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Latest revision as of 13:43, 17 July 2022

Newcomer to New York. . . again.
Date of Scene: 16 July 2022
Location: Queens
Synopsis: New guy bumps into a kid and finds a place to stay. Yay!
Cast of Characters: Colborn, Beroe Kazinski

Colborn has posed:
    Flying via commercial aircraft was a novel experience for Colborn Gustafson... well that's the name on his Passport at least. He already had a citizenship arranged for the US before landing there. It made things far easier. It's not that he's trying to be a spy, or that he is hiding out from anyone. It would just suck if he had to explain to them that he was born in the 5th century. The fact that he is one of the -youngest- of the Eternals in the world is not something he really discusses with human authorities.

    Anyhow, the property was already in his name before he even got to Queens. It just hadn't been all set up yet, and did not have things like an occupancy permit, a business license. So he couldn't really open up yet. But he steps out of the taxi and helps the driver unload his belongings. Well, everything that wasn't being shipped. Three suitcases, a few large duffel bags containing some of his work. But after that, the taxi drives off and he is just kind of trying to decide how many of his things to lock up in the unopened shop, and how many to take with him in search of a hotel.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
It isn't that her shoes are too tall, or that she's particularly stealthy, it's just that. Well, people see multiple suitcases before they are upon them. The moving of the objects, the taxi, the person who owns them, all should be caught by someone's peripheral vision, if not by the time they get close enough to trip.

And yet. Beroe is on her phone, and not at all looking at where she's going, while still moving at a decent clip. Is she late for something? That's when she holds up her device and snaps a picture. The picture catches her shocked face, blurry, as she goes tumbling into the things along the sidewalk, over the suitcases, in her black puff skirted existence. "WhooOOoOoOOoa!" She lets out as she is falling, wiggling her arms like someone out of a cartoon more than a real human being.

Colborn has posed:
    At first, Colborn is tempted to simply stop the falling girl using his telekinesis. But he -was- told to avoid standing out when he could. And this is not a fall that will truly cause lasting harm to the girl. But when he turns, it is with enough time to simply reach out an arm to brace the girl and help her to avoid falling. Quite literally, like an arm-bar where he places it at just the right height for Beroe to bump into without completely crumpling to the ground. Especially if she grabs onto said arm with a hand.

    He doesn't say anything at first, waiting to see if his minimal assistance prevents injury, or makes it worse.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Whack. In goes the poor woman, right into the arm, with her shoulder but then her arm quickly wraps around that. Holding herself up, her other hand still clinging to her phone. She gives a big pout and then there's the sound of a camera clicking, as she holds on, typing out with one hand a caption: Thank goodness for Strangers!

Then she's putting her phone away. And by away, her arm just reaches out to the side, a little tear in space opens up, and she puts her phone in, her arm up to her elbow disappearing for a moment before getting pulled back out and she's using both of her free hands, now, to pull herself back upright. With a big breath in, she smiles big to Colborn, "Thank you SO MUCH! You saved me." She rubs her shoulder a little once she's up on her feet, and then starts looking around, her eyes widening a bit, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, did I damage anything? I can help! You helped me, and now I owe you." She goes to move toward the suitcase she body checked inadvertently.

Colborn has posed:
    It should be noted, that the entire time, that arm just holds there. It's like a pull-up bar, not moving one centimeter as Beroe does her thing. Colborn doesn't really seem to bat an eyelash at the space-warp-rip-tear thing. I mean sure, one brow goes up. But that's about it.

    "You are most welcome." he says, his voice showing the hint of a germanic style accent. More Scandinavian than anything else. "And worry not. Nothing should be damaged. Those contain items of clothing. You are fortunate that you did not stumble over the bag containing seven swords." he adds. Deadpan. Is that a joke? But his foot reaches out and nudges the duffel bag, causing a distinct *clank* sound of steel bumping steel.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"Clothing?!" Beroe's eyes widen, "Oh, I'm so sorry! If anything is damaged, or ruined, or whatnot... I will pay for it. I promise." Beroe is taking this very seriously, she's smiling though, big, and is reaching for the handle of the suitcase, "Here. I can help you bring it in." Then she looks around a moment, "Are you close? Coming back to New York or just moving in?" She wonders, looking at Colborn and tilting her head to the side, her eyes light up, "You have SWORDS?! That's amazing! I have always wanted to use a sword. You know, learn how to swing it, do some cosplay with it, my followers would LOVE it if I ever entered an SCA tournament."

