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Of Jackals and Wolves
Date of Scene: 09 August 2022
Location: The Midnight Mission
Synopsis: Cael comes to Marc for information concerning her werewolf problem and finds an avenue that, while not ideal, might be the best option open for her gaining back control of her life.
Cast of Characters: Marc Spector, Cael Becker

Marc Spector has posed:
    The Midnight Mission is empty of everyone but its protector. Marc stands in black jeans and a blue shirt looking over the accoutrements about the altars before Khonshu, Ma'at, and the newest eddition, Taweret. Seeming content he nods to himself and moves to take a seat in a nearby chair in the congragational area, picking up a battered and beated paperback to pass the time.

    The moon is in its gibbous phase, drawing close to fullness and so he knows that he's going to have to go out and test his skills directly soon enough, but for tonight, he can simply meditate and relax in the quiet of his domain.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael's arrival is quiet. She's come by car today, and after parking her Corvette, she steps inside with Bear on her heels. The blonde woman has changed her appearance - with the left side of her head buzzed down, with a feather pattern shaved and dyed into her hair, and a butterfly tattooed on the inside of her left wrist - other than that, though, she seems much herself as she gives Marc a brief nod, and makes her way to the statue of Ma'at. She stands in front of the Goddess' image for a few moments, a frown pulling at her lips before she lets out a sigh, and crouches to retrieve a little incense and a lighter. "Thanks for bringing him back," she murmurs quietly as she lights it, setting it in front of the Goddess, and turning her back almost immediately to walk towards Marc.
    Bear pads ahead of her, sniffing at Marc and nudging the man with his head in his near constant quest for attention. As if Cael doesn't pay enough attention to him as it is.
    "The full moon's coming," she states needlessly, without any other preamble. As if Marc wasn't perfectly aware of the moon's cycle himself.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Marc sets the book aside as Cael and Bear enter and watches the woman in her appreciation of the goddess her boyfriend serves. The dog's quest is rewarded as Marc is perfectly content to srcatch the massive animal's head, neck and chest affectionately.

    Cael's assessment earns her a wry smile. "Really? I hadn't noticed," he says sarcastically. After the jab he gestures to the seat across from him, still giving the dog affection. "Your condition seems much improved with the tattoo's involvement. But there is the matter of what you want to do about it. Do you continue on with this new ability or do you try and see if there is a reversal of the process."

    He adds, "I have managed to collate some data on your situation if you want it. It's mostly informative more than helpful. But most wizards and mages will tell you that knowledge is power."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael rolls her eyes at the sarcastic response, but takes a seat when invited, watching as Bear leans into Marc's attention - his tail thumping happily on the ground. The more people that adore and 'worship' him - the happier Bear is.
    "Honestly? I'm- not sure," she admits. "I wanted it gone back, but last month wasn't so... awful. Periodically losing control and ruining perfectly good clothes and ending up naked after combat is less than convenient, but- I suppose there's worse things," she admits in a wry tone. "...I haven't tried to hurt any allies, aside from that first change. Or any innocents."
    She takes a deep breath in, letting it out slowly before she adds, "I want to know as much as I can - and I want to know what's become of the rest of the pack we were hunting - the ones that did this to me. Why did I change, when no one else did? Are they still preying on innocent people in New York?"

Marc Spector has posed:
    Marc nods. "I can answer a couple of those questions" he replies. "I know where they are. Their lair is upstate. Along the banks of the Hudson. They're staying out of the city for now and working on bolstering their numbers and their resources, with the population centers there. The situation with Elias--Jonah--and what we did during out encounter wounded them and, like most wolves, it takes time to replenish their numbers."

    He shrugs and gestures. "Which leads me to another matter. You're a wolf. Not a jackal. I managed to get a sample of your blood from when you were changed downstairs" he explains. "I cross referenced it with all known canids and the closes match was that of the African Wolf--canis lupaster. Specifically, that of the Egyptian Wolf, which given the source, not surprising. I don't know if that changes your opinion but it is what it is."

