Mary Jane Watson

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  Red Sonja  
Mary Jane Watson (Scenesys ID: 718)
Name: Mary Jane Watson
Superalias: Red Sonja
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Model/Actress
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Manhattan
Education: HS Diploma
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Entertainment, Mystic Arts, Street Level, Infinity Watch, Secret Warriors, Spider-Verse, SHIELD
Apparent Age: 21 Actual Age: 21
Date of Birth 24 May 2002 Played By Karen Gillian
Height: 5'8" Weight: 120 lb
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Green
Twitter: Jackpot2002
Theme Song: Girl On Fire - Alicia Keys

God is a Woman - Ariana Grande Just Fine - Mary J Blige

Character Info


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An up-and-coming actress looking to make her way into the big time, Mary Jane Watson has recently had the legendary warrior Red Sonja inhabiting her head. She knows that with great power comes great responsibility, so is starting to just get a feel for what precisely that means with what she's trying to do.


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* XXXX - Red Sonja was born in the Western Hyrkanian steppes.
* XXXX - Red Sonja's village is destroyed by raiders, she flees and swears vengeance. The goddess Scathach appears and empowers her request.$e* XXXX - Red Sonja has multiple adventures across the Hyborian Kingdoms, fighting such foes as Thulsa Doom and Kulan Gath.
* * * * * * * * * * *
* 2002 - Mary Jane Watson was born to Philip and Madeline Watson as the second of two children.
* 2010 - MJ's parents divorce, and she stays in the custody of her mother, visiting family such as her Aunt Anna.
* 2018 - MJ spots a frantic Peter Parker running into his house, then Spider-Man emerging moments later. Realizing that they are the same person, MJ keeps it to herself.
* 2019 - MJ covers for Peter's Spider-Man exploits multiple times, but is reluctant to get too involved.
* 2020 - On a museum visit for senior year, MJ touches an ancient relic of a bygone era, and channels the spirit of her ancestor Red Sonja. The spirit actually speaks in her head, and MJ isn't quite sure what to do. Works with Spider-Man as a hero and joins S.H.I.E.L.D. while learning to co-habitate with the person in her head.
* 2021 - Graduates to full agent status within S.H.I.E.L.D. after training, is on mostly good terms with Red Sonja.

IC Journal

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Desire For Stability:
With her parents' divorce and living with various relatives growing up and moving all over, MJ really wants stability in her life more than anything else. It's a big reason why she never pursued a relationship with a certain webhead, as she was always worried and confused about how the relationship would mesh with being a superhero...

Mary Jane Watson is a party girl, at least that's the persona she projects at first. She enjoys going to parties and being the center of attention. She makes new friends and acquaintances very easily, but she's also very sincere about them. She's outgoing but far from shallow in that respect.

Red Sonja:
While MJ is the dominant personality, Red Sonja is her own separate entity. Sonja is brash, fierce, and is in some ways MJ cranked up to 11 but given brass knuckles and spiked boots before being tossed into a mosh pit. Sonja is prone to extravagant boasting and rather lurid observations, and she isn't exactly shy about expressing those opinions in MJ's head... or verbally, if MJ happens to be 'out of control' at the time being (see Weaknesses).

Character Sheet


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Ancestral Spirit:
Mary Jane is the host of her ancestor spirit, Red Sonja. This gives MJ supernatural strength and endurance slightly above the typical human maximum. In laymans terms, she rarely tires from even activity most people would find strenuous, and she can deadlift up to a ton of weight.


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Natural Performer:
MJ is a skilled actress, dancer, and singer, at least enough to get semi-steady work in New York in those fields. She's also done work as a model.

People Person:
Mary Jane Watson is definitely a people person, and she's very good at talking with people and getting them to open up about their life and their problems. She's a great person to confide in and she's excellent at making social networks.

Unarmed Combat:
Thanks to Red Sonja, MJ is an expert at unarmed combat, though it tends to be a very dirty style of fighting that can take quite a few people by surprise. Her appearance can cause people to underestimate her in that regard as well.

Weapon Mistress:
Thanks to Red Sonja living in her head, Mary Jane is an expert combatant with melee weapons of various kinds. Though Red Sonja prefers swords, MJ has been trying to use combat batons or other non-lethal weapons since... well, she's been trying to explain to Sonja that you can't really bathe in the blood of your enemies anymore, but Sonja isn't really getting it just yet.


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Asgardian Blade:
Mary Jane has an Asgardian blade from a Fallen Valkyrie that was given to her by Frigga, the All-Mother. The blade is high quality, as the personal weapon of a warrior. It has no other inherent abilities beyond the quality of the blade forged by dwarves, it's history, and the metals that forge it.

Combat Equipment:
When Red Sonja first manifested, MJ had the 'chainmail bikini' armor and greatsword that she's known for. Since then, well... MJ has been trying to be a bit less showy and lethal. She's managed to get a pair of anodized batons that she's been using, but still has the chainmail and sword for emergencies.

Red Sonja has sworn an oath of loyalty to the All-Mother of Asgard. Frigga occasionally tasks her with missions, and lends Sonja her assistance and perspective when need be. While Frigga is unlikely to give her direct support unless needed, the All-Mother is fond of Sonja and has developed a bond with her. Sonja is allowed to come and go to Asgard based upon need and Heimdall's availability. This also has made enemies of those that are hostile to Asgard that will target her if they encounter her.

MJ has just gotten a scholarship to Julliard for theater, so has a full ride there as long as she keeps her grades and performance up.

Mary Jane is a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent and has access to the basic resources of SHIELD for an agent of her rank and classification as well as possible friends.

Social Networking:
Even though she's pretty young, MJ has a pretty extensive social network of contacts, particularly among the performing community. This can definitely lead her into getting into parties or other things that might normally be beyond her station.

Mary Jane is an honorary member of the Spider-Family and is on good terms with many of them, and is a close friend of Peter Parker. She can call upon them for aid or assistance should she need it and they would come to help her out or lend resources.

Mary Jane has a blade forged with a core of Hyborean Steel encrusted with secondary adamantium and honed very sharp. The sword is a large two handed blade that weighs approximately twenty percent more than a normal blade of it's style and make and is balanced to Red Sonja's fighting style. It has an appropriate sheathe to hold it and a larger than usual crossguard along the hilt to help maintain balance and help ensure the wielder is at a lower risk of injuring themself with it.

The blade is lethal and is much more effective at cutting through things that are extremely resistant to damage and the blade is extremely difficult to break as well. Given it's deadliness it is not something that Mary Jane is regularly expected to wield in the field.


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As a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Mary Jane has enemies of the organization (such as Hydra or other supervillains) that will be adversarial to her. She could also be targeted by enemies of Spider-Man/the Spider-Friends for her association. And as a SHIELD Agent she sometimes may have clashes between her duties to her friends and those as an agent.

Hyborean Enemies:
Red Sonja has a long list of enemies from the Hyborean Era, and they do tend to pop up in the modern day now and again. Additionally, sorcerers and cultists might see sacrificing MJ (and Sonja) as a way to gain some weird cosmic power trip... or even just a way to pay back Sonja for a defeat handed down eons ago.

New To This:
MJ is... really inexperienced with the whole 'superhero' thing. She's not even sure that's what she wants to do, but she has found that getting out and beating up some villains does keep Sonja happy, and... well, that helps a lot. Still, she's pretty green at this part of her life, and is going to be making some mistakes...

Possessing Spirit:
The fact that Red Sonja is currently residing in MJ's head is going to be patently obvious to people with astral perception or telepathy. Additionally, mystical types will definitely notice that there's something a bit unusual going on with her, though they might not know specifically what without further investigation.

Red Sonja:
Red Sonja to read 'While Red Sonja is a benign presence in MJ's head, occasionally she can make MJ blurt out something that she might later regret. Sonja is not a very tactful individual, and tends to be very direct about her opinions... which, well, can make things awkward if MJ doesn't catch it in time. And Red Sonja can be much more violent and raucous than Mary Jane, and can get out of hand; or if Mary Jane gets lost in Sonja it threatens a body count.

Trouble Magnet:
One thing about MJ, is that she tends to attract a lot of attention. Which, especially for your supervillain-of-the-week that a certain webhead tends to fight, can be a bit distracting! While MJ isn't the easiest to kidnap anymore, she still can be inconvenienced by these encounters to say the least.