Yes, she rambles it all out, speaking a bit fast and then she let's go of the suitcase, as she reaches out a hand, "Sorry. I didn't even introduce myself, and I'm suggesting you tell me where you live, you don't have to do that. Though I'm not a creeper" Then she laughs and puts out her hand, to shake, "I guess that's what a creeper would say. But, I'm not, seriously. I'm Beroe, nice to meet you, and do you mind if I get a picture so people know who saved my life today?"

Colborn has posed:
    So many words to say so little. Colborn just stares silently and lets Beroe kinda putter on until she finally wears down to a stop, like a steam engine just running out its last bit of steam. When she finally stops rambling, his hazel eyes shift downward to her hand. Then he nods to himself. Almost as if remembering... oh yeah, handshaking.

    And his own hand comes up to grip hers. "I am Colborn." he states. (It should be noted that in Old English that name generally means 'Cold Stream'. But in Old Norse, it means 'Burning Log'. Leave it to different languages to almost literally make the same word mean -opposite- things. Ah Culture clash. Gotta love it.)

    But he gestures to the storefront, which apparently used to be a small grocery store until the owner moved out of the city. "I had planned to live here. But.. I cannot move in yet. So I am in need of a hotel. Do you happen to know where I might find one?"

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"A HOTEL!?" Beroe shakes her head and mentions, "That's really expensive. Look. You can sleep in my apartment, if you want? It's got a bed, I'll take the couch. It's the least I can do since you saved my life." She mentions and nods her head a few times, "Wow." Her hand is gripped and she offers, "That is a gooooood handshake. Do you work in business?"

Then she's looking to the side and seeing the store front, and hrmmmms, "This looks like a really good spot to live. Not too renovated, not too abandoned. It's the -perfect- location." Offers Beroe before she turns back to look at Colborn. "If you REALLY want to go to a hotel, I can help you find one." And from no where, she has her phone, and she's staring at the screen already, flipping through things, "Hmm, there's one a few blocks away, but it's pretty low stars. You look like a breakfast kind of guy, who doesn't like breakfast?" She smiles, from her phone, but her eyes are locked onto that screen as she flips through options.

Colborn has posed:
    Again with the rapid fire chatterbox. Colborn observes, listens... lifts a brow once more. "I think that a young woman should be wiser than to invite a strange man she just... literally bumped into.. into her home. Not that I have any ill intentions, but how could you possibly verify that?" he asks.

    "I think a hotel might be better. And I am not without resources. As for business... well, I make things." and he gestures to the bag, "I am a metalworker and a smith. I generally sell my creations to collectors. I have also made replicas of historical pieces as well as custom orders. I plan to establish myself here..." he says with a gesture to the storefront.

    "And I think a hotel will do nicely please. Thank you."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
There's a pause as Beroe sort of looks, a bit wide eyed, right up at Colborn as he gives his advice, "Oh, totally. I won't ever invite over someone who means me ill harm. That's definitely good advice. You are pretty wise." Beroe notes to the man before her, and then he re-iterates a hotel, and she ohs! It pops out of her mouth with a burst of energy as she looks back to her phone.

"Wait, you are a metalworker? So you MADE the swords? That's so cool. It sounds like you are super good at it. Selling to collectors, replicas of historical things. Well -" She turns her phone about, "Just a couple blocks past the not-good breakfast place. You get a great breakfast, they even offer a Puerto Rican menu, which sounds good, AND their ratings are rather high. Not bots, and their social media person is ON POINT."

Then there's a ding off her phone, soft as it may be and she immediately turns it back to herself to read through whatever it was and she open mouth laughs, with a little shoulder shake, "Oh SueRoberts82 exclamation, said that fall pic has been their favorite. Thanks for that opportunity, already up to a thousand likes." Phone goes away and she preps, standing there, "Okay, which one can I carry to help you get there?"

Colborn has posed:
    Inclining his head as the little chatterbox keeps going, Colborn waits patiently and nods as she asks about him making the swords. Then when she indicates a direction for the first hotel, he reaches for two suitcases and the duffel bag. He leaves one bag of smaller metal items, and a suitcase that has a rolling carry handle. "If you could get those two. The bag might be a -bit- heavy." It's about fifteen to twenty pounds.

    "I will trust in your judgement for a hotel." he says. "And... I am glad that I was able to help. Perhaps we can do the... um.. Selfie when we arrive there."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Grabbing the smaller bag, Beroe grits her teeth and kind of picks it up, to sling it over her shoulders. She pants a bit, "That's heavy!" Offers Beroe, and then she gets the rolling suitcase to pull behind her as she starts to walk with the man carrying A LOT more than she is. Even just dragging the suitcase behind her is something that seems to strain the woman, as she goes, but there's a lot of poppy energy that keeps her going.