    He stops his overager affection for the large dog and goes to casual scritching behind the ear. "As for why you and no one else... again, not sure. A number of the others at that encounter are claimed by one powerful source or another and perhaps the lack of claim on you made you the only suitable source for the power to settle into" he shrugs. "Maybe they targetted you due to your proximity to Jon. I honestly, can't say one way or another."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...oh," Cael responds - as the nomenclature is clarified. Her brow wrinkles, but she she shrugs it off - it doesn't seem to bother or reassure her overly. "Wolf. Alright. And- yeah, I guess either explination does make sense. I- honestly, I'd rather they weren't targetting Jon through me, but we'd be foolish to ignore the possibility."
    She frowns as she adds, "You think they'll be a threat again? If we leave them alone, I mean. Shouldn't we follow them and- I don't know. I mean... They're //people.// Do we try to give them another chance - to choose not to prey on mankind? Or do we just finish them off?"

Marc Spector has posed:
    Marc shrugs. "That's... really up to you" he says. "If you want we can go after them, maybe later this week, go in when we're both at our peak and make an example of the rest of them? Or give them an ultimatum at the very least." He shakes his head. "There's always going to be more predators out there. Vampires, werewolves, poltergeists, cursed artifacts, or just plain street thugs... upstate's not my normal grounds, but the moon shines everywhere so it's not really out of my jurisdiction either."

    He quirks his brow. "There is another option... though I'm reluctant to bring it up since it's a bit more involved." He gives the dog a gentle pat on the head and rises. "Before we get into it, can I get you something to drink. Wine, water, soda, beer?" he asks as he moves toward the statue of Khonshu. Behind it there is a small minifridge he keeps stocked with a number of refreshments for visitors.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "An ultimatum," Cael agrees. "I- we should at least give them the chance to change. Maybe this wasn't fully a choice - for all of them. I mean, I didn't //choose// to end up like this. And who knows, someone with a little less fortitude, a little less support, might have felt like that didn't have a choice, or just... never gained any control over the- change." Is that just a rationalization? She's not sure.
    "I wouldn't say no to a beer," she agrees. "...what have you got in mind, though? I like to have //all// the facts and options laid out."
    As Marc starts to move away, Bear pads in a few steps after him - then turns and returns to Cael, licking at her hands and nudging for more pets.
    "Yes, yes. Poor, ignored, abused pup. No one loves you - oh woe is you."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Marc retrieves a pair of unmarked brown bottles, something from a local brewery by the look of it and goes back to his seat, he cracks the tops of both and offers one to Cael before taking a pull from the remainder of her retrieval. "We go and you offer them a challenge. If you win, you control the pack... if you lose? Well... it was a good run."

    Dangerous? Absolutely. Reasonable? To some maybe. "I'd back you up of course and if things go sideways, I'd do what I could to get you out. There's been a number of... changes... made to my arragement and with it comes a few tricks that wheren't available to me before. Tricks that likely would surprise even a pack of mystic wolves."

    "I've been hesitant because it... you'd be incharge of a wolfpack. Meaning you'd have to keep your condition as it is." He takes another draw from the bottle. "But they're likely more aware of some ins and outs that we don't have available" he says. "Meaning ways to control the beast within and ways of living with it even on the nights of the full moon."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael stares at Marc for a long moment, her hand still on Bear's head. "I- shit. Not giving me a lot of time to figure that one out, are you?" she asks, before she knocks back some of the beer. Her fingers start moving over Bear's fur again, as she starts turning the idea around in her head. "Lead them?" she asks. "I- what kind of challenge would this be? Me versus their current leader? I mean- I might be new to this wolf thing, but there's not a lot of people out there who can beat me in a fight these days, you know?"
    After another pull at the bottle she adds, "But is that a responsibility I want?" She winces before adding more quietly, "Maybe. Maybe, if it's the only way to get thrm all in line... instead of having to murder them all.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Marc shrugs a shoulder. "I said I was reluctant... but I've given it a lot of thought and I think the pros outweight the cons. But it's not my decision. It's yours." He sips his beer and forward. "Look, they're intelligent, but they're disorganized and likely working with only minimal civilized authority. If you went in, beat them, and took over it could mean safety and let a lot of people rest easy. Right now, they are preying on people. Slowly, but they're still preying. Even slow monsters are monsters."

