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Latest revision as of 14:26, 21 July 2022

What do you mean you want a chainmail bikini
Date of Scene: 20 July 2022
Location: The Forge
Synopsis: It's not armor if it doesn't cover you. Okay.. I'll make it.
Cast of Characters: Mary Jane Watson, Colborn

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Some things Sonja is insistent on. After months and months, Mary Jane has given in to it. She's got no remote clue as to why her other persona has such an attachment to the attire. but it's part of what defines her. It goes against SHIELD field regulations. But Sonja is insistent. So Mary Jane's going to one of the forges that she's been scoping out to work over on some of Sonja's armaments. Having left her sword behind, Mary Jane's wearing somewhat more formal attire than usual. A green skirt and a red blouse that are held up in a way to make herself just look a little older.

Colborn has posed:
    The Forge... it is a simple name with a lot of meaning to it. Colborn has been working on a project he was hired for recently. A simple project... almost mass production. Fencing foils are simple designs. Fencing foils for use on stage... to look sharp while not being -truly- sharp... those are at the same time easier, and more difficult to forge.

    But using the charcoal forge, he's been working on that project. He has one of the blades... more to the point, he's finished the 'blade' or the metal tube that is semi-sharpened at the end... finished. It rests on a counter while he works the second one. No power hammer for Colborn. Just a handheld hammer to shape the steel into a rounded tube that tapers towards one end.

    His forge opened in the last week, but he -did- put out small ads in the local papers. It is amazing how much business he has had in the last few days. As the door jingles, he looks up and finishes the last three strokes of his hammer before placing the steel at the edge of the heat. His plan is to keep it at temperature without overheating it. Then he strolls out from the back as he removes the heavy leather apron he was wearing for work. "Good afternoon ma'am." he says, "How can I help you?" Funny that all of his big time customers have been women so far. So much for the idea of men and blades.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja knows quite a bit of forges. Admittedly ones from simpler eras that dealt with things primarily of slaughter and stabbing. Eras of war meant that weapons were always necessary beyond almos tanything else in the era. So she'd taken a bit to scope the place out and then would enter in.
    She would glance over at the blade being assembled, and she would go to let out a low whistle.
    "That's very fine craftsmanship. One handed. Looks like you're going for European style?" She would inquire. "I can't tell if it's English or French. Is it not that far along yet or am I on the wrong continent?" She would playfully query.
    Clearly having a bit more knowledge hopefully than just someone who did Society for Creative Anachronism meetups.

Colborn has posed:
    Glancing over his shoulder towards the forge in the other room, Colborn shrugs his shoulders. "Theatrical style. A dance instructor wishes simple foils for her students to use in performances. Sadly, I am not allowed to make them -fully- functional. But... if the customer is paying, I create what they pay for, yes?" he asks.

    Then he looks back towards MJ and gestures about the room. "I have a variety of styles of already crafted items if you wish to see samples of my work."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "Well, it looks very good so far. And I'm sure that if it's very good and the studetns have some background in it, they can make it fuly functional if they have the patience. And I presume that theatre intended or not you'll make sure that it's good enough quality to hold up to any sort of use." She would offer cheerfully.
    "And I'm looking for something more.. Garment oriented."

Colborn has posed:
    Eyes lighting up, Colborn nods his head, "Any steel can be a weapon if used well. But indeed. Garment... armor then." he says. "Form or function?" he asks as he gives a critical once-over to the woman before him. It's the sort of look that women get from men a lot. But his is measuring, not appraising.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would go to look crosseyed, "Ah.. Decorative." <<Functional you whelp. It is functional in it's form!>> Sonja would snip at her for putting down the outfit. ~I'm not blessed by the Goddess the same way you were, Sonja! I'm not going to be as protected as you are by it~ Mary Jane would counter with logic <<Then you must increase your skill until you are. Iwill have it no less!>> The joys of a co-habited body.
    Realizing she had faded out there, she would go, "Uh, something ornamental. I was on a trip to Europe and they had some paintings from a past historical era of some outfits that a.. Guy I'm dating really liked and I thought I would have one made for.." Going beet red.

Colborn has posed:
    Nodding without judgement, Colborn shrugs his shoulders, "Okay. So form. Suppose you tell me what it is you wish. I must say that history is not exactly... replete with decorative armor worn by women. One of the most famous armored women is Jean D'Arc... and she wore plate armor during the renaissance."

