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Latest revision as of 14:52, 22 August 2022

We have to see the Gorillas, don't ask me why.
Date of Scene: 21 August 2022
Location: Central Park Zoo
Synopsis: Viv and Kamala go out for their Zoo date. Hands are held. Conversations are had. A kiss may occur.
Cast of Characters: Kamala Khan, Vivian Vision

Kamala Khan has posed:
The last few days have been... well at first they were a lot like any other day. Kamala did her homework, chatted with friends, talked to Vivian, and everything was super cool.. but the closer it got to Sunday, the more nerveous she got. Not a bad nervousness, either. An excited kind of nervousness like she wasn't really use to. Those butterflies she kept talking about while posing for Vivian's drawing, which has been hung up on her wall beside her beloved Captain Marvel poster.

Now was the day and Kamala was frantically going through all of her clothes. She couldn't leave looking TOO cute, because then her mom would want to know where she was going and who she was going with and was there going to be any boys? No.. no... Nooooo...

But she also wanted to look cute.

So she went with a rather simple sundress that would work with the weather. Yellow with little white flowers and white sneakers. Her hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail with little yellow and white clips.

"I'll be home later, I'm going to the zoo with a friend from school!" Which wasn't a lie... "No, it's not a boy!" Which was also true.

Now standing out front of the zoo, chewing on her bottom lip with a little smile pulling her cheeks tight.

Vivian Vision has posed:
It seems like today is a day for yellow sundresses and flowers. Vivian Vision, having got nervous enough about the date to go to Janet van Dyne for advice, has dressed up to look cute. And with no-one to tell her she's /too/ cute she's gone for maximum effort!

Her own sundress is just a plain yellow, but matches with the Goldenrod nail polish that's been expertly applied. She's got a pair of blue kitten heel shoes and a matching blue hairband to keep her long green hair out of her face.

And of course she's got a small handbag filled with essentails. Actual physical money (so archaic!), a bottle of water, a small first aid kit and some of the capsule rations developed at GIRL.

Ahh but where are the flowers you might ask? The synthezoid teen arrives clutching a small bunch of white jasmine flowers. Wrapped up neatly with a ribbon. And gives a little wave of greeting.

Kamala Khan has posed:
Seeing the similarly dressed Vivian, Kamala almost laughs, but definitely beams a delight smile as she closed the distance with a hand waving up over her head in greeting. To say she had been looking around for the green haired synthezoid was an understatement, but seeing her now, clutching flowers? She blinks owlishly when she's with in a few steps, "Are those for me?" Clutching her wrist and looking over the other girl with widening eyes.

"You look amazing! I hope it's okay that we came matching? Now we look like we're going to do one of those flash dances or something." Kamala hadn't had anyone to ask about what she should wear, or even how she should act. This was all very new territory.

As she reaches out for the flowers, she opens her arms as if to hug the other teen. "I've been so excited about today."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision laughs and holds the flowers out. "They are for you yes," she confirms. "I hope you don't mind that I picked the national flower of Pakistan. I wanted to choose something you could take home without getting in trouble. And they also look and smell pleasing."

She shrugs.

"I do not mind us having similar outfits," she admits. "While that sort of thing might bother Janet it doesn't really concern me at all. She ah.. she helped me pick out my outfit and helped do my nails. I've never really felt the need to use nail polish before."

The synthezoid teen steps in for the hug. "You look wonderful too. I hope you have not been waiting long? I would usually arrive early but I was advised that I should not seem too eager as that might give a poor impression."

Kamala Khan has posed:
To be honest, Kamala hadn't even looked at the flowers when seeing Vivian in her dress. When she points out that they are, in fact, white jasmine however, she beams a brighter smile and accepts them in both hands. "Oh.. well I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that you know that, but that's still incredibly sweet." Once they've hugged and Kamala holds them close to her chest and listens with a beaming grin.

