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A New You: Incident Report
Date of Scene: 18 August 2022
Location: Hope House
Synopsis: Jon and Chas meet with Clarice to discuss what she has discovered about her 'sister' and what avenues for successfully cleansing her of the corruption of Viscera are available.
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Jonathan Sims, Chas Chandler

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Having notified Jon of the need to meet, Clarice proceeds to Hope House to wait for her guests - after all, she's a bit overdue for a visit as it is. One of the teen volunteers is tasked with making tea and coffee - as well as running to a little bakery a few doors down for a few pastries, and while Clarice waits, she checks in with her staff. Making sure they're all aware that she's expecting guests, and that one of the comfortable counseling rooms is to be saved for their use, she ends up in the rec room - playing foosball with one of the teens. The teen in question starts moving the ball telekinetically - at which point, Clarice charges one of the little 'soccer players' she controls with teleportation energy - and teleports the ball almost directly into her opponant's goal. "Oh, wait - I thought we were using powers this round," she remarks in reply to the good-natured laughs and protests. "My mistake."
    She steps aside, letting one of the teens take her place as soon as the message is passed onto her that her guests have arrived. Striding into the lobby, the magenta hued mutant declares brightly, "Sorry - I was just checking in on the teens. Didn't mean to keep you waiting."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    It's /hot/ today, so Jon's in shorts and a t-shirt, not seeming to care how much he looks like a bougie Dad who's picking up his kid from soccer practice or something. He opens a portal about a block down the road from Hope House, and heads for the place along with Chas.

    "She's got some information on Lydia," he explains to the angel as they walk. "They're like sisters, and she's naturally concerned--and she's worked with the JLD before, so I figured she can come along when we have the confrontation. Maybe it'll jog something loose, I don't know."

    When Clarice enters the lobby he nods to her. "We haven't been waiting long, it's alright. Where to?"

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas, by contrast, is wearing jeans and a button shirt with a vaguely paisley pattern on it in plum purple. He doesn't appear to be bothered by the heat all that much. Maybe being able to conjure minature suns in the palm of your hand insulates you from some of the heat? Maybe it's an angel thing? These are not mutually exclusive options.

    As Jon briefs him on what the situation is he nods. "I know who Ms. Ferguson is. I saw her when Lydia was doing the Seal invocation in Central Park." It's easy to forget that Chas had front row seats to the goings on in New York during the angellic invasion; a friendly reminder is easy enough to drop.

    As the woman in question enters with her apologies, he nods along with Jon's dismissal and then asks, "You've been in contact with, Lydia?" The rest of the JLD hasn't seen her since her attack on Jon, so any news of the woman is possibly good news towards their efforts in helping her--or containing her... whichever way the inevitable confrontation goes.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "'In contact' isn't how I would word it," Clarice says a bit wryly. She presses her lips together, and her brow crinkles subtly with her concern. "I'll... explain. I have somewhere comfortable where we can talk," she offers," gesturing the men down the hall. She leads the way to a small sitting room, where the counselors and social workers the foundation employees can work with teens and their families. There's a couch, a pair of arm chairs, a flat screen TV, a pile of cushions and pillows in one corner, and a shelf with a few books, some toys, and some plush animals. There's also a table with two thermoses (one labeled 'hot water,' the other 'coffee,') as well as some tea bags, sugar, creamers, and paper cups. A little cardboard box holds a small assortment of pastries.
    "Please, help youselves," she offers - waiting for Chas and Jon to pick their seats, before she'll sit as well.
    "So, I have a brother - in much same way that Lydia is my 'sister,'" she explains. "And he has psychic abilities. We were able to use that to pinpoint her location. She's in the Tenderloin - somewhere near the Mochinut Donuts on 37th and 6th. Or... at least, she was. Hopefully our... intrusion hasn't caused her to flee. We couldn't get a more specific location than that, I'm afraid."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon goes to put a tea bag into a paper cup--glaring at the first one he pulls out, which is Lipton, like it's personally offended him. Shaking his head, he pulls out a bag of Bigelow and sets it in the cup along with some creamer, then pours hot water over the lot. At least Bigelow is drinkable.

