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Finding the perfect Gift
Date of Scene: 19 August 2022
Location: Times Square
Synopsis: Daisy and Jemma go to Times Square to find a gift for Fitz's birthday. Is Jemma really a Ravenclaw?
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Messages had been sent to a certain Furiae group.

> You know day it is today! So let's go find the perfect gift for our Dr. Fitz!

Simple and to the point.

> Coordinates sent. ETA 1 hour. Be there.

Times Square? Right in the smack of it?! Well, someone was feeling adventurous today that's for sure. But then again WHEN isn't Daisy feeling adventurous? It's like her middle name or something like that.

And at the indicated time and place so there is Daisy, the asian woman a far cry away from the usual uniforms. Because it's civilian time now! Pair of tight blue jeans that flare down on the bottom. Boots with just a bit of heel and a midriff top. Because it's a warm summer day! Hair is left loose and she has a pair of sunglasses on her eyes, currently watching the crowd and waiting for a certain doctor to arrive.

Because they may be in their civvies but there's a mission to be done!

Jemma Simmons has posed:
The text message was received. The response was also quick and easy.

> You want to meet there? If you say so.

Because of course Jemma knows where the coordinates are. Even if it right in the middle of one of the busiest places in all of New York.

Yet, Jemma is not necessarily one to back down from a challenge. And yes, there would be stores around Times Square that would cater to the uniqueness of one Leopold Fitz. And who better to know that than Jemma herself.

So, dressed down for Jemma, which in this case means a pair of jeans and a Ravenclaw t-shirt (because of course Jemma would be a Ravenclaw), the good Doctor Simmons arrives on time for the meetup. Though, yes...she does seem a little overwhelmed.

But...only a little. After all, it isn't often that Jemma comes to Times Square, despite her close proximity. Hell, it isn't often Jemma is out and it not be a SHIELD mission.

So, there may be a bit of wandering and thinly veiled amazement. Certainly enough to bring some amusement to the bespectacled Daisy whenever she finds her wandering Jemma.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Oh yes, there's no escaping Daisy's eagle eye. She sees Jemma there in the crowd. Or maybe she 'feels' her with those vibrations. Who knows. But a message is sent.

> Your three o'clock.

Clearly someone is enjoying too much talking military-like in their day off. But indeed Daisy is there if one was to look to their right. She is even waving, arm extended up. And also approaching Jemma. She eventually arrives and grins at t-shirt. "Nice one.." even if everyone knows that Daisy would belong to a rival team. Gryffindor! "I hope you are going to dress up better when you go meet with Fitz later." whatever does she mean with that?! A pause, "To deliver the gift."

She hooks her arm with Jemma's in that 'I got you, girl' that has noticed the amazement in Jemma's expression, and perhaps it being a bit too overwhelming. But for Daisy this is her bread and butter.

"So, let's hear ideas." She says, "Should we go with something a bit weird but reminiscent of Scotland?" then she shuddering, "Even if I have been trying to get my mind off from what happened in Perth..." and who isn't..?

Jemma Simmons has posed:
The phone chimes...and Jemma reaches down to check. Then...immediately turns to the right ninety degrees, her brown eyes lifting up to catch Daisy in her casual ensemble. The expression shifts from bewilderment to pleasant surprise...to happiness back to bewilderment. "What...what's wrong with my outfit? Dress up more for Fitz? He isn't going to care."

Ah, sweet innocent little naive Jemma, missing the slight innuendo that Daisy is laying out there. But, when it comes to Leo, Jemma was always a little oblivious to those things. Still, she is right. Leo wouldn't care how Jemma was dressed.

With Daisy claiming Jemma's arm, the tension within Jemma dissipates. Yes, it was a bit much for Jemma. Not that she couldn't handle it herself, but it does help with Daisy here.

