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Latest revision as of 14:08, 5 August 2022

That's not a thief, its...!
Date of Scene: 04 August 2022
Location: One of Lex Luthor's Remote Tertiary Vaults
Synopsis: June does all the heavy-lifting breaking into a vault to snag some glowing, green rock for a client. Meanwhile, the Artificer slips in on her coattails and LOOKS AT THE ROCK! What nerve!
Cast of Characters: Delores Klein, June Connor

Delores Klein has posed:
    Security had been a bit of a challenge, but closer to the vault, it was more locks and less guards and sensors. The vault was within sight down the dimly-lit corridors. There was even a very cinematic room with a closing door that one might hide in while trying to crack the safe itself. It was like a scene from a movie, complete with the dim, red, security lights providing atmosphere. Somewhere in the distance a pre-recorded message echoed through to the inner halls. "Reminder: Your uniforms are custom tailored at no expense. If your suit becomes ill-fitting, visit one of our tailors as soon as you can! Reminder: If you see one of your fellow employees in clothes that don't fit, shoot them immediately, they're an intruder!"

June Connor has posed:
    June peeks around the corner. Humans are predictable, and one thing she's found time and time again, people get bored. When they get bored, they get less attentive. There's always some kind of opening. She had slipped past several levels already, and now it was time for the safe itself. She tiptoes into the space, reading the sign, and gives a smug smirk. She was wearing her perfectly black uniform, it wasn't tight, but it absorbed almost all light, including ultraviolet. The downside was that something which absorbed this much light was not all that comfortable. It was hot, and it's summer. She pulls down the Flock sheet from her face, and pulls back the hood, sweating profusely. "I gotta take more jobs in winter," she mutters, pulling her bag out. She's not the best safe cracker, so she has to rely on provided information to get into the safe.

Delores Klein has posed:
    The safe has a huge, steel door with a wheel that actually seals it, but there's a high-tech computer with a capacitive touch-screen keyboard. Thankfully, those pen/stylus things remove the need for fingerprints to be left behind. June's code would need to be entered on that lower screen, and the top screen would show GIGANTIC, PALE DOTS IN A HUGE TEXT FIELD! It really was just like something out of a movie. If she completed all the digits, the whole screen would turn green, which was--well, it fit the theme so far.

June Connor has posed:
    June saunters forward, making certain that she checks for cameras as she reaches the door. Her outfit hides her from obvious recognition in any given corner. She's just a black mass that usually gets removed be a person's observation. However, right in front of the door, it's a little different. A black mass right there would be rather conspicuous. Once she clears her position, she moves forward, pulling out the code and the stylus. Tap tap. Tap tap tap. Enter, she looks up to the top screen, holding her breath. This is where she finds out if her intel was correct.

Delores Klein has posed:
    Green! Bright green screen. The keyboard screen as well. There's a loud, audible ka-chunk as the lock is undone. The wheel on the door even spins itself, unsealing the vault. "Impressive," comes a tinny, man's voice from somewhere behind her. "I'd love to know where you got that password."
    The figure standing just inside that far door was just taller than June. His black cloak hid his form, and something about him made him hard to focus on, a little like June's outfit. His face was covered with a mask that was like something Dr. Doom would wear, or perhaps like something out of the Dishonored games. It obscured his whole face with a dark, bronze-ish metal. His cloak was trimmed with fabric that looked just like that metal, down to the sheen. Hovering at the edge of arm's reach just above his head was a sphere made of something similar.
    "Disgruntled henchman?" he starts. "Really good spy network?"

June Connor has posed:
    June tilts her head back with a grunt of exhaustion when she hears a voice behind her, and turns around. She gives the figure a once over, and responds with a snarky answer. "A little short for a storm trooper," she comments. Maybe he's a little taller than her, but that's not much of an accomplishment. "I mean, I could give you an answer right out of the gate that you won't believe, or I can dance around the whole 'never kiss and tell' bullshit," she shrugs. "Which way you like...it?" she slows as she looks up, spotting the strange sphere. "Fuck, is this one of thsoe mutant things? Or wizard things?" It sounds like she probably has an equal distaste for both.

