wasn't necessarily a bad creature, but people were scared, and Kori talked to it.

The less said about that the better.

Anyways, seeking a drink to kinda help get her through the day had led her to landing right in front of this coffee shop, her hand coming back over her shoulder to swoop her hair over her shoulder afterwards, a brilliant smile given to the people who look her way.

She probably did draw a few eyes. "Hello, everyone! I just need a little bit of coffee too, I think," she says, pointing into the shop proper.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"All of a sudden? Lois, I grew up with Superman wallpapering my room." There is a sobering thought- Terry was six when Superman first made his appearance. "I've always thought he was incredible... I just don't talk about it a lot. After..." he didn't claim to have suffered the same trauma others had. He had only lost his childhood hero. People lost friends, family, team-mates in the attack. Others had to bury their dead and carry on. All he had to do was grow up. "I just don't like seeing people pretendig to be him, is all..."

Terry's eyes drift, and he catches a flash of light and color. Green eyes squint, and then they open wide.

"Lois... Lois." That's Terry, tugging at Lois' sleeve in the same fashion someone might have said "Mom mom mom mom mooooom". He even points. "Is that who I think that is?" to the figure standing just outside the shop, visible through the glass doors.

Lois Lane has posed:
"God, you're so young," Lois mutters, but she looks back to Terry. "Trust me, I don't like people pretending to be him, I don't like seeing fakes, I don't like people putting his name down... I swear I want to punch Lex Luthor in the face sometimes. But... let me just tell you that in this case things are gonna work out okay. Don't stress it, there are other stories that we can--"

What the hell is Terry doing? Lois' attention snaps to see what her (current) favorite intern is pointing at. "See, told you, other stories. Go ask her what she wants and we'll add her coffee to our order." She gives him a gentle nudge. "Go."

Koriand'r has posed:
And unknown to the woman was the idea that Terry and Lois were gathering at the inside of the coffee shop.

And perhaps it was something within the excitement in the young cub reporter that draws her attention that way. Towards Terry and Lois in general. The tallish alien steps inside of the coffee shop, wearing her long purple dress that she was before; and heels, of all things.

She could float a bit, they were less of a problem than one might suspect. "Hi!" she says, bringing up her hand to wave to the pair at the table - probably in tune with their enroaching invitation - which she would most graciously accept, when it came!

And probably order something with mocha. Mmmn. Mocha.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Faster than a speeding bullet (not really), Terry detaches from Lois and zooms out of the line.

"See, I told you we should've tried the Mayan with chili powder," says one lethargic-looking man to another, watching the scarlet blur passing them by.

"HI!" Terry says as he screeches to a halt before the tawny goddess. Okay, O'Neil, that was way too much enthusiasm. Dial it down. "Hi!" Better. Couldn't get rid of the exclamation marks, though. "Er, I am Terry O'neil and I work for Lois Lane. We were wondering if you would like to join us? We're about to place our order, so you can add yours to ours!" He beams. Once Starfire accepts, he takes her order and proceeds to go deal with the line, giving Lois the thumbs-up. He's the coffee gopher, after all, freeing Lois to head to the table with Kori.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois does, in fact, head to the table. It's nice to have interns that do the coffee-fetching. It's one of the perks of being the top of your field, really. The job's got to have some perks, right? She slides into a seat with a sigh (now the lack of caffeine is kicking in), then straightens herself back up. Reporter mode, engaged. She looks over at Kori.

"I'm sure Terry gave you my name, but I'm Lois. He and I work for the Daily Planet, so we're always interested in talking to people and finding out what's going on..." She glances in Terry's direction. "He gets very excited about these things."

Koriand'r has posed:
A brightness floods into her green eyes, and they seem to burn with a little more lumiscence than even moments prior. Too much enthusiasm?

Not for Kori. She matches it, and her smile was ever-brighter when she fixes it upon Terry. "Hi!" she says, sounding on the verge of a teenager seeing her friend for the first time in forever.

"I would love to join you!" she says. "Here. Allow me to give you some dollar bills, and you can add my mocha latte macciato to your order!" she says, with all the confidence of someone who was stringing coffee buzzwords together. "I have not had it before," is her confession.

But with the gopher going, Kori turns her eyes towards Lois proper. "I have heard of this newspaper, and of your reporting, Miss Lois Lane!" she says.

"And I have read that story that you did just a few weeks ago, I think, the one about the..." Face screws up as she grasps at memory. "But I do not mind his excitement," she says, abandoning the attempt at memory.

"It is good to see; hope. Fire," she says. "It is far better than the alternative," she says to Lois.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Once Terry places the order, he also slips a twenty to the barista to have the things delivered to the table. He doesn't want to miss a second.