    He walks over to a chair, taking a couple of sugar packets with him, and glances over toward Clarice. "Even if she's fled, that'll at least let us pick up the trail. How did you find her?" He raises his brows, expression curious.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas doesn't get anything, he's not hungry--he never is--and blending in isn't high on his list right now. "And what did you find at this place she was holed up in?" he asks. The winged cat is fresh in his mind. He was still caring for the damn thing as best he can.

    He takes a seat next to Jon and leans forward, his expression focused and intent on the task at hand. Also fresh is what she did to Jon, if she's willing to go that far on a friend... what might she do to a stanger. Or worse, someone who offended her idly.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice also abstains from taking any of the refreshments, as she shakes her head in response to Chas's question. "I think you're misunderstanding. Like I said - we didn't find the exactly location - all we know is the area. It's somewhere near Mochinut Donuts - within a few blocks of there. Pete couldn't pinpoint it exactly, but it was near enough for him to make... contact. As I said, he's a psychic, and he's been training with some of the Brotherhood's best psychics." Looking to Jon she adds, "That's how we found her."
    She studies both of the men, watching Jon for his reaction as she adds, "She's still in there. It's almost like she's trapped in her own mind. Pete was able to bring me in with him, and it was like we were walking through a library... but there all these strands of... flesh. Tumors growing everywhere. The deeper in we went it was like the floors were made of meat. We could hear this angry snarling, and this growling, and eventually found... a creature, with the head of a bat, and a wolf, and a raven. It had those strands of meat going to it - almost restraining it, and it was growing in weird, twisted ways. Malformed limbs. And it was shouting that it was in control..."
    Her expression is solemn, and concerned as she adds, "And its stomach was bloated, and distended. That's where the sobbing was coming from."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Partway through Clarice's explanation, Jon--who's been stirring sugar into his tea--abruptly puts the cup down on a nearby table and stands. "I--sorry, I have to--I can't. I just..." He shakes his head. "Chas, can you--?"

    Without another word, they turn and walk out the door, to stand in the hallway and lean against the wall, squeezing their eyes shut and focusing on on their breathing. Even if all the physiological systems normal humans have aren't really in place--even if Jon doesn't really have an amygdala or autonomic nervous system anymore, they /believe/ that the deep breathing and grounding will help. And that's important.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas' expression is solemn as he listens. As Jon gets up he nods. "Go ahead. I've got it" he says and watches his friend depart a ways off. He sighs. "He's been a victim of what she did" he replies as explanation. He considers the situation and frowns deeper. "It's her Beast... the vampiric part of her. It's devoured her," he concludes. "It makes sense and happens, even the most chaste of her kind..." He means vampires, not mutants.

    Looking back to Clarice he asks. "What was your intent in tracking her down?" he asks. "What was it you were hoping to accomplish if you -did- manage to find her and confront her? Your ultimate goal?" He needs an understanding to figure out how he should proceed on the matter himself.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice's gaze follows Jon - giving him a nod of understanding as he leaves. Her attention focuses back onto Chas before she continues. "I know - he told me about it. It's why I- when I messaged him, I asked who I should talk to. I didn't want to make things harder for him." She frowns for a moment, before answering Chas's question.
    "She's my sister," she says simply and firmly. "My hope was that with Pete's help, we could understand what's happened to her. How much of //Lydia// remains to be saved. If she's still my sister, or if she's become something else that looks like my sister. It's what I was afraid had happened - when she first became a vampire. I wanted answers - but actually, physically confronting her alone? That was never my goal."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Out in the hallway, Jon reaches up to grasp at handfuls of hair, taking deep breaths. The image that keeps flashing in his mind is the metaphorical faceful of meat that he got when he tried to reach Lydia telepathically, while she was changing him, and--

    His arm, which had been green and glowing, flickers and changes, tries to become 'real' once more. Jon opens his eyes and stares down at it, opening and closing the hand.

