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Latest revision as of 14:08, 5 August 2022

Ice-ed Creams!
Date of Scene: 04 August 2022
Location: Baskin Robbins
Synopsis: I'm not sure what needs to be said other than Hellboy and Honeybadger get icecream and there's not even honey on it.
Cast of Characters: Hellboy, Gabby Kinney

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy was very careful with his phone when he was texting someone he liked. Something about Gabby got all up in his teeth, sticking there until the big guy might floss her out. Of course, with his mindset, he never flossed. Okay, that metaphor wasn't perfect, but he had been texting cat pictures back and forth with her, and he asked her if she wanted to go out for icecream. He wanted to protect her, but also make her happy. Icecream was a great way to do that. It also didn't get stuck in one's teeth!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Cat memes were the best, though there were several of a certain cat as of late. Mr. Murder Mittens was her name. It was clearly a her, a darker calico with apparent issues regarding shredding everything including on occasion legs. Sometimes it was Gabby's legs. She wasn't the one that named Murder Mittens though so the 'Mr' part wasn't her fault but it had certain stuck. This was the Outsider's resident group pet, and since Gabby had been spending more time there she'd been seeing plenty of MMM. Thus, so was Red getting all the pictures and cute updates of destroyed toys, or the rare occasion she blessed someone with pinning them down for hours so she could nap on their legs.

The offer of icecream is met with a pause before she responds in agreement. There'd been a lot on her mind lately so a break was just what she needed. Icecream was always good. And she could get to know Red a little better this way. Bonus all around.

It's not long after Hellboy arrives that she shows up at the icecream shop herself, nudging the door open with her shoulder to enter. She was just wearing jeans, some high-top sneakers, and a cute tanktop she'd recently got that had a little buckle beneath the, erm, well. It was form fitting. Trendy. Yet looked almost tactical in some aspect. Right up her alley. Grinning broadly she greets, "Hey Red, waiting long?"

Hellboy has posed:
    Red looks back at her and his eyes go wide as he scans her outfit. "Woah," he says. The demon is dressed in a tee shirt. It's not really supposed to be stretchy, but on him, c'est la vie. He's not armed, save for his arm, but his pants and boots are about the same as usual. Strangely, his long coat is nowhere to be seen. Almost part of him, he's also kind of out of uniform without it. "You dress down nice," he says. What was the question? Did it even matter?

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney finds herself grinning, pleased, at his reaction. She'd only recently had this 'makeover' in her clothing and so far the reaction had been lack-luster from others. SHE rather liked it though. "Thanks. My sister-in-law took me on a shopping spree recently." Self-conciously she lets her hands run over her sides only to pause at the pockets. "Only downside," she mutters stuffing her hand into it. It only goes up to the back of her fingers and not past that. "Seriously want to have words with however made this."

Her head lifts again to grin and she offers, "Doing good yourself. You always look super hot in that coat. I mean." She pauses considering, "Do you GET hot? Even in Summer?"

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy smirks confidently until she clarifies, then he just laughs. "You don't know what hot is," he says. "Death Valley in the middle of summer during a heat wave isn't hot." He tilts his head slightly to the side. "Trust me." He guides her with his left hand in the middle of her back, gently leading her toward the counter. "But for you humans, I know it's hot, so get whatever you want." He waves his Right Hand of Doom in front of them like he's showing off a magical land. "It's my treat."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins faintly at the explanation. Death Valley was certainly somewhere she hadn't been before. When he touches her back to guide her along she does let herself be ushered toward the icecream counter. Her eyes were already skimming over the various offerings there trying to decide what to get.

"Oh I'm not human. Not really," she remarks matter-of-fact. "Mutant. And technically never was 'born' so someone suggested I might count as a 'Tulpa' at one point? I'm not sure how that works."

It's the weird look from the boy at the icecream counter that causes her to stop talking with a little awkward clearing of her throat. "Sorry, I prattle sometimes. Three scoops of mint chocolate chip in a bowl with hot fudge and tons of whipped cream please!"

Hellboy has posed:
    "Make that two!" Hellboy says. He looks down at Gabby after ordering, and if she makes eye contact, he says, "What? It sounded good." To be fair, Hellboy's sweet-tooth isn't exactly easily sated. He hasn't removed his hand from her back, but moves it up to her shoulders and gives Gabby a side-hug. "Don't care what others call you," he says. "You're my friend."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lifts an eyebrow questioningly until he supplies his reason for getting that option. A quick laugh comes, and she shakes her head slightly over it. "It is pretty good," she has to admit. When his hand shifts to hug her from the side, she instinctively leans in against him. "Just sounds better than 'clone' to me," she responds. Her eyes drop away to just gaze forward a moment considering. Then she turns toward that hug to let her own arm snake around his back to return it with a tight squeeze. "Thanks, Red. That means a lot."

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy looks down at the girl in the side-hug. That moment of tenderness softened her considerably, though he still knew how tough she usually was. He guided her to turn and gave her a big hug. "You mean a lot," he informs her. Then he breaks all that tenderness by picking her up and giving her a firm bear hug! "Now brighten up, sunshine, I'm buying you icecream!" he informs her, playfully.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney was usually the huggy one among her group of friends. Most were okay with it, some actually hugged back, but it was rare she was the one to get swept up into a big hug like that. She can't help but grin in response with a quick laugh. "You're gonna break some bones or something," she jokes as he sets her down again. A nudge of her elbow is given to his side as she clarifies, "I'm kidding. I'm all for icecream. And other sweets." Grinning she asks, "Sure it's not going to be too cold for you? I imagine icecream headaches would be a pain." With that she tips her head to the side, "Should we grab a booth?"

