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Latest revision as of 20:58, 19 August 2022

Scenes and Stuff
Date of Scene: 19 August 2022
Location: Sublevel 2 -Training Facilities - The Roost
Synopsis: What started as a quiet conversation in the Outsider's training room ends up with Phoebe delivering a piece of the puzzle of why she didn't come back from her disappearing act right away.

Gabby also gets a rainbow colored 12

Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Gabby Kinney

Phoebe Beacon has posed:

    An electronic remix of Personal Jesus is playing on the overhead as Phoebe works out. She's wearing athletic clothes, displaying the myriad scars, burned in markings and even the tattoo work she's been working on her own body, her short hair held in a pink cap as she hangs, suspended from arial silks, each wrapped around her thighs as her weighted wrists hang out to the sides.

    Idu is busy gnawing on something to the side, unbothered by Phoebe hanging a good twenty feet off the ground.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The sound of music playing in the training room lures Gabby in curiously. She'd already gone for her morning jog and was just returning still in her leggings and t-shirt. It'd been awhile since she'd settled back into old routines and it felt good to do so.

With a towel slung over her shoulders she steps in to stare at the aerial silks a moment with surprise. Tilting her head up she peers at the dangling Phoebe with an emerging grin. "Okay that's pretty cool," she has to admit with a little laugh having never seen anyone use silks before.

Idu doesn't get ignored, either, as she steps over to give the pup a good ear scritch.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe opens one eye as she looks down to Gabby, and gives a smile and a thumbs up, and she sinks into a full split.

    Idu accepts what is his, the ear scritches making the sight hound push his head up harder against Gabby's hand as his curled-over tail wags.

    Phoebe leans back, and brings one leg up and over, stretching it, her foot with the pale patches on it pressing to her shoulder briefly.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Show off," Gabby calls up to Phoebe as she does the splits. For her part she crouches down to give Idu proper greeting lovings and likely get a few wet licks over her face too. "Yuck no doggy french kisses eeew." Satisfied she'd given him a good once over rubbing she stands again and moves closer to the silks looking them over.

"I get the idea behind these but I don't know how to use them. You look great doing it though," she assures Phoebe. "I was just thinking I might hit the weights myself. Been awhile since I've properly done that. You know, lift till your arms won't work, heal, start again." She pauses to add, "Probably NOT the way it should be done, but... Works for me."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Idu gives a while, but settles down without licking the inside of Gabby's mouth.

    Phoebe brings one hand up, and 'thinks' down at Gabby:

    <They're a bit of a challenge, but once you get used to them, they're great. Requires a lot of upper-body strength... and... does... that work for you? It's hard for me to do strength training because my muscles just want to heal back to what they were.>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney blinks a time or two at the thought sent her way. A grin comes, and she shrugs slightly. "Oh yeah. I think my body's more about repairing injury than restoring to any kind of 'base' form. Tear the muscle, get it healed, it's stronger now. I mean I don't beef up like dad does, but I still get a nice boost to my strength that way. I don't instantly heal anyway, takes a few minutes, so maybe that helps."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Magic healing is weird. I was told it's a little bit like lying to the Universe saying 'no I did not get hit with that bullet.> Phoebe replies, and she tilts one way, slowly 'rolling' down the silks until she's gracefully and impossibly tangled in the last six feet or so of them, one arm up behind her back, the other wedged up against her calf as she gives a grunt of frustraition and embarrassment.

    Idu sits down, and appears to be smiling. He can't possibly be laughing at Phoebe.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lifts a hand to point toward Phoebe when the magical healing is explained a bit. "Ah, so that would be why it doesn't work for you then. Yeah. With us, we get hurt... We know we get hurt. The body is just like 'oops let's fix that!' and sometimes," she adds reaching up to wiggle a finger in her ear pointedly. "Tries to make it better."

With a little grin she watches Phoebe come down and get stuck. Stepping over she reaches out a hand. "Need help? I can... Uh. Actually not sure unless I cut you out."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <No... yes. If you unwind the length around my leg I should be able to wriggle out. Nothing says 'epitome of grace' like getting myself stuck in the equipment.> Phoebe replies.

