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|NameOnMUSH=Lydia Dietrich
|banner name=Spectra
|banner name=Doggo
|banner image=https://i.imgur.com/pXdkUcY.jpg
|banner image=https://i.imgur.com/TGWobeK.jpeg
|FullName=Lydia Dietrich
|FullName=Test Dog
|Superalias=The Bork Knight
|Occupation=English teacher / aspiring novelist
|Occupation=Sitting Here
|Citizenship=United States
|Citizenship=United States
|Education=Pet Smart Obedience Training Lessons
|Groups=[[Dark World]], [[Mutants]], [[Mystic Arts]], [[Branches]], [[Brotherhood]], [[Heliopolitans]], [[Hellfire Club]], [[JL Dark]]
|DOB=02 Mar 1996
|DOB=02 Mar 2010
|Height=5' 5"
|Weight=135 lb
|Weight=60 lb
|Hair=Brown and Tan
|Actor=Odeya Rush
|Profile=Lydia Dietrich is an aspiring author, having published a handful of books, and an English teacher. She grew up in a wealthy Jewish household, led by an overbearing mother who wanted to cure her of being a mutant, since she can't turn off her powers which make her stand out quite a bit. Having graduated college magna cum laude Lydia has now struck out on her own ready to make a name for herself.
|Profile=Test is a Good Boi
<span style="color:#009999">'''Timeline:'''</span>
<span style="color:#009999">'''Timeline:'''</span>
<br>1996 - Lydia was born to Noah and Rachel in Brooklyn.<br>2008 - Lydia has her Bat mitzvah. <br>2010 - During her 14th birthday, Lydia's mutant powers activated. Lydia's mother went hysterical. <br>2010 - Lydia's mother started taking her to specialist after specialist to try to "cure" her of being a mutant.<br>2011 - Lydia finally had enough of that and put her foot down saying she was okay with who she was. <br>2012 - Lydia discovers fanfiction, and starts to write her own. <br>2014 - Lydia graduates high school with a 3.9 GPA. Her mother is disappointed. <br>2015 - Lydia enrolls in NYU. She also gets high praise for her fanfiction and is convinced to write a novel. <br>2017 - Lydia finishes her first novel, and gets it published. It does okay. Got good reviews. <br>2020 - Lydia graduates magna cum laude with a degree in English and a minor in education<br>2021 - Lydia tries to find work in NYC and the surrounding areas.  
<br>02 Mar 2010 - Born the 5th child to a litter of 8 to a single mother by the name of Chichi
<br>Math? - Adopted. Graduated from Obedience classes held at Pet Smart #19371
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Bookworm:'''</span>
<br>Math? - Won the great battle against Serpentine Squeakiest. It was long and drawn out but Time managed to silence his foe with great prejudice. The kill was honored by the innards across the living room. Mom was not happy cleaning up the stuffing.
<br>Lydia loves reading. Especially other people's fanfic of supernatural TV shows. This kind of thing has been her passion for a long time.<br><br>
|Personality= Playful!
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Chill:'''</span>
<br>All in all, Lydia is pretty chill about her life. She isn't particularly bothered by her mutation, or by the fact that she can't turn it off. She doesn't get upset all that easily and she has the patience of a saint. Really good teacher material.<br><br>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Jewish:'''</span>
<br>Lydia is a practicing Jew, and has come from an extended Jewish family. She goes to temple, celebrates the holidays, and is Kosher.<br><br>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Kind:'''</span>
<br>Lydia is a kind and gentle soul. She cares deeply about people, and about children. She wouldn't hesitate to stand up for somebody being pushed around or threatened.<br><br>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Supernatural Wonk:'''</span>
<br>Lydia devours supernatural media like a fiend. She's watched *all* the shows, and has read all the popular books and then some. She's even delved into the real life supernatural and picked up some practical knowledge about ghosts.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Ectoplasmic Constructs:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Bork:'''</span>
<br>By coalescing and solidifying her ectoplasmic mist, she's able to create solid constructs. The smaller the construct the more detailed she's able to make it. Something about softball sized she can make very detailed, like a lifelike looking bird. Her limit though are things about two meters in diameter, where she can only make basic shapes. The constructs are about as sturdy as steel, and strong enough to lift a small car.<br><br>
<br>Also known as....The wuff.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Ectoplasmic Enhancement:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Teeth'''</span>
<br>By visualizing her ectoplasm as an exoskeleton or armor, she's able to enhance her natural abilities. She can create claws that could rend steel, wings that allow her to fly, and enhance her strength and (somewhat) her speed. Like with her constructs, her armor is about as strong as steel, allowing her to deflect small arms bullets, and lift a small car. And, like her constructs, the more she uses her abilities at the higher end of things the more tiring it is.<br><br>
<br>They Bitey.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Ectoplasmic Generation:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Claws'''</span>
<br>Lydia's skin is constantly generating an ectoplasmic mist that is always surrounding her. Generally speaking it creates a field around two feet off her skin. The ectoplasm itself is pretty harmless, passing through thin materials such as clothes without leaving much of a mark. It's kind of tingly at the touch, like if you were to dip a finger in menthol. She's able to generate much more of the ectoplasm at whim, though, enough to fill a small room. However, she can't turn it down for longer than a couple of minutes before she tires out.<br><br>
<br>They Fighty.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Ghostdar:'''</span>
<br>Because of her connection with Ectoplasm, she's able to detect when ghosts are in the same room as she is. She's currently unable to communicate with them unless they decide to manifest, but she can tell where they are.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Shapeshifting:'''</span>
<br>Lydia is able to shapeshift into various animals. Among her repertoire is a wolf, a raven, a swarm of bats, and mist. She's even able to get a little bit of color back into her skin and mimic being alive for a little while, if she concentrates. As always, using her power burns through her blood which means that she'll have to feed sooner rather than later.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Vampire Durability:'''</span>
<br>Lydia is much more durable than the average person. While far from bulletproof, she's able to withstand punishment from melee attacks that would incapacitate a normal human being.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Vampire Healing:'''</span>
<br>By burning blood she's able to heal all manner of wounds. Obviously the more serious injury the more blood will be required and the hungrier she'll get. While she's able to heal all manner of wounds, she's unable to regenerate lost limbs.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Vampire Physiology:'''</span>
<br>Lydia's biological processes have stopped, leaving most of her organs to be vestigial. This means that if they were to be injured, it would be more of an annoyance than anything crippling. Additionally, she's grown retractable fangs to assist in feeding.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Vampire Senses:'''</span>