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Mary Jane Watson has 375 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Spider-Verse: Leopardon; Form on Me For Great Justice! February 10th, 2025 When Professor Murder and Amazoness come to Earth to try and wreak havok, the Emissary of Hell, Spider-Man, sends his greatest ally, the super jet Marveller that turns into the ALL POWERFUL LEOPORADON to team up with Spider-Man and Spider-Ghost to put the monster down! Watch and sing lyrics to 70's Sentai and SUPAIDAMAN!
Boom goes the Bank Vault! February 2nd, 2025 Some of Joker's henchmen got away, the rest got splattered by an 18 wheeler.
Heck of a Nap January 24th, 2025 (Same day as the previous log!) Mary Jane finds Katsumi heaped against the altar, and finally, the Divine Wrath wakes up. Four years lost, Katsumi has to try to find her footing in this new time.
Descent: Ambush on Coney Island January 19th, 2025 An attempted ambush of Spider-Man by the the Sinister Syndicate on behalf of Hammerhead goes very wrong thanks to a little help from his friends (and an Amazon Princess).
The Marko, The Mountain January 9th, 2025 Pathfinder runs into Man Mountain Marko. After a misunderstanding of Marko thinking Pathfinder is Batman, the two agree that Batman is a monster that has injured thousands of dudes and costs Gotham a fortune to pay hsopital bills for.
Dazzler's New Years Rockin' Eve December 31st, 2024 Alison hosts a concert in Apple Park while people enjoy roller skating, food, and friends. Ryan Seacrest says hello on the Jumbo Tron and everybody watches THE BALL drop.
A Very Spidery Christmas December 21st, 2024 Felicia and Peter host a holiday party for their friends at their new apartment in Greenwich Village. Even Lydia Hardy and Aunt May are in attendance!
Working through the Murdering Memories December 17th, 2024 It's Felicia's turn to play therapist with Mary Jane when she has Sonja's memories and the trauma from the Hyborean Age of Horrors.
Descent: Standoff December 11th, 2024 A robbery gone wrong results in a hostage situation for the NYPD that escalates when assorted vigilantes show up on the scene. And when Doc Ock makes an appearance, well, look out!
The Coming of Conan December 11th, 2024 The necromancer Kulan Gath and Conan of Cimmeria are brought forth into the present along with hundreds of skeletons and a giant necromantic construct! Thankfully, an impromptu group of heroes gets together and saves the day. Red Sonja and Conan are reunited for the fist time since the Hyborian Age
Streets of Rage - Killer Instinct December 10th, 2024 Spider-Man and Pathfinder find themselves caught up in a brawl between the Elite of the League of Assassins and the Foot. Some fights you can't win.
Cat Killed Your Tongue December 6th, 2024 Impulse and Divine team up against the carnivorous Cheetah in the Park!
We Are One World Concert November 26th, 2024 Everyone joins in on the Dazzler concert
Streets of Rage - Darkstalkers November 17th, 2024 Another fight on the busy streets as heroes once more try to separate out feuding clans of assassins as the fighting never seems to end.
Cash Withdrawal November 14th, 2024 A bank robber is interrupted by a trio of helpful people
Radioactive Spider Hammed November 12th, 2024 Gwen runs into her old concussed friend, the spider bitten by a radioactive pig, Spider-Ham!
Things Still Need to Get done November 11th, 2024 Mary Jane drops off some FEAST initiative supplies to Cinque's shelter. Cinque and Mary Jane talking about carryine on in face of the times the world is in.
Jugesis November 6th, 2024 Cain and Evan swap stories about Mary Jane's unrivaled reputation in Olympic Curling.
Streets of Rage - Slaughter in the Sewers October 27th, 2024 The Turtles (and Friends) face off a horde of ninjas in the sewers. Dude!
Streets of Rage - Shurikens Fired October 26th, 2024 The lower east side is the site of a battle amongst the Foot, the Clan, and the League of Assassins. Work by heroes manages to keep those who fell limited to the combatants. But not all heroes limit themselves.
When Two Worlds Collide October 21st, 2024 Gwen invites MJ over to get her advice on a modeling contract that the previous-Gwen had signed.
SHIELDS and Shadows October 21st, 2024 It's the Darkforce vs the weird thugs of the night!
One, Two, Three Strikes October 20th, 2024 Preparations are made at Yankee Stadium.
A Thief and a Barbarian Chat Outside a Bar... October 17th, 2024 Mary Jane and Felicia talk after Felicia has made her peace with herself and her new path in life.
Arrows on the Roof October 13th, 2024 Thea helps save Mary Jane on a SHIELD op.
Swords the Season October 5th, 2024 Illyana and MJ talk about vamps and vamp busting.
Ruminations Between Unequals October 3rd, 2024 Mary Jane and Sonja run into Cassandra. Mary Jane tries to talk about Sonja being stab happy, Cassandra thinks she probably needs medication.
Descent: Crash Course September 30th, 2024 The Vulture and the Rhino make some trouble while Spider-Man and Black Cat are out on patrol. Fortunately they are dealt with thanks to a little help from MJ, Cloak and Dagger, and Jacen. Captain Jean DeWolff saves Spidey from an unpleasant police entanglement.
Tales of Gemworld: Batburger Siege September 25th, 2024 When a group of orcs released on Earth find the Batburger in pursuit of Princess Amethyst - and find Batman, Silverdane, Red Sonja and Voodoo!
A glamorous occurence September 21st, 2024 Glamour Ruins A Stakeout
Descent: The Hunter's Prey September 14th, 2024 A trap laid by Hammerhead and Kraven to get rid of Spider-Man once and for all is thwarted by his quick-to-respond allies, and after being presumed dead, Felicia resurfaces with murderous intent.
Comrade Bear For Great Communism September 12th, 2024 Comrade Spinner has to deal with the drunken KGBear when he is far too sober to handle it.
Coffee, the nectar of life. September 11th, 2024 Jacen had a good visit with MJ on his way out of the city for a few days. A good conversation blossomed.
New Challanges From Old World September 5th, 2024 A small Olympic event goes past with little fanfare as an old washed up olympian has his day made by those willing to take out time for him.
Spider-Night, Quiet Night September 4th, 2024 Spider-Friends talk over movie night.
D.I.V.O.R.C.E. August 31st, 2024 Three sisters will return to the sea, offering their heroes favors three. The pelts were found, this much is true, but oh, Rien, what did you do?
Descent: The First Slayer Strikes August 27th, 2024 On a grey evening, a flying robot-Spider attacks a group of people in Midtown Manhatten. But it seems to be especially fixated on Spider-Man.
We All Scream for Venom August 18th, 2024 Venom and Mary Jane talk about heroism, closure, and Peter.
The Horrors of HUNGER August 16th, 2024 Natasha and Clint talk about Galactus. And Clint reassures Natasha when she feels helpless.
Descent: To Catch The Man-Spider August 12th, 2024 The trap is set to try and finally bring the Man-Spider to heel and restore the trapped Peter Parker from within.
Graveyard Shift August 9th, 2024 Mary has an encounter with a fellow fearsome redhead in a cemetery.
Cursing the Circe August 7th, 2024 Thor brawls with Circe to a stalemate.
It's Morbin' Time August 3rd, 2024 A collection of friends and allies of Spider-Man seek out the Brooklyn labratory of one Dr. Michael Morbius seeking information that might help cure the Man-Spider. The get a nasty, bloodsucking surprise.
The Big Gay Spider-Man Meeting August 1st, 2024 Felicia calls an impromptu meeting of the Spider-Catching-Society at the Big Gay Ice Cream Shop.
Keep Your Hands and Arms Inside the Ride At All Times July 26th, 2024 Misunderstanding that the riders aren't in actual danger, Mantis accidentally breaks the Coney Island cyclone. Impulse saves the riders in peril and Mary Jane Watson saves Mantis.
GNATION: Trouble at Oscorp July 22nd, 2024 In a daring rescue at Oscorp Tower, SHIELD agents and heroes battled the Goblin Nation. Despite intense combat, hostages were saved, and the Elite Goblin Knight was defeated. The mysterious stolen device remains under investigation, leaving many questions unanswered.
DAMN, it's the Brotherhood! July 18th, 2024 When Deport All Mutants Now (DAMN) tries to take control of a train with mutant prisoners aboard, they draw the aggro of the Brotherhood! Jaxon, Lorna, Clarice, Spiral, and Madelyne all attack to free the prisoners! Kid Devil and Mary Jane show up to help. It was sometimes awkward!
Hyborean Horrors - The Worst of Beginnings July 11th, 2024 A group of mentally displaced travelers are sent far into the past, in the Hyborean era. They arrive and immediately are drawn into the violence that is but the norm for this depraved time. Trigger Warning; this scene is very bloody and gory. Be aware.
Descent: Is There A Doctor In The House July 5th, 2024 Dr. Curt Connors' efforts to fix Spider-Man's strange mutation goes horribly wrong, leaving Felicia and MJ to pick up the pieces.
