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Latest revision as of 03:06, 24 July 2022

Discovering The Forge
Date of Scene: 22 July 2022
Location: The Forge
Synopsis: Offering a job to an Amazon. Go figure.
Cast of Characters: Colborn, Kora Ikassis

Colborn has posed:
    In a city of millions, full of modern technology and all that, a coal fire forge could easily stand out. The smoke from the forge is obvious even at a distance. Out front of the shop, on the sidewalk... Colborn stands chatting with a customer who has already made a purchase. But it is just a friendly conversation. The only reason why the owner might stand out is the whole heavy leather apron he wears, with heavy leather gloves tucked under one arm.

    The customer has a scabbarded sword wrapped in cloth as the two of them just chatter on about future purchases. The sword is a re-creation of the 'Sword of Charlemagne' from the Holy Roman Empire.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
The map in Kora's hand screams tourist to any New Yorker. The neat jeans and very new t-shirt, saying, I <3 NY are a dead giveaway. In her case, maybe a student from the country until she opens her mouth. A foreign exchange student, then. A local would turn and point to the subway explaining that the university is just one stop away.

Baffled, she consults the map again and then catches a familiar whiff on the air. The tang of heated metal and coal fire is not new to the young woman, it carries her back home and the forge on the island she had just left.

She looks up, tracing the scent on the air, following it to the young man in the heavy leather apron. Battling the map, she stands off to the side, politely waiting for the two to stop talking before asking directions.

Colborn has posed:
    "Be sure to tell me if you need any other replicas." offers Colborn in a voice that has a bit of a Germanic accent to it. "I -did- make sure to mark it as a replica." he adds, lifting a brow before he backs away from the customer. It was an -expensive- sale that the Smith made.

    The customer smiles and turns to wander off after saying a polite good-bye.. And after a few moments, Colborn turns to regard the young woman nearby. Both brows lift and he asks, "Is there something that I can help -you- with?"

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Two large green eyes fix on the man in the apron. "This. This map," she taps the badly mauled map. "I am in the Queens, yes? I was going to Brook-lyn," her accent breaks the word into the wrong syllables. "I am looking for the University of Brook-lyn. Can you tell me the way?"

There is something in her stance that is completely self-assured and unguarded, as though she expects everyone to be, at the least, helpful, if not immediately someone she can enlist to her aid. She pushes back her dark hair impatiently and waits expectantly.

Colborn has posed:
    Inclining his head, Colborn smiles a bit and steps a bit closer. "You have merely failed to go far enough. Brooklyn is further to the west from here. May I?" he asks as he holds a hand out towards the map.

    "I can show you." he adds. A pause, and then he adds, "May I offer you a drink of water?" he asks with a gesture to the shop.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
"Oh!" she exclaims, without the least trace of suspicion at his invitation, then looks down the street as if expecting to see it on the horizon.

"So farther to the west. I can walk, I am not comfortable in the..." she points back to the subway station, "...subway." Wrinkling her nose, "Crowded and noisy. Thank you. This is good. I was thirsty, then I will walk."

Colborn has posed:
    "Yes. The trains are crowded. And a young woman should think twice before traveling alone in such methods. At least in this city." suggests Colborn as he turns and reaches to open the door to the shop.

    "Please forgive me if I am overstepping. But you look to be quite athletic. And you move like someone who is quite skilled in taking care of yourself. You move as if you should have a weapon on your hip." he adds. "But it is entirely possible that I am merely trying to make a sale." he adds as he steps inside, gesturing about the showroom.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Kora looks puzzled at his saying that young woman should be cautious. "Is this true? Young women should know how to protect themselves. Who would dare to bother them?" She mutters following him into the shop.

His portrayal of her is not off the mark, she walks as if she has a sword or knife hanging from her belt and misses balancing her hand on it. "Do you think so?" Eyes narrowed, she openly assesses the man before her. He clearly has the upper body strength of someone in his trade. In her world, the women who forged weapons also knew how to use them but she is not sure of him. So much is new for her, right now, she has difficulty reading cues.

