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Curio-us Invitations
Date of Scene: 24 July 2022
Location: The Curio
Synopsis: Jason Todd receives a mysterious invitation, a Five of Clubs. After receiving a Pineapple Lambic on the owner of the establishment at The Curio, Phoebe takes up the seat next to him. There's a little conversation. Pheobe misses being able to talk. Jason enjoys in expensive free beer.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Jason Todd

Phoebe Beacon has posed:

    The building had simply appeared in The Cauldron a few weeks ago, but it hadn't been remarked on too much -- weird stuff happens in Gotham all the time.

    The problem is, the whole place has a bit of a weird vibe. Grinds against senses of some people, gives a chill down the spine of others, and for most? They just ignore it. Another weird building in Gotham City.

    Behind the counter a Goth woman with blue hair, dark eyes and pale skin is working the counter, a chain connecting her nose peircing to one on her ear.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd got a card in the mail. Not a birthday card or a 'Hey! You've been dead, bup you got better!' card. Nah. It was a Five of Clubs. Someone thought they were being funny. Club. Crowbar. It isn't that much of a stretch.

Jason wasn't exactly laughing bup neither was he angry. So that could be viewed as growth? Maybe a millimeter or so at least. He rolled up up front of the shop on his bike, in civvies. This wasn't a Red Hood sort of visit. Yet.

Stepping inside, the young man with the shock of white hair looks around curiously. To turn a phrase.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
     The Curio was, at first glance, some stupid industrial-tech-deco bar, but it didn't feel like it. For one, there definitely should not have been a stairwell when Jason entered.

    Buildings ordinarily don't work that way.

    The bartender glances up at Jason as he walks in, and she gives an upnod.

    "Good evening -- what can we get started for you?" she asks, looking him over with a wary eye.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd gives the stairwell some serious side eye. That doesn't seem like it's up to code. But whatever. He looks aorund the bar. Huh.

He nods to the bar tender. He wanders over, "Well, you got anything with pineapple in it that isn't a pina colada?" A smirk is offered as he idly taps that playing card in his hand, looking around. Definately an odd vibe from the place.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "What, don't like coconut? Daquri, mojito, margarita -- if you want something virgin, that's a bit more of a challenge, but you look like you're of age." she gives a wry grin, and holds out her hand. "Got an ID?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd smirks, pulling his ID. "Yeah. I've lived enough to be 'of age' twice over by now." he looks around, "Less that I don't like coconut. More that pineapple's kind of my thing." And those drinks aren't strong enough. He leans against the bar. "I'll just take a beer and save the pineapple for the fruit salad."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The bartender looks at the ID, and hands it back over to Jason with an amused expression. "Uh-huh." she states, and pulls up a tulip-style glass and pulls the lever at the bar. The lever is unmarked.
    The beverage dispensed is light, plenty of bubbles, and already sweet smelling, and she sets the glass with the golden-yellow liquid in front of Jason.

    It's Pineapple Beer. A Pineapple Lambic to be precise, hence the fancy glass.

    "Out of curiosity -- card or whisper?" she asks with a slight smile to Jason. "I'm dying to know."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd waits for the beer, tucking away his ID once more. He glances around idly, then back as the beer is delivered. He takes the glass and tries a sip. "Well. Damn. That's actually pretty good." Another sip.

He glances to the Bartender. "Card or Whisper? That the kind of pickup lines they let you get away with here?" A wink is offered before he sets the Five of Clubs on the bar. "I guess this is where I answer: Card."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "If it was a pick up line, you wouldn't be in the seat." the woman says with a wry smile, and then she looks to the card, and gives a soft 'hum' of curiosity. "Five of clubs -- you know, in cartomancy that means new friends." she remarks with a wry grin, and taps on the bar "First one's free, that's on the owner. Enjoy." she gives a smile, and turns to help another customer at the other end of the bar.

    Pineapple Lambec. And the familiar shuffle of a backpack being sat down, and someone sitting next to Jason.