Welcome to My Parlor, Said the Spider to the MJ June 30th, 2024 Peter and MJ catch up after his shocking transformation. Felicia soon joins them atop the roof of the New York City Public Library.
GNATION: Alchemax Break-In June 26th, 2024 The Goblin Nation attempts to rob an Alchemax secure storage facility, but the majority of their forces are stopped by a motley crew of heroes! Only a scarce few gliders escape into the night!
Descent: Rise Of The Man-Spider June 25th, 2024 The Silver Samurai's attempted kidnapping outside a local FEAST Shelter is thwarted. But Spider-Man's troubles are just beginning...
Hanging from the Heights June 22nd, 2024 Spider-Man, Mary Jane, and Squirrel Girl hang out.
Where the Savage Things Are June 22nd, 2024 A mixed group of heroes, Brothermood members, and others go to rescue a group of dinosaurs from a laboratory run by the whelps of the High Evolutionary. Everyone runs out riding cybernetic dinosaurs. For a time, all is awesome.
Stegrons and SHIELDs June 17th, 2024 Intrepid space hero Captain Marvel, the Unstoppable Juggernaut, and (poor) Peter Parker suffering bad allergies ready for a teamup with the Saurian Stegron to rescue his Dinosaurian brethren!
Stormin' About Normin' June 12th, 2024 Today on Silk 90210 Cindy is assigned to keep an eye on Norman Osborn, who knows to watch out for her.
Hyborean Heists - Dropoffs June 12th, 2024 Mary Jane brings a demonic book to Zatanna to be destroyed.
The Hunter And The Hunted June 10th, 2024 Spider-Man finds himself hunted. Fortunately he has friends. Juggernaut and the Thing clash. And all of Central Park literally shakes.
The Never Ending Argument June 10th, 2024 A beauty and two beasts meet over deli sandwiches, but only one of them isn't a red head.
Hyborean Heist - The Honeymooners June 2nd, 2024 Felicia and Mary Jane go to steal a magic book from a crazed collector on an improvised heist.
Flashpoint in Bryant Park June 1st, 2024 Jackie Estacado crossed the Bellini Cartel, and they put out a hit. In the middle of the day. In Bryant park. Karolina tries to intervene, but ends up fighting with Jackie himself. It's up to MJ to do the actual work -- rescuing Karolina!
RoT: Sword of Heaven Terrorist Base June 1st, 2024 A collection of heroes is forced to deal with a late-breaking mission against some eco-terrorists. The stakes are high and another team is waiting on critical intel that they might be able to gather...
Hyborean Heist May 30th, 2024 Mary Jane and Red Sonja need some help for a heist of a quite possibly dangerous tome. So they go to the girl that makes her own (bad) luck for help. Felicia is of course up for the fun and the two reminisce on chaos and collateral.
The Sinister Shocker May 27th, 2024 A neighborhood in the Lower East Side of Manhatten comes under assault by the Shocker and a number of people arrive on the scene to help the situation out.
Redhead vs Ribbons May 26th, 2024 Mary Jane and Angela talk about how to deal with an artifact which may or may not be cursed.
Secret Labs and Forbidden Fields May 21st, 2024 Mary Jane, Joan and Shun chat as the remains of a crashed quinjet gets summoned together for collection.
Kwannon in the Club May 17th, 2024 Kwannon and MJ talk at a bar.
Spider-Man vs the Revenge Squad May 15th, 2024 The Spider-Family runs into the Spider-Man Revenge Squad. It is less than intimidating.
Mary Jane and Mercy May 14th, 2024 Mary Jane and Mercy talk at the Themysciran Embassy.
The Best Defense - Dark Magic Masters Unite May 9th, 2024 The foul fiends Baron Mordo and Kulan Gath are stopped as they attempt to summon their masters, Dread Dormammu and Shuma-Gorath to this plane of existence.. While they also fight one another.
Paisans May 8th, 2024 At a local trattoria, MJ and Zatanna discuss world trips with food on the itinerary.
A Brooklyn Diner Late At Night May 7th, 2024 Late night in Brooklyn means coffee at Fred's Diner for Dominique, Vanessa, and Mary Jane.
Met Gala 2024 May 6th, 2024 See and be seen at the Met Gala. Check the internet entertainment pages to see your favorite stars!
Redheads and Hulks May 1st, 2024 Betty Ross returns to New York after two years away trying to cope with what she's become. But people come iwth it stress, and talking opens old wounds. And thus Red She-Hulk comes back.
Meal to Go April 29th, 2024 Venom pursues and catches a couple fleeing gangbangers. Just as the Lethal Protector was preparing to have a nibble from one of the criminals, a concerned group showed up to diffuse the situation. While Venom surely desired a few fresh brains to stave off his hunger, he was distracted from finishing the deed. A suitable threat coupled with a considerable bribe of promised chocolates was enough to drive him off. Justin the Thug was fortunate tonight. Or was he, now that he has to work for Tandy at the diner?
The Open Door: Salty Wounds April 28th, 2024 After being dragged to a strange demon ritual, heroes work together to attempt to stop the slugs from offering them treasures untold.
Carnage in the City April 22nd, 2024 A rampaging Carnage is stopped by the Amazing Spider-Men and the duo of Cloak and Dagger!
Phobos, the Sun Sets April 20th, 2024 Red Sonja and Phobos talk of hunting, war, and a worthy death.
Smoking in all sorts of ways April 14th, 2024 Burning drone! Bishop gets help from Mary Jane Watson, Mercy, Koriand'r!
Horrors of Hyborea April 11th, 2024 Mary Jane and Lara Croft talk about twisted memories from Hyborea, and the reflections of the persona inside of her.
One Two Three Four, let's cause a little more. April 9th, 2024 A simple snatch and grab is turns into a knock out city when MJ crashed the party. Flashdrive gets home, but a copy of it is made.
Alien Bug Girls and Body Slams April 4th, 2024 Mary Jane and Voodoo have a spar and talk about life at the Triskelion.
Hydra vs UN: The Chameleon Gambit April 2nd, 2024 The Chameleon and a small horde of seeming mercs attempt to kidnap a UN Security Coordinator, but run into unexpected resistance...
As the Hellicarriers Come Home March 31st, 2024 Some SHIELD Agents watch the Hellicarrier land and talk about how the agency accepts all types.
Assassins and Bars March 30th, 2024 Mary Jane and Angela catchup at the Swordfish.
Kitaens in the Kitchen March 25th, 2024 Priscilla, Thor, and Mary Jane bond over video games and fabulous hair. FABULOUS.
Marys at the Met March 19th, 2024 Mary Jane and Mary Batson talk at the opera.
Spring is springing March 17th, 2024 In the gardens of Asgard.
Busking Beginnings March 16th, 2024 In which, AJ met MJ and Patty, and their attempt at getting coffee was interrupted.
Half an Ounce of Impure... March 13th, 2024 Khanitiel follows Sonja into danger, seeking to protect her. In the end, this potential ward proved more than a match for the dark things that were hiding in the shadows.
The Breach March 8th, 2024 Zemo and Mary finish their dance, but the part is just getting started.
Athletics and Angelas March 3rd, 2024 Mary Jane and Angela have a spar.
Heroes Assemble 4th Anniversary: The Watchers February 24th, 2024 For the four year anniversary of Heroes Assemble Mush, Uatu the Watcher again hosts some of his colleagues to share what he has witnessed over the last two years of events on a small blue planet called Earth.
Lights Out In The Bronx February 21st, 2024 The heroes save the Bronx.
Shining A Light February 7th, 2024 A protest of the ESU campus is interrupted by a golden armored menace who is more involved with the source of the protest then might initially be assumed.
Along Came A Wizard: Bill's Folly February 2nd, 2024 This D&D succubus sucks...and not in the fun way!
Redheads Be Stabbing January 31st, 2024 While exploring Midgard, Mary Jane, Frigga, and Angela opine on the day of couples. And remember periods of anguish and being alone.
To Kiss a Frog January 31st, 2024 Who knew that one kiss would end with three heroes saving the Frogling Kingdom?
FEAST or Famine January 29th, 2024 Hammerhead and his goons try to rob a FEAST Shelter of all places. Fortunately he finds a little more then he bargained for waiting...
Dancing with the Starfires January 26th, 2024 MJ and Starfire go dancing at Sion.
Along Came A Wizard January 24th, 2024 YOU SHALL NOT...Tell my parents...
Carrion My Wayward Son January 21st, 2024 Carrion makes an appearance on the ESU campus but finds that there might be a few more heroes around then he was planning on.
Lord of the Monsters - Rise of the Magmanites January 18th, 2024 Magmanites arrive through one of the kaiju fissures in New York on a mission to deliver invites - and are stopped by a diverse group of heroes. What do you wear to a wedding for magma people? Asbestos Undies!
Big Wheel Keep On Turning January 17th, 2024 The Big Wheel rampages through Manhatten's East Side and comes face to face with several heroes willing to stop him and decent citizens willing to pitch in and help their fellow New Yorkers in the wake of his path of destruction.
Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! January 14th, 2024 The Beetle and Scorpion try a midday hijacking of an NYPD Transport. It does not go to plan.