    "You're not there. You're /not there/. You don't /exist/ anymore!" He yells it loud enough to maybe be heard in the room he just left, and closes his eyes again.

    Deep breaths. Calm. Center. Jonathan Sims only has one arm. And he is Jonathan Sims. Ergo, he only has the one arm.

    The arm flickers and disappears entirely, and Jon slumps down to sit on the floor in the hallway, sobbing quietly.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas' frown deepens. He opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by Jon's outburst. He sighs and says to Clarice. "He just needs a bit of time... he'll get through it..." Then his expression solidifies. "I am going to be blunt with you..." he says. "We may not be able to get her back from this. I want to think that we can confront her and force this -thing- out of her, but..."

    He clasps his hands together. "If she's too far gone, or given too much of herself to it... she might not be retreivable." He eyes the violet skinned woman. "I want you to be prepared for the worst if it comes to pass."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice frowns, her expression hardening. "But she's still in there. I //heard// her. What I saw proves that. She- she asked me to pierce her heart, to stop her. She //wants// to be stopped." She looks troubled as she adds, "She says it won't kill her, but..." Was she telling her the truth?
    Her eyes flick towards the door before she adds quietly, "If you wanted to check on him... I can wait."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    The feel of people coming down the hall gets Jon to pull himself together enough to wipe at his eyes, sniffle, and climb to his feet. Before anyone can come near the room he's back through the door, closing it quietly behind him. He's still only got the one arm, not bothering to re-summon the magical one.

    "It's alright," he murmurs. "I'm--I'll be alright." He sniffles again, and goes to pick up the tea, taking a drink and not seeming to care much about the taste.

    "So let me get this straight," he says, tone aiming for 'firm and professional' and hitting 'strained.' "Lydia's not remotely in control right now? It's her... Beast, her Predator, that gave into Viscera and--" He gestures with the paper cup at the missing right arm. "Well. And attacked me."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Again Chas is about to speak when Jon enters. He goes silent to let the man speak his piece and then nods. "Sounds like it to me..." he agrees. "Which... doesn't help matters. At least, not where I'm concerned."

    He turns back to Clarice. "Which is what I'm trying to get at. I'm not saying -it- will kill her. In fact, I doubt it will. She's an effective host and doing exactly what it wants her to do." He sighs. "I'm saying -we- might have to kill her--or put her away somewhere. To save her from herself."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "That's how it seems to be," Clarice confirms for Jon, studying them for a moment, before turning her attention towards Chas.
    "If we have to kill her in the heat of a fight to save someone's life- that's one thing, and it's something I think she would want. And if we have to contain her until we can find a solution - that I understand. But I won't simply kill her. She's still in there, unless these... things were playing some sort of clever trick. If we can save her, then we should."
    Looking back to Jon she adds, "If you need to leave me and-" she glances at Chas, asking uncertainly, "...your second? -to discuss things, that's fine. We can manage, and I'm sure there are many other things to occupy you."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon shrugs. "Well, if it's the Beast doing this and not Lydia, then the answer is simple--kill the Beast. Free Lydia from its influence entirely. Presumably, if Viscera's attached to this vampiric Predator, then killing that takes away Viscera's influence. And then Lydia's free."

    He goes to sit back down. "Chas is my equal--Trinity, like the JLA. But I'm alright, I just--that imagery, it's similar to what I got when--mmm. It hit me harder than I thought it would. I'm here now, and it seems like we need some sort of plan of action."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas frowns and considers the situation. "Is that... can that be done?" he asks. "I mean, how intrinsically tied are the two parts of her? Can one be removed without hurting the other?" He looks over at Jon. "And... if not, what's the difference between that and you going all Achivist judgement on her?" he asks.

    Even as the second question is voiced it's clear that the idea of the first is being theorized in his head. It's something he's considered but not had a voice of a second on the matter. If it -is- something that can be done, even just attempted... shouldn't he try?

