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Meeting the Mother
Date of Scene: 31 March 2020
Location: Queen Mansion
Synopsis: Moira Queen finally arrives at Queen Mansion from her trip and meets Vanessa. She doesn't get to be as draconian as she had been hoping throughout all her trip with Vanessa displaying quite the unusual knowledge about old Imari ware.
Cast of Characters: Oliver Queen, Vanessa Carlysle

Oliver Queen has posed:
It had turned out to be a longer foray out of Starling than Moira Queen had anticipated, securing a merger with a company in France so they could expand some of the business of Queen Consolidated and grow further. For her it was a win, a proof that she still got it and had as much business acumen as ever. She had always been proud of her intellect and once again she had been proven right.

Though it didn't help that she heard news from her son and daughter. They had a new guest at their home? And from what Thea said both Oliver and this new guest were quite smitten with one another. Something she would have to see for herself, which after Oliver had returned from his five years out in that island she had grown rather protective towards. It also didn't help that many of his relationships ended badly. Did she have a hand in it? Well, she would look at nothing to make sure his son was well taken care of.

The car stopped outside, Moira stepping out and looking at the entrance to the Mansion. Finally home.

As for Oliver, he had told Vanessa that his mother would be coming home today. And unlike with his sister he made sure to not be occupied when she arrived. He was up at his study right now, looking over the deal that had been made by his mother while in France. Though mostly he was trying to get over his own nerves.. Family...

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa looks at herself in the mirror. Steeling herself for what she is afraid may be an ordeal, based on what she's heard from Oliver and Thea. Have they told her a lot about their mother? Vanessa feels like she almost knows the woman already. She picked a nice but conservative blouse, a shade of blue that she's always thought she looked nice in.

The sound of the car pulling up brings Vanessa over to the window to look out. "Oliver, she's here I think," Vanessa says before moving over to where he sits at his desk. She rests her hands on his shoulders from behind. "It's going to go well," she says, as if he needs the encouragement when she feels she's the one who really needs it.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Well, this deal she came up with was quite good. Perhaps we will find her in a good mood." Oliver replies, setting the papers away and reaching up to squeeze one of those hands that are on his shoulders. He looks up to Vanessa then, "It will be fine." he confirms to her words in that firm, confident manner of his, getting up to his feet and wrapping one large arm about Vanessa's shoulders before placing a brief kiss upon her cheek. "You look good in this blouse." he comments with a grin, reaching up to brush a thumb over Vanessa's chin. "Shall we?" he says, offering her his arm.

Moira makes her past the guards at the gates, just a brief arched brow in their direction and then she is wandering in. Long coat, an elegant scarf and sunglasses, one hand dragging a roller bag behind her. She has always liked taking care of her own luggage.

She starts making her way into the foyer, taking down the sunglasses.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa gently leans against Oliver as he rises. His arms do have a way of making things in the world seem right to her, and this time is no exception. If only she could have them around her when actually meeting his mother? No, probably not the image they should aim for.

The brunette smiles softly at the compliment as she glances down at herself. It also reminds her of the decade age difference between herself and Oliver that Mrs. Queen will no doubt be thinking of. "Yes, ready," she says though, putting a bright, hopeful smile on her face and sliding her hand over onto his arm.

Vanessa walks along with Oliver, following his lead as they head over to meet Moira Queen. Vanessa is trying to calm those butterflies, and thinking to herself, "She raised Oliver and Thea, she's got to be ok."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Yes, hugging in front of Moira would most likely spell doom for the duo. But he does enjoy that feeling of having her there with him now, the way she feels and how right she does too. He lets out a soft exhale, perhaps the only sign he has given so far that he is getting ready for some kind of ordeal. But surely, she must be ok, right?

Oliver steps out of the study with Vanessa, walking towards the staircase that leads towards the ground floor. "And we could always run too. I know a paradise island or two we could live in comfortably." he suggests, but that half-grin to his face is very telling that he is making a joke, perhaps attempting to lighten the tension she sees on Vanessa. Maybe a tension that he shares. Well, one that he definitely shares. It's always difficult handling her.