When he comes to the table, he's beaming, "They'll bring it over," he announces, and sits down. He also opens a paper bag and takes its contents out onto the table proper in dainty little napkins: an assorted selection of pastries from the counter. There's enough there for the three of them, and perhaps a little more. Like Lois said, he gets excited. Which is also why he sometimes has to eat Ramen for weeks- like that one time he found a Kickstarter campaign he *really* liked, and got very excited about the perks...

Soup for two weeks wasn't *that* bad "That should hold us over until lunch!" Terry says, grabbing a croissant. And second lunch. And dinner.

Lois Lane has posed:
"I'm very glad to know you're familiar," Lois says with a laugh. "A lot of people are familiar with my work but I don't like to assume that everyone is." A reputation is nice, so long as it doesn't go to your head. She picks up a cherry danish and looks it over for a moment before taking a bite. She enjoys it for a moment before looking between Terry and Kori.

"I'm pretty sure Terry's a bit of a fan. He was bouncing off the walls when he saw you outside." And there's Lois, throwing Terry under the bus. It's not a bad bus, but she's still throwing him out there. What are interns for, right?

Koriand'r has posed:
Well, 'enough for the three of them' proved that Terry didn't understand Koriand'r's ravenous hunger. The woman could demolish pizzas at the same speed as a mastiff knowing their dogparents could come back from the bathroom at any time, and left it there 'just to be safe'. But she... was a little more refined as she grew older.

And it would be rude to devour everything here. But they could see the desire to do so in her hungry eyes, flickering across the food as she was reminded she hadn't eaten in a handful of hours. So she takes /one/ croissant. Holds it in front of herself, and daintily adds jam to it in a very prim and proper fashion...

And swallows the croissant whole, essentially, bringing up a napkin to dab at her lips.

"I think it is important. Where I am from, some of the most revered people are those that tell stories; it is stories that are passed from person to person, and that inform everyone. So I am most grateful for the truth within yours," she says to Lois, turning her eyes towards Terry.

Her stomach gurgles, but she drives through it.

"Are you a fan? Back when I was a Teen Titan?" she says, bringing up her fists to make a heroic pose. "Would you like the autograph of me?" she asks.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh god, would you? That would be awesome!" Terry beam. Does he realize he's been thrown under the bus? If he does, he seems to be doing so gladly, houting 'Yippie Kay-yay!' and going for the swan dive under those wheels. The look on Kori's eyes are very familiar, though, and he says "Hey, it's almost brunch, why don't I order us some quiches and stuff? I am hun-gry, we haven't had breakfast because we were doing a feature."

That's because he knows what Gar looks like when he's hungry and ready to eat a whole pizza. He blinks for a second, connection jolting. "But yes, I m a huge fan. You know..." he glance briefly at Lois before continuing, "I'm friends with a friend of yours!" he grabs his phone and quickly goes through his pictures, and holds one up: the selfie he took with Gar.

"Recognize this face?" he says with a grin.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois is more than happy to slowly enjoy her danish and coffee while she watches Terry practically bubble over with excitement. It seems, actually, that this is more of her plan all along. This was more his show right now, she was along for the ride. She glances at the danishes, then back to Terry. "You keep chatting, I'll go put in the order for the extra food."

With that, she gets up to go back to the line to get them some real food. It's the Planet's dime, so might as well make the most of it.

Koriand'r has posed:
"I do not need to eat food," says Kori, holding up her hands to be a graceful guest.

A beat though. But if they will provide it...! The tall alien will not say no. "Of course I recognize this person!" she enthuses. "This is Garfield. He was a teammate back when I was a Teen Titan," says Koriand'r, looking back towards Terry then.

"You are his friend? So now you must be my friend," she says, that smile undimming upon her lips as she keeps it upon Terry, the feedback loop of enthusiasm no doubt doubling back on itself. "I am Koriand'r of Tamaran," she says to Terry. "Known as Starfire to make it easier upon the Terran tongue," she says.

Her eyes, however, track towards Lois.

"How did you two begin working together?" she asks. Perhaps of Lois before she left, of Terry if she is already gone.

Or both, she's easy, breezy.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Have you seen him yet? Probably not or he would have told me. You have to see him, he would be through the roof if you came to visit him," Terry says with a grin, and then a glint in his eyes. "-How long are you in Metropolis for? Are you staying? Because, you know... Gar has been trying to get the band back together. In fact there's a new person moving into the tower! If you're staying for some time, why don't you drop in on dinner with us? I'm taking him out to dinner tonight" to make up for being a royal tool "And you would be, like, the ultimate surprise!"

This is Terry without caffeine, people. This is good to think about..