    Oh Look. Phoebe is in a bar. She's wearing a black hoodie and heavy boots, and fishing in her side-bag for something.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd looks at her as he sips his pineapple beer. "No. I did not know that. But now I do. It's true, then, that Bar Tenders know everything. I'm impressed."

He hears the backpack and spins slowly around on his stool. "Hello there." Channeling his inner Obi Wan.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe pulls up a gif on her phone.

    Yes. It is Greivous, and it has 'GENERAL KENOBI!' and then so many lightsabers coming out. Phoebe gives a wry smile to Jason, and a small wave.

    The blue-haired woman comes back, and sits down a sprite in front of Phoebe. Seems Phoebe's got a regular order here.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd slowly works through his beer. He nods to Phoebe. "Well somehow I can't be surprised you're here. I think I should be. But really? I'm not." He gestures to his glass, "Pineapple lambast she says. Who knew it made good beer too?" A shrug. "So what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?"

Other than dealing with bad pickup lines with no real intention behind them.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe frowns a moment, and she looks over to Jason, and she changes over to the Draw app on her phone and scribbles in:

    'Used to live in the building.'

    And then she gives a shrug over to JAson, and sips her sprite. She's a good kid, not even partaking in alcohol. She could totally partake in alcohol. Probably wouldn't do much.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd looks curious. "Here? You sure? I.. didn't think this place actually existed a couple months back. Or I'm just confused."

More beer will solve that. He looks to Phoebe, "So did you send the card?" he taps the Five of Clubs on the bartop.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    'Long Story. Easier if I did a magic trick' Phoebe replies, and she leans back against the stool a moment, eyeballing Jason, and then gives a shrug, and she looks to t he card.

    She picks up the card, flips it over a moment, and then looks at it with curiousity.


Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods knowingly. "Everything is a long story, I get that." He sips the beer again, eyeballing her back. "Maybe? Now I'm getting uncomfortable." Probably not. But it's funny to joke about.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a slight smile, and she gives a shrug. <Sent out a lot of cards. Some found their way. Some didn't.> she states, and she holds up her own. Nine of hearts.

    And then she flicks it, and it's a New York City ID, giving a different last name than Beacon or Wayne and stating that she was 22. Which damn straight she is not.

    She just would have graduated highschool this year.

    She gives another shrug.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd watches. "Nice trick" he notes dryly as he looks at the fake ID. He leans an elbow on the bar, his beer held in the other hand. "It's a nice enough place. I've seen a whole lot worse around the city as far as bars go." Oh god. Has he resorted to random idle bar chatter?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    'Magic' Phoebe types into her phone, and she breathes out, tilting her head back a moment as she looks over to Jason, and she gives a nod. It's not too bad.

    'Spent a lot of last year living/working in a pub. Made a lot of friends. Missed having a place to hang out w/others like me.' she doodles on the screen for Jason to see.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd watches and waits. He then reads. A slow nod. "Well I can understand that, then. It is a nice place. Others like you. Magic-y sort?" he asks with a smile.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a sad smile, her shoulders drawing up a little bit as she looks around the bar. 'Wasn't as nice as this' she types in, and then she brings up her phone.

    she brings up a couple of pictures. A big guy, scraggling beard behind the counter. A couple of people at the counters. A couple of booths. The bar in the pictures was definitely not as nice as this one.

    And Phoebe signs 'home', her fingers and thumb touching the side of her mouth, then drawing up her cheek a little towards her ears.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd looks at the pictures of what the place used to look like. "Well I wasn't wrong. It looks a lot better than a lot of places in Gotham. And clearly better now than it used to be. I'd say you've done a very good job of things." He winks at her. Then he tilts his head, "Home? You live here too? I thought.." that she lived at the mansion.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe pauses a moment, and then she takes her phone back.

    'Bar before. Laughing Magician. Curio was not a bar then. Lived there. Ask Tim. Bad Times. Bad Bad Times.>