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Latest revision as of 17:25, 3 April 2020

Checking on the prisoner.
Date of Scene: 03 April 2020
Location: Security: Triskelion
Synopsis: Daisy goes to the prisoner's hold to have a word with Mystique.
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Raven Darkholme

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy likes to read most reports that come in. Prisoners, other missions... A few specific keywords that she runs through her scanning programs... So when Genosha popped up, along with a mutant having been made prisoner Daisy's attention was caught. She has read through Carol's report, but her curiosity took the better of her and she finds herself making her way down to the security area.

Arriving at the first check-up control she speaks up to the guard. "Agent Johnson. Clearance level 4." a nod given, the checks made for her credentials with the security officer and then she enters the lock-up where their prisoners are normally held. Not that they keep many but she is searching for one in specific today.

She walks dressed in that normal outfit so common to SHIELD agents, black and yellow, the shield logo on her chest, long hair pulled up in a ponytail. The only difference to the norm seems to be a pair of techno gauntlets she wears on her hands, fingerless but covering up most of her forearms.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    Mystique remains in her confined cell, Carol made sure of that, and placed in a room under constant camera surveillance and yet the shapeshifter did no such things in her time so far. She seemed to be rather well behaved and quiet. The blue woman with red hair and yellow eyes sits on her bunk, impossible to tell what she's doing. If she's recalling books she's read, if she's listening to every footstep within the facility and determining whose footfall is whose. She could be counting the seconds of her incarceration. This isn't for sure but she is sitting, patiently, calmly.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Her steps are heard moving closer to where Mystique's cell is, determined until they finally stop, she in front of it and looking within. She is silent only for a few brief seconds, watching the other mutant, lips pressed to a thin line.

"Good morning." she then offers to the red-haired shapeshifter, her brown eyes square on the other woman, studying. "You are Mystique, correct? I am Daisy Johnson." she introduces herself, back straight, arms folded in front of her in a more loose posture.

"May we have a word?" She then asks. At least she is polite!

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    Mystique's eyebrow lifts up towards the sound of a new Agent she's never heard before and this causes her to break her meditation and look towards Daisy. It takes some time before Mystique actually speaks. She makes a slow show of uncrossing her legs, lowering her feet to the floor flat and then spreading her hands out, to curl against the edge of the bunk.

    The shapeshift slowly rises to her feet and then she crosses her arm beneath her chest, fingers moving up to tap at her biceps as she looks Daisy without much of a reaction. A preditor observing the world around her.

    Mystique answers only the last question. "Don't think I have much choice in the matter."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You always have a choice." Daisy replies to Mystique with a small nod. "I won't force you to talk to me if you do not want to." she gesturing with one gloved hand in Mystique's direction.

"But seems to me talking would beat whatever you might be doing over there." A very faint attempt at a smile, her dark brown gaze continuing to study the blue one. The first time she has seen her. She looks about the cell, thoughtful, then asks. "Are you being treated well in here?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    Mystique shrugs at Daisy's musings, though the girl does seem correct. "About as well as any prisoner can expect." The mutant woman says with look to the gauntlets Daisy wears, but she doesn't remark about them, merely observes.

    The shapeshift then cants her head, hair falling down to the side to brush against her shoulder. "Are you hoping to pass the time as well with a pleasant conversation with a prisoner or do you have some purpose?" Mystique asks, always one with the idea of ulterior motives on her mind.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A brief sigh escapes her lips, Daisy replying. "I am expecting that you have been questioned about what you know about Genosha, and what went down over there." she says in assumption, though in truth the results of those questionings are most likely above her security grade.

Her smile blooming up a bit further and she continues, "My interest here is about your welfare but ..." and then a pause, her brows knitting together, considering if she truly wants to ask the next question or not. Though it had been something that had been rattling her brain for a while now.

".... why did you let yourself be captured?" again, assumptions. But she seems full of those.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    "Is that what the report says happened?" Mystique then unhooks her hand from her crossed position and spins it out, leaving the elbow in place and then holds up her hand to look down and examine her nails, a soft look at them and she clicks her tongue before shifting her yellow gaze back at Daisy.

    "Is /that/ what /you/ believe actually happened?" Mystique, asks, the spies spy, she's skilled and then some. She's almost a rumor, an urban legend. This woman's exploits are mostly fabled and whispers, as almost all of them seem beyond impossible for one person to accomplish. "Someone attacks the country I helped build and not long after, I reappear, and then I get myself captured. What does that seem like to you?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"The report says a lot many things." But by her tone clearly not even close to how much Daisy wants to know. For some reason though there is some kind of personal stakes here for her, as if this wasn't simply another mission for her in SHIELD. As if she wasn't simply someone here going through a routine check or a young Agent's fancy to see a mutant in the flesh.