"Oh ,I had just moved to Metropolis and I decided to apply for intership positions... I saw the Planet had one open, and I tried. Lucky for me, the previous intern had to take an extended leave. Something about risk management and having to be in traction...." he shrugs and grins.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois returns very shortly, the order placed. She slides back into her chair, taking a sip of her coffee. She's just in time to hear Terry's explanation. "Oh, you should absolutely join them." Because nothing can go wrong with that at /all/. "Those two are /very/ close." She looks slowly over at Terry. After all, he just invited someone else to a dinner that probably was gonna be a little more private.

"Anyway, more food is coming shortly. It'll be nice to have something while we chat." She pauses. "You know, Terry, 'Titans Back Together' would be a pretty impressive story to have in your portfolio."

Koriand'r has posed:
"I have not seen him in a great deal of time," she says. "I left the tower when..." That luminesence she had dimmed now, with an easy frown. "When we were defeated so handily, and we all parted our own ways, for our own reasons." A pause. "I miss my friends dearly." she adds.

"I would be most grateful if you were to have him contact me again. I shall give you the number for my cellular device," she says, eyeing a stray croissant as she finds a pen, jotting it upon a napkin.

"So when this dinner is called, we will have to join. And perhaps," she says.

"...you can join us as well, friend Lois. Perhaps there will be a story there, yes?" she says. "For you both."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry doesn't catch Lois' glance. In his mind, he's giving Gar one hell of a make-up surprise by bringing one of his old friends to meet him. What could possibly be better than that? "Oh yes, I'll add you right away!" Terry says, and copies Kori's number onto his phone. Then he sends her a text so she can have his number. It's a little emoji, of course.

He looks at Lois and raises an eyebrow. "Titan Together, hm? You know... Colette thinks it's my destiny to be the chronicler of their return. I feel the heavy hand of fate at work. Or maybe I'm just hungry."

He reaches for a croissant. "You totally should join, Lois. It'll be a blast. And unlike Colette, I'm sure you're not going to mention trees, forests and wood."

He chomps on his croissant, staring ublinkingly at Lois, before he adds, "So Koriand'r" to his credit, he doesn't mangle the name too much. It does sound more like the spice than what the Tamaranean pronunciation should be. Probably. "What brings you to Metropolis? "

Lois Lane has posed:
"I do appreciate the offer for dinner, both of you, but I'm going to try and make dinner for Clark. He doesn't know yet, so not a word, Terry," Lois points out. It's hard to avoid Clark when he's right there at work. This feat, however, is pretty interesting when it comes down to it--she's /terrible/ at cooking. It's not that she can't follow a recipe or doesn't know what she's doing, it's just for some reason it always ends up burnt. Bad luck, really.

"But you should enjoy yourselves and hopefully Gar didn't think it was a date." That last bit is added casually, and she moves on, sipping from her coffee. "Yes, do tell what brings you by. Anything exciting?"

Koriand'r has posed:
"I have come to make funds," Starfire says to Terry, although Lois adding onto it sends those green eyes that way. "I have been being a superhero without the Titans, but this does not pay well," she says. Fingers were creeping towards one of the unguarded croissants, before she takes ahold of the same, sloooooowly drawing it back to herself, cupping it in her hands. "So I have tried construction, but that ended most badly. And I did try singing, as well, but at my audition, they did not enjoy the traditional song of Tamaran that I chose - the Eighth Ballad of K'hogal", she says, idly.

Hand snaps up to her mouth, and that was another croissant gone.

"But this designer within Metropolis is selling gloves of a most verdant shade of green, and believes that my complexion serves as a contrast pleasing to the eye with his design, so I have taken pictures wearing these gloves, and he was most happy, so he gifted money unto me," she says.

"He wishes to do more with this, but..." A pause. "I will consider. There is shadiness behind this line of work," she says. "Oh, and when I was finished," she says. "There was a sea monster that came up on the beach..." Koriand'r looks up, glancing around, before pointing towards one of the walls. "That direction. I had to tell it it was scaring people, and shoo it back."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh," Terry catches Lois' meaning, and his eyes go slightly wide. "Oooh"

His mind quickly rearranges some things. Okay, so he's going to figure out how to have the date BEFORE the dinner. This can be done. Yes. Totally. He taps his chin while Kori tells of her adventures.

"Yeah, there can be some dodgy stuff with modeling. I do some social media management on the side. If you need someone to help you screen that sort of stuff, I'd be more than happy. Legit modeling gigs versus thirsty creepers is what you need. You're stunning, it really wouldn't take much to get a good designer to see your complexion would only highlight a lot of colorful designs..."

