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Latest revision as of 03:56, 19 August 2022

X-F Side Dishes: Investigative Options
Date of Scene: 02 June 2022
Location: Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Girls
Synopsis: Wade informs Neena that the group they've been fighting have hold of her kid brother, Lazarus. He also informs her that there is a double of him out there hell bent on destroying X-Force and everything he loves and cares for.
Cast of Characters: Wade Wilson, Neena Thurman

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade had given a call to Domino to meet him in the back room of Sister Margaret's, the room serves as a combination storage room and business office for the establishment, and now debriefing room for X-Force. The decor could use some work, with neon signs of now defunct alcoholic beverages and posters and calendars of scantily clad (if clad at all) women. But no one ever claimed Weasel had taste.

    Wade sits behind the desk, with a large manilla folder in front of him. To the left of the desk is the whiteboard with a number of bullet points and pictures on it. All seem to focus on the current organization the team was hitting regularly these days.

    The Merc with a Mouth is dressed... oddly. His mask is on, that much is clear, but it seems he's wearing a business suit -over- his costume. A grey blazer, crisp white shirt, and red tie all seem fitted for the man himself and he leans back casually, waiting for his company.

Neena Thurman has posed:
    Domino grabs a bottle of tequila from the bar on the way back, daring Weasel to stop her with a pointed glare. He raises a finger, then puts it down and mutters, "I'll put it on your tab."

    In the back room, Domino takes a pull on the tequila bottle and peers at the whiteboard. Then her gaze rests on Wade. "It's kinda hot for you to be doubling up on clothing. Trying a fun new way to die?" She raises her brows.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool (or as he has taken to calling it BusinessPool) sits calmly and shakes his head. "No. Just trying to be more official? I mean, if you don't care I can remove it, cause you're right... it's a bit hot in here" he replies, tugging at the collar a bit in mild discomfort. "Need to get Wease to put in some AC back here or at least a box fan."

    He gestures to one of the old chairs before the desk. Weasel actually -does- conduct business back here from time to time. "Have a seat," he says. "You're going to need it for this one."

Neena Thurman has posed:
    "No, I think it's funny, actually. You trying to be all official and business-y." Domino's wearing her normal suit, herself, since that's usually what she wears when she swings by Sister Margaret's. She eyes the chair, briefly contemplating turning it around to straddle it, but shrugs and sits down in it normally, crossing her legs.

    She doesn't really want to distract Wade from the business at hand, after all. That's Inez's job.

    "Alright, so." Another pull on the bottle. "What's up? You said you need to talk about the mission?" There's a tension, a wariness in her--she has an idea what this might be around.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade picks up the folder from the top of the test and tosses to her side before her. "You'll want the fourth page more than anything" he says. "But take a look." The first page is a schematic of some sort of tank or pod. Lots of technical data line one side. Diemnsions. Construction materials. Cost to production.

    The second and third pages make up what seems like a medical listing of someone. Male, age 8, X-gene verification, and a listing of powers that list extensive mental manipulation and secondary compulsion abilities of suicidal tendencies in the mutant's victims, along with a genetic readout.

    The fourth page is a black and white glossy photograph. It looks like it was taken from a security camera but the sharpness is good enough to show detail. The containment tank is there with a number of individuals standing around with clipboards and looking at computer readouts. Each of the individuals is wearing some sort of metallic helmet with a number of diodes on them. The individual in the tank is also visible, pale skin with dark hair (though color is hard to tell with the black and white nature of the photo), but one identifying mark is clear on the figure in the tank. They have a distinctive circular black mark surrounding the left eye. On the back of the picture is writing in pen: Subject X-206. Date 02/03/2022. Facility M248.

    The rest of the folder seems to contain a number of exercises concerning Subject X-206 and observations of his powers. As well as proposed uses for his abilities. Wade sits quietly and lets Domino look over the contents and waits for her response.

Neena Thurman has posed:
    Domino flips through the pages slowly, looking them over. Schematics, technical details... she understands some of that, but not all. The second makes her pause, and the third pause even longer.

    "You found him," she says softly, before she even looks at the fourth page. "You found Laz." She reaches up to touch the amulet she wears through her suit, and her eyes fill, but she sniffs back the tears.

    She flips to the fourth page and looks it over with a frown. "I don't... who is this? Who has him?" Her mood's turning to anger, now, as she rapidly flips through the rest of it all. By the end of the folder she's taking deep, shuddering breaths to keep from punching something.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool shakes his head. "We found him" he says. "Everything in that folder was from the facility we hit last month. Wease managed to break the decryption lock and found all that in a folder labeled Project AG2. So... barring AG meaning something other than Armageddon... I think it's safe to say that you didn't completely destroy the organization back in 03."

    He sighs. "I don't know where the facility is... I'm hoping Weehawken might give us some more clues or at least another place to look." He looks at her. "We're going to get him back. That I promise you. I won't stop until we do." leans forward and places his arms on the desk. "I just... I wanted you to know that this is connected and that it's a step in the right direction."

Neena Thurman has posed:
    Domino tosses the folder back on the desk, and puts her face in her hands. Makes a growling noise in her throat. Runs her hands through her hair. Growls again.