"Well she did a bang up job, but I wouldn't expect anything less from Janet." While her nails are painted, they are the usual shade she always seems to wear rather than to match her outfit. Too much matching would have drawn a lot of attention from her mother! "Wh... oh, uh, no just about fifteen minutes." Cheeks going a little rosey at advise Vivian had received about not looking too eager.

And the fact she'd just TOLD her how excited she was.

"I've actually never been to the zoo. So this should be super fun."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I do care deeply about Janet but some of her advice was.. it was a little much," Vivian confides in a mock conspiratorial whisper. "I think she expected we'd be doing something wild and that the Zoo was just a cover story." She grins. "I did try to explain it was going to be a perfectly innocent date. At least compared with many of the stories she was telling..."

If she's in the slighest bit put off being Kamala being early or excited there's no hint in her expression. If anything she blushes a little.

"I do not recall ever visiting a real zoo before. I may have been to a virtual one when I was very young. But that was simulated and I don't think it really counts." She nods. "I a sure visiting anywhere with you would be super fun. Is there anywhere specific you'd like to start? Or should we just go with the flow?"

Kamala Khan has posed:
"I... uh... yeah, I can imagine." Kamala glances down at the meer suggestion of what stories Janet may have told. She'd heard a few of them from Hank, back before he'd disappeared, and those were just the ones he was willing to tell a teenager. Nevermind that she may have suggested that she and Vivian might get up to something similar. "N-no.. yeah, just a regular old date. Can't push the envelope TOO much, right?"

Though her grin doesn't faulter. If anything it looks almost silly when Vivian compliments her about anything being fun if she were there. "We can play it by ear, but I'd really like to see the birds.. I've always wished I could fly. I keep hoping that I'll figure out a way, but so far... nothing." She takes a long sniff of the jasmine and smiles happily, then tenatively holds out her hand with a glance over at Vivian.

"Do.. is it too.. like is it okay if we?" She looks down at her hand, "I don't want to.. ya know, be too much like Janet's stories or something." Which is almost comical, if you think about it. "I heard they have really good dip and dots." random.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Well we can always push it a little," Vivian says brightly. "But not to Janet levels. I expect if she was on a date at a Zoo she'd wind up stealing a leopard and proclaiming herself a Queen of the jungle."

"Flight is rather enjoyable. My room-mate Molly kept going on about wanting to fly so I jokingly suggested she turn up at GIRL and get a jetpack. And she... did. Valeria made her one. On more than one occasion we've had to get the windows and carpets in our dorm room replaced...."

Viv looks at Kamala's hand and then nods. "I do not mind holding hands but is it preferable to hold them waffle style or pancake style?" she muses. Holding her hands up and interlocking the fingers to indicate 'waffles' and at right angles with palms flat against each other for 'pancakes'. "I believe those are the correct terms but I may have simply heard them on a television show or perhaps a movie. I would usually just look up the reference but I have disabled my communications systems to prevent anyone trying to alert me to any supervillain attacks unless they are likely to destroy New York."

Kamala Khan has posed:
"I wrote this story about her where she became queen of an Siafu ant nest." Kamala says in a quiet voice of Janet, "They revered her as a goddess and were able to dismantle a Black Widow insurgency that threatened the nebulus power vaccuum left by the death of a Queen Bee..." Her teeth chew at the inside of her cheek, "Which, I mean, all I'm saying is I really can believe she'd proclaim herself queen of the jungle."

Speaking of, "How's she doing? With Cap I mean.. I read they broke up. That really sucked, I thought they were very good together. Did he do something?" Not that it's any of her business, but curiousity and all of that.

As for GIRL, Jetpacks, and her? "uhhh yeah, I like the idea of flying, but I'd probably wuss out as soon as I strapped it on my back. It's crazy enough swinging around the city on rubber arms."

