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Latest revision as of 15:26, 2 August 2022

Old Places, New Faces
Date of Scene: 02 August 2022
Location: Docks - Tricorner Island - Gotham
Synopsis: A new ally is gained for the JLD, and some insight is offered for Jessica!
Cast of Characters: Rien D'Arqueness, Jason Todd, Jessica Cruz

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
The hour is late, the night is dark, and the lights in the shipping yard are patchy at best, the sodium arc lights creating circles directly underneath them but not extending out very far. It leaves plenty of shadowy space for nefarious business to be conducted. Or in this case, an excellent spot for three people to meet without making a big production of it.

Rien's agreed to meet with Jessica and her boyfriend to get that first impression and potentially offer him an 'in' to the JLD. She's offered to meet them in Gotham for a more low-key location, and chose the docks on Tricorner Island as a more remote location still. At the appropriate time, the air stirs briefly as a portal opens between darkened warehouses. Lined in the faint glow of light blue energy, it opens a view into another place, though the view is quickly obscured by the woman that steps through.

She shouldn't /seem/ like much.. 5'3", blonde hair, blue eyes, athletic frame... she could be any of the hordes of pretty girls in their mid-twenties. She's dressed in casual but chic clothing, everything tailored to her form, no labels apparent anywhere. Knee-high brown leather riding boots with dark wash skinny jeans, and a light blue summer sweater tossed over a black camisole.

But the portal closes behind her and she starts towards dock number 8.

Jason Todd has posed:
A bike rolled up with two riders. Jason Todd as the driver, with Jessica riding behind. Stopping not far from where Rien waited, he let Jessica get off first then swung off himself. A glance to Jessica. This was more her show than his. He was largely along for the ride. To turn a phrase. "That her?" He doesn't exactly wait for an answer before he begins to walk toward the womn. If nothing else he wasn't one to dance around most issues, or hesitate when it came to a situation. Charge in, fists or guns first? That would be Jason Todd.

"I thought she'd be taller" he comments to.. no one in particular. It might be out of earshot for Rien. It might be better for him if it were so.

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz blinks as she pulls her helmet off. She is dressed in regular gray clothes. "I would assume so. Who else would be here to meet us?" she asks. "I thought you and your friends were used to back-alley rendezvous." She glances at her. "I haven't met her, but she does seem like the type." She walks over and pulls out her Velvet Key to prove that she's the right person before tucking it away in a pocket again. "I'm Jessica Cruz. This is Jason Todd. I take it you're... ummm... Rien d'Arqueness? I don't think we've met."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"I get my height from my father," the amused response comes back across the intervening space, the smile threatening Rien's lips as she responds to the remark that she did indeed hear. "I also inherited my hearing from him." Her voice bears a light French accent, a lilting contralto tone. "And yes, I'm Rien."

Stepping forward, she offers a hand out to both of them, smiling warmly. "From what Cael has told me, you're seeking entry into the JLD. I have a few questions, of course, but there really are no right or wrong answers, just speak truthfully and you'll be fine." She taps her nose, "I can smell a lie a mile out, so please don't try.."

Still with that smile in place, she asks, "So! First things first... Jason, why do you want to join?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd smirks. He looks to Jessica after the quick comeback on Rien's height, "I think I like her already." Snark is a must.

He shakes her hand politely when he has the chance. "Rien. Jason Todd." Taking a step back to leave comfortable spacing he shrugs, "I'm not going to lie to you. I don't know enough to lie." A smirk. "I haven't had a lot of experience in the supernatural. One of the Outsiders who is also someone from the Ba.." he shifts quickly, "..a friend from another group I know. She's had some supernatural stuff going on. I've given a bit of help. Got a ghost fascinated with my left ear. And self replenishing pineapple dropped in my lap after a group of us, uh, exoercised a house? Is that a think? I think that's the thing. Right?" He shrugs, "Anyhow. No. I know shit about all this stuff other than being a friend trying to do a solid for another friend."

He looks to Jessica, "And again, that's what's going on here. She can tell you more than I can. But we had a situation at the Gotham Wax Musuem. I may have used a crowbar on the arm and head of a reanimated replica of the Queen of England." A pause. "There's a lot to unpack after that, still. But Jessica needs help. And I'm kind of invovled, now. So I am willing to see it through to be sure she can get rid of her curse or whatever it ends up being."

He then smirks, "I'll wait for you to draw a flow chart to make sense of all that."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz glances at Jason. "This is my idea. I have this cursed ring and... I'm trying to do somethign about it. It might end up confronting the sorcerer in his lair in whatever astral plane he's living in that he's using to inhabit this ring." She holds up the hand with the ring that looks like a really dark green lantern ring but with a strange six-point star etched onto it. "We met up and... we have a lot in common and... I want him to help. But in order for him to help, we'd need him to be in the know, more or less." She sighs softly, pacing back and forth. "Neither of us have magic on our own - I can't rely on the ring's power when I'm battling against it of course. The Dark has been very useful to me, and I hope I've been useful back - but now I need you guys more than ever - and someone at my side whom I can trust."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Nodding, Rien looks between Jessica and Jason, "I suppose my next question then is... are you planning to continue helping out within the JLD once the ring has been taken care of? We don't require that anyone be able to use magic, and believe me, you will learn quickly if you join. But we do require that people make the commitment to the team. We handle the mystical, magical, and supernatural threats to the world. One doesn't need to be part of the JLD to assist in an individual's endeavor. But if you wish to join the team and aid this and future endeavors, then we can certainly use more people."