Moira is waiting for them downstairs, sunglasses already out and now geting out of her scarf. She is a proud-looking woman, back straight, refined features even if she is most likely close to her late 50s now, blonde and with deep blue eyes. Clearly from where Oliver got his eyes from so alike they seem. She has a faint smile to her lips, one that doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"Hello, Oliver. Here I was thinking you were going to stay hidden in your study."

Oliver replying. "Mother, hello. It's good to finally have you home."

"Yes, good thing I returned, isn't it? And who might you be?" She asks Vanessa. Yes, she surely knows who she is by now but seems like she isn't willing to go easy on her.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa Carlysle has a way to her, an elegance and a poise which some find surprising given where she came from and where she's spent much of her life. Something natural though, that serves her well as she lets go of Oliver's arm to step forward a little more. Her smile is friendly, and calm despite whatever butterflies she'd felt.

"Hello Mrs. Queen. I'm Vanessa Carlysle," she offers. "I wanted to thank you for the sanctuary that your family has been giving me. I hope I won't be any kind of burden to you," she says. Vanessa glances around the house. "This entire place is so extraordinary. Your son and daughter both. And your family home. You have quite a talent for decorating," Vanessa offers.

Oliver Queen has posed:
There is a clear study on Moira's eyes at Vanessa. Her mannerisms, the poise, up to her eyes and lines of her face. The way she dresses. All seems to be assessed under that blue gaze. She remains silent while Vanessa introduces herself. She listens to the girl's voice. "I can't recognize your accent. Where are you from?" she asks directly, a look then given to Oliver. "My son can be very generous." the tone appears as if she might be implying 'too generous' though, even if she is polite enough to not say so openly.

The mention of being a burden does make her raise a brow, as if that was still to be decided but she then focuses on what Vanessa says next, gesturing with her hand about the house. "It is, I am quite proud of both. Even if they often like to surprise their old mother. For the good and the bad."

Oliver steps in to place a kiss on Moira's cheek, "And here I was thinking you were in a good mood after the merger." he comments, tsking as if to lighten the mood.

Moira just taps Oliver briefly in the cheek in an affectionate manner. "Oh, but I am." though her focus is in seeing her boy happy. She has noticed the way Oliver was looking at Vanessa when they were coming down. There was a shine there to his gaze so she decides to take a breath. Fine, a chance. "But thank you for your words, it took me a long time to decorate it just right. Do you understand much of decoration?" she inquires.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa replies to Moira, "I grew up in Ohio. Have that Midwest lack of accent," she says, though with her appearance one could think her anything from Brazilian to some Persian mix. The large, dark eyes especially could seem to have come from that region.

She falls quiet to let son and mother speak about the merger, not speaking again until Moira returns to the topic of the mansion's décor. "Certainly not as much as it would take to achieve this," Vanessa says, making an answer into a compliment for Moira Queen. "But I've greatly appreciated it," she says.

Vanessa takes a few steps away, looking around the room. "The paintings of the family I think are such a nice way to keep memories alive," she says, eyes glancing up at the painting of Oliver's father up at the landing atop the stairs.

She turns back, eyeing some exquisite china in a display case. "I wonder, are those Ko-Imari? The seascape design looked like something from the Edo period but I hadn't thought such bright colors were used," Vanessa says, the thought popping into her head and given utterance before she's quite aware of it.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Ohio." That makes Moira's brow furrow. That's a rather common place. But those features speak differently of the heritage she notes on the girl's fine features, studying the eyes. "You look all but being from Ohio." which with that tone of hers could either be a compliment, an insult. A mixture?! Or perhaps she is still deciding. But regardless, she does note the refined features.

And it does help when she is complimented about her decoration. Not that she expects Vanessa to know much about it. They always say those kind things but then when she starts with the real questions that's when they all crumble. She is already starting to smile, preparing her way of attack.