"REALLY!? Oh, thankyouthankyou, you are so nice! You know, once you get your place up and running, you should reach out to me. I have a decent amount of followers, they are growing each day, and I could get your stuff on there. Maybe me, holding a sword or something, or in - do you do chainmail skirts? Or cool fantasy armor? Normally I get a lot of goth or pseudo punk clothes. It'd be nice to branch out to" She pauses, searching for a word, "Medieval clothes? No, armor? No, renn faire esque? Something like that. What's your favorite kind of sword that you've made?"

Colborn has posed:
    So many questions! Colborn is walking at a steady, but not speedy pace. Basically slowing down so he doesn't outpace the girl helping him. He listens intently as she speaks, but also takes in the sights and sounds of Queens. It's a quaint area of New York, totally less hustle and bustle than downtown Manhattan. Maybe that's why he wanted to be out here.

    "Well, Medieval is a term that people use to cover a -lot- of different time periods. Are you looking for historically accurate armor? Or more of the fantasy ideal in modern media? Because the latter would not protect you if it was needed as -real- armor." He shakes his head. "As for swords?" He inclines his head and shrugs, "Well, I suppose it would be difficult to pick a single type that I prefer. But I did once fabricate a military style Jian sword." He pauses and adds, "A long lightweight straight bladed sword used in some styles of Kung Fu." he explains. "In fact, I believe I have one in the bag you are carrying." A pause, "No, don't try to get at it now." he says, thinking she is likely to go digging while walking and hurt herself. "It can wait."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Looking back at the suitcase she's pulling, Beroe is going along, hitting pretty much every crack in the pavement, uneven surface, or trailing it off the sidewalk as she goes. It's only because she looks over and smiles big to Colborn every time he talks, her eyes even closing some as she does it, making her smile that much BIGGER of a facial expression. Though she is currently managing to avoid running into things, but it isn't the fastest pace.

And, it just goes to show, you know Beroe already pretty well as you mention the favorite sword type and that it's in one of the bags, she's starting to unzip that bag, then pauses, and grins, "Oh! Okay! When we get to the lobby then." That's right, in the hotel lobby, take out a military sword and wave it around. Riiiiiiight. With that though she hmmms, and thinks about the armor question, "That's a good question. Maybe I should just get a sword, it sounds like you like to make accurate things, or useful things. And that's just, well, my insta isn't based around useful. Well, unless you count the energy drinks, green tea and carbonated water, it's interesting for sure. Picks you right up. Spritz, it's good stuff, I can get you a coupon." And she's stopping, yes, stopping, so she can reach and grab her phone, starting to sift through it, "No, no, you definitely don't need a BOGO bra purchase coupon, no, no, I'll find it. Just give me a moment." Flicking with a finger, scrolling fast, she's just staring at the screen again.

Colborn has posed:
    "I will make whatever I am paid to make. I could not care less if it is functional or not. I just wanted you to be aware of the difference." says Colborn. And he is shaking his head in amusement as he catches her trying to go for that sword already.

    And then the whole... phone flickin' thing happens and he ammends, "Perhaps the phone and coupon could wait until we are not weaving through pedestrian traffic?" he asks. "And for your helping me, I will forge you one item of your choice, once I get up and running. Free of charge. So make sure you choose wisely. A weapon, or armor... or even a crown or arm-band. Whatever it is you wish me to make, I shall."

    And then with a gesture, he says, "Is that not the hotel you spoke of?"

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
She's on pause. The light from her screen reflecting on her face she's holding it so close. You can see the colors zipping past from the soft diffusion on her skin, past her eyes, and then she's giggling, "Silly Tom, never gonna catch that Jerry." Shaking her head a little, she then beams, "I found it! What? Oh, okay. It can wait." After all of that, she's walking again, putting her phone away.

With the gesture she looks up, "Oh, yeah! Look at that, that wasn't that long of a walk." And she turns, heading right into the street to cross it. Thankfully this is New York and it isn't like cars are ever going very fast with the traffic, and preparedness for pedestrians doing EXACTLY what Beroe just did, but she didn't even look, just turn and walk. "One free item? Wowwie. That's super amazingly great of you! I'll have to think about that. With a sword, I could have something to fight criminals with, or with armor I could go to a proper Faire, and be a knight, or something. Really tough decision. A crown could be interesting, like I'm a princess!" She giggles, giggles, actually giggles, at that, and shakes her head as if that was nonsense.