With one hand still holding her jasmine bundle, she alternates her hand between waffling and pancake, then hmmmms quietly in consideration. "Waffle. Pancake makes me think of holding my moms hand when I'm crossing the street." Linking her fingers into Vivian's, she makes small inroads towards the entrance with a big grin. "Yeah! Only the invasion of some aliens could break up this party! Just the Viv and Kam show... at the zoo..." Dork.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Would you let me read some of the writing at some point?" Vivian wonders. "I don't really know much about fanfictions in general. And I'm curious how it differs from more traditional story telling mediums." There's a slight break in her smile. "Oh she's... doing as well as I expected she would? Talking a lot about wild parties and going to this rich people club that's..."

She pauses and looks at Kamala. "Probably not the sort of place you'd want to know about." She shrugs off the Hellfire Club, then adds. "If you can swing from a building then you are unlikely to be harmed if the jetpack stopped working and you fell. If you can't reach terminal velocity then really the only thing you need to do is not fly full speed into a solid object."

She interlinks her fingers. "I could always fly you somewhere if you wanted? If you can reduce your size and mass I could just scoop you up and carry you."

Kamala Khan has posed:
"I... yeah, if you wanted." Kamala wasn't really expecting Viv to be interested in her hero worship, but beams a bright smile, "I post a lot of them to a message board, herowatch, but I have a few that are a little better that I keep for myself. Mostly because people on those boards just want to read action action action, ya know? But.. honestly it's not terribly different to regular story telling. Sometimes, I do kind of tell romancey stuff. Nothing too overboard, just relationships I think would be hecka cute, all that."

She matches that little glimmer of wanning smile when the subject goes to 'wild parties' at 'rich peoples houses' where 'Kamala wouldn't want to go'. "Yeah... Probably above my paygrade by a significant margin, but I've got HBO." She teases with a playful grin and a little shoulder bump.

"Oh, well I'm pretty rubbery when I need to be. Like if I hit a wall, I'd bounce back probably, maybe. My body heals super face anyways.." Then brightens, "Oh! Yeah, I can get pretty tiny. About the size of an action figure? I'll just scoot into your pocket and hold on tight!" A laugh follows, glancing over at Vivian, fingers squeezing the synthezoid teens. "That would be really fun."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision coughs. "It's not so much that it's rich people," she explains. "It's more that... erm... you know that series of novels. With the main character called something Grey?" She blinks a few times. "This is much easier when I can look the names up. But. Think the sort of.. adult parties... where your parents would ground you until the heat death of the universe if they knew you'd been to one."

She looks around for something Zoo related to talk about. Because clearly that topic is not at all suitable!

"I believe most of the birds are in the tropical zone." And then Kamala mentions she can indeed shrink down. "I'm not really very fast at flying, but it's a good way to see the sights. My outfit doesn't include pockets today but you could easily fit into my bag?"

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala, likewise, coughs. Following the line of explanation with a croaking sound in her throat, "Uh, yeah. My mother would instinctively know that I need to be grounded for the rest of the life span of eternity." She murmurs in a quiet voice, thankful for the shift to something bird related..

She glances around for a kiosk style map and tugs them gently in that direction to get a better look at what animals they could see along the way. "Hrm... oh, they have penguins! Did you know emperor penguins mate for life? Or at least, that's what Abu says. They also give each other shiny little rocks they find as presents." She grins wider at Vivian, "hah! I'd be a pocket Kamala. Whip out incase of emergency, or if you need to use me as a rubberband to tie your hair back."

Which may or may not be the first thing she's going to try and merchandise if she ever becomes super duper famous.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I think a lot of those 'animals which mate for life' theories have been disproven," Vivian muses. "Scientists have discovered that many of them will look for other mates from time to time. I expect to ensure they're getting the best genetic material for their offspring. But it's still a nice thought even if it's perhaps not entirely true."

She doesn't seem to glance at the map at any point. But does glance in the direction of where the penguins are. Almost like she read the map without looking at it. (Because she did thanks to the wonders of holographic systems sensory capabilities.