Colborn has posed:
    Of course he does move well. Colburn's body seems well balanced and confident in his movements. Seeing that Kora has athleticism and strength as well as confidence, he pauses a moment to think before he says, "Sadly, the truth is that in this land, many men -and- women rely upon authority figures to protect them. They choose not to train themselves in the ways of combat. I am endeavoring to at least help to -equip- others to protect themselves. But.. again, I am obsessed with working metal."

    A pause, and he reaches for a display case. He opens it and withdraws a scabbarded sword. It is not Grecian nor Roman. It is actually a Chinese Dao. A single edged lightly curved saber. Lightweight but sturdy. "This may suit your frame.... at least for a weapon that was not custom made for you. Would you care to test the weight of it?"

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Unlike the majority of young women her age, Kora takes the sword without flinching. Testing its heft with the air of someone used to weapons of its kind, she politely turns and extends the sword with a nod. "This curve and the length. Perhaps something useful for horseback," she offers.

"It has beauty. Did you make this blade?"

Colborn has posed:
    "Every blade here came from my forge." admits Colborn. "And yes, that would be a good weapon to use from horseback. But the curve also extends the cutting power by keeping the blade on the surface it is cutting longer. It is... was used in China quite often as an infantry weapon."

    He inclines his head and shrugs, "I just thought that the weight would be good for someone of your build."

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Kora returns the weapon to the man with a oddly formal dip of her head. "Thank you.It is a good weapon, but not a style that I know." The young woman, forgetting her quest for the university (opening day for classes is not for some weeks), eagerly moves from case to case, examining the different weapons. "So many different styles. I have never seen them."

Stopped in front of a case of katanas, her eyebrows knit at the watery sheen running the length of some of the blades and the braiding on the hilt. Returning to what he said earlier, "It is admirable to teach people to protect themselves. I was told that I can not carry my weapon on the street. That it is not allowed." She straightens and turns to face him again.

Colborn has posed:
    "It is not... encouraged. Most people carrying blades intend to use them. That, or they are a part of the spandex crowd." offers Colborn with a shrug. "And I am not teaching others the skills to use these weapons. I merely provide the tools for those who have the right training. Or items for collectors to keep in display cases or over their fireplaces."

    "So perhaps you could tell me what sort of weapon -would- match up with your training."

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Head tilted to one side, Kora nods gravely, "I was told that it would be taken away from me and would be," she sounds like she is repeating the words by rote, "a 'diplomatic incident' until something is cleared." With a self-depreciating shrug and smile, "The Embassy will let me know. They did not mention the "spandex crowd. Do they collect weapons for display?"

To answer his question, she promptly crosses the shop to stand in front of the case where the Greek weapons are displayed. Pointing, a real smile curves her lips, "These."

Colborn has posed:
    "Embassy?" asks Colborn. He follows the movements over to the Greek samples. "Oh, the spandex crowd is something I have learned of recently myself. I refer to those who put on tight costumes and go out to fight crime on their own time."

    "Collectors are more rich people who want to own something rare and expensive... but have no desire to help others. They are the ones who keep my shop in business."

    Colborn turns to regard the woman, not the weapons. "You are not a citizen of -this- country then." he adds. The accent, and the mention of an embassy. He is working towards a guess as to -which- embassy. "Are you speaking of the Themysciran Embassy by any chance?"

Kora Ikassis has posed:
"Do you know it?" Kora's smile widens, displaying perfect white teeth and the unselfconsciousness of someone who has never heard of Instagram. "It is the very one!" she nearly crows in pleasure.

"So people with riches collect your weapons. That must be a good thing for you, I would think. There are many weapons in the Embassy."

Colborn has posed:
    "Indeed. I have not been to the Embassy myself. But... I don't think there is any other sort of embassy which would represent people who use weapons from ancient Greece." Colborn states. He gestures to the Xiphos on display, and then to the curved Kopis. "You will find the chopping power of a Kopis to be better than that of a Xiphos. Those are designed for thrusting and stabbing."