    <. . . at least no one else is present.>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I won't mention the cameras," Gabby says even though that kind of ruins the point of not mentioning something entirely. Maybe she was just teasing but given Tim that was quite likely that there was survelliance of some sort somewhere. The suggestion is taken though as she moves to unwrap the part around Phoebe's leg carefully so she doesn't just drop her on the floor or something.

"It's okay. I've gotten stuck in weird places a lot. I used to like climbing when I was younger. Got stuck on the roof of the Daily Planet once after I was putting a baby bird back in it's nest. But hey, I got to meet Superman!"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Oh Phoebe knew there were cameras. She also figured that if Tim was watching, he might be laughing. She's fine with both.

    She gives a wry smile, and as the silk's unwrapped, Phoebe's able to set her leg down and stand, loosening hte pressure on the arm stuck behind her back, and then extracts herself with an utter disregard for her own safety and grace, stumbles backwards and lands on her butt.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney shakes off the silks once Phoebe is out only to release them to let them swing and sway back and forth again. With a chuckle she steps forward offering a hand out to the felled Phoebe. "Come on, before Idu decides you're prime target for snuggles," she suggests with a grin.

"How are you healing up though, otherwise? I know that you have to go at regular speed with it being a magical injury. ... Uh. Sorry to bring that up again just." Her free hand gestures idly. "Just worried."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a grimmace, and she tilts her head back, the gauze around her neck lifting a little before she gives a shrug, and she plunks right down on the mats.

    <I don't know if I'll ever be able to talk normally again.> she admits, giving a shrug.

    Idu then decides that yes, it is cuddle time. He throws himself over Phoebe's lap, rolls to his back, and wriggles.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"You're so predictable." The remark is made to Idu of course as he claims Phoebe's lap for himself. Since she's likely pinned for a bit, she just flops down herself to sit cross legged near her. "Ah. That sucks," she has to admit with a small frown of thought.

"... I don't know if it'd help but if you ever want to try, could give you a blood infusion and see if my healing factor can help? Apparently we've got super-sharable special blood type," she adds looking down to her hand as if she could tell the blood type through her skin and veins.

"You are getting better with the telepathy? Or is that magic too?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <It's magic. It'll give me a heck of a headache later.> Phoebe admits, scritching Idu. <Zatanna insists on me using it to make communicating easier, said it's a bit like using a muscle. Mental magic isn't my strong point.> she gives a wry smile, running her fingertips along Idu's chest as he wriggles, and then his tongue hangs out of his mouth, blue eyes going to Gabby.

    <I'm not sure if a transfusion would work. My body rejects 'outside' stuff. Alcohol, antidepressants, pretty much anything my body doesn't make on its own it attacks. Incidentally, when I recorded it using some of the equipment from the medical lab, my oxytocin goes off the freaking charts if I get hurt.>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Nah I can see that. The more you get used to using something the easier it is. Oxytocin though?" That causes Gabby to pause considering that thoughtfully. Maybe she has some insight into that? She did grow up in a lab around a lot of scientists and doctors.

In the end she just shrugs a bit looking rather apologetic that she can't figure something out that might be insightful in regards to the situation. "Little weird but could just be some wires crossed in your brain. I mean. In how it makes your body function. I know a lot about how bodies work but mostly in the 'how to make them not work' way, unfortunately." Reaching out toward the simping Idu she gives some belly rubs and a little squeeze of one of his paws.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around much. There's been so much going on lately. I'm getting more accustomed to my senses now. There's still times that it feels overwhelming though. Pretty sure I should be feeling pain at some points but I don't so it's just kind of.... Uncomfortably itchy?" That was the best she could come up with at least. "Mostly really bad with loud things and my ears. Guessing due to sound waves and vibration of the eardrum or something. Just ITCH." Her hands lift to make clawed fingers at her ears as if she wanted really badly to scratch. It's just her being a little silly so her hands drop again with another faint smile.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Itching and tickling are lower manifestations of the nerves telling us there should be pain. When I first starting healing myself it itched like crazy! Still does if it's something that you're not used to healing. My spleen, once. Or my liver. Have you ever had your *liver* itch?> Phoebe asks, her shoulders drawing up as she raises one hand in a 'what /gives/' expression. Idu happily accepts the attention, wriggling around and letting his law get gripped as he brings his head up to bump against Gabby's hand again.

    <Fortunately, I know how bodies work and how to make them continue to work. Hash-tag, medical marvel.> Phoebe jokes, and she leans back on one hand.