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I misunderstood," Clarice says to Jon simply, before looking to Chas and adding, "My apologies."
    She seems to consider the matter closed as she looks between the pair of them - a thoughtful frown on her features. "I don't know enough about vampires - about what Lydia really is. If she can be freed from the Beast- I'd assume that's what she would want? She never liked hurting people before. It's just not who she is. I can't begin to understand how to so something like that."
    She hesitates for a moment before offering, "What I can do it- she told me to pierce her heart. If it really won't kill her, then- well. I could teleport something into her heart. It's the sort of thing I was taught to do, growing up."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "The difference between anything you do and me going all 'Archivist judgement' on her is that I'm /not going to/. I'm just--I'm not. Not on the Predator. There's no way. I can't--I just can't. I don't want to see into that thing's head, know how it thinks." Jon has his shoulders hunched, and there's a vague flicker like he's pulling wings around himself. "I experience statements /as if they were happening to me/. Do you think I /want/ the memory of Lydia changing me hanging around in my head for the rest of eternity? I'd never be able to face her again. Maybe another statement, directly from her, but not--not the Beast. No. And I'm not judging her. It's not my /place/ in this."

    He shakes his head. "I don't know--is there a way to free her from the Beast, truly? Separate out her soul from the vampiric nature? I mean, I suppose an angel could. Then again, she thinks she was fated to be a vampire, /meant/ to be one, so maybe there isn't? I don't know. But I think putting something in her heart might just immobilize her? And then--I don't know what we /do/ with her in the meantime."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    "I think we could maybe lock her in the Training Room or a private room in the Velvet Room" Chas replies his expression still focused on the theory of what could be done and what it would mean. "But even that is just a stop gap...until we figure out how to get it off of her. Maybe if we starve it, it will just leave?" he supposes.

    "But how long that will be is anyone's guess... days, years, decades?" He shakes his head. "I don't like the thought of having a torpored vampire locked up in our base... especially one that I know the name of." He sighs. "If we confront her, we put an end to it. Right there. One way or another."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas frowns at Jon. He hadn't given much thought to what Jon pulling the damage Lydia had done would do to his friend. He nods then, slowly. "Alright. That's fair. I understand." He turns his attention to the theory of immobilization. "I think we could maybe lock her in the Training Room or a private room in the castle" he replies, his expression grave. "But even that is just a stop gap until we can figure out how to get it off of her. Maybe if we starve it, it will just leave?" he supposes.

    "But how long that will take is anyone's guess... days, months, years, decades?" He shakes his head. "I don't like the thought of having a torpored vampire locked up in our base--especially one that I know the name of and consider a friend--for an extended period of time." He sighs. "If we confront her, we put an end to it. Right there. One way or another."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Which are we trying to starve?" Clarice asks. Then in silent agreement with Chas she adds, "It hardly seems... humane to just leave her like that, indefinitely. It should be a temporary measure, until some sort of solution is found. And I'd like to believe there is one." But Clarice has lead a difficult enough life that she's a realist.
    There isn't always a solution.
    "Anyways. I just wanted to share what I knew of her mental condition, and her location. None of this changes //my// intentions, though. Which is to do whatever I can to save my sister."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Viscera, I think. They feed off of fear. But, Chas--if you just leave her alone with it, it'll eat /her/." Jon says this with firm conviction. It's something he /knows/, somehow, even if he can't quite explain why. "We're going to have to come up with a solution quickly."

    He sighs, staring down at his tea. "I /am/ sorry. That--that it's come to this. That she might--" He frowns. He's supposed to want to do everything he can to save Lydia, right? And he doesn't. And that bothers him, on some level.

    Or maybe he does, deep down, and it's just buried under pain.

    He sighs, and rubs at his knee. "I'm sorry," he repeats. "I know this is hard, for everyone."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas takes a breath, slowly lets it out, and then metaphorically steps forward to take control. "Well... then we go in with that assumption. You can show us where is it. We meet here tomorrow, and from there go to pick up the trail as best we can from the Tenderloiin disctict." The humor and irony in the Meat Monster picking that particular district isn't lost on him, but now is not the time.