    Then, suddenly, she pushes back, knocking the chair over, and punches the wall, knocking down one of the antique neon signs in the process. Naturally, she's lucky enough not to break either wall or hand in the process. "God /damn/ it!" she yells. Then she kicks the wall. "God DAMN it! Stupid... fucking... /great/ job, Neena, take out the sinister organization and don't /follow up/ to make sure the job's dealt with! Fuck!"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool stands up from the desk and moves around from it. It's clear the shirt, tie and blazer is the only part of him that is dressed in that fashion. "Hey... it's okay" he says. "We'll find him again and this time we'll handle it, for good." He puts a hand on Domino's shoulder and gives her a gentle shake. "Afterwards... I think Queen Lorna might have some idea of where he'll be safe. I'll speak with her about it when I get a chance." He squeezes the shoulder for added affect. "It's going to be okay. -He'll- be okay."

    He pauses. "That's not the only thing I called you here for anyway... there's more bad news... more bad for me than for you though..." he moves back and sits on the edge of the table gingerly. "But go ahead and collect yourself, I'm patient."

Neena Thurman has posed:
    There aren't a lot of people in the world that Domino is willing to break down around, and Wade's on the short list. His wife is, too. Most of the rest are (presumably) dead or in Chicago. Deadpool's touch on her shoulder gets Domino to stop kicking the wall, but she closes her eyes and slumps forward, pressing her forehead against it and crying.

    "I told him he'd be safe. I told him..." She sniffles, and shakes her head. Deep breath in, deep breath out, and she pushes away.

    "You really think Genosha can help? I know the Brotherhood's been welcoming and all. I guess I just... I dunno, you know it's hard for me to trust people sometimes." She turns toward the desk and runs a hand through her hair, settling it, wipes at her face to get rid of the tear streaks.

    "Alright, then. What's the rest of it?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "I think Lorna can give him a place where he can interact with people like him and where he can get a handle on what he can do. Not the Brotherhood--" Wade is very clear on that point, "--Lorna. I... I'd want to keep him away from the Brotherhood if at all possible. There's... there's a lot of grey folk there and we want Laz on a stable foundation before introducing any of that." He keeps a tight clamp on his lips to keep from spilling beans about the Brotherhood that he knows.

    When she's settled and ready he drops another bombshell. "So... you know how I can get limbs removed and come back after a few hours right? Hands, feet, arms, legs, doesn't really matter, right? Well. Did you ever ask what happens to the body parts I lose?" he slides off and starts to pace. "Usually I go and collect them when they go missing. Toss them into an incinerator, usually by virtue of breaking into funeral homes, and scatter the ashes. But -sometimes-..." he makes a face, "sometimes I forget. And -someone- specifically the people behind this company we're after... decided to collect those disparate pieces and let them fuse together into a... not me. An evil me. Me in everyway, but the fun ways."

    He makes another face and spreads his hands. "And he's out there" he points to the general outside. "And gunning for us. And by out there I mean in New York, and by us, I mean all of X-Force."

Neena Thurman has posed:
    Neena's sliding into a chair at the desk as Wade starts to explain about 'evil him,' and raises her eyebrows. "So... there's another you out there, except without all the good bits that make me /not/ try to figure out how to be lucky enough to get rid of you permanently?"

    She rolls her eyes. "Of /course/. Who else could cause so many problems for you besides yourself? You're your own worst enemy, etcetera." She sighs. "Well... fuck. How the hell do we kill... you?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade crosses his legs slowly--insert Basic Instinct meme--and replies, "Short answer? You can't... not in any way that will stick. Trust me, I've tried." Depressing thought there. "Long answer? Chop up the body, burn it all seperately, scatter the ashes in different locations."

    He shakes a finger. "But killing is easy, it's the fighting that's the hard part. I mean, the guy's got all the moves I have and he can teleport--little piece of tech that I lost when I was crushed in half by an armored car. Long story; the point is,--I can't fight him. He seems to know what I'm going to do before I do it and that just ends up with me in stitches and concussed."

    He drops the hammer. "So if we confront him, I'm thinking you or Inez might have to go toe to toe with him. At least that way he won't be able to predict anything. No one can predict you and he doesn't know Inez's skillset. Other than she's smoking hot--not that you aren't too, just... well, you know." He makes a vaguely 'jazz hands' gesture around his pectorals. Is it a boob reference, yes, it's a boob reference.

Neena Thurman has posed:
    "Inez has far more 'talent' than I've got, yeah," Neena says with a grin. Look, Inez's best physical assets are impossible to miss. "I vote she takes him on, then, 'cause he'll be distracted like a deer in the headlights, given the way you are around her."

    She sits back a bit. "That all you got? Gather the team, go in, fight your double, grab Laz?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Well... and whatever other arsenal we have to face going in. Might be bots, might be Storm Trooper goons, might be something else entirely, intel is sketchy at best but we have what we need to go in. I'm..." Wade winces a bit and shifts in place, "having to regrow a kidney right now... otherwise we'd go today."

    Another wince and he slides from the desk. "But I thought you should know the score and what we're after in the long run." He reaches out and places a hand on her shoulder. "We're going to get him back. I promise you that. And I don't break those lightly."