Mystical Mingle - Open Night at the Sanctum January 13th, 2024 Stephen Strange opens the Sanctum for guests for the first time in ages. Mingling was performed and conversations were had, both above and below tables.
All-Mother About January 13th, 2024 Mary Jane leads Frigga exploring New York, and Caleb helps her explain the majesty of food carts.
In the Word-Termath January 12th, 2024 Peter and MJ hypothesize as to how his name got a hyphen, and Peter informs MJ that yes Virginia, encyclopedias are a real thing.
Seeking the Sword January 11th, 2024 Two redhead warriors go in quest of the stolen sword Xiphos and bargain with a wizard.
Seeking the Sword Pt 2 January 11th, 2024 Going into the firey realm itself, Sonja and Angela seek her stolen blade!
Who Bombed the Triskelion January 10th, 2024 A bomb threat goes off with a bang!
Asgardians and Recreation January 7th, 2024 Angela and Mary Jane plan to go slaughter goblins for fun and profit.
The King of Atlantis is the Other Guy. January 6th, 2024 Fish people are weird!
A journey begun January 3rd, 2024 The All Mother decides upon a trip, and MJ offers solicited advice as to where to 'settle' for her sojourn.
Winter is Coming December 31st, 2023 A bank robbery in the Bronx potentially leads to widespread outages in the city!
Street Dance Girl Fighter December 27th, 2023 The girls dancing competition is saved by MJ Watson and Hellion! Huzzah!
Save the Last Pizza for Me December 14th, 2023 Jaina and Mary Jane snark about superhero gimmicks.
Rooftop Relaxations December 10th, 2023 No description
Late night antics December 7th, 2023 No description
Doggone Days December 3rd, 2023 Zatanna contacts Mary Jane so the two can go out wolf-busting.
Spiders and Swords November 28th, 2023 Mary Jane and Cindy Moon catchup at SHIELD and talk over Spiders and Swords.
The Spider-SHIELD November 25th, 2023 Miguel talks about shapeshifters in the lab.
Karaokno November 20th, 2023 Quill, Summers, and Dykstra close down the bar.
Story time November 19th, 2023 Frigga gets to thank MJ/Sonja properly.
The Fro-Zone November 13th, 2023 De Ice Puns, Dey Pucked up.
Flashes In the Night November 5th, 2023 Mary Jane catches up with Flash Thompson for the first time after high school.
SUPAIDAMAN! LEOPARDON FOR GREAT JUSTICE! November 4th, 2023 A hero from another realm charges the Spider-Men to fight the evil Lord of Death! SUPAIDAMAN!
The Buff Spider-Slayer Slayer November 4th, 2023 Miguel, River, MJ, and Julia meet a stainless steel tiger. Hey, it's New York.
Burning the dead November 1st, 2023 The dead are afoot in the University of Oslo, and the object they want is the same that Frigga wants, that is, the remains of a newly discovered Viking warriormaid. Many thanks to Sonja, Thor and Kelda!
Spidey and Superpro October 30th, 2023 Miles meets up with a Super Pro.
Spider at the Swordfish October 26th, 2023 A Spider and a Redhead talk at the Swordfish.
SHIELD and Spider October 24th, 2023 SHIELD and Spiders joining
Dusty, dry bones October 21st, 2023 Once thought a male warrior, DNA has proven found Viking remains to be female.. and has published their findings. This is no dignity, however, for one of Frigga's own, and something will be done... in the form of MJ and Sonja.
Liberty and Kory October 19th, 2023 Two redheads spend time at Liberty Island.
A Catburglar and a Redhead Walk Into a Bar... October 12th, 2023 Felicia and MJ chat at the Swordfish Bar.
Foodies in Starfire Russia October 9th, 2023 Mary Jane and Koriand'r wander through the Brighton Night Market.
This is Stilted October 8th, 2023 Windrose and Ant Man face the scary STILT MAN!
Oktoberfest in Salem Center September 30th, 2023 Oktoberfest at Salem Center sees a lot of drinking and eating, some dancing. No necks were drained of blood that we know of.
DIABOLIC: Debt Collection September 29th, 2023 A teenager who sold his sister's soul for power has the WORST day ever.
On the Boardwalk... September 26th, 2023 Jeanne-Marie and Mary Jane do some modeling work on the boardwalk.
Cat Claws and Sunburn September 21st, 2023 Kori and MJ meet and talk at the beach, Victor lurks and schemes
Ghosts and Gardens September 16th, 2023 Daniel and Mary Jane chat at the garden.
Chasing the Odds September 16th, 2023 Trouble!
Nailing the Interview September 13th, 2023 Interviews are always hard to prep for. Interviews with SHIELD even more so.
A Concert in the Park September 13th, 2023 Eve and Miles finally get to use those Post Malone tickets and bring MJ along for the fun!
Mothering Us All September 4th, 2023 Frigga and Mary Jane greet and exchange gifts and pleasantries.
Starfire on the Beach September 1st, 2023 Kory and MJ hang at the beach.
Phoenix Towers: The Triad Strikes Back August 27th, 2023 Tensions in the neighborhood continue to arise between the tenants of the Phoenix Towers Project and the Triads. A group of heroes comes to the rescue in defending the Project against a Triad incursion
She's Having Coffee! August 22nd, 2023 Mary Jane encounters Jessica without booze and having done work!
Black and Blue Roses August 20th, 2023 Dinah meets MJ. Helena crashes the party.
Kobra Smashes the Statue August 17th, 2023 A group of heroes fight off an attack on Lady Liberty!
The Shock to the Spider August 16th, 2023 Mary Jane offers the help of SHIELD to Cyber-Spider to help him get an ID setup. As wiht all things, it will have some favors down the line..
Asgardians and Gargle Blasters August 16th, 2023 Mary Jane brings Frigga some Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters. Frigga says they're rather strong.
Typical Subway Experience August 13th, 2023 Cain and Mary Jane happen to cross paths at a subway station.
Bond. Jeanne-Marie Bond August 13th, 2023 Mary Jane and Jeanne-Marie meet at the Spy Museum. And when violence strikes, Violet strikes back..
Regrouping The Carnage Team August 7th, 2023 Andi and MJ come to the Parker residence to get the bad/good news about Peter's absence/return.
Silks at SHIELD August 6th, 2023 Cindy comes to her first day at SHIELD and hangs with MJ and Jessica Drew.
Maximum Carnage - Monday Evening Murder July 30th, 2023 A group of mixed heroes go to face down Carnage and Cletus Kassady for one final fight as day turns into night. And the saga of Maximum Carnage comes to a roughly fought end. But peace rules on the streets for just one night.
Pizza With the Carrot Top July 21st, 2023 Koriand'r drops by to Mary Jane's with pizza and some hangout time.
Maximum Carnage - Monday Afternoon July 14th, 2023 The Bomb Queen goes to town. It blows up in her face.
Meet at Joe's July 14th, 2023 Mary Jane and Koriand'r meet at Joe's Diner.
Gamora goes Gallivating July 11th, 2023 Scene Closed
Maximum Carnage - Kaine and Carrion July 11th, 2023 Invincible and the Scarlet Spider face down Carrion. Kaine gets a semblance of revenge. And then the extra-dimensional SP//dr and it's two passengers show up and have a very rough introduction to this new reality.
Aunt May and Cookies July 8th, 2023 Hanging with Aunt May
Westchester Family Values July 7th, 2023 Sprite and Mary Jane talk in Salem over long dead barbarians.
May and Cookies July 7th, 2023 A group of Spider-Folks catchup over cookies.
The Cosmo Situation July 5th, 2023 Mantis mistakenly attacks Mary Jane Watson for absconding with what she thinks is part of her friend. Gamora intervenes and drink invitations are accepted.
Rocket's Red Glare July 4th, 2023 Peter Quill decides to prank Rocket by taking the team to a baseball game featuring different mascots, including a couple with a very similar appearance to his. (Note: the link to the mascot pics is safe. Imgur might give a warning.)
Maximal Carnage - Spiders fighting Freaks July 3rd, 2023 Symbiotes and Spiders team up against the crazed killer Carnage!
The Spider On the Fly July 1st, 2023 Miguel asks Mary Jane on a hypothetical end of what a vigilante might do with cash taken from the mob.
Maximum Carnage - Start of the Afternoon July 1st, 2023 The afternoon's first fight brings with it a semblance of success as Cyber-Spider and Balm send Demogoblin back to the hell from which he came.
Guardians of the Glizzy June 25th, 2023 Rocket goes out for a snack and almost causes an incident by being himself. Jon, Sally, Hellboy, and Mary Jane help defuse the situation.
Doing the Rounds June 24th, 2023 A chicken run in Mutant Town leads Gabby to run into Mercy. They meet up with Mary Jane, and Koriand'r to chat awhile. Chicken is had, weapons boasted, and personalities warred.
Maximum Carnage - Late Monday Morning June 24th, 2023 Later Monday Morning. Bad guys are starting to run about. Doppelganger and Shriek are caught by Quiet and Cyber-Spider. But it just seems a rough start as a whole bunch of bad guys are sweeping through the town and ready to make it to a gorefest as the heroes go to split up and chase them down.
Queens in the Park June 23rd, 2023 Caitlin and Mary Jane get an invite from Frigga to the Midsummer feast at the Asgardian Embassy in return for stories.
Maximum Carnage - Bloody Monday Morning June 17th, 2023 Carnage breaks out. Of jail, and of Hell thanks to Spawn. It's up to a rag tag group of heroes to band together to stop what will be a dead time on the ole town this morn!
