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Latest revision as of 14:41, 16 July 2022

Anger Management
Date of Scene: 16 July 2022
Location: Demolition Site in New York
Synopsis: An angry and disguised Franklin Hall is discovered by a disguised Emma Frost, and conversation ensues.
Cast of Characters: Franklin Hall, Emma Frost

Franklin Hall has posed:
    There's always construction and demolition sites in New Yorl

    Even setting aside the usual ebb and flow of contruction, meta powered battles tend to cause properly damage, and sometimes that damage isn't really fixable. Or the company just prefers the insurance cash out without the reconstruction costs.

    This particular site used to be an apartment building on the edge of Mutant Town, not quite over the border, but close enough to the superpowered ghetto that rent was low and repairs were nonexistent.

    Perfect for someone to work out their frustrations at the half demolished building.

    Which is why a man in jeans, boots, and a hoodie, including a hockey mask underneath, is here, squatting down in the open area of the worksite as rubble floats up, then smashes together, or bobs back and forth in a clumsy attempt at juggling them.

    (Hopefully Casey Jones won't sue.)

Emma Frost has posed:
And then there's Damage Control. Which if you bought into the stock at IPO then you would have a fortune if you had the nerves of steel required to presume that society would live that long in the eternal conflict. It might make for quite, quite profitable.
    But.. Also sometimes one doesn't really need to -care- about all thsoe sorts of things. There's always more money to be made elsewhere. Emma herself is going around to inspect the area as part of what would be called 'property redevelopment'. buy it after payouts, tear everything down, rebuild, sell it for much more a few years down the line.
    For a lovely tax writeoff as well.
    As Emma hears things smashing together and breaking, she would go to glance around curiously. Emma goes to play 'down' herself telepathically, making herself look more ordinary. Frumpy. Wearing cheap clothes. Going to approach the noise.

Franklin Hall has posed:
    Franklin Hall is furious. Frustrated. Frenzied. Perhaps other F related adjectives. First, his company hedges, even refuses outright to rebuild his lab so he can get back to his very important experiments. Then, his assistants, whom he THOUGHT were loyal, turned on him. Threatening, of all things, to report to the company that it was his fault, that the accident was his fault! Cowardly idiots, how was he to know that maximizing the power past safety protocols would interact with the neighboring experiment explosively! Well, not even explosively...gravitons interacting with an existing stabilized wormhole entrance aren't something anyone expected.

    Nor were the side effects. And now Franklin has these....freakish powers. Imagine what would happy if his peers knew that he'd been afflicted in this way, after his diatribes against meta-powered inventors and scientists! They'd certainly mock him for it.

    And he is certainly not in the mood to be mocked.

    But, on the other hand...he can't deny these powers over gravity are fascinating in their way. Using the knowledge he already has professionally concerning physics and gravity interactions in particular, he's finding there are all sorts of things he can do. But right now? He feels the need to smash things. And no one will miss a half-wrecked building if he goes too far. Hell, the demolition company would probably thank him! Not that he'd let anyone know. Thus, the mask. A respected physicist like himself, playing around so would be....something. He's not even sure what name to put to it, just that he's certainly not ready for anyone to know.

Emma Frost has posed:
Now -this- is fascinating as Emma Frost goes to observe. Things rising up and flashing through the air. All that trauma, loathing, hate, rage.. All of thsoe things palaptable coming off him that she can sense. Math, data, things.. So much that's coming off him that she finds fascinating. Emma is more than happy to review thigns as hse sweeps them up. They might not be immedaitely useful but it's always a good thing to pay attention when someone is raging and lashing their soul out.
    Emma goes to watch over as things go to crash along.. Then she finlaly goes to break her 'silence' and goes out timidly, playing up her role of a scared teenage girl, "What's going on? Are you okay?"

Franklin Hall has posed:
    FThe masked man jerks at the call, standing up suddenly as he spins towards it. Behind him the orbiting I-beam and chunks of wall stop abruptly as well, floating stationary behind him now. "Who's there?!?" he says roughly, squinting through the eyeholes of the hockey mask, as he focuses on the...teenager? What is a teenager doing here? Especially one dressed so expensively...perhaps out clubbing or such? Honestly, young women wandering around should know not to question mysterious masked men throwing around rubble, he can't help but feel inwardly. But mostly he's startled and his fear of discovery is at the top of his mind, as well as irritation he was interrupted.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma goes to watch over mentally in fascination. "I heard the noise and oh god are you okay?" She would ask over in open confusion. Just watching at things rising over and she would make up a show of trying to figure out what was going on. Playing up being timid, confused.. OPenly a bit scared.
    A girl needed to have fun once in awhile.