    He rolls the bottle between his palms. "But yeah... you go in challenge whoever's in charge and if you win, you set the score and get to decide where the pack goes from there. No more innocent kills? Only wildlife? Scatter to the winds? It'd be your call." He nods. "I know it's a big responsibility, but I've seen you in action a few times. You're wiser than your years would give you and I think you could do it, with help from Jon and others for advice if you need. Not like we're going anywhere, after all." He offers her a soft smile.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael lets out a huff of aggrevated air, and stares down at the beer in her hands. "...I don't like this," she admits freely, before taking another swig from the bottle she was handed.
    She gives the distinct impression she thinks the alcohol isn't strong enough, but she //does// need to drive home after this. ...and possibly rescue Jon from a vampire.
    Probably won't have to rescue Jon from a vampire. Right?
    "I- I'll have to think about it. Talk to Jon, and probably Mercy. Get their input. I like to get other perspectives, you know?" She sighs again before she adds, "But I'd really prefer not to just- slaughter them all. If what's happened to me has helped me to realize one thing it's that they may be monsters - but they're still //people.// So right now I feel like... maybe we try a conversation, see if they're willing to agree to stop preying on the innocent, and if they aren't... then, yeah. Maybe taking over is better than- murder."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Marc arches a brow. "Mercy?" he asks, but shakes his head. Who she is can wait. "I mean, if you want to do it, we can hit them up in a couple days. Moon's zenith is Thrusday but tomorrow or Friday would work just as well." He looks around the Mission. "I'll be here in one capacity or another so you know where to find me. And if you want to go it alone, we can or we can bring others your comfortable with, as long as they know that I'll be here and what I am."

    He smirks. "We'll handle it. Whatever avenue it needs to take. You're not alone in this, Layla, Jon, myself, and, if she's a friend, this Mercy, will help you however you need the help." He takes another draw from the bottle. "Advice, information, or" he makes a fist, "more direct means if it comes to it."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "She, uhh - has some experience with wolves," Cael explains, leaving it at that.
    "I'd want you and Jon along, at least." Definitely Jon. If she's going to be sticking her neck out... She runs her hand through her hair then asks, "Have you heard anything about there even being a cure for this?" she asks. "I mean - that's what I'd wanted. Mercy thinks it's impossible. Jon seems determined that anything can be possible if we work at it enough but- That's not always true, is it?" she asks, her smile tight as her fingers keep scratching at Bear's head.

Marc Spector has posed:
    "If it's what Steven thinks it is... the invocation comes straight from Anubis or Wepwawet" Marc replies with a frown. "So you'd have to find a way to get one of them to remove it and they're not exactly keen on taking back what they see as gifts, willing recipient or not." He finishes off his beer and sets it on the table beside the worn out paperback. "They tend to take it as an insult. So... I mean, it's possible but unlikely."

    He shrugs. "I mean, I'll talk with Layla a bit and maybe in time we find another way but for now..." he makes a sympathetic face, "living with it might be your best bet. And, like I said, the pack might have ways to mitigate it better than what we've put together on our end. It's at least looking into for that purpose, even if negotiations don't work out to our advantage."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Right," Cael mutters under her breath. "And I'm already on Anubis 'good side.'" The sarcasm is thick in her voice. She's not exactly fond of that particular god. "//Great.//"
    After another sigh she adds, "So we make the best of a shit situation," she declares. "Let's... plan on going to see the other //wolves// on- Thursday, or Friday. Gives me a day or two to think, and get Jon's perspective. And then- well. We see where this shit leads us."
    After another drink of her beer she adds, "I hope you know how much I appreciate the help."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Marc grins. "I don't think you need me to tell you what working on a team means, Cael" he says matter-of-factly. "And you're part of my team. That means you're entitled to as much help as I'd give anyone on it. Jon, Layla, Lydia, you, you are all important to me and I look out for my own."

    He rises to take his bottle to a recycling station near the entry of the main hall and deposits it with the clink of glass on glass. "We'll get this sorted out. Just give me a call and we'll gather. No questions asked."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Still. A team functions better when the people aren't assholes to each other - and, ya know, appreciate one another," Cael says bluntly. "So, like I said. Thanks." Well, she hadn't said - but she'd strongly implied it. She finishes off her own bottle, and tosses it into the recycling as well before heading for the door.
    "I should get back anyways. I left Agnes in the apartment alone. I'll- I'll be in touch." With a final nod, she heads out the door - Bear on her heels.
    Maybe a workout in the gym will help her clear her head, before she talks all this over with Jon. What a fucking mess.