I Hear Meatball Sub Day Is The Best June 17th, 2023 Matt goes to the Triskelion to meet Daisy for lunch, but when she's delayed, talks with Mary Jane Watson instead. There might be embarrassing Daisy stories told.
Does Whatever a Spider-Kid Does June 6th, 2023 Miles and Mary Jane chat, and MIles takes Gwen swinging away!
Hamming it Up June 5th, 2023 Spider-Ghost takes a hit to the head and teams up with a plucky porcine pal under the effects of a concussion. While she gets rather hammy with it fighting a Z-Lister, it's just a hallucination. Right? Right??
That Old Barbarian Spirit June 3rd, 2023 A picnic in a magical grove where Sonja and Mary Jane hold up under Zatanna grilling them about their life.
Spring in Asg- at the Embassy June 2nd, 2023 Frigga meets someone new in her gardens at the Embassy (MJ), and a tour is granted both beginning and ending in the kitchens.
Comes the Necromancer - the Cullings of Kulan Gath June 1st, 2023 Kulan Gath goes to awaken from his long slumber - but is defeated by two, one as old as he. But, destroying the body of a necromancer is little more than a short term setback, so of course he'll be back...
Secrets of the Ooze, Part III May 31st, 2023 The Mighty Mutanimals (And MJ) successfully get Professor Honeycutt access to the TCRI network and get keycards made to give them security clearance throughout the building. Now all that's left is the final attack on TCRI...
Never underestimate Ghost Spider May 30th, 2023 Previous Players
From Far-Off Twenty Ninety Nine May 29th, 2023 Miguel O'Hara, the S-Man from another world's dystopia of 2099, comes to Earth in 2023. And with it comes culture shock. SHOCK!
Bushwick Kristall... May 28th, 2023 5 Purifiers try to burn a shop owned by a mutant! Red Sonya manages to apprehend four of them.
Secrets of the Ooze, Part II May 23rd, 2023 The gang successfully steal a truck and more, as they unknowingly free the Fugitoid, Professor Honeycut, from the clutches of the foot clan. Now they've got both a truck to infiltrate the TCRI Building (Probably after repairing that dent in the side of it) and maybe somebody smart enough to hack into the TCRI Database and get them keycards for the building...
Riding the Hudson May 19th, 2023 Zinda takes Mary Jane flying on an old WW2 light bomber. Of course, a dogfight happens.
Superboys and Normal Girls May 19th, 2023 Mary Jane and Superboy catchup at a cafe in the ways life has been weird.
Repo Being May 14th, 2023 A cult invasion! A horrible relic given to someone who's dumb enough to try and welsh on an eldritch deal. Atrun-Rai and unlikely comrades teach him what comes of that nonsense.
Catty in the Museum May 11th, 2023 Scene Ended
Cup of Joe May 10th, 2023 Closing out scene from previous player.
Operation WATCHFUL: NERD PROM May 7th, 2023 SHIELD takes Sauron to see Queen Tanya and it goes expectedly horribl, provoking the Brood Queen's full emergence. While she fights the group, Rogue combines her draining powers with Sauron's, and his hypnosis is able to help free Tanya's part of her psyche and push back the Queen intelligence. At the same time, it provokes a release of all the Queen's knowledge. This is overwhelming to most, but Cinque's power allows him to usefully process the information. It includes glimpses of the entirety of Brood civilization, spanning eons and parts of the universe unknown to humanity. There is good news and bad. The good: they know where the bioweapons are being stored. The bad? The Brood in some of those furthest reaches may still exist, free of the Phoenix's wrath - and potentially aware of this single wayward Queen. Also, a very gentlemanly Sauron requests an unorthodox team-up.
What Dreams Are Made Of! May 5th, 2023 Previous Player
Snacks and Starfires May 3rd, 2023 Scene Ended
The Beacons Are Lit, Pezzini Calls for Aid! May 3rd, 2023 What happens at Demon fight club stays with... no, not really, but when the JLD and allies show up to aid Agents of SHIELD, some how a fallen angel ends up used as a weapon against a demon.
A Blind Man, a Chimpanzee, and a SHIELD Agent Walk Into A Bar April 30th, 2023 People gather at Josie's Bar to watch the basketball playoffs. When Bullseye feels slighted, things turn murderous.
MMO Game Night! April 26th, 2023 Gabby and Mercy start a game in the MMO Zombie Mob Killer 5000 only to end up with some interesting drop in players: Sally, MJ, and Tony Stark!? Heck yeah.
Menacing Wallcrawlers and their Amazing Friends April 21st, 2023 Previous Players
Wait, how many arms April 17th, 2023 Red Sonja and Vorp encounter Kaine fleeing an angry multi-armed spider-clone a.k.a Doppelganger.
Contact In The Field April 16th, 2023 Taskmaster and Red Sonja clash in the field.
Roots And Berries And Flesh-Eating Beasts April 16th, 2023 The price of snooping on alien survival class is being Shanghaiied into being alien commandoes.
Have Demon, Will Travel April 11th, 2023 Agents Sara Pezzini, Sybil Tan, and Mary Jane Watson check out the warehouse location in Stamford, Connecticut... there's more than meets the eyes at Sara is forced to call in the Justice League Dark, and Tan and Watson meet a very, very, very, very strange... man.
Spider Talks April 10th, 2023 Gwen and MJ meet to talk about what's going with all the clones and Peter's strange behavior.
Barbarian and Assassin April 9th, 2023 Jade Ngyuen makes an assassination but gets caught in the process thanks to the heroic Thunder-cat, Alderic!
A Walk in A Park April 4th, 2023 Sometimes New York isn't a walk in the park!
Too Early To Be Spring College Party March 31st, 2023 A block party thrown by the students at Gotham U draws Phoebe, Stephanie and Dick. Where they run in Mary Jane Watson killing time after a courier mission.
Kaine needs supplies March 26th, 2023 Kaine breaks into Oscorp only to discover Gwen and MJ are already there on tour. When his cellular degeneration gets the better of him, he passes out. Only to find himself helped by the pair.
The Boy Who Cried Demon March 22nd, 2023 Agents Tan and Watson take time to question a young suspect on his level, while Agent Pezzini and Witchblade seek to glean what magical information they can. The good cop, understanding cop routine gets Tan and Watson answers.
Discordants: No Going Back March 17th, 2023 The heroes and the Eisenhower battle group put together their heads and come up with a plan on how to deal with the attack on the Starport.
Roll a d20 to Save vs Demons March 15th, 2023 Many rolls were made in Central Park by Michael Hannigan, Agent Sybil Tan, Red Sonja, and Agent Sara Pezzini with the Witchblade. Several demons were destroyed, but one managed to escape... for now.
Rainbows, Claws and Batteries! March 14th, 2023 Klaw tries to steal a vibranium battery! Red Sonja, Tawky Tawny and Julie power manage to delay him long enough to force him to abandon his mission, but can't detain him in the end.
In for a Spar, Out for a Night March 12th, 2023 At the Triskelion, Richard and Mary Jane talk on fighting and spar.
Carrot Hair and Redhead March 5th, 2023 Mary Jane and Koriand'r talk for a bit
An Anime Convention March 5th, 2023 A pretty standard anime convention. Certainly nothing weird happened.
Night at the Museum Spiders Come to See 'Em February 25th, 2023 Kaine and Felicia have a run-in over a museum heist. MJ just happens to be on duty as a security guard. After a bit of back and forth, the two finally agree to cooperate. No red-heads were harmed.
The Jersey Hawai'ian Pizza Massacre February 24th, 2023 Pizza comes to life! Heroes like MJ and Tommy save teens by consuming pizza and Brunnhilde limits her property damage to a few tables and a syringe. Did anyone notice /Superman/ saving the day in his mild-mannered way?
Blood Money in the FiDi February 23rd, 2023 MJ has a run in with Kaine Parker while he's on a job. She scolds him for his brutal method and threatens an escalation. In the end, she lands one heartfelt request 'Wear a different symbol if he's not going to live up to the legacy'
Cats and Sonjas Sneaking at Night February 19th, 2023 Catwoman and Red Sonja get into a bout of thievery as the Barbarian attempts to Contain the Catwoman.
The Hand in the Hospital February 16th, 2023 The Hand attack a hospital going after a witness to an assassination. Daredevil is joined by civilian Caleb Dykstra in getting the man to safety, while Magik and Mary Jane Watson spot the disturbances and clear the ground floor.
These Crowded Streets February 12th, 2023 A mob operation goes south as a new Crowd creature shows up. Being on the lookout for suspicious activity, MJ ends up joining with Caleb in order to stop it. Add fireworks and goo!
Hail HYDRA February 9th, 2023 A HYDRA convoy gets halted in the dead of night. The Black Panther recovers a treasure, Mary Jane Watson secures the remnants for SHIELD, Ariah grabs the gold, and the Green Goblin goes full goblin mode.
This food is so good it must be- February 7th, 2023 No description
Yippie-Kite-Yayyyy Mother Trucker February 5th, 2023 Kite Man ends up washed up as Osprey chases and Caleb has to deal with the gravest threat of all - 90's celebrity guest stars!
