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Latest revision as of 16:50, 18 August 2022

Sorry D. Chimpanzee
Date of Scene: 18 August 2022
Location: Delores Klein's home
Synopsis: Detective Chimp brings Delores something to say he's sorry. Turns out it's incredibly valuable to her. He also has a request.
Cast of Characters: Detective Chimp, Delores Klein

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp has had a bit of adventure the previous night, so today around noon, he decided it was time to stop by and see Delores. He has a backpack over one shoulder, something he does not carry with him often. So, he hopes it is an ok time, and she is home. He is walking up towards the building when he sends a text <Hey, you have a moment for me to stop by am in the neighborhood.>

Delores Klein has posed:
    There is no reply. If the chimpanzee ever looks at Delores's Nokia phone, he'll see it's got dozens of unread text messages. Given her age, that's probably not surprising. It's also possible Delores doesn't know how to check them.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp hmmms and will wait a bit and ponders if she might be mad at him still, but he figures he should chance it. He will head up to her apartment to find himself stopping at the buzzer. He considers just buzzing all to make sure he gets into the building, but he decides to try to be direct and buzzes Delores number.

Delores Klein has posed:
    The floor of Delores's apartment building that she's claimed is high above the street, but with the glories of modern electricity, the message of that button-push is instant, even if the panel is inconveniently tall for the chimp. In a few moments, the intercom activates. "Who's calling?" It's distorted by the technology between them, but it's definitely Delores's voice, even though there's a British accent there.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will speak up and says "It is Detective Chimp, I was hoping we might chat for a moment, I was in the area, and thought stop by." He says. He actually came by to see her but tries to play it cool.

Delores Klein has posed:
    There's a pause, then there's a loud buzz. The entrance is temporarily open to him.
    The elevator ride is long, but once it opens, he will see Delores dressed in some working clothes. There are test tubes here and there on her person. She actually looks like an alchemist as she stands waiting for him.
    "Detective," she says in greeting.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods to her, and says "Delores, first let me apologize for yesterday, I honestly figured you would be known as a potion maker, thought might be hiding your true skill, but did not know you were hiding it totally." He slips the backpack off and says "So I brought you a peace offering, not water, but something you may find interesting.

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores raises an eyebrow. She puts her hands on her hips, waiting expectantly. She still says nothing, allowing the chimp ample time to make his presentation.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will unzip the backpack and pulls out a tupperware dish, and inside is this honey colored ooze maybe the best word. It is not quite honey, it has some stringy bits, somewhat like silk straight from the worm, but not quite that either. "Had a run in with a insect queen, who was trying to add people to her hive, and this is what her hive walls were made of."

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores's eyes go wide as he produces the substance. She gets closer and squats down, looking into the tupperware without yet taking it from him. "Fascinating," she says, a slight smile of curiosity and eagerness to experiment coming across her face. She holds out a hand and makes eye contact with the chimp. "What happened to the rest?" she asks.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks to her, and says "When the queen was slain the pocket dimension we were in sorta poofed away around us. I had gathered up this bit, figuring you would want to give it a once over. So it is a limited supply but still thought you might find it useful or at least interesting.

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores accepts it and considers it as she stands. "Well, it's quite a peace offering," she says. She puts one hand under it and one hand atop it as she looks down at him. "Thank you. I think you're the first person to ever give me something so rare and valuable. You're also, I believe, the only person to whom my opinion mattered so much as to try so hard to reconcile."
    Delores holds out her right hand, letting it flop at the wrist. It's not held out for him to shake, but to kiss. It's an old-fashioned gesture that shows she's ready to accept his apology and move on, at least in this context.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will take the hand and kiss it ever so slightly. He has studies older etiquette as some people and creatures of the occult have a bit more respect for it than most modern people. "Well to be honest most times, I would probably just let it go, but you felt I wronged you and it was totally not meant as such, so wanted to make sure you knew it.

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores sighs. "I knew," she says. "It surprised me, given how well you've been keeping my secrets so far." She puts her hand back atop the tupperware that she holds against her body. "Come," she says. "Let's discuss this while I put this into something that won't contaminate the sample." She doesn't wait for his answer; she simply walks toward her alchemy lab.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and walks along with her, and says "I assumed you were known as a simple potion maker with the shop and all, not hiding it all." He offers in explanation. "there seems to be a lot of minor talented folks about."

Delores Klein has posed:
    "I have more than one secret," Delores informs him. Once in her alchemy lab, she gestures toward the chair, though makes no comment about it. She then opens the tupperware and bends at the waist. She puts her face close to breathe in the scent of the stuff he brought her through her nose. "Mmmm...it smells quite as unusual as it looks." She reaches out without lifting herself and grabs a piece of more unusual glassware. She finally stands and grabs a glass rod as she begins transferring the substance. "Viscous," she says, possibly thinking aloud.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and says "I am not sure if it changes people or was used to bio degrade or what. The queen was encasing people in it and trying to add them to the hive. I don't know for sure if that meant changing them into bug creatures, or just being building blocks.