"Right, ideas." Jemma considers. "See, Scotland might be a way to go. Perhaps pick up a dinner for him that he hasn't had in a while or something like that. Though, novelty does work, too. He will tell you he doesn't need it, or doesn't know what use whatever present he gets would have...but he will secretly love it. You can tell." Well, maybe only Jemma can tell. And...that's kinda the point.

"So. Unique would be good. I know there are a lot of stores around here. I am sure we could find something kitschy and fun." A glance over Daisy's shoulder proves to be interesting. "Oh! I didn't know that they had a Hamilton store!"

Apparently, someone likes musicals.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"See, it's those kind of things that I am sure make you glad to have me as a friend." Helping Jemma dress .., better? Because every man cares! And they are lying if they don't. "I will fix you up real nice." she taps Jemma's hand as if to both relax her and also to signal that this isn't open to debate. Daisy is so bossy! And cunning ... Maybe she is a Slytherin in disguise after all.

"Dinner? Well, that can be part of it but ...." And Daisy twists her nose a little. ".. they got haggis there. I am not sure you can trust scottish cuisine." she then chuckles as Jemma talks about the gift she might get him.

"Uniqueness. Mmmm.." she looks over to the Hamilton store and starts leading them there. "Let's see what they got then! You know it could be a good gift too, tickets for Hamilton.." she grins. "And you just gave me the idea of bringing Matt to listen to it, I think he'd enjoy it."

But then that last question when they are walking to the store. "So .., how are you doing after that mission?" the Scotland one. Maybe there are ulterior motives to this reunion besides buying a gift for Fitz!

Jemma Simmons has posed:
It is the last question that Jemma answers first. "You mean the impromptu mission with glowing green stones, what looked to be Asgardian ghosts, and a giant cryptid appearing in the middle of the river?" Yes, Jemma is referring to Nessie with that last comment. "I am rather well after it, to be wholly honest. I mean, it was a rather extreme situation and I found myself somewhat tired afterwards. But, I am rather well now. And our mysterious stone is currently being studied and is secured. So, there is that."

The commentary about fixing Jemma up? That is glossed over. Jemma may not quite follow Daisy, but she also knows when to not interfere. And...this is one of those times. But the dinner.... Jemma has ideas on that. "Oh no, I wouldn't think of touching haggis. Though I am sure it is quite lovely." Jemma-speak for 'it must have some redeeming factor'. Yes, Jemma is not a fan, herself. "Oh, but I know that he is particularly fond of sandwiches with prosciutto and buffalo mozzarella with a hint of homemade pesto aioli. Though, that really isn't a dinner selection, is it?" There is a slight deflation as Jemma realizes her idea may not be the best. But, like usual, she continues on without it bringing her down. "But yes...a dinner would be lovely."

Then...back to the mission question. "Why do you ask? Did something happen in Perth? Something to you that I missed?" Of course she would worry over Daisy first. Jemma is just that way.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Nessie.." Daisy points out when Jemma refers to it as a cryptid. Because you got to name those things! "Well, I did come out from it with more questions than I entered it. But I suppose that's the start of all good mysteries. And I am more worried about you.." she admits, "You -did- get your hands on the stone. There was a reaction, I saw it.." she is looking directly at Jemma now.

"Are you sure you are okay?" The worry of a best friend visible on Daisy's gaze as she looks at Jemma.

Of course that there are also lighter themes to worry about. Or maybe not so light. Because the relationship between Jemms and Fitz is anything but light. "There is no redeeming factor to haggis." she announces. "Okay, I could go to one of those sandwiches right now.." clearly someone is a fan. "Sandwich dinner could be fun. But you need to give it a twist because it's a special day. Drag him out of the lab.., then give him the gift."

They get into the store now, "Is this a good time to say I haven't seen Hamilton and may not be the best at helping choose the gift?" she is still grinning though.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Nessie." Jemma repeats the name, those she herself is shaking her head a bit. "really....the Loch Ness Monster? Still, given the other cryptids that we saw..." the wolves being a prime example..."...I suppose it was possible."