Mindless Ones in Bludhaven January 27th, 2023 Rampaging Mindless Ones are met in the middle of the worst part of Gotham by Nettie and Meggan's Dark Dimension Busters! Proper teamup name to be determined.
Operation BIRTHDAY: January January 22nd, 2023 Happy birthday to all! A cheerful moment for SHIELD.
Charity Boxing Beach Bash! January 20th, 2023 A charity boxing show at the beach turns a little more intense than expected when a surprising guest shows up.
Mary, Not Contrary. What Does Her Garden Show January 19th, 2023 No description
Post Modeling Caffeine January 15th, 2023 Starfire and Mary Jane have coffee after a modeling gig.
Spider, Spider, Hanging Beside Her January 14th, 2023 Cindy and Mary Jane gossip about superheroic events while sitting on a rooftop.
When in France, Diplomatically Speaking.. January 13th, 2023 A Black Cat prowls the French Consulate while a Mary Jane stands sentry. Verbal sparring is more the name of the game than clashing steel, but one of the ladies ends up ending the night empty handed when all is said and done!
Those Maries, What Marvels January 10th, 2023 Marie, Mary, and Mary Jane Meet!
God Wrangling January 7th, 2023 Morrigan reaches out to the youngest Odinson to see if he's got any idea about Servants of Malekith. Mary Jane drops in as well!
Brain Meets Foot January 4th, 2023 Shredder fights MODOK and his legion of mind controlled ninjas when Carin Taylor joins the fight! With special guest star Gwenpool providing color commentary!
In the shadow of your sister January 1st, 2023 Kora and MJ meet and discuss life and family
Ravencroft Released January 1st, 2023 An escape from Ravencroft both fails and goes according to plan while heroes round up escpaed patients from Ravencroft
Who You Gonna Clea December 28th, 2022 Clea and Mary Jane meet at Ray's Occult and catchup.
Spider Clauses Deliver December 23rd, 2022 Peter and Gwen deliver gifts to the children of Queens, and catch up with Mary Jane on a brief refueling stop.
That Terminal Feeling December 21st, 2022 Brick meets MJ and is as charming a gentleman as she has ever met.
The Count of Monte Cristo: Open Casting Call December 16th, 2022 An open casting call leads to an open season of eager actors seeking limited roles and singing odd medleys in the waiting room. Several misunderstandings lead to some interesting results
Seasonal Teas December 15th, 2022 As Nettie decorates for the Holiday Season, folks stop in and take in tea and holiday cheer. Mary Jane brings a gift to Nettie from WAND, Detective Chimp does not smoke a bubble pipe, and Patience Alperen gets a lead on some old family heirlooms.
A Night at the Bar December 8th, 2022 No description
The Power of Very Very Positive Thinking December 5th, 2022 Oh god, giving a faerie candy is never good!
23 weeks later December 5th, 2022 Death Locket is brought out into the world to see if she's ready for integration into society. It goes kinda...well...bit from column A, bit from column B...
What's Opera Doc November 30th, 2022 Brunnhilde explains to a barfly that she is not, in fact, a golden age cartoon character.
Bar Fight November 29th, 2022 Remy gets himself in a right ol' pickle, but some of the X-Men arrive in time to help out. Plus there just so happens to be quite a few fighters in the bar tonight who seem to take enjoyment out of a chance to trade blows with drunken rubes! Good ol' times, and a Nerf Gun!
Ready, Set, Prep For Science! November 27th, 2022 Heather and Mary Jane talk about clothes.
The Night Is Young November 24th, 2022 The Clone meets MJ in a pop up Nightclub and has a chat while she learns what Asgardian booze does.
Fish Outta Water November 22nd, 2022 No description
Hook, Line and Sink Her November 19th, 2022 MJ, Bucky, and Wanda gossip and have a good night out!
Sprites in Tights November 13th, 2022 Sprite is annoyed by a redhead.
Outlaw Oceans: No Good Deed November 4th, 2022 The disco leafy sea-dragon and the Inhuman colony hidden in the Indian Ocean welcome friends! The party gets started, someone gets stabbed, and all heck breaks loose. Watch the Secret Warriors save their friends and complete their mission... with extra salt!
It's Their Party... November 3rd, 2022 Mary Jane and Jeanne-Marie chat quickly at a party.
Fly Yes, Land No November 2nd, 2022 Zinda Blake takes Mary Jane flying for the first time and the two talk about history, life experience, and joy.
Hyping It Up October 29th, 2022 Hyperion vs Lobo Round 2! Hal shows up for emotional support! Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!
Pilot in the Kitchen October 25th, 2022 Mary Jane, Sonja, and Zinda go for a girl's night out and chat about war, alcohol, perspectives, personal history, and stories.
Stars and Star(fire)s October 24th, 2022 MJ and Kori relax and chat in a break during a photoshoot.
One Model To Another October 20th, 2022 Aurora learns some more tips of the trade from MJ.
Transmissions from the Dark Side October 19th, 2022 Everyone blame Kora for... no, maybe not. A moon rock in Fitz's collection is responsible for making lots of upsetting noise all around New York. What power does a rock have to interrupt radio and more? A tale from the dark side...
That's a New One October 16th, 2022 Jessica stumbled into a new bar, that was a bit peculiar
Booking It In Gotham October 14th, 2022 Mary Jane meets Kyani.
Secret Warriors: Trouble in Actual China Town October 9th, 2022 The Secret Warriors answer a mysterious kree signal in China, finding a very confused and terrified Kora and a device they recover.
Blue Light Bar Night October 8th, 2022 Two girl date turns into a girls night out! Ran into a teammate and maybe made a new friend!
GTG, We Got Cows October 2nd, 2022 Bessie the vampiric cow strikes! The sea casts up a foul curse that reshapes man and beast into one. Mayhem ensues, though no steaks were wasted in the filming of this madcow adventure.
The Trouble with Gotham... September 30th, 2022 Killer Moth attempts to kidnap Phoebe Wayne. It doesn't go well when Red Sonja (Mary Jane Watson), Richard Stadler and Sunny Harlow decide to intercede, with Alfred coming to the rescue!
Crush and a Redhead September 30th, 2022 Mary Jane meets Crush out over at Happy Harbor.
A Guest Host September 29th, 2022 Aurora got to be a guest host in Fangtasia, and she got to meet the Human Torch and an alien for her trouble. Oh, there was also Mary Jane Watson.
Blondes Booze Better September 28th, 2022 Mary Jane, Red Sonja, and Zinda Blake spend a few hours swapping stories in a bar.
SHIELD and Secrets September 22nd, 2022 Mary Jane talks to Superboy about her work in SHIELD and clears the air some.
Cruz'in Right Along September 19th, 2022 Mary Jane catches up with the newest Green Lantern Trainee, Jessica Cruz, post exorcism.
Goth and Red All Over September 13th, 2022 Mary Jane and Sonja run into Rachel Roth. Whom finds Sonja's presence seemingly without purpose and her arrival to be a possible sign of ill tides and intents, and goes to try and find more information.
Hail Unglorious Hydra September 11th, 2022 A group of varied heroes show up to save the day against the evil forces of Hydra!
Fleeb vs Vampires September 8th, 2022 April O'Neil is kidnapped by vampires. An assortment of DIVERSE heroes come to her RESCUE! Tracy Fleeb witnesses the chaos she's been sewing...
Establishing Cred-Ant-tials August 31st, 2022 Scott tries to establish his Eric O'Grady alias by robbing a jewelry store. Now the jewelry district is on fire, Hawkeye is hurt, and Mary Jane nearly killed two people. A rousing success.
Reds Sticking Together August 26th, 2022 Betty and Mary Jane have a long, friendly talk.
Alcoholic Beast of Ages Past August 24th, 2022 A group of intrepid heroes encounter a booze demon. Sobriety will never happen again.
A LARP Session goes wrong August 19th, 2022 The LARP session gets interupted by a Possession, and many heroes come out of the crowd to help.
A Sword and a Redhead August 16th, 2022 Mary Jane and Angela chat at the Swordfish about stabbing times.
Sonja and Superboy August 12th, 2022 Mary Jane finally tells Superboy about Red Sonja.
Settling in at the Swordfish Bar August 12th, 2022 Mary Jane, Red Sonja, and Silver Sable talk at the Swordfish.
In Search of the Socks August 8th, 2022 A group goes down the dryer hole after the missing socks. Wonderland it isn't.
Unicorn Hunt I: Central Park August 6th, 2022 Heroes gather to hunt the first unicorn released by Tabitha Smith in Central Park, NYC. Laconian, the Wood Guardian, is returned home, and has given Phoebe the names of his compatriates in bondage -- Epirote the Ice Mist and Achaean, the Firebound. Superboy did not get gored; Red Sonja (Mary Jane Watson) got to wrestle down a fantastic beast, Wonder Woman lassoed a Unicorn, while Hope Summers and Rose Wilson provided cover fire with tranq darts while wrestling with the local greenery after an initial stone-cold reception.