    He says this as he steps back, giving her room. "If you would do me the honor of mentioning my shop to your superiors at the Embassy, I would love to offer my wares... if they are needed."

Kora Ikassis has posed:
"Then you must come to the Embassy when we open the doors to guests," Kora suggests expansively as though anyone could come. The weapons snare her interest again and she leans over the case holding the Kopis, studying it with the eye of someone who knows its usage. "There are gatherings," she murmurs, "quite often, I'm told. She doesn't tell him that she has been training with a kolpis since she could hold a wooden version of one.

"Of course, what the smiths cannot forge in our land, they could come to you!"

Colborn has posed:
    "That could work out well for me. Though.." Colborn smirks, "I do have a few weeks worth of custom orders already placed. And a personal project that I am working on for myself."

    "But I would be happy to get more work." And.. he pauses, "You are attending university, yes? Would you be in need of a part time job while in school by any chance?"

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Puzzled, she blinks, "A job? Part-time?" Chewing her bottom lip, she thinks a moment before saying,"Wait! Don't tell me. A project of some kind that I can do and go to school? Is this something that students do in this country?"

Colborn has posed:
    "Yes. A few hours a week working at a job to earn money that you can use in the world to spend on entertainment or other things you may desire." suggests Colborn.

    "I happen to have a shop with no staff other than myself. I would very much like to hire a clerk to help handle the showroom and sales."

Kora Ikassis has posed:
"You would pay me..." Kora is taking the idea slowly, uncertain of its meaning, "so I could do things with the money. That is very nice of you. I think that I would have to ask the Princess first what she thinks of this...job, you call it? I do not begin school for another 24 days so there is time."

Colborn has posed:
    Right. Totally new to the modern world. Colborn smiles. He is amused in an almost paternal way. "You are... as they say... fresh off the boat, yes?" he asks.

    And then he shrugs his shoulders, "The offer is made. It is entirely up to you if you wish to be employed. Plus, it is not far from here to the University." He pauses, "I assume you will be -residing- at the Embassy?"

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Kora lifts an arm and sniffs at herself, and frowns, "I apologize. I bathed, as is customary last night. The subway was hot. I came by boat, yes."

Dropping her arm, she stands planted in front of him, like an eager recruit listening to a squad captain. "Employment is important. It is never good to be idle. Yes, I have a room of my own at the Embassy. They don't have a barracks. I will discuss this with the Princess."

Colborn has posed:
    Laughing, Colborn shakes his head, "Sorry. Fresh off the boat is a turn of phrase. A vernacular term used meaning.... newly arrived. But in your case I guess it is -also- literally true. And I had not noticed any unpleasant odor, worry not."

    That said, he steps over to the counter, slipping behind it. "You do that. If your Princess would like to meet me before deciding, I am open to that."

Kora Ikassis has posed:
"I am very happy to do this. I will ask her tomorrow and then I will return to tell you what the Princess desires in the matter," she says eagerly. "I will send a letter when I have her word or as you suggested, perhaps bring her here."

Colborn has posed:
    "I would welcome that. I should be sure to provide the -best- samples of my work that may appeal to you and yours then." Colborn says as his eyes grow a little distant. Then he nods his head and says, "Why don't you pick up that Kopis and take it with you to the Embassy to present to your princess as both an example of my skill -and- a gift from The Forge to The Embassy."

Kora Ikassis has posed:
"Being lost was not so bad. But things often turn better than one would imagine, don't they? I can see the university another time but will return to the Embassy to show them the sword and tell me about meeting you." She offers him her arm, "I am Kora Ikassis of Ithaka."

Colborn has posed:
    Walking Kora to the exit, Colborn has packaged the kopis in its scabbard in a box for transport. "Well met Ms. Ikassis. I am Colborn Gustafson. Travel well... I hope to see you again soon."