Delores Klein has posed:
    "Ooh, kisses from a presumably cute ninja," comes the reply. He doesn't answer the question about the sphere. "Tell you what, you let me take a look in that vault, and I won't sound the alarm on you. What do you say?" His leg goes out to the door and sweeps it behind himself without breaking eye contact...presumably, as his eyes are hidden by that mask. The door remains about a foot open, but they're now both obscured from outside view, at least.

June Connor has posed:
    The green-eyed glare from June doesn't flinch even a little when the man gives the flirtatious response. Hardly the first or last time she'll hear something like that. "Right, so you want to look in the vault, and were too shit to get into it yourself, I think that's what I heard. Now you wanna get into the vault off my hard work. And you think you get to do that free?" she asks. "A little blackmail that is complete bullshit, since you and I both know that if you sound the alarm you don't get in it either." She tosses the equipment back in the bag and shoulders it. "Stop me if I miss somethin'."

Delores Klein has posed:
    The other shrugs, folding gauntleted hands in front of himself. That same metal. "Would have figured out a way in," he says. "This way's easier. We carpooled, and now all I want is a look around inside. What could it possibly cost you?"

June Connor has posed:
    June adjusts her stance. "Yeah, that's a famous last words if I've ever heard'em," she says. "Look, I got somebody who wanted this job done. They paid me for /their/ job. They didn't pay me for youse. Youse wanna pay me for that?" She shrugs her shoulders. "We can talk, I'm right here."

Delores Klein has posed:
    The figure sighs, a metallic, noisy sound that reverberates through that facemask. "Youse is a colloquial plural of 'you' similar to southern American English 'y'all'," he corrects. The sphere shines a bright light at June, a hologram-like projection shifting away from her. Instead of vanta-black, her outfit shines, at least until it disappears, leaving her identity exposed.
    "Hmmm," the other says as the hologram dissipates. "Nobody I know. No, I don't think I want to pay you."

June Connor has posed:
    "What the hell was that?" she grunts as she looks at the strange light that copies her image. June narrows her eyes, and tosses a middle finger. "Aight, you dun wanna pay, fuck off," she directs, turning to walk into the vault. She glances around, then goes to the varius compartments. The locks in here are far less complicated. After all, if someone has gotten into the vault, the only thing that slows them down at this point is not knowing which box to check.

    She pulls back her sleeve to her wrist. 107. She casually pulls a kunai from her belt, and jabs it into the lock to break it off, opening it up to reveal the green shard of luminescent rock.

Delores Klein has posed:
    The figure doesn't follow her inside, but that sphere does. It's completely silent, and as she finds that glowing rock, there's another flash as the inside of the vault is lit up. An image of the rock separates from it before going into the sphere. The sphere then ducks out of the vault, rushing away.

June Connor has posed:
    As soon as the flash comes from the sphere, the kunai leaves her hand, darting at the small offender as she grabs the rock and tucks it into her pocket. No need for a fancy container. She smashes the lock back into the door so it will have at least the image of still containing the meteorite, and slaps it shut. She doesn't know what that little sphere is about, but she sure doesn't like the fact that it is doing stuff with the very object she's supposed to be stealing.

Delores Klein has posed:
    The sphere is quick, but June's aim is better than middlin'. However, it's also made of metal--both things are. A plink as the kunai bounces off the bronze, then clanks against the safe deposit boxes, then clatters to the floor. The sphere is out of the vault, and once June exits the vault, she'll find no trace of it or the strange sasspot who came with it.

June Connor has posed:
    June scoops up her kunai as she makes her way out of the vault, ready to dish out another few choice words to this stranger who is in her way. But as she comes out she looks around, and narrows her eyes. "Where...?" she glances around again.

    "Whatever." She shoves the vault closed. No need to tell her client about this part of the job. She got the rock, that's all that counts.