    "We find her lair. Confront her within, and unless we have to destroy her," he says gingerly, "we immobilize her and I can try to handle the Beast inside her soul. If all goes well, it will buy us some time to figure out how to remove Viscera entirely and will hopefully stop her from doing..." he glances briefly at Jon. His gaze returns to Clarice. "I only need your okay that you're willing to attack her if it comes to it. She's going to fight back, of that I have no doubt. We can't have you hesitating on doing your part."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice looks between both of them, answering Jon first. "I told you before - this isn't your fault. It's a shitty situation - but it isn't your fault. The best we can do is try to tackle it - and try to help our friend. ...even if she has made terrible mistakes, and caused harm."
    She looks to Chas next, and her expression hardens. "I won't let Lydia kill her friends - and she wouldn't want me to. That's not how we honor or protect who Lydia is," she says firmmly. "So, if I have to harm her - I will. But if I have the choice to use non-lethal force? That'll be my first choice. I'm not teleporting my sister into a volcano unless I truly have no other choice."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon's brow furrows for a moment. "I should have--when I first found out about--"

    He shakes his head. "You're probably right. But if there was nothing I could have done, then it's out of my control, and that's--somewhat terrifying, you know? Not sure what the point is in being a demigod and worrying about losing my own humanity if these things can still just... happen."

    After a moment, he adds, looking up, "Death is the last resort. It always is."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas nods. "Then we're agreed and we have a plan..." he says pushing himself to his feet. "Unless there's anything else, we reconvene out front tomorrow evening?" he asks, looking between the pair.

    Regardless of whether more is voice or not he nods. "We're going to do our best to save her... no matter what. It's how we honor her and how we do right by her in the end." Still there are wheels turning behind his blue eyes, wheels that are working through scenario and possibility.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice nods in agreement with Chas, as she stands as well. "We'll save her," she says determinedly - before looking towards Jon.
    "I don't think you're right about that. Is there //something// you could have done? Maybe. Probably. But... is that a reasonable expectation? Did you really have a reason to think things would turn out this way - that action was necessary?"
    She shrugs her shoulders before adding, "There were hints that Genosha was not what it promised to be when my parents took me there as a child. Should I blame them for what happened? Is it their //fault// they were fooled? I don't think so. But that doesn't automatically mean that everything was out of their control, either. I don't think it's an either/or. The world's more complex than that."
    She gestures to the box adding, "Take a pastry, if you like. Can I teleport either of you anywhere?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Then it is my fault, to some degree," Jon says simply, as he stands. "I knew there was a problem. I failed to act, or make sure someone else acted. That was my responsibility as a leader of the JLD--not mine alone," he glances to Chas, "but partly mine. So--Lydia's state? I share responsibility for that. And I'm sorry, that I failed your sister in that way."

    Clarice might recognize Jon's tone, given that she'd been around Grand Central Station often enough during the siege. It's his 'I'm sorry your loved one got hurt/killed on my watch' tone. Maybe it's just something he feels he has to do in order to keep some kind of control of himself in the situation.

    He glances to Chas and then back. Picks up a pastry. "Thank you for your hospitality. Umm--I need to hit the bodega on the way home, actually, and I'll miss it if I try myself. Corner of 7th and West 29th? Manhattan." Swanky neighborhood.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas gives his own solemn bow in response to Jon's pointed glance. He knows it's partly his responsibility as well. That's why he's so determined to fix it, no matter the cost to his sanity. At the offer he holds up a hand. "I'm fine, thank you." Then as Jon directs himself he nods.

    He ponders where that is for a moment and seems content with it. "I'll follow him and go from there. Thank you. We will see you tomorrow evening."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice considers Jon for a moment, then offers a nod of understanding. "We'll fix it," she says in a determined tone. Because going home and explaining to her brothers that she killed their sister? It just isn't an option to her.
    "7th and West 29th - that's easy," she promises - and a moment later, a portal edged in her unique purple-ish energy stands in the center of the room - with a few passers by looking in from the other side curiously.
    "I'll see you tomorrow," she promises. "Rest well tonight."