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy shrugs, smiling at her. "Eh. Everything's cold. I got used to it a LONG time ago." He gestures. "Pick any booth you like. I'll pay and bring the ice cream to the table." He seems more at ease just now than he usually does. Maybe it has to do with the fact that nothing's trying to push his horn nubs through to the back of his skull. Maybe it's just being with someone who makes him feel like he's not an outsider.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney nods a single time as she turns away to head for the booth she had mentioned. Knowing that he had trouble getting into the last booth she leans in to crawl to the far side not caring that she might look silly while doing so. It was efficient! With that she tucks herself in, flips around to sit comfortably, and draws her legs up to sit cross-legged on the booth cushion. While she'd gotten tall enough she could rest her feet on the floor of most seats now it had become habit to do this. As she waits for the icecream to be finished and ready, she fishes out her phone thumbing over it quickly just to check on things. An occasional glance flits back over toward Red watching him move without that coat for once. It didn't make him look any smaller, really, but perhaps more... shapely? She could make out his arms and chest a lot more in that shirt.

Hellboy has posed:
    The demon is mostly muscle with legs a little too small for the rest of his body. His long tail swishes back and forth like a cat that's seen something it's interested in. In a few moments, he's on his way with icecream. He sets a bowl in front of Gabby, and while they were the same size a moment ago, proportionally, his now looks a lot smaller tan hers does. He picks up the spoon with his left hand and starts digging into his own bowl.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Legs were a thing, but the rest was in good enough shape. She might tease him about missing leg day though at some point in the future, but for now icecream was being brought over. Resting her chin on one hand she grins as he moves to set it down in front of her. "I always wondered ..." she begins while plucking up her own spoon to scoop up some of the mix of whipped cream and hot fudge before it melts all the icecream. "Does the tail ever get in the way? I've known a few folks with tails but yours is really large," she mentions with a little gesture of the spoon toward him. Then it's swiveled around to take the bite with a little roll of her eyes along with a 'mMmmMm' of approval. That first bite was ALWAYS the best.

Hellboy has posed:
    Already half-way through his first scoop, Hellboy brings his tail around and up to look at the tip. "Hmmm?" he asks. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and shrugs. "Kinda." He spoons up another heaping mouthful ready for entry. "It's just another one of those things you get used to," he says. And down the hatch that spoonheap goes!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins faintly at that. "Yeah. I get it, it's part of you after all. Doesn't seem so strange that way. Like me and my claws." Her attention moves back to the icecream to start digging in herself. While three scoops seems a lot for someone her size, she actually makes good headway on it as she shovels a few bites into her mouth to try and catch up. Just a bit. It wasn't going to kill her to get brainfreeze for the half second it would last.

It does require she reach for a napkin though to swipe at her mouth after. "So what do you do for fun? I mean outside of hunting down spooks."

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy actually has to think about that. He stops chowing down and swallows his icecream, tinking his spoon against the side of the bowl as he tries to think of the last time he did something for fun. "I like cartoons?" he tries.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Cartoons are good. Should show you some online gaming sometime, that can be fun too. And no one really cares who you are online, they're all equally dicks," Gabby points out with a grin. She turns her attention back to her icecream reloading her spoon while thinking.

"I go out into the woods sometimes. Go for a run. It's not much but it's nice to get away from everything for awhile. Get some fresh air--Especially lately." A little scrunch to her nose comes as she considers, then looks back to Red. "I ever tell you what all my powers are?"

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy listens before he starts eating again, but slower, now, still pondering the question of 'fun'. He looks up at Gabby and raises an eyebrow. He shakes his head, spoon still between his lips. "Mo," he admits, holding that pose.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney bites down on her lower lip trying not to grin at the sight of him trying to talk around a spoon and mouthful of icecream. "Ah, well I should I guess. Especially if we work together more in the future."

The spoon tucks into her mouth to let the bit of icecream melt down with a gulp, and she raises a finger. "First and foremost: I heal. Myself, I can't heal others, but any damage I take I *can* take. Second is the claws but you saw those," she points out with a little flip of her wrist indicating her hand. She doesn't just flip them out though. That's rude.

"I can't feel pain. That's... that's something they did to me at the labs," she adds with her gaze dropping to the tabletop staring off into space as she speaks of it. There would always been some issue with the labs. She wasn't going to be silent about it though. "The last one are enhanced senses. They came out later than the rest of my family so I'm still getting used to them. It's why I tend to disapear sometimes lately, just to get away and de-stress from all the noise and smells and sounds."

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy finally pulls the spoon from his mouth and swallows. "Aw, geez, kid," he says. "I'm sorry." He looks around, trying to figure out how to make things better for her. He looks at his bowl of half-eaten icecream. "Here," he says, lifting his and just upturning it over hers, plopping what's left in with her minty frozen treat.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney snorts slightly at the extra icecream dumped into her bowl, though it does seem to amuse her a great deal. "I'm fine, I'm fine!" She assures with a quick grin and laugh. "Really. It was a long time ago, but it's always going to be part of me. I can't undo that. Besides, it's helpful at times. I mean not feeling pain isn't bad." Until she got too injured to realize it. Either way. Lightly clearing her throat she shrugs. "It's fine."

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy also shrugs, though his comes after lifting his bowl and realizing he has no icecream left. He puts the bowl back down and looks over at her. "Well, anyway, you're an adult, now. No need to deal with any of that nonsense, anymore."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"True," Gabby adds with a little grin as she dips her spoon into the icecream again. A rather large amount is loaded up onto the spoon... and then she reaches over to offer it out to Hellboy. "Here. I think your sweet tooth is bigger than mine," she points out still grinning the whole while.

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy smirks a bit. "Oh is it?" he asks. He opens his mouth and lets Gabby spoon some into that gaping maw.