Looking back to the ring, she cants her head and purses up her lips, "That star is familiar. And I know what the ring is... this is interesting. Greedy sorcerers..." Shaking her head, she chuckles softly, "The ring we can help with, no question. Will both of you be looking to continue in the JLD after that?"

To Jason, she quirks a faint smile, "No flow chart is needed, that sounds like my average Tuesday. Now. This is a question that you are not /required/ to answer, but that will likely come out along the way... do you have an alter ego that you use for your vigilante or anti-hero antics?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd listens to the two talk. "Well I don't know, Rien. Honestly." He compresses it all to the last question. "Yeah I do. Jessica nows. You can probably figure it out when I tell you that Red Robin is more or less a brother to me." Why he didn't mention Batman? Well. That's a different topic he'll not be diving into without a bit more therapy.

"I know Phoebe Beacon. She's who I helped when I got the pineapple. But that's really story no one wants to hear" he says with a smirk.

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles softly as she stays mum abou the alter ego. It's not her thing to tell. "I go by Beryl. It makes sense to me. You know, the Sailor Moon villain sorceress? My power is based on evil magic so..." She sighs softly. "I watch way too much television when I go all hermit mode." She sighs softly.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien purses up her lips and blows out a breath, "Well, Red Robin is certainly an excellent character reference. But... the JLD isn't a group you join just to help your girlfriend. You certainly don't need to be part of it /to/ help her. Now, if you wish to simply be an adjacent, an ally, that we can occasionally call on for assistance, and vice versa, that is absolutely acceptable. But if you wish to join as a member, then that's something that requires a firmer commitment."

Looking back to Jessica, she smiles faintly, "You're in luck, my family tends to have a... strong connection to Japan, so I actually know who you're talking about. American cartoons, no so much. But that one I am familiar with." She points to the ring, "But your power isn't evil magic. That's a ring of the Green Lantern Corps. Very much good guys. Yours just happens to be possessed by a sorcerer."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods. "That's fine, Rien. I get that. And I have no problem being someone to help if things come up." He looks to Jessica, "I'm not a direct enough asset to warrant it. It makes tactical sense." A look back to Rien. "But you guys say you need me sometime? Or as much as I can help Jessica? I'm there."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz just nods slowly. "Yeah, Cy..." She flinches, still unwilling to say the name. "Ummm... the sorcerer always hinted about it. I often suspected it was. It's no wonder that the ring's powers are similar to the Green Lanterns. But... using it feels like bathing in filth. It's... nauseating." She sighs softly. "What will happen if I beat this thing and the ring leaves me? I'll just be a normal person again." She then sighs softly. "I suppose that being 'on call' makes sense." She then smiles softly. "So... we'll need a wa to fight the sorcerer. I doubt I'll be able to use the ring when I'm fighting the one controlling it. Cael mentiond something about maybe enchanting a weapon?" She sighs sfotly. "Right now, I have to be careful - I'm not using the ring's powers - the sorcerer is still not reacting much since his performance at the wax museum and I don't want to wake him up. He's..." She sighs softly. "Terrible." She rubs her ring hand.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Nodding to Jason, Rien smiles, "Excellent. Then I dub thee ally to the Justice League Dark. Mazel tov. Or whatever weird human religion you follow." She motions towards Jessica and herself, "You're welcome to go to the Velvet Room, provided you have a member to bring you in. It's on the Astral Plane, so the member key is sort of needed to get there. But, we always welcome people to stop in, talk to anyone that's around. Share information, offer assistance or ask for it. Also, there's a free bar that's pretty much unending for the people that can get drunk."

She nods to Jessica and offers, "First things first. We should figure out if he's possessing the ring physically or spiritually. If he's physically possessing the ring, we may need to go in there and physically oust him from it. If he's /spiritually/ possessing the ring and his body is somewhere else? We have more options. Less fun, but also less dangerous. If it comes to going into the ring... well, you're in luck. I happen to be a trans-dimensional traveller, so I can portal us damn near anywhere. Which could get us inside, but I'm not entirely certain what to expect once there."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd smirks. "I don't tend to follow or believe in religion since I died and came back." He shrugs, "No deity brought me back. Figure I'm not in good standing with any of them that really exist anyway. But thanks. I'll do whatever I can if you guys come calling sometime." he looks to Jessica, "And as much as I can for you, I'll still do. I just. Eh. I'm not called to be a Ghostbuster, Jess. But you get me near the possessed figure of the Queen again and I'll kick her ass."