Shadows Aren't the Darkest Shadows August 6th, 2022 A shadow demon secretly trailed Pantheon from the Rock of Eternity. Balm, Pantheon, Red She-Hulk, Red Sonja, and Robin were on hand to dispense with the creature. And Robin only almost died. From Pantheon's lighting.
A Pizza Place That's Out of Pizza August 5th, 2022 Mary Jane Watson and Teddy Altman diffuse a situation at the pizza shop and sit down for some Cubanos and Cafe Con Leches!
Recovering Space Fascist and the Double Redhead July 27th, 2022 Just two horrible violent people, musing on the end of all things. You know. Over root beer.
Lighting the Lantern: The Suffering of Jessica July 25th, 2022 The sorcerer in Jessica's ring went berserk and attacked Jessica herself using the wax museum sculptures - her boyfriend Jason Todd and the surprise appearance of Red Sonja helped Jessica get the will to wrest the power back to win the day. Oh, the waxanity!
Redhead and Ag July 23rd, 2022 Two redheads, a bird, and a silvered woman talk in a bar.
What do you mean you want a chainmail bikini July 20th, 2022 It's not armor if it doesn't cover you. Okay.. I'll make it.
What we study, so we create. July 15th, 2022 Lots of different dangers on the firing line!
Black and Red and Dead All Over (Don't Spill the Beans) July 12th, 2022 Selene finds an old old old old old old ally in a body that still looks not as young as hers, and makes an influencer's dream come true.
Wanderers: Killer Queen July 10th, 2022 SHIELD, Thor, and Doctor Strange get vengeance on the disir. They don't quite reach the Stone of Destiny...this time.
Betties and Broads July 9th, 2022 Some off-duty SHIELD Agents talk
Of Blades and Banes July 8th, 2022 Finished
Wanderers: Another One Bites the Dust July 1st, 2022 Inverness gets creamed by draugr, but the quick thinking actions of SHIELD and the Avengers prevent an outright massacre. The damned survivors of the Norwegian-Scottish Wars are decimated... but not before the corrupted Thorn of Yggdrasil is charged, unleashing the disir in their fury on Perth.
Something About Summer June 29th, 2022 Conner and MJ go to a concert and nothing explodes. Conner still doesn't know she is a secret agent, tsk.
Foods for Thoughts June 27th, 2022 In which SHIELD agents fight off ferocious, feral pudding, talk of romanticized thieves, and subverting the bureaucracy.
Wanderers: Keep Yourself Alive June 25th, 2022 An explosive end to Ascetir's secrets delivers a mysterious rock, a whole lot of undead, and the possibility of a bad disir girlfriend who would like to get revenge.
Blacksmithing 101 in the modern age June 23rd, 2022 Fitz unveils MJ and Sonja's new forge. In the Triskelion.
SHIELDS and Swords and Stabbings June 21st, 2022 Angela is welcomed to SHIELD as a consultant.
Wanderers: Don't Stop Me Now June 18th, 2022 Something with tremendous power awakens in Ascetir.
A Coffee Break June 17th, 2022 a spy, a super-clone, and a spider-girl walk into an ice cream parlor...
Of Bards and Blondes June 15th, 2022 Mary Jane meets Power Girl on the Metropolis University campus and they talk about the normal trials and tribulations of life in the East Coast weird zone.
The Quiet Girl Next Door June 12th, 2022 Cassandra Cain shows Mary Jane some ballet moves.
Wanderers: Who Wants to Live Forever June 11th, 2022 Ascetir, the land of resurrection, begrudgingly reveals its secrets to the brave. If they can run the gauntlet of horrors and a bestiary of sins first.
SHIELD Seeing Red June 9th, 2022 Peggy Carter has a talk with Betty Ross in the Triskelion. And offers her a place in the ranks of S.H.I.E.L.D. Betty accepts.
Bantering in the Batteries June 9th, 2022 Mary Jane and Angela meet again and plan to trade favors.
Of Redheads and Beheadings June 1st, 2022 Angela and Red Sonja talk over at the museum of ancient history and shared misery.
After the Wheel May 30th, 2022 Mary Jane meets Superboy after he saves the day from being run over by a wheel.
Wanderers: I Want to Break Free May 29th, 2022 An audience enjoys a front-row seat to an impossible attack during a perfectly lovely exploration of the strange little medieval village in a crater in Scotland.
Of Kryptonians and Barbarians May 28th, 2022 In which Superboy and Haze take care of the driving hazard that is Big Wheel and find that most ancient and mysterious of things, a telephone booth!
The Right Hands May 26th, 2022 Red She Hulk infiltrates the Triskelion labs to destroy information on how to make Hulks like her...and is fought and talked down by Fitz, Valerie, Mary Jane and Tom McCarthy before surrendering.
Sunday Funday, SHIELD Edition May 23rd, 2022 SHIELD socializing over tacos!
Meanwhile, down in the lab... May 20th, 2022 Everyone converges on the labs because it is the best place to eat in the Triskelion. #fact.
S.H.I.E.L.D.'y Snacks! May 18th, 2022 S.H.I.E.L.D. cafeteria gossip amongst the gaggle of agents.
Cat Scratch Fever May 17th, 2022 Three girls meet at a cafe.
Getting Rshulkie with It May 14th, 2022 Betty Ross, as 'Liz', gets into the Swordfish Bar and starts angling to gather information on what S.H.I.E.L.D. has done with some of the Leader's confiscated equipment. And talks with a Redhead on different subjects to each of them.
Spider-Socialing with the Girls May 13th, 2022 Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy catchup after awhile of not staying in contact.
A Simple Weapons Transfer Was Not in the Cards May 8th, 2022 The Royal Flush Gang targets the same weapons shipment as the Green Arrow. When his friends show up, the Gang boogies out, but the Green Arrow wins the pot.
Do You Want Booster With That May 5th, 2022 Booster goes all in at burgers at Hero World!
Coffee and Catchup May 3rd, 2022 Teenage friends catchup over coffee and tease one another over not laying on the guilt as thick.
An Odd Discovery May 2nd, 2022 A night at Coney Island is ruined by the discovery of a dead body...but how did it get there?
Talk Amongst the Tea-Leaves April 30th, 2022 Mary Jane and Red Sonja run into Clea.
Redheads and Pepperoni April 28th, 2022 Carin and MJ meet and share a pizza.
Blue and Red and Cute All Over April 28th, 2022 Singularity meets Mary Jane and they ride the subway.
Command and Conquer: Saving the Chief - Go Science! April 26th, 2022 The SHIELD Science Team infiltrates a Hydra base in search of Peggy Carter. They don't find her.. But they find monstrocities that Hydra has been up to. The Chief.. Is still missing.
How is work going, now that you are a superhero too April 25th, 2022 MJ and Peter enjoy some pie, and Red Sonja makes a cameo.
Coffee My Dear Cheerleader April 25th, 2022 Two girls, peppy and cheerful, talk while in line waiting for coffee.
Harmony in the Discord April 25th, 2022 What shall we do with a drunken dwarf, what shall we do with a grumpy warrior, what shall we do with a reality stone and a crazy sorcerer?
THE MAKER: I Dovregubbens Hall April 24th, 2022 Our heroes venture into the World Pool! They return with the Reality Gem and the talking head of a cantankerous dwarf.
On a Dual Mindset of Mayhem April 23rd, 2022 Mary Jane Watson and Red Sonja greet their fellow members of SHIELD rather creepily in ways only Sonja can provide.
THE MAKER: L'Apprenti Sorcier April 22nd, 2022 A wizard wielding a strange form of magic appears in the subway! Chaos ensues!
Getting that bite January 12th, 2022 Turns out Gwen and MJ don't get a bite because they are accosted by thugs. Yet they try to chew on more than what they can take when John Stewart, the Green Lantern, intervenes and stops the robbery in progress. To prison with ye!
Little Russia: No Evac No Problem January 10th, 2022 A small party in Little Russia goes swimmingly several supers make an appearance.
7th Seal: Book 1, 3:1 December 8th, 2021 The Medallion of St. Moritz is identified for its purpose and dangers.
7th Seal: Book 1, 3 December 8th, 2021 The Medallion of St. Maurice has a message. It may not be the one Jon shares.
Making the Scene October 17th, 2020 Peter and MJ catch a moment to eat pizza and touch base on their crazy lives.
SHIIIIIELD AGEEEENT! October 11th, 2020 Lolita gifts the Triskelion recreation lounge with a new multiplayer arcade game - SHIEEEEEELD AGEEEEEENT!
Furiae, Returned Home September 23rd, 2020 Daisy and MJ visit Jemma, freshly returned from her HYDRA capture. And Jemma had some stories to tell, without prying eyes and ears.
7:10 to Lahore September 3rd, 2020 May drops a team of SHIELD agents on top of a train carrying suicidal mercs and a handful of old Russian nukes. The end of the world is nigh.
A murderbot and a hackerette walk into a bar.. September 3rd, 2020 Daisy officially welcomes Gothic Lolita as a SHIELD trainee at the SWORDFISH, while Lolita has a moment to finally sit down and talk with Mary Jane about her unique circumstances.
=Another Brick in the Wall September 2nd, 2020 Brickhead is thwarted yet again!
Epicenter: Agents of SuperSHIELD August 25th, 2020 Agents Bobbi Morse and Jemma Simmons have been taken by HYDRA. They were taken from Toshiro Mori's estate in Japan, who is known to have been working for HYDRA and specifically Daniel Whitehall. Whitehall has been running his ridiculous 'SuperSHIELD' and Bobbi was investigating it.