Franklin Hall has posed:
    Franklin snorts. "I'm perfectly fine." he growls. "What are you doing wandering out alone near here? Especially dressed like that?" The rubble behind him settles to the ground with a crunch as he releases his hold on it. As for his powers...apparently not just magnetic, as at least some of that is just concrete chunks sans rebar.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma goes to just stare at the man, pulling up pertinent details, "I -was- going out to this awesome party but the cops busted it up. I was going home but I heard noise from here so I came looking." Of course a new yorker girl wouldn't be worried about a guy in a hockey mask with floating things about. "You're not one of thsoe angel things are you?"

Franklin Hall has posed:
    "...what? No! Of course not!" Franklin snaps. Does he have wings? A halo? Whatever other monstrous features those things had? Not that he would know, he was safely in his lab in Canada. Really, if it wasn't for his 'enforced' vacation he'd be back there, but since he was already here in New York, he might as well distract himself until he can deal with this ridiculous hold on his research. Or if he can convince this Van Dyne woman to fund him through Nadia girl at GIRL...what a ridiculous acronym. Like a clubhouse, but he can't deny the advanced technology on display.

    "Do you always poke around to investigate mysterious crashes alone in the middle of the night? You're lucky you're not a statistic." he grumbles.

Emma Frost has posed:
The 'girl' that Emma was playing up would shrug, "Look, city got invaded by 'angels like six months ago. The Bronx was evacuated." It was Manhattan that was. "You can't go through Central Park without having some sort of mutated crocodile come out. Or a snapping turtle. I -swear- that there's like a fashion place in Bushwick.. Bushwhack.. That has a flamingo."

Franklin Hall has posed:
    Franklin snorts. "That argues more for moving as a group than wandering by yourself." he points out. "This city is becoming a bad fantasy gaming plot, monsters everywhere." He jumps down off the raised block he was squatting on, walking over towards her. ""So, no trouble here, no need for you to trouble yourself, now go home before a giant albino crocodile comes out of the sewers and devours you."

    Then again....she's quite attractive up close. A bit young perhaps and he certainly wouldn't say no to dating her. Or simply a weekend of fun, but he doubts she'd be interested in random masked men twice her age. Even if he has aged like fine wine, in his opinion. "Perhaps I should simply ensure you make it home, for that matter."

Emma Frost has posed:
Teh girl would consider over, Emma Frost cocking herhead at him, "Nah, uh you look like you had some things to sort out big guy. I think you might wanna vent 'them from your system cuz it looks like you nearly brought part of the building down. And you're cute but I don't think your head is quite that hard." Emma would make a 'show' of pointing up and over at one of the nearby heavy pieces of masonry that had been ricocheting.. It did happen to look just a little unstable. Thanks to hopefully a little telepathic nudge that might make him perhaps think he might have gone a little too far in the area.

Franklin Hall has posed:
    Franklin preens just a bit at being called cute. Still got it! "I'm perfectly fine. Something like this is nothing to me." he brags a little bit. Granted, he's still learning to use his abilities, but he's not going to admit that either. He does look at the piece in question, frowning behind the mask. "I suppose the building is on the verge of falling completely, though obviously I'd be doing the demolition company a favor even if it did."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Yeah, yeah." She would chirp, "You better get home sweet cheeks before one of those monsters tries to come out and eat you. There's that real creepy slasher guy in Hell's Kitchen with the baseball bat."

Franklin Hall has posed:
    Franklin hmmphs. "Sweet cheeks? I assure you, I can take care of myself." That, he has no doubt in. He can't imagine many thugs who would survive being dropped from thirty stories or so. Bullets...those he's working on, though he's almost there....where he could make an actual shield of gravity and anti-gravity. Maybe even boost his own durability and strength. "You're more in danger than me, as pretty as you are."

Emma Frost has posed:
The woman would grin over and just smile, and Emma would make her eyes glow bright yellow and then gold telepathically and a smile of razor sharp teeth out. That quickly fades back to nothingness. "Whyyou think a girl like me -is- walking alone at nightw tihout issues?"

Franklin Hall has posed:
    Franklin jerks, taking a step back. "I see." he says tightly. Ah. Probably one of the mutants from the neighborhood nearby. Maybe even one of those who would take a bite out of someone who bothered her. Well. Either way, his mood has slightly better, and it's a bit irritating to have someone watching he doesn't know anyway. "I suppose I'm done for now." he mutters, glancing towards the rubble he's been deconstructing and floating about.

Emma Frost has posed:
The blonde would smile, "Have a good night, get home safely! Bai bai!" She would go to give a cheerful wave over at him and then start skipping over in the opposite direction, going to head.. Away from those residential areas down the way.
    the girl ain't right.

Franklin Hall has posed:
    Franklin watches her go, frowning behind his mask as his eyes narrow. Creepy. Random. But what else should he expect in this neighborhood? He can't imagine what it might be like living there. Powers, having some sort of 'street' name. What would hers be? Toothy? Goldilocks? Fangs? Where he to come up with such a name, it would at least have a certain glass. Black Hole? Shear. Nono...not that most people would know what the second was and the first would just be abused.

    As he turns to walk back to his car, his mind absently turns over the problem, before he murmurs. "What about....Graviton?"