Colborn has posed:
    Turning to observe, Colborn opens his mouth as she just rushes out into the street. But then he just shakes his head... looks both ways, and follows when it is clear. The mortal is suicidal, and the worst part is, she doesn't even realize she is.

    "I suggest armor." he says blandly as he catches up on the opposite sidewalk. He doesn't explain why. But it might have something to do with her ability to charge blindly in front of heavy steel vehicles. "But if you wish headwear, I will do that."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Once to the hotel, she plants the rolling suitcase and walks up to the door. She grabs the handle with both hands and pulls it open wide, for Colborn and holds it there. Assuming he goes through, she will reach her hand into a 'pocket', to grab at the handle of the suitcase, and pull it close to herself. Again with one of those weird little tears in space to get the extra distance.

Then she's following suit, "Armor, hmm. What about curling horns? Metal, they'll never break, and it's really interesting compared to a crown." Offers Beroe, but once she's inside she hops up and down a few times, "We made it!" Then over to the counter she goes, immediately, without waiting, "Excuse me. This fine gentleman needs a room. Your website said that it was available, and I have a coupon code for subscribing to your social media account. Here's the QR Code." Phone in hand again, and bam she's shoving it forward with a big grin. And the person behind the counter is now struggling to catch up to the request. But, working at their computer diligently.

And, of course, they'll want to gather information.

Colborn has posed:
    Moving in as the door is held for him, Colborn nods as he thinks about that idea, the horns idea. A helmet with horns. That could be protective, helpful... even when skateboarding or riding a bicycle. So he totally misses her charge up to the counter.

    The stoic man cringes as Beroe begins chattering to the front desk clerk. So he moseys up next to her and says, "Please forgive her enthusiasm." And he lays his US Passport on the counter, along with an American Express card. "I would very much like a single room with a king sized bed please." A pause and then he smiles and adds, "With her code for a discount if at all possible."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
With a few nods of her head, to the clerk, Beroe is smiling, big, "You have a great name. Paul. Paaaaaaul." She sounds it out, and then ohs, her eyes widen, "The PAUL!? I saw your name mentioned on the twitter feed. That mom had some real nice things to say after you rescued her son Timothy. Wowwie." Turning to Colborn she is actively palm hitting his shoulder, trying to get his attention, "-This- is Paul. He crawled into ventilation ducts to rescue this woman's son, which wasn't really her son, but a Chihuahua. That she calls her son. He has a pretty cute face, very photogenic, by the way. They're from Florida, but were here visiting... and, he saved him." Eyes softening, and she looks over at Paul, "Do you mind if I get, a picture? It would mean -so- much to me?"

Paul stops what he is doing, in the middle of gathering information and reluctantly steps to the side of the counter. Still, confused, a bit, about what is going on, but gets a picture taken. Beroe is throwing up a V for victory sign, her mouth is gaping open like she's shocked and surprised, looking in the direction of Paul, and he looks somewhat confused if with a small smile on his face, and then she instantly posts it with the caption: Paul, proving a hero doesn't need powers.

Then she's putting her phone away again, looking around the place now, kind of in awe, but at least Paul can get back to work getting the room requested, charging the card, using the coupon code. "For breakfast tomorrow you should DEFINITELY get their plantain and fresh fruit platter. It looks delicious, and very colorful."

Colborn has posed:
    Watching all of this with a bland straight face... which is more of a challenge than one might believe, Colborn just waits patiently. When Paul is able to get back to his check-in process, he adds, "I am not sure how many nights I will need. Can you put it in for a week? I will simply check out earlier if I need to. I understand if there needs to be extra held on the card. That is fine."

    And then he turns to look at Beroe while Paul is doin' the printout, key-programming thing... and he asks, "How do you maintain such energy levels? It must be exhausting." And yep, as hyper as she is, he is -juuuust- as bland and boring seeming.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Tilting her head to the side some, Beore smiles, "Oh, I dunno." She shrugs her shoulders, just a little, and then thinks about it, "I think it comes from the fact that the world is just such a great and wonderful place. Sure, there are some downsides, but all in all? There's always something worth smiling about!" Her big smiles gets her eyes to squint some.

Then she's shaking her head, "But it's not exhausting at all. Not one bit. I used to be super tired, and slow moving, all the time." She hunches a bit, and lumbers in place, before laughing lightly, "And then, I dunno. I started to make content, that people liked. REALLY liked, and I felt like, maybe. Just maybe, I was doing something that helped brighten people's lives. And if I kept doing it, I could turn this great big frown upside down. Now, though, I'm expanding. To heroing. Saving people more directly. Giving hope, where I can." A pause, and she looks over, "What about you? How do you keep up your energy?"