Now the small teams Bobbi has been sending out to find SuperSHIELD have come back with something concrete. A secret base of operations. The mission: Infiltrate SuperSHIELD, Disrupt their operations, Rescue Bobbi and Jemma, take down Whitehall, take down Toshiro Mori.

NOTE: Some of the Agents of SuperSHIELD are unaware that SuperSHIELD is actually a HYDRA operation. They are working under the pretence that they really are Agents of SHIELD's super-powered division. They have been helping SuperSHIELD find Inhumans, Mutants, and Metahumans unaware that Whitehall has been using them for genetic experimentation.

WARNING: Agents of SuperSHIELD and HYDRA agents within their ranks are equiped with a new piece of technology, a watch that lets them select stolen Inhuman abilities and give them a small dose of it for a brief period of time. They should all be considered armed and extremely dangerous.

Swordfish has a bald and inconspicuous bartender August 19th, 2020 Agents of SHIELD blow off some steam together at the Swordfish Bar
Black Sun: Glorious Summer of the Reich August 14th, 2020 Death and war gather at the footsteps of a necromancer wielding the Holy Lance. Now what?
Agent Evals: Mission 2 August 12th, 2020 Four SHIELD agents are dispatched to look into the murder of a SHIELD asset. Additional bodies are found as the crime scene expands to include two additional buildings and four additional victims. The hunt for the killers begins...
Agent Evals: Mary Jane Watson... or is that Red Sonja August 9th, 2020 Trainee Agent Watson faces Field Leader May in a hand-to-hand evaluation. Red Sonja comes out to play.
A Meeting of the Minds August 8th, 2020 Trainee Mary Jane Watson has her first one-on-one meeting with Director Palamar of the WAND Division.
Castle Rocks August 1st, 2020 Peter and MJ go out to White Castle after a very busy few weeks.
Black Sun: Dissident Gardens July 30th, 2020 SHIELD saves a victim of the hateful ghost.
Furiae Assemble: Wellness Check July 23rd, 2020 Fellow Furiae Daisy and Jane and new friend Mary Jane check on Jemma. Spirits are lifted, weapons theorized, and much food is had.
Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dim Sum July 22nd, 2020 Catching up with new jobs and a nice dinner!
Black Sun: In A New York Minute July 20th, 2020 Margarethe Werner survives, the memorial for Operation Valkyrie burns, and SS Invicta loses a battle. But what of the war?
Black Sun: The Image of a City July 16th, 2020 SHIELD goes to investigate a remarkable energy signature and finds one of their own viscerally murdered.
Welcome to SHIELD, Ms. Watson Part 1 July 15th, 2020 MJ might have a new career! What could possibly go wrong?!?
Black Sun: Manhattan Transfer July 15th, 2020 The Grail is saved, but at what cost?
Black Sun: Winter of Our Discontent July 15th, 2020 SHIELD enters the fray in Long Island and discovers the Third Reich alive, thriving, and growing. The world burns beneath the light of a holy relic. To be continued.
Black Sun: Bonfire of the Vanities July 10th, 2020 Bronx sacrifices end up smoked out by SHIELD. Paint monsters optional!
SHIELD Promotion Party July 8th, 2020 Light social as SHIELD celebrates new promotions and new hires.
Meeting of the Mindsets June 30th, 2020 Spider-Man meets up with two powerful female warriors to touch base on the Kulan Gath problem.
Mojo's Arcade Legend: Summoner's Rift June 30th, 2020 Mojo and Arcade, channel 3: Summoner's Rift! Five SHIELD agents and Mary Jane Watson fight their way across a League of Legends map.
The Scottish Play June 25th, 2020 Shakespeare in the Park! A very intense performance of Macbeth is given as audience members weigh in on the idea of power corrupting.
Met Gala: Mandate of Heaven June 22nd, 2020 The Met Gala brings together the city and unleashes medieval artifacts far and wide!
Simply Marvel-ous June 17th, 2020 Spider-Man and Red Sonja foil a bank robbery with the timely assistance of a new superheroine.
Nesting Grounds June 11th, 2020 Spider-Man, Red Sonja, and Owari deal with the machinations of a power-mad sorcerer.
Lab Research June 9th, 2020 MJ joins Peter in his basement lab in a mercifully villain-free environment.
Rumblings in the Subway June 6th, 2020 No description
The Swing is the Thing, or Webworks June 3rd, 2020 Mania meets with Spider-Man to learn about webbing. He also fills Red Sonja in on a potentially big problem she recognizes.
Spider, Silk, and Steel June 2nd, 2020 MJ and Silk meet, Spidey blushes a LOT beneath the mask, and training is arranged!
The Fall of Peter Parker May 25th, 2020 Peter commiserates with MJ over the loss of his job, and talk of plans for the immediate future.
The Wakandan Overture May 23rd, 2020 Secrets are shared, info is given, and Peter is upstaged. In other words, Saturday.
Hyborian Deep-Dive May 22nd, 2020 MJ comes over to be wowed with intelligence and ice cream.
Spy(der)s and Cloak and Dagger May 20th, 2020 Spidey and MJ/Red engage with some Cloak and Dagger.
Transition to Adulthood May 20th, 2020 Peter Parker and Mary Jane graduate from Midtown High...and goes out in grand style.
Stir Crazy May 19th, 2020 Mania comes looking for payback, and Spidey and MJ come looking for Mania.
A Wild MJ Appears! May 16th, 2020 Mary Jane Watson visits the Parker house, Red Sonja reveals herself, and Peter Parker hits the jackpot.


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Mary Jane Watson has been listed in 2 groups.