"It seems to me that you want help in trying to get to the bottom of this. That you are willing to sacrifice yourself if it means they will be found, and justice brought forth." A solemn tone to her and even some hint of respect. She inclines her head lightly to Mystique. "Am I too far from the truth now?" she then asks, canting her head to the side, watching the shapeshifter's expression.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    "You don't think I'm in here because I want to be? You don't think this is the safest place from a maniac with means to attack and kill millions of mutants in a matter of hours?" Mystique asks, her hand falling back in beside her other arm and she leans back, taking in the idea of a mutant working for SHIELD, thinking that Daisy might be one of them. "Maybe I don't know a thing about who's done this and I just want to be as safe as possible."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You could had stayed wherever you were, out of sight of everyone and everything." Daisy muses about Mystique's reply, bringing one hand up to her chin, tapping it lightly with a fingertip, "But I agree, you are here because you want to be. For safety though? I don't quite buy it."

She then shakes her head slowly. "Nor do I buy that you wouldn't know about what's going on. Maybe it terrified you enough to come to us but ..." and she takes a step away from the cell. "... doesn't seem like it."

She seems to consider something a moment then offers, "I am a mutant as well, Mystique. I am here because I know we have to do something about what happened. And I won't stay idle while it happens."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    "So this is you not being idle, going to someone else who's decided it best to lay low in the most fortified and protected place she can think of. Some place where everyone inside considers her a viable threat to world safety. Does that sound like someone who hasn't thought things through to you or no?" Mystique asks, but she turns around to move back to her bunk and sits down on it, not really buying the story Daisy is laying down either.

    "What do you think you can do to stop whoever did Genosha?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Is that what you really think? That everyone thinks of you as a threat to world safety here at SHIELD?" Daisy asks, a brow quirking up in thought at Mystique, "Because believe it or not we are all on the same side right now." she asserts, continuing to watch Mystique's motions. "But I think you know that very well already, and that you are looking for allies."

That last question makes her cant her head to the side though. "That is the beauty of SHIELD. Alone, by myself, maybe I know I couldn't do enough to stop them, but we are a team here. Together, we can take whoever did this down." a beat. "Or in this case, a Mr. Sinester, right?" she frowns at the name.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    "Report had more in than even I expected." Mystique says, sitting on her bottom and looking up to Daisy and then moving one leg over the other to sit crossed. "What do you hope to gleam from me currently, because, you must be aware, I'm not in the most talkative of moods Daisy."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I already told you. I wasn't lying. To check on your welfare, and also to offer my help in taking down this threat, no matter what it takes." Daisy replies with a solemn nod of her head, watching Mystique sit down, "But maybe when you get out of here you will be in a more talkative mood. You should come talk to me when you do." as if she expected Mystique to not stay in this cell for that long.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    "You're offering your help to a prisoner..." Mystique says as she stands up and moves towards the door of the cell. "You want to help me? Let me out and I can go kill this bastard on my own." Mystique says, a fire in her eyes as she tries to see how 'helpful' Daisy really is. "You do know how you sound right. An agent that offers to help a prisoner fight an anti-mutant fiend..."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy's gaze remains levelled with Mystique's, watching that fire, considering it but she says to her, "I am offering my help to another mutant, in fighting this common threat. You know I can't open this cell for you." her tone even, she remaining right in front of the cell, arms folding together, "I still believe you are here by choice, and I won't betray my family." a gesture to the surrounding, as if SHIELD itself was her own family now.

"You still think I am here with an agenda of my own, don't you?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    "You want your own agenda, but it's easy enough to tell that what you seek most is family. Be it SHIELD, or being a mutant. Soon enough those worlds will clash and then the choice will be made for you by someone else. Is that something you'll be able to tolerate." Mystique says, smirking a half cocked grin before she turns around and moves back towards the bunk and sits on the edge once again, crossing her legs. "Either you help me and get my help, or neither. This isn't elementary school any more. No one is nice just because."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Noone makes my own choices but me.." Daisy replies, cocking her head to the side briefly and quirking both brows up. "And exactly because we aren't on elementary school is why there's a thing called compromise. This isn't an all or nothing thing. You know what is out there. If you will only be of help if I get you out of this cell then fine, I will act on my own. I won't be the one getting you out of there."

"Still, the offer stands, when you get out of here, feel free to reach out to me." she turns towards the exit, a glance to the side towards Mystique's cell. "Take care of yourself, Mystique."