Oliver remains silent for now, letting the two of them square off. In a way he knows they need to do it if they ever will get along together. And he also trusts Vanessa, he knows she will be able to handle this. Of course that it doesn't mean he can't give her one of his warm grins. Admittedly, the kind of grins he doesn't show often, mainly reserved to her family and to Vanessa.

"We like to think that while they are still remembered then some part of them is still alive." Moira says, her expression a touch more solemn. But then her eyes go to the vase. First there is surprise. Knowing about the Ko-Imari isn't for everyone.. But then her smile warms up a bit more. "They are indeed. They tended to overdecorate at the time so there are always some surprises to be found. It is one of the reasons they caught my attention. The way they were so..., different from what is expected out of them." perhaps in a way she starting to think the same out of Vanessa, or at least considering her in a different light. "I did not know it was an area that interested you. I have always enjoyed collecting these more odd pieces."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
The porcelain is such a point of pride for Moira. Poor Oliver and Thea have heard about the set so many times, in more detail than they ever wanted to hear once. Let alone the dozen or so times over the years they've been forced to endure it.

Vanessa has a look of interest, a willing audience for Moira. "Yes, however did you find them? I believe these were exported to Europe for a short time only, weren't they?" Vanessa asks, a point that Moira has made many a time before she gets on, in her telling, on how she actually came about acquiring them.

Vanessa's hands gently clasp together at her waist as she stands beside Moira to admire the pieces as they discuss them.

Oliver Queen has posed:
There is a moment in which Moira considers that Oliver might had told her about this particular set, perhaps in a way to ingratiate herself ... But then a glance towards her son. No, he isn't the type for that kind of deception. And the girl seems to genuinely know what she is talking about. It pleases her to find someone that has the same interests. Sometimes those young women can be so vapid ... It brings her memories of the last one, Vera... Uff, such a socialite..

But anyway, the tale. Yes, she never tires of saying it. "Yes, the production costs were too high, which means most of what you get now are cheap knockoffs." she explains.

Yes, Oliver knows it all.. He has heard it so many times. Of course that it's surprising he is hearing this out of Vanessa now. He hadn't expected her to be interested in old chinese porcelain. But he looks approvingly at her.

"But this one, I knew it was authentic right when I first laid eyes on it, the color was indeed odd, or a touch different from the norm. But it was also telling that it was from the period, because knockoffs always went for what was the norm. And the quality..." well, she lets the quality speak for itself, because for a connoisseur this is indeed a master piece.

"Would you believe they were gathering dust at an antiques shop when I was travelling through the netherlands...? I was instantly in love.."

Oliver interjects. "And you also missed your flight back, father wasn't pleased." A shrug from Moira, "Well, he was always pleased in what mattered, silly boy." gasp! Whoever calls Oliver a silly boy!

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa stands listening with obvious interest on her face. She laughs at the right moments and smiles at the right ones, and even in the right amounts. Soon Moira and Vanessa have moved on to other areas of the house.

Some things Vanessa merely asks about, Moira having a chance to explain and show off. A new set of ears for old stories is what some define a 'friend' to be. Other items around the house though, Vanessa asks rather telling questions much like with the china. Many of them, Oliver himself knows. If he'd coached Vanessa he couldn't have done better.

In the end the trio is back where they started. "Moira, I already loved your home, but now I have an even new found appreciation for it," Vanessa tells Oliver's mother. "I've really enjoyed this," she says, smiling to the woman.

Oliver Queen has posed:
That interest in the vase, one that Oliver knows was one of her prides and joys was certainly the ice breaker, making it so Moira goes on a 'rampage' in showing Vanessa some of her other precious items. A philantropist indeed. She finds delight in the way Vanessa knows of most items. "Well, Vanessa.." because of course they are treating each other by their first names already. "... I will be most glad to have you staying for as long as you need."