"The only problem with a pocket Kamala is I don't think you own unstable molecule dresses?" she teases. "So before we try that we would need to find you some doll clothes to wear."

Kamala Khan has posed:
"Oh... yeah, probably not, but..." Kamala should have expected the fact checking, but grins all the same. As if it was endearing rather than off putting. She even squeezes the fingers in Vivian's, leaning over to actually read the map with a puckered lip expression, "Okay, the penguins are that'a way." Where Viv was already looking, so it's not terribly difficult to get them started in that direction!

"So anything that's connected to the grid, can you read and see it without looking?" She wonders curiously, squinting just a little as the light comes in through a break in a few trees lining the path. "I would totally take advantage of that.. not in some weird malicious way, but woe be unto yee who tries to hide their screen when they're surfing the internet rather than doing their homework!"

And yet another laugh, "Doll clothes.. I do have one outfit that adjusts with me. Something Mr. Pym got me. It's just my hero suit though.. so I'd definitely need some doll clothes. Which is fine since they have all the cutest stuff anyways. If this whole super hero gig doesn't pan out, maybe I can be the worlds first doll sized model?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"The grid? Well, my communications system lets me tap into most communications systems. I can't just tap into a physical cable, but wifi and satelite networks are no trouble. And I can reach almost half the planet so I can spread my upload and download needs broadly so I don't slow any one area down." Vivian explains, starting to walk in the direction of the Penguins once Kamala is ready to go. "And in order for my holographic systems to work I need to manipulate light within a sphere. Roughly with the volume needed to hide a small plane. And that means I need to be able to sense it. My eyes allow longer range sight but I am 'aware' of everything immediately around me."

There's a little chuckle as Kamala suggests getting people in trouble. "Outsider of situations where I am actively engaged in stealth or combat I try limit what information that system is feeding into my conscious awareness. It's generally considered a little rude to peek at what people are upto when they think they have privacy."

She looks Kamala up and down. "I could probably get you an interview at JvD Fashion if you want it? If anyone would want a model for tiny clothing it'd be Janet."

Kamala Khan has posed:
All of that information sounds a whole lot like Greek to Kamala, but she nods along as if she understands every single word. If for no other reason than she seems keenly interested in learning more about Vivian, even if she doesn't entirely comprehend what she's learning. "So... you can see stuff even if you don't ctually SEE it? With your eyes, I mean? Like..." She glances around slowly as they walk and points the jasmine towards a man looking down at his phone as he walks, "You can see his screen?" Which is a general question of clarification, "I mean, don't read it or whatever, but you can see it?"

Regardless, "That's pretty neat... I just stretch..." Over simplification.

"Well, I don't really know if I'd go peeking at peoples private emails or anything, but.. I might be tempted. Maybe.. I'd like to think I wouldn't, but I probably would. I'm pretty nosey." The last said a bit quieter.

"uh... maybe. If you, think she'd be okay with it? She makes me nervous. She's so calm and cool, even with everything that's going on. Every single time I've ever seen Janet she looks like she's got all the answers to every question. Even the ones nobody has asked yet."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I can see it yes," Vivian confirms. "I could create a holographic replica that you wouldn't be able to visually tell apart from the original. Along with audio output too. The only thing I couldn't replicate is the physical mass and I couldn't tell what was on the phone without connecting to it."

Which given how securely most peoples phones are is likely no work at all.

"It can be tough knowing where I should set boundries," she admits. "When I meet people it's tempting to search up everything about them online. But people find it... disturbing when you know everything about them. For example you probably would have been upset if I'd used my power to locate your fanfictions without talking to you about it first."

She can't help but laugh when Kamala talks about Janet. "I think she would be thrilled to hear you say that. She spends a lot of time and money to project a certain image. But really a lot of that is hard work and planning. Before she appears in public Janet makes sure she knows every relevant fact. Everyone who'll be there. And what exactly she wants from the situation."