<br>All of Lydia's senses have been enhanced to supernatural levels, especially her sense of smell. Specifically, it's tuned into the scent of blood, letting her detect faint traces of it, and be able to identify blood type and identity of the person who bled. Her hearing is acute enough to hear heartbeats from a room away, and her sight is sharp enough to read a phone screen from across a room.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Vampire Speed:'''</span>
<br>Lydia's speed and dexterity have been amplified to supernatural levels. She can sprint up to 50 mph and her dexterity is greater than human peak. Maintaining high levels of speed will start using up the blood she's ingested for the day, which will cause her to get hungry faster.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Vampire Strength:'''</span>
<br>Lydia's strength has been greatly enhanced to supernatural levels. At most she can lift about half a ton, but doing so for any length of time will burn through the blood she has ingested, causing her to get hungry.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Witch:'''</span>
<br>Lydia is a witch of moderate power, specializing in circles, rituals and artificing. She /can/ do on the fly magic, but it is weaker and not as refined as her field in study.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Basic Self Defense:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Begging:'''</span>
<br>When her mother finally realized that Lydia wasn't ever going to be cured of being a mutant, she insisted that she take some basic self defense courses. It's not much, but she knows how to throw a punch without hurting herself.<br><br>
<br>Are you going to eat that?<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Magical Theory:'''</span>
<br>Lydia has experience in coming up with theoretical applications of magic circles, rituals and magic item creation. She has experience with thinking out of the box and coming up with unique solutions. Additionally, she's well versed in Kabbalistic lore and tradition, which is where the majority of her knowledge stems from.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Multilingual:'''</span>
<br>Lydia is fluent in Hebrew and Polish, due to her background.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Teaching:'''</span>
<br>Since Lydia has a minor in education, she has been licensed and is qualified to teach in New York. Her patience and kindness lends itself well to this profession so she would make an excellent teacher.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Writing:'''</span>
<br>Lydia is an experience author. While she hasn't made it big publishing novels, she is on the path to being able to make a living out of it. She has an extensive fan fiction catalogue, though, going back from the cringeworthy 14 year old to more refined work from her college years.
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Brotherhood:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Mom'''</span>
<br>Being part of the Brotherhood comes with its perks. As such she has full access to Brotherhood assets and funds.<br><br>
<br>She feeds<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Nice Apartment:'''</span>
<br>Lydia is currently living in a nice, one bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. It's spacious enough and is fully furnished.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''The Toaster:'''</span>
<br>This is what she calls her silver Vespa Primavera 150. It's perfect for getting around New York traffic, and is good enough to travel outside of New York for a little bit.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Trust Fund:'''</span>
<br>Since her parents are rather wealthy, they set up a trust fund for her to use for going to college and afterwards when she's looking for work. Between this and what little she gets from her book royalties, she has enough to live comfortably for about a year before it all runs out.
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Blood Dependency:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''No Thumbs'''</span>
<br>Lydia has to feed on human blood in order to survive. She has to take it from the 'source' as it were. Bloodbags are ineffective at feeding her as well as animal blood. She needs to feed at least once a day, taking about what you'd normally give at a blood donation drive. Should she be particularly active and use her powers she'll need to feed more often to replenish her supply.<br><br>
<br>How am I going to get these cans open?<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Crisis In Faith:'''</span>
<br>Lydia is currently suffering from a crisis in faith. Between finding out that God is kind of uncaring, and eating an angel, has caused doubts on to her own stance on being Jewish. Where once her belief in God was rock solid, now it's shaken to the core and might never recover.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Heart:'''</span>
<br>Lydia's heart is the center of her power in a kind of metaphysical sense. While it doesn't beat, staking it, or otherwise piercing it with an object obstructs the flow of blood throughout her body, causing her to become inanimate, sending her into a kind of torpor until the offending object can be removed.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Kosher:'''</span>
<br>It's not really a weakness, but anything that prevents you from eating bacon belongs in this category.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Predatory Instincts:'''</span>
<br>There's a new part of Lydia's psyche that facilitates in hunting prey. (That is, humans.) It can be explosively angry, highly territorial and quick to react to surprises and threats with aggression. It's the voice in the back of her head that constantly tells her that people are food. While she has the willpower to keep it in check most of the time, it tends to come out in stressful situations.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Prime Target:'''</span>
<br>Considering who her sire is, she's something of a prime target to rival vampire clans. They'll want to kidnap or kill her for their own nefarious deeds, as her bloodline is particularly potent.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Salt:'''</span>
<br>Much like ghosts, salt is able to break up Lydia's ectoplasm. It's not painful or anything to her, but throwing a handful of salt will dissolve her ectoplasm like acid. She won't be able to recover what was dissolved until about fifteen minutes later when she's able to start slowly regenerating her ectoplasmic field again.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Sensory Overload:'''</span>
<br>Lydia isn't used to her new senses, and they can easily overpower her. Loud noises will stun her, strong smells will cause her to physically balk, and depending on the smell might trigger her predatory instincts. Bright light and flashes will blind her.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Sheltered:'''</span>
<br>Lydia is something of a Jewish American Princess. All her life she's pretty much gotten all she ever wanted, and her parents have always had a hard time saying no to her. Likewise, Lydia has always had a hard time saying no to her parents. This means that she hasn't been too well prepared for real life which won't always go her way, so she gets easily frustrated when things go wrong.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Sunlight:'''</span>
<br>While not fatal, sunlight does effectively neutralize all of her vampire powers, as well as her mutant power. Being out in the day also leaves her slow, weak, and groggy.
== Test of New Stuff for Char page Here ==
== Test of New Template logic for Char page is called Here ==
== Test of New stuff for Entertainment page here ==
== Alphabetical List of Book Releases ==
<div style="font-size:9pt;">
{{#ask: [[Category:Books]]