He falls silent as Rien talks to Jessica about things beyond his overall understanding. He knows enough to shut it when needed.

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods slowly. "I suppose that makes the most sense." She nods slowly. "We'll have to figure things out. Thanks for coming to see us, Rine. Maybe I'll take Jason to the Velvet Room sometime." She sighs sotly. 'I just don't know how to prepare. Mentally or physically."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Oh good, you're already closer to being a member than you think then. Unspoken requirement for membership? You've died and come back at least once. Pretty much every current member has. Some of us many, many times." Rien chuckles softly and lifts a shrug, then laughs shortly. "We don't handle ghosts, generally speaking. More like.. reality-ending horrors. We ended the angel attack some months back, we're dealing with Old Ones now. I almost shudder to think what will come after. And as said, you don't have to have powers to fight them. Cael favors pistols and an AR-15. We enchant weapons as needed, depending on the enemy. Currently, there's a doll-masked ringmaster I need to tear apart, and I believe a few others are looking to punch a clown into a fine red paste."

Turning back to Jessica, Rien smiles softly, "If that ring found you, it's because you have /incredible/ willpower. That is what fuels it, what it connects to, runs off of. That ring is as powerful as your imagination fueled by your will. You have the strength you need, you just have to have the faith that it's there for you." She motions to herself, then Jason, "And you are not alone, either. The JLD has resources, both in people and in knowledge. We can help you."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods to Rien, "Yeah. Well that's not exactly a membership card I take a lot of pleasure in carrying I guess. And reality ending horrors are not my baliwick. I'll leave that to the professionals. You want some street legwork done? Maybe rough up a criminal or five? I can do that. Red Robin'll tell you I do it better than I should most likely."

He nods to Rien's statement. He's there to help Jessica. He's just pretty poorly equipped for anything other than a physical conflict.

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "Thank you. Though... I think the sorcerer has overrode the ring's normal selection process. He told me me came to me because I had the greatest fear - I was hiding from the mob after I saw them bury someone in the woods. But I think... this trial is strengtening my will - I managed to suppress him when he was rampaging. But I don't know how long it'll last. I just have to figure out how to engage the sorcerer and what I'll use to do it with. Enchanted shotgun is my best idea." She sighs.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"To be quite fair, most people don't want to /die/ in order to come back, they would much rather just continue living. Someone like me, things get a little more complicated, but I can certainly understand the sentiment." Rien looks at Jason for a long moment, then shakes her head, "You undersell yourself. But that's okay, self-discovery is often a long and rough journey. You have someone on it with you, I hope that will make it easier."

Jessica's comment has her blinking, then shaking her head, "Well, I mean, I /could/ enchant a shotgun, that's easy. But... use the ring. You need to take it back from him. Make it yours again. You need to believe that you can beat him. His willpower is strong, he wouldn't have been able to possess the ring otherwise. But the ring wouldn't have come to you if you didn't have a willpower equal to his. Whatever he's doing, or says he's doing.. in the end, the ring chose you. If you go into the ring, I can promise you, your own will is going to be a MUCH stronger weapon than an enchanted shotgun."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz just STARES at Rien. "A... tug of war?" she asks softly. "I... kinda did one earlier. But that will be for real. I'll have to meditate. Study. All this time I was thinking that I'd have to physically fight the sorcerer - but that's not it at all. I just have to win... mentally." She nods slowly. "Right now I'm not going to use it - let him think he's beaten me. When it's time - I'll do my damndest to pull it away from him." She smiles at Jason, then back to Rien. "Your wisdom is greatly appreciated."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Nodding, Rien smiles faintly at Jessica, "There will almost certainly be constructs of the sorcerer's own will that will need to be fought against. That's why I suggested you bring more than just yourself. Let us handle the constructs while you handle the sorcerer. Your will against his." Her smile grows a touch and she chuckles, "Wisdom is freely given whenever you want it. But.." She lets one set fo the bone claws slide out of the back of one hand, glowing light blue in the dark, "I can also enchant a few things to take in with you. It never hurts to have a little extra firepower on your side."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "Of course...' She smiles. "I'd love to have an enchanted shotgun though. it could be useful." She then STARES. "Wait - you have claws coming out of your hands? Isn't there one of those mutant vigilantes who has that too? I do watch a lot of TV when I stay cooped up at home..." She clicks her tongue. "So... we should do this soon. I can't live like this anymore."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Laughing, Rien shakes her head, "Once you've gotten rid of the sorcerer, you won't /need/ an enchanted shotgun." A glance to the claws and she smiles, "That would be my father. Mine are enchanted with magic. His, well, that's a whole other story and not mine to tell. I am both homo magi and homo superior... in laymen's terms.. I'm a magi-mutant." Letting the claws retract, she looks back to Jessica, "Prepare yourself and let us know when you're ready. We'll be there to help. Until then, I wish you both a good night."

Dipping her head into a nod at Jason and Jessica, Rien smiles as a portal opens behind her, lined in that same light blue glowing energy. "It was a pleasure meeting you both." Then she turns and heads back through the portal, letting it close behind her.