Delores Klein has posed:
    "It gets more valuable the more you tell me of it," she says. She puts a glass lid on the glassware and reseals the tupperware. "I'm going to see what it does to this vessel you brought me," she informs him. She looks the chimp over. "Are you well? Would you like me to scan you again and check for any changes I can find?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp shrugs a bit and says "I only have brief contact with it, was ripping it off others, but if you want to make sure there is no effects on me I am ok with it." He offers her a smile.

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores nods. "Close your eyes," she says. "I'll get another scan. Comparing the two shouldn't take too long." Once he complies, there's a flash from beyond his closed eyes. "I'll be right back," she says. "Feel free to make yourself comfortable."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and moves to have a seat while she checks things out. He looks over and says "So, are you wanting to be connected with the magical community?"

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores stops and leans back, looking at him with her back arched. She walks back and steps into the doorway. "Such a thing is difficult when everyone's trying to keep their mystical abilities secret from everyone else. How do you know of such things, Detective?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over and says "There is a community out there now, the curio is one of them where people are a bit more open with things and working together, it is one of the groups of mystical types who I hang out with.

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores moves back into the room and leans back against her workbench. She folds her arms over her chest, bringing her right hand up, fingers closed, to touch her thumb against her lips. "It would be nice to have a place where I could freely speak of unusual ingredients." She kicks her right leg out and crosses it over her left, the side of her heel resting atop her left foot.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and says "The young girl, who I introduced you to, was part of the investigation last night. She had a few friends who were more standard super hero but also had another occult hero there, the Ghost rider.

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores considers for a moment. She purses her lips and thinks. "One moment," she says. She leaves the room, coming back a minute or so later with a heavy, antique tome in her hands. She pulls over that tray with her foot, using it as a table again. She hooks that stool with her other foot once the tray's in place and pulls it behind herself as she sits down. Flipping through old pages, she finally finds one and puts her finger down on it. "There he is," she says, pointing at an illustration that is dreadfully inaccurate (or possibly just very out of date) depicting a skeletal rider on a skeletal horse. There are a 'best effort' of flames around the pair, and both are depicted wearing some kind of armor. She reads over the tome's page, which is in latin.
    "Hmmm," she says. "Not much about him." She closes the book. "I should call the store and have Sophia check the electronic mail. See if the young lady you introduced me to tried to contact me about her vocal issues."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over and says "She has not sent you a text or anything?" I happened to run into them last night, and the Ghost rider I met, was human at first, rode a motorcycle, and when he changed had nothing to ride so was just the fiery skeleton, in spiked leather, and chains.... Oh do have a question. Do you know of any potions, that would allow me to allow someone to see a memory or give me the ability to put a picture from my mind as a very acurate drawing?

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores is interrupted thought to thought by the ape stringing them together. When he asks about the last thing, she says, "Oh, now that IS an interesting challenge." She pushes her stool back, rolling with it across the lab. She keeps facing him for a few more moments. "Perhaps Wake Blossom..." she says, standing and moving to some of her equipment. "It would need to have liquified starlight as a solvent, certainly." She squats down and opens the curtains, going through bottles under her workspace. "No, no, no," she corrects herself, "you want a potion, that needs to be drinkable."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp says, "Well something if it was more an oil or something that needed applied, it would work, just looking for something that would work."

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores considers. "Hmmm," she considers. She starts pulling out bottles. One looks like the contents are embers being blown on, just constantly glowing. Another churns back and forth in the flask, which is obviously wide at the base to keep it from tipping over. A third simply looks empty, though it doesn't sound empty as she sets it on the workspace above her head. She pulls out a fourth bottle, this one made of black glass that is totally opaque. It's a spherical bottle that she has to set in a round holder on the workbench. "Fire salt or blaze powder..." she ponders to herself.
    As she walks between bits of her equipment, she asks, "How long does this need to last?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks to her, and says "Well, basicly wanting to share a memory with someone or be able to at least draw them a picture of someone. The girl, she does not remember much of her uncle, and he was someone I considered friend."

Delores Klein has posed:
    "That girl you introduced me to," Delores says. She stops working and leans over one of the workbenches. She sighs. "What's the time limit on this?" she asks.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp says, "No hurry, it is just an idea I had not something I would want to do soon, but something I feel he would want me to do." He offers in explanation"

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores moves back to the stool and drags it back across the room, this time with her hands. She sits across from Bobo and folds her hands over the book in front of him. "Direct memory transfer is something that I've been working on, but that's from a human brain. Reading is easy. Writing is nearly impossible without disassembling a person's brain." She holds up a finger. "However. In the same way that I was able to concoct a method to save that certain someone when you first saw me--" She lowers her hand, interleaving her fingers. "--I may be able to devise a device that may project an image directly from your mind." She shakes her head. "No promises, and it would only work for you...well, and other awakened chimpanzees. It may also be entirely too big to transport."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and says "Well, as I said it is not a need for soon, but if you have something in mind it could be of use. So, what have you been up to of late?"

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores smiles at him. "That depends how much time you have for the story," she says.