Colborn has posed:
    Again with the bland looks, Colborn lifts a brow. He could do a good Spock if he had pointed ears. "An optimist. Excellent." he says simply. "One with the will to see the good in the world." He nods, "I am impressed actually."

    And then comes the question of energy. He tilts his head in thought and then shrugs, "My energy level?" he asks. Then he gives a rare smile. "Coffee." he answers simply before he turns and scribbles a signature, and a few initials on the reg-card before accepting his key card. "Thank you Paul. I know the rules. Do not let the key near anything magnetic, or electronic for any extended duration. A metal detector will deprogram it immediately." he says as he looks down to the key packet. "Room three one four. Ah, I see the elevator that way." he says, tucking the key into a pocket, putting away ID and credit card, and then hoisting his bags once more before leading the way to the elevator.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"I like to think of myself as a realist! The world IS magical. Just think about today. I was walking, you saved me, I met you, and you are so nice! I'd never have met you had I not tripped over the suitcases. That's amazing!" Beroe offers, and then points to the clerk, "I'd of never met Paul. Or even heard of the harrowing story of Timothy and his rescue!"

Her eyes are getting wider, and wider, as she recounts the coincidences of the day. And then she smiles more softly, "Coffee is good, as well. Do you put in cream and or sugar?" She wonders, slightly derailed, and just waiting, standing, even as Colborn heads toward the elevator. It takes her a few moments, and her eyes spark wide again, "Oh! Hah, hah, coming!" She grabs up the bag, slings it over her shoulder, and oofs as it clatters against her back, then grabs the suitcase and starts quickly chasing Colborn down. "What was I saying?" Once she's caught up and just a bit winded, but smiling still, "Oh! Coffee. What's your favorite kind?"

Colborn has posed:
    Shrugging his shoulders, Colborn presses the call button for the elevator. As the door dings and opens, he steps in as he says, "Hot." as an answer to which type is his favorite. But then he takes pity and smirks, "I don't feel the need to be picky. So long as it is coffee, I will likely drink it."

    And once Beroe steps in, he presses the button for the third floor and asks, "Are you sure you want to come to the hotel room of that same stranger you bumped into today?" he asks.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Walking along, getting into the elevator, when you say Hot, her mouth is opening as if she's already about to respond. And then you continue, "Ohhhhh, that's so sweet. You are just a bundle of acceptance. Hot, cold, columbian, arabic, sumatran, peruvian, whatever, you'll drink it?" Her eyes soften and she gets one of those looks like she's eyeballing a cat online that's riding a roomba. "That just. If more people were like you, the world would be a better place." Her hand actually comes up and touches her chest, like she's touching her heart, and a deep in then out breath.

The question you ask next gets a little confused look, "Huh? You aren't a stranger. You are my friend Colborn. And I'm helping to the very end! Or my name isn't, Beroe." She points, up and to the side a bit, her other hand on her hip, it's like a half-hero stance about carrying luggage.

Colborn has posed:
    Nodding his head slowly, Colborn just accepts this as fact without any further comment. He waits patiently while the elevator does its thing. There is some elevator muzak of course, but he just stands there patiently.

    DING... second floor. The elevator keeps going. Apparently nobody on two was waiting for it....

    DING! Third floor. Toys, womens' linger... never mind. The door opens, and Colborn gestures for you to go first. Then he looks at the sign on the wall. It reads: 300 - 318 <---- 319 - 334 ---->

    And so he turns left and approaches his door, "You are a very helpful person. Yes." he says.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
The elevator muzak, on the other hand, gets Beroe to bop her head back and forth, tap her foot on the ground, humming along with it by the time the third floor comes along. She's also got her eyes looking at her phone again. That thing just pops up if there isn't a lot of time, "Did you know that song was first introduced in 1954? Wowwie, that's old. Like, really old. I don't even think my mom was alive yet." Thinking, thinking, she shakes her head, "Nope. Wow. Oldies, huh?" And she's just standing there, the door closes after Colborn steps out.

Luckily, it had no where else to go and after a few seconds, the door opens up again. Beroe, grinning, "Oh! We're here. Right." Phone away again, she's stepping off the elevator, and walking with Colborn down the hallway. "Thank you for the compliment. Oh! I should give you my phone number so you can text me when your place is up and working. Or, my insta, twitter, youtube, tiktok, whatever you want. I could always use more subscribers, but ... no pressure."