She squeezes Kamala's hand. "I don't know if JvD Fashion makes enough tiny outfits to hire a dedicated model but I would imagine she'll will want to meet you at some point if we keep going on dates." She offers a shy little smile. "If you do become a professional I hope you'll still find time to let me draw you again?"

Kamala Khan has posed:
This, at least, Kamala understands. "That's so freaking cool." She murmurs quietly, just something for them to hear. "But I bet it can be kind of difficult to know where the line is. It's not like it's something you learned to do, it's just something you can do.. or do without really trying? Or ... I don't really know, but the fact that you put a lot of thought into whether you should or shouldn't says a great deal about you as a person." She even leans a little closer to Viv, if only for a second since they're walking, to touch her shoulder with her own.

The mention of her fanfiction almost has her sputtering a laugh, "Oh. I honestly think I'd have been flattered. I know a lot of people read them, but mostly I write them for myself. If you were interested, that means you're interested in things I'm doing.. especially if you found them on your own? I guess it's all perspective, though." She returns the squeeze, "But you can totally look up my writing if you want to. Just... don't read the ones about you yet."

Whether she's teasing or not, she's grinning.

Even more so about Janet, "That makes a lot of sense. Abu says, there's no such thing as luck. Because luck is where oppertunity meets preparation. I guess Janet just sort of lives that, huh?" Only blushing slightly at the mention of them continuing to date and meeting 'mom'. "Well, I certainly hope we keep dating. You're easy to talk to and.. uh... ya know.. cute." She clears her throat and fidgets.

"Oh please, I'll never be so professional I wouldn't let you draw me. Next time, though, you have to pick the costume."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Very much so," Vivian says with a shake of her head. "I did at least get raised with some guidance regarding social norms and taboos. So there were things I knew instinctively would be a bad idea. And the rest I have sort of muddled my way through until I've reached a level where I feel comfortable around people without making.. well most people uncomfortable."

Even in New York there is still the occasional person who feels they need to 'gawk at the AI'. Usually building themselves up to make a rude comment.

"You've written something about me?" she wonders, trying to work out if that's a joke or not. Clearly failing. "If you ever require confirmation of any information you are welcome to ask. I would not wish you to write inaccurate information and need to 'retcon' your work later on."

"Probability is certainly real. I have met people who could manipulate it. But that's very different to the superstition of luck. I've seen Janet fighting supervillains and she's pretty much a force of nature."

Her eyebrow raises a little. "Next time I pick the costume you say? Do you wish to place any limits or restrictions on my choices? For example you seemed very curious about that Star Wars costume and I do think it'd suit you..."

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala grins over at Vivian, brows curling upwards, and her tongue peeking out through the small gap between the two rows of teeth. Even as some strange man builds up whatever courage he might muster to say something 'rude' about the 'A.I', Kamala looks at Vivian as if there's nothing at all odd about her. "You know, for someone who people would inaccurately say isn't a real person-" Having seen the 'look' in that mans eyes, "-you sure do sound like one. With a very complex morality that rivals some flesh and blood people." She doesn't need to look over and isn't outright challenging him to say something... but she said it plenty loud enough to be heard.

She smells the jasmine again and tilts her head. "Maybe." She answers about having written something about her. Her expression is temporarily hidden, perhaps not from Vivian however. "Mostly I ... will just let you read it. I wrote a team up between us. It's probably super sappy and will make you ill from how sugary sweet it is." But she did say she could read it!

"I guess there's always the possibility of random chance in any given situation, but I'd much rather be prepared than lucky. Which is not at all how my life works. I'm always always just lucky."

The last though.. she nearly sputters. Eyes going wide for a second, "The Leia costume?" She murmurs as if someone might hear and know precisely what she means. ".. I.." Her lips purse, then she nods slowly and looks side to side to see if anyone saw her agree. "Okay, if you think it suits me." In a realy quiet voice.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"It helps that a lot of the time people say some really silly things," Vivian admits with a nod of her head. "One of my core 'reasons' for being is to understand Humans. So I guess I spend a lot of time observing how they act and try to align how I act socially accordingly."