He trails off. "A sea monster? Was it, by any chance, something that looked like a giant turtle with spikes on its shell? Because if it was- that's the monster that injured Gar!" He pauses and fills in, "Gar got bitten by it, needed stitches. He spent about two weeks recovering in my apartment."

Despite that, he smiles at the memory. True, Gar almost ate him out of his paycheck, but... "Good times."

Lois Lane has posed:
"I can understand the glove thing, some people are a little sketchy," Lois agrees. She's heard that story way too many times. Ick. "If you wave your name around a bit, that might get you some options. Regardless of what you've done in the past, names can get you a lot of things. People give me discounts all the time because they think I'll give them a mention in an article. It's /amazing/ what you can get for free."

She does glance at Terry. "Yeah, you might wanna double check on that date thing." She cautions him. Given how their conversation seems to have gone before? A date's not out of the question. "Those two are great at watching out for each other. Mostly. They sure get into some trouble.."

Koriand'r has posed:
There was some subtext there that Kori wasn't quite catching onto. In spite of her time on Earth, she might just... think different, in many ways. "You will be missed at the dinner, friend Lois. But if you wish to come by the tower for a story, you may come by anytime. Even if Terry is the lead reporter there," she says.

"I can buy pizza, and you can eat all that you wish!" she chirps.

Pizza was just... a cost effiencent way to eat when she felt like gorging.

"It was not a turtle," says Koriand'r. "It was a jellyfish that walked upon its tentacles, and was most poisonous to Terrans, apparently. But he was just lost, as there was no one that spoke jellyfish," she says.

"But anyways! I probably should head off, but please," she nearly begs of Terry. "Do contact me with that dinner. I would like to have it with Garfield again," she says to him.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry nod a Lois, "Yes boss. I think I know how to do it." This meant cookig dinner for Gar one night, and then taking him out to dinner on another. But that was not an issue. The green Titan had a metabolism like a hummingbird, his power apparently requirred a lot of fuel. Gar was not goign to say no to dinner two nights in a row.

"Kori, you have my word! And I intend to make good on that autograph promise, I'll bring something for you to sign at the dinner!" He was also planning on getting a picture of them together for Gar's social media. Lois and Colette were right, perhaps, perhaps his part was to help.

He does almost choke on his croissant when Kori calls him the lead reporter, but fortunately their cofees arrive in their little cup, just in time to wash the crumbs down. It so happen that Terry's coffee is so black that one would expect to see Raven's pale face rising out of the inky blackness. He winces a little as it goes down, savoring the bitter aftertaste. If he had his druthers, he'd be drinkig Turkish coffee. But that would be bad, as the Planet is not equipped to handle a ballistic human, despite its many years of frequent crossfire between Superman and his vilain-du-jour.

"I think Lois would love to visit you for pizza. She can't say no to a good story," he grins, and hands Kori her coffee cup, "You have my word, as soon as it's scheduled, I'll bring your little green friend for you to see. It'll be great."

He makes a mental note about ANOTHER sea monster in the same area. Was there something in the water that was causing some fishlife mutations? This sounded like a story bit to pass on to April. "It was really a pleasure to finally meet you, Starfire!" If his grin were any wider, the top of his head would fall off.

Lois Lane has posed:
Well, Lois /did/ tell Terry to take the Titans story, if he wasn't listening. She doesn't seem at all offended by the 'lead reporter' comment there. "I certainly don't mind coming by. It would be delightful to see the building as well. It certainly seems like it would be interesting to visit." She looks between the pair.

"We've certainly got to get back to the office for sure. But take care... we both appreciate the company."

Koriand'r has posed:
They had bought extra food, and Kori was... well, it was kinda automatic, but the girl was trying to strike a balance between eating all she can, and being graceful about it. So while the others talked, a quiche was brought to her lips, nibbled, her eyes glancing between the other two as she nibbles.

And doesn't stop nibbling. So one quiche turns into two, turns into three...

"As it was a pleasure to meet you! I am so excited to meet you both, please, please, please contact me anytime you wish," she says.

Another quiche, stuffed into her cheek like a squirrel. "Mffhfmfh!" she says in farewell, starting towards the door as the elegant alien princess takes off into the daytime sky again, waving to lookeeloos as she goes.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry grins and waves to Starfire as she departs, and sighs a little at the mention of going back to the office. It's not that he dislikes it there, it's just that he can't get his constant coffee fix until the machines are delivered.

He smiles at Lois, "Thank you." He saw what she did, of course. But as he stands up, a thought strikes him after having seen Starfire's eating in action. "You know, if I take BOTH of them out tomorrow, I might  need a pay raise," he says, grabbing his coffe and falling into step with Lois.