Then a look to Oliver as if to say 'you'd better make sure she is safe', before they are done for the moment. Moira smiles and says apologetically. "I need to go get out of these clothes and rest. It was a long trip. I will be looking forward to seeing you both at dinner." a beat, "At 7pm as usual." because she always takes control when she is home. And then she is off. Most likely looking for Thea. Who wisely decided to stay longer in university today.

And that leaves the two of them alone. Oliver smiles at Vanessa and then lets out a soft chuckle. "I didn't know this was something that interested you. You'd never told me about your knowledge of old chinese vases." he walks over to her, placing one hand on her shoulder. "This went better than I could had hoped in my best dreams."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa waits until Moira is gone and then moves over to Oliver, sliding her hands over onto his hips and then about his waist. "I really didn't expect it to go that well either," she says, letting out a relieved breath. "I... don't really know when I picked it up, to be honest," she says, looking a little confused as she looks towards the china cabinet. "I watch a lot of Jeopardy, maybe some of it stuck? Or, I don't know. History Channel specials. I fall asleep in front of the TV a lot," she says, looking perplexed about the matter.

Vanessa shrugs it all off and just smiles at Oliver. "I am so relieved. I wanted her to like me, but, I'd have settled for just not kicking me out of the house," she says. Vanessa leans her head forward, resting her forehead against Oliver's and just basking in being close with him like this.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Are you going to tell me you were winging it?" Now -that- surprises Oliver for sure, his eyebrows arching. That mix of surprise and also being impressed visible there. Feeling those arms around him though makes Oliver bring one hand up to Vanessa's cheek, brushing fingers over it. The analytical mind on Oliver does comes to remember that she also knew Mathis. His first instinct, the one that only years of cynical betrayal and gathering of so many enemies could, would almost be that Vanessa knows way more than she should. But the thought she could be a spy, or working for one of his enemies is simply preposterous. She looks too genuine. Not only looks. He -knows- she is genuine. Perhaps it was just simple coincidences. He shelves it for now.

"Well, I was still serious about that island if she didn't accept us, so...." He grins down at her, placing a kiss on her forehead before they rest them against each other. He lets out a soft sigh. "I am glad we were able to get through it. Been a while since I had seen mother so happy with someone."

A pause, he considers briefly and then speaks what he knows has been on his mind for a long while now. "I don't want you to stay just until this threat is over."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa is happy to just linger there against Oliver, feeling his closeness and his arms about her. "We did get on well. Hopefully I don't mess it up," she says with a soft smile. "And that island sounds lovely even if she does like me," Vanessa adds with a warm little laugh. "Tropical getaway?"

She moves a hand up to Oliver's shoulder, brushing over the firm, broad expanse with her fingers spread. Vanessa brings her eyes up, head straightening so she isn't quite so close and can look at him more directly. "I don't want to be apart from you either," she tells him softly. "Whatever would work for you, whatever time you have in your life for me, Oliver, I'd be happy with," she tells him.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"I feel there's little chance of that happening." Oliver replies to Vanessa, the warmth there on his eyes telling that he'd be by her side whatever happened though. He brings one hand up to hold Vanessa's chin as they meet gazes, "We will have to put that on the schedule when this is all over." a brief laugh. But it also reminded him of the urgency of what he has to do. Both against Yu Phun and also figuring out what Slade is doing here.

The hand on his shoulder draws him near, his whole world there in front of him right now while he watches her face. A nod. "You are deserving of all my time, Vanessa." he murmurs.

A small tilt of his hand over her chin to turn it up a little and then he leans over to place a soft, gentle kiss upon her lips, full of his warmth and care for her.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
The young woman follows the guidance of Oliver's hand, face tilting up to give her lips to his kiss. She kisses him back, her arms moving to wrap gently about his shoulders and meet behind his neck. Her body presses in against him as they share that sweet, lingering kiss. All of their emotions transmitted through that gentle, passionate joining.

Vanessa gives such a happy sigh. "I'm still worried I'm going to wake and find this is the best dream of all time," she tells him. "I'd ask you to pinch me, but I'm pretty sure I know where you'd give it to me at," she tells him with an accusatory, and mischievous look.