Oh, so that's the reason for the questioning. The stone. Jemma offers a soft smile and pats the arm wrapped around her own. "I am sure. I did the usual battery of testing when we returned to the Trisk upon myself and I didn't see any immediate indications of mutation or anything of that particular nature. While I did experience a sensation of accelerated healing when in the presence of the stone, as we all did I am sure, there has not been anything of particular since the incident. I really have not noticed any changes to my physiology since that day. As far as the tests are concerned, I remain as I always was."

Is it any surprise that Jemma would have tested herself? Probably not. To the point where she looked at her own genome? Again, probably not a surprise. And she didn't find anything different. So, everything is normal. "Believe me, Daisy, if there was something different, you would be the first to know. I just don't see anything. And the stone itself is still being studied. It make take some time before we determine what effects it has or how it reacts."

A pause...as Jemma turns to Daisy. "You have not seen Hamilton?" A small chuckle escapes from Jemma as she returns the grin. "Truth be told, I only streamed it. Off of one of those subscription services. But, it was rather entertaining. You may like it." A pause as those brown eyes survey the room. "I didn't think there was this much merchandise for the musical, though. Including Funko pops! Those are positively delightful."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Working in SHIELD means nothing is truly impossible. Our experience tells us that.." Oh indeed, Daisy and Jemma had been through a -lot-. "I mean, we were Neo an Trinity for a while there..." she grinning briefly at the time they went into the Framework. She listens as Jemma says she is fine but Daisy really can't help but worry about that. Because there were still too many questions about what it all was.

"Have you figured out anything about what that rock is though?" she inquires, now doing a look around the store, curious.

"And well, if you say you are fine then I will believe you. But you better do what you just said of coming to me if you notice anything out of place with you, you hear?" There. Ultimatum given! Or face the wrath of Daisy.

"Yes, I think I will do that too. Stream it and cozy up with Matt while we listen to it and ...." a little flush to her cheeks. No need for more details, Daisy!

"Are you going to offer Fitz a Funko pop?" Now that would be unique for sure! "But you need to have him watch it with you so he knows what the funko pop is about! It's sort of like two gifts in one."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Oh...now that is a splendid idea!" Just what is that idea? Jemma continues onward. "A Funko Pop...and then a pair of tickets within the box. That way it is two gifts in one!. And...well, if he didn't want to go, then I am sure he could resell those tickets. It wouldn't be that hard at all."

Not that Leo would ever do that. Though, even Jemma has her doubts that she can lure him out of the lab.

And speaking of the lab... "Well, the stone is of an extraterrestrial origin, from what we can make out. Carbon dating the specimen places it as possibly thousands of years old. So, with those two facts determined, it is most likely that the dig site we were teleported to was the initial impact crater of the stone. It would explain the large amounts of the mineral deposits there and the unique makeup of said mineral deposits." Jemma pauses as she considers more. "As far as the biological effects...namely the accelerated tissue regeneration...I am still working on that aspect."

Another pause. Then confirmation. "Yes, Daisy. I will let you know the moment I start to glow green or something to that effect." It is a tease, certainly, but given in friendship. Of course Jemma will tell Daisy. There would be consequences if otherwise.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Oooo, we are in sync today. Lovely! And offer it while having dinner. Maybe those sandwiches instead of something fancy so he's not too far out of his element." Plans are being made in that Slytherin mind of hers! Daisy then looks up at Jemma when she explains about the rock. "So we were sort of living a memory. Maybe that's why we healed so fast...? But no, I felt the bite, it was very real..." she wrinkles her nose and shakes her head a little. "And the vibrations were real too. Well, I am just glad I am not the scientist having to study it."

Those last words have Daisy laughing. "If you start glowing green you won't have to tell me.." a teasing tone mirroring Jemma's. And a wink.

"Now, let's get those bought and then get some food. I am famished." Is there ever a time Daisy isn't hungry?