    That said, he steps behind the counter and picks up a sketch pad and a pencil. "But please describe what you wish made."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
There's a sigh over, "Scale mail in the pattern of a bikini. Padded underneath sufficiently so it could be worn with comfort, durable as anything else made of scale mail. I might as well get the real thing if I'm going to all the trouble of having it properly made."
    OF course 'it's for a boy'.

Colborn has posed:
    Nodding his head, Colborn starts sketching. "I presume that you know that in order to actually -be- protective as armor, it would need to cover the majority of the flesh there. So... right. Well made, but not protective. I get it."

    He does a little work on a sketch and then lifts his eyes once more. "I presume you want it fitted precisely to your build. So.. I will need to take measurements."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
    This is something she already has an answer to, "Yes, I know. It's purely for some fun. I figured I might as well get it made.. Real if I'm going to bother with it just so I'm not getting something like pop tabs twisted together." Putting up a face to indicate she'd seen it done.
    "And no problem there. There a room to go to for it?" Her not seeming to have any issues with Colborn doing the measuring.

Colborn has posed:
    Shrugging his shoulders, Colborn gestures towards the back. "I can close the separating door." he says with a shake of his head, "I did not outfit this place with fitting rooms in mind." he adds.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "Fair enough. You need me to take most of my things of ffor accuracy or you think you can handle it over with them on?" Her outfit was tight but she seemed to have no real embarrassment if he needed them off.

Colborn has posed:
    "I have enough experience to remove the minimal parts of the measurements to account for it. Plus, I figure that if you keep your garments on, then I will make the armored parts to match that... and then fit the padding underneath as tightly as I can. That way the padding will be about the same fit as your clothing." says Colborn. "But if this is to be as revealing as indicated, I don't need full body measurements, only where it will be."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "That's perfect, thank you." She would go to hold her arms up and to the side. "I've been measured a few times, I'm reasonably used to it. Just position me however you need it an dindicate how you want me to move." The benefits of being a model and having no body image issues. "Thanks for, uh.. Not being phased on this. You're the third place I've tried this."

Colborn has posed:
    "You are the customer. First rule of sales... give the customer what they want to pay for." admits Colborn. He steps out from behind the counter and reaches to pick up a tape measure. He'll do this professionally and not linger touching any places.

    After getting the torso measured, he pauses and inclines his head, "For the bottoms. What style would you prefer? High cut over the hips? Or low cut? In the back, how wide?" he adds.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "Yes, so when they did that no matter the quality of their wares, I did find it quite.. Unprofessional of them. But, they're allowed to take on the business that they feel is appropriate." She would hold her arms up to allow for the torso measurements and go over.
    She would move to take out a small sketch of what she'd done to best 'represent' Sonja's original style.. But made the body different to not be a complete match.

Colborn has posed:
    Glancing at the sketch after measuring, Colborn nods, "So, I get it." he states as he steps over to the paper to start making notes. "It might be a few weeks before I can get to this. I've already picked up a few commissions. But if you leave me your contact information, then I will contact you when it is ready." A pause, and he adds, "I presume you would prefer leather for the padding, or should I make it from cotton?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Of course." Then a few switches in her head as she would go back an forth. "Leather. IT's supposed to be more durable and if I'm going to wear it I might as well try and avoid having to need to get it repaired and having to go to a tailor. So jus tas durable as you can and get it set in."

Colborn has posed:
    Nodding his head, Colborn pauses, "I will make the lining removeable so that it can be washed when the need arises." (Not if. When.)

    But he steps back behind the counter and makes a few more notes, "Price can be discussed when it is finished. I do not accept payment for work that has not been done."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The redhead that does not have the inherent protection that her progenitor however many hundred generations removed did, nods, "OF course, thank you. I'll do some research on how to wash it and treat the leather."

Colborn has posed:
    "Okay. So I have the measurements, and I know what I will be fabricating for you." says Colborn as he offers a hand, "For the record, I am Colborn Gustafson."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Mary Jane Watson. Pleased to meet you. I really can't wait to see how it turns out." And probably best to not ask further as to exactly why she wants it. While inwardly Mary Jane is cringing and Red Sonja is laughing.