    <Have you tried having some other sensory item? Like if the ears or nose get to be so much, having a textured bracelet so you can stim that way?>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney shakes her head at the question of stimming. That was a thought though. "Naw. Mercy was helping me with the smell thing. She's lived with it longer and apparently taught other werewolves that were new how to deal with it, so she offered some tips I hadn't heard before." Reaching down into the pocket of her leggings (yes she got THOSE ones) she pulls out a bandana folded up. "Really did help though. She suggested I carry a handkercheif or," the bandana gets a jiggle indicating it, "That I slept on so that if it gets too much I can breathe through it and just smell *myself* as a way to reset my nose to basics. It's helped a few times."

"Can't say my spleen has itched before but I could see that sucking. Usually I can't feel the internal organs much at all. Had them hanging out once and didn't realize it until someone pointed it out." A glance is cast down to her stomach. ... And she gives the bumping Idu some ear scritches.

"Such a spoiled puppy."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <He is so spoiled.> Phoebe confirms. And she gives a slight smile, and she pats herself, and then gives a frown.

    <I used to keep silicone slugs for my anxiety. They're a foot long, and have nubs and are articulated for twisting-turning all around. Part of the whole 'nothing from outside' thing is when I was diagnosed with severe depression when I was fourteen, none of the meds worked. So I had to go for alternate things. Like stim-slugs.> she gives a wry smile. <Or vigilantism. Which is how I met Tim.>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney considers this a moment, then nods thoughtfully. "Tim is good for things like that. I mean, forgetting things like that." A fond smile comes over her slowly. "I don't know that I stim much. Though I do love that plushie he gave me last year. Always helps me calm down before sleeping."

RFor a moment she looks to the side, toward her left, and lifts her hand to flex her fingers a time or two. "Maybe I should try that though, stimming. I... I had a nightmare where I was in another world and... Fighting. I'd lost my hand awhile ago and it hadn't regnerated due to an issue with a sleep tank. Now I just..." Her fingers twitch, and from the frown on her face it's involuntary. "Feels like it ISN'T there a lot. Kind of a phantom limb thing. Just not."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Nightmare -- or is this attached to how Jon lost his arm again?> Phoebe inquires gently, and she purses her lips, and gives a whistle. Idu's long ears rise up, and he looks to his lady and then turns to hop off Phoebe's lap and retrieve her duffle bag. It's black, but has rainbow color goats doing yoga on it.

    <I might have parted ways with the JLD, but I still support the Hell out of my friends, and you can talk with me about anything without judgement. Well. Mostly without judgement.> she jokes, and she goes into her bag.

    <Tim's a wonderful person. Probably my favorite person in the world. Just don't tell anyone else that, or they might get jealous. I dunno.> she shrugs, and then she pulls out a slug.

    It is indeed a 12-inch long, rainbow-colored silicone monstrosity that looks more like a child's fascination toy.

    <Body trauma is a hell of a thing. I've never lost a limb, but I know what it's like to lookd own and expect deep wounds where none are anymore.>

    Phoebe offers the slug to Gabby.

    <Different kind of Itch.>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney wasn't sure what to expect. When you hear the word 'slug' you're thinking small, mostly. Or in her case she had to take the moment to mentally change from 'ammo' to 'invertebrate'. Either way she was not expecting the rainbow squiggly thing that is offered out. It's taken in hand to roll between her fingers simply staring at the sheer ginormity of it as she does.

"Huh? Oh it was a nightmare made by something out to get us. I think I was shown a scene from another timeline though. It really fit with a lot of the stories I'd heard from Hope, Cable, and Bishop. ... Miss Bishop he was a nice guy. Insisted I carry a knife around at all times." Practical that.

"So I kind of was immersed in it and thought it was my reality up until the end." Looking back to Phoebe she tries to smile in response. "Thanks. I've been tortured before, and I know I can get over it, that was just out of left field as it were. I'd never had that happen before where I *felt* like I was someone else but also me at the same time. I think that was the most unnerving thing."
    he whole while the slug gets rolled around idly.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Never liked the 'get over it' aspect. Work through it, ask help if you needed it.> Phoebe might have muddered the stray thought, and she draws one leg up so that Idu can't take over hr *whole* lap again, and then sets her chin on her knee.