Revision as of 17:38, 16 July 2022

Yaaaaar Be testing code here. Move along.

Doggo (Scenesys ID: 999)
Name: Test Dog
Superalias: The Bork Knight
Gender: Undecided
Species: Doggo
Occupation: Sitting Here
Citizenship: United States
Residence: Online
Education: Pet Smart Obedience Training Lessons
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Test
Apparent Age: 12 Actual Age: 12
Date of Birth 02 Mar 2010 Played By Jethro
Height: 3' Weight: 60 lb
Hair Color: Brown and Tan Eye Color: Black
Theme Song:

Character Info


Click to expand.

Test is a Good Boi


Click to expand.

02 Mar 2010 - Born the 5th child to a litter of 8 to a single mother by the name of Chichi
Math? - Adopted. Graduated from Obedience classes held at Pet Smart #19371
Math? - Won the great battle against Serpentine Squeakiest. It was long and drawn out but Time managed to silence his foe with great prejudice. The kill was honored by the innards across the living room. Mom was not happy cleaning up the stuffing.

IC Journal

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Character Sheet


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Also known as....The wuff.

They Bitey.

They Fighty.


Click to expand.

Are you going to eat that?


Click to expand.

She feeds


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No Thumbs
How am I going to get these cans open?



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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Test has 0 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
No logs submitted yet.


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Test has 0 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
No logs submitted yet.

Entertainment Credits

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To Refresh Character's Entertainment List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Test has been credited in 3 shows.

Title Date Scene Summary
The Bork Knight : Don't bet against the Underdog April 1st, 2015 Two episode crossover where the Bork Knight heads to Meowtropolis where he encounters Underdog.
The Bork Knight: Meowfia's Revenge April 1st, 2014 Peace is shortlived in Pawthom City as new leadership within the Meowfia raises the stakes.

Mmmm. Steaks.

The Bork Knight April 1st, 2013 In a world populated by Dogs and Cats, Pawthom City is experiencing a rise in activity from the Meowfia. It is up to the Bork Knight to save the day!

Test has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
No music submitted yet.

Test has authored 1 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
Dogs Rule July 15th, 2022 A picture book that was created for the sole purpose of testing the book display system.


Test/gallery [ edit ]

Test of New Template logic for Char page is called Here

Untitled Group
Founded Property "Group Date" (as page type) with input value "{{{GroupFoundedDate}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Error: Invalid time.
Headquarters No Headquarters Specified
Leadership: Property "Group Characters" (as page type) with input value "{{{GroupLeadership}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.{{{GroupLeadership}}}
Brief Summary This is a Group
Members: Property "Group Characters" (as page type) with input value "{{{GroupMembers}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.{{{GroupMembers}}}

Group Assets

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Group Assets go here

Full Summary

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Full Description goes here

Notable Events

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Notable Events go here