    <Good idea. Carry knives with you wherever you go. I have a switchblade for a similar reason. Because my mentor always carried one in his pocket.> she shares. The soft silicone of the slug rolls easily between fingers and palms.

    She goes quiet for a moment as she considers, and she leans back onto the mats.

    <Holistic, whole-being approach has got to work better.>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"More like 'get through it' as opposed to get over it." Gabby has to correct herself a littel bit considering it. "Twice now my nanomachines have been shut off so I can feel what's being done. Though I think this was magically done. I can FEEL that in spite of them. Burning, and hitting. ... The first time was cutting. Not even deep I just *felt* it all and hadn't felt pain in so long." A little shudder comes recalling the joy in the clone-Jean's face as she got sliced up again and again. Firmly her head shakes.

"It's a great idea. The fact that he didn't look at me like a stupid little kid was great, too. There's been people in and out of my life that seem to understand me, and I cherish them for that. Feels like respect, you know? Probably why I like Hope so much. She's great to fight with."

The little slug is placed down on Phoebe's stomach when she leans back. Seemed like she might need it more right now. "I think people come into your life when you need them, or need to learn something from them. Sometimes they move on, soemtimes they become a larger part of it. Doesn't make their influence on you any less important though."

"There's so many things I could look back on and say was awful, but if they hadn't happened, if I could change it, I wouldn't be who I am now. Even if I'm still figuring that out sometimes."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Yeah. I remember you bumping your elbow when I accidentallied us all to gradeschoolers. Made me wince. I felt so bad.> she gives a slight smile, closing her eyes, and she plucks up the rainbow slug, and gives it a toss back to Gabby. <Keep it. I have like, six more. Hope is great. Nothing seems to bother her. Unicorns? Battle mechs? Evil people with goatees? Unbothered entirely, just happy to be there and shoot things.> she states with the utmost admiration to the future kid, but then goes quiet.

    Her lips press together. She feels her eyes get hot.

    <That's like saying that there's A Plan. That there's some sort of path. And that...> Phoebe turns her expression back to Gabby <just isn't how life plays out. There's no destiny unless you're someone Important.>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
That causes Gabby to give a little snort. "Didn't mean it like that. Meant like... There *are* alternate timelines. Every choice and chance makes a different one. I'm here in this one. If I change it, I'd be in another one and who knows if it's better or not? At least," she reasons while picking up the slug again, "I know this one."

Reaching out again she moves to take hold of one of Phoebe's hands to give it a squeeze. "Everyone's important. Maybe not to the entire world, but to someone's world."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks up as Gabby takes her hand, and she winces, physically nearly recoils until her eyes close. She feels her face go hot.

    There's not a response back for a couple of heartbeats, but then Phoebe hops to her feet, pulling away from Gabby, and upsetting Idu, who looks very confused.

    <Tim found out about the memory manipulation plan, you know.> she mentions, and she reaches down to pick up her bag. <Chas did, and told me he would destroy me if it meant saving my little -- his natural daughter. Jon told me he couldn't help me because he was too close to the source of my problem, and told me if I wanted to leave, to just leave. And Tim doesn't know if he can trust me anymore because of the things I was planning, and then abandoning everything.>

    She closes up the bag, and taps her outer thigh.

    <So, nevermind who's important to who, because it doesn't matter in the end. The only one who you have to deal with is yourself.>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney winces a little bit as all of this is revealed. She knew there was a falling out of sorts but hadn't known the details. Finding them out does indeed make her feel like a heel for bringing it up again. "People say a lot of things in the heat of the moment." There's a long pause, and she glances aside. "I'm going to live a long time. And my family is known for holding grudges so I try NOT to. For what it's worth," she murmers quietly. Phoebe is allowed to leave though if she's going that way.

"Just... I'm still here. Not going anywhere, at least not intentionally. And if Tim can forgive Jason for being a dick then I think there's still a chance too. Just take care of yourself."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <There's a difference. Jason's got his demons...> Phoebe states, and she tugs a light sweatshirt out of of the side of her bag. She tugs out a maroon colored cardboard box, and rattles it a moment before a pinkish portal opens, and Idu hops through. Phoebe leaves one thought hanging.

    <Mine threatened to kill the Outsiders if I came back.>