She smiles again when she's given permission to read the fanfic about herself. "I am sure I would enjoy it," she promises. "Given that many of the heroic missions I've been on tend towards the opposite. And I think I'd like to read about a world where the world was perhaps in a little less peril for a change."

She pauses for a moment then adds "I am always preparing for things. To the extent I am likely spending too much time preparing for things and not enough actively going out to do them."

"If you'd like you can pick out a costume for me to wear while I'm drawing? That way it'll be less awkward." Or quite possibly even more awkward. "I always want the people I'm drawing to be comfortable and enjoy themselves. So if at any point you decide to change your mind that is totally acceptable."

Kamala Khan has posed:
"You very well be more human than most humans." Kamala observes with a little quirk of her lips at just how Vivian appears to her, and would to others if they'd just pay attention instead of snap judgements without any observation at all. Her lips pull into a pleased little grin at this fact.

"I meeeaaaan, there's still peril. We fought a Ty-man-asaurus Rex. He's this guy who became a dinosaur, the details are a little fuzzy... mostly it was an excuse for us to fight together." Which amuses her quite a bit, "It was a pretty epic fight! You'll love it." Even if something she's not saying has her cheeks a little red.

Thank goodness for changing subjects!

To something that deepens that little red tint. "Mmm... maaaybe.. If I'm Leia, we'll have to come up with an idea for you. I'd say you could draw us both, but I know you like to do it in a very human way, so... like looking in a mirror or something?" She reasons, then shrugs and glances up at a bench over looking the penguins. She tugs Viv over towards it.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I don't mind a /little/ peril," Vivian replies earnestly. "I'm just a little bit worn down by the amount of times my friends and family keep getting abducted by spies or turned evil. There's... a lot less fun when the stakes are so personal." She pouts a little. "So please try not to get yourself kidnapped."

"I can also play the cantina music for ambiance."

She resists the tug ever so slightly at first, then steps forward to return the casual little bump from earlier.

"Oh, well there have been occassions where I've had to use my non-Human senses to help with a work of art. When things came up in the middle of the drawing, like phone calls or other unexpected interuptions. I could take a snapshot to work from later on. But a mirror would also work. It's something artists have done historically."

Kamala Khan has posed:
"I tend to only do the damsel in distress thing on accident." Kamala comments off handedly, smirking at the little tug of resistance, until they finally find themselves settling onto the bench. She smooths out her skirt with both hands, laying the jasmine beside her so both her hands are free... then scoots a little closer to Vivian, so they're sitting right next to one another. "It's hard to be the hero of your story if you're getting wisked away by the villain. I never had any Princess Peach fantasies." She explains with a grin.

Keeping in mind that Vivian probably didn't just mean in the stories. "I promise that anyone who tries to kidnap me is going to run into a whole mess of gigantic fists. Thrown rapidly in quick succession.. and an oversized sneaker right in the face." Bemused, but looking rather pleased.

The whole concept of sitting in a mirror, in costume, clearly hasn't dawned on her, by the way she's smiling at the idea. "I do love the cantina music. Doot-doot--doot doot-doot-doot..." Wiggling her fingers in time, "Your artwork is pretty impressive regardless. So I'm sure it'll be great no matter how we go about it. Beside, it'll look hecka cool beside the one you did the otherday."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"That is probably for the best," Vivian says solemnly. "I don't really eat food so if you baked me a cake I wouldn't really know what to do with it." Which is technically untrue. She could just leave it at either Titans Tower or GIRL and let nature take it's course. "I am pleased you don't intend on being kidnapped. I... tend to over-react when people I like are in peril. And I would hate to turn into a supervillain even temporarily and disappoint you."

"It makes me happy you've put the first artwork up on your wall," she starts. There's another teasing grin. "And I'm sure the follow up will look cool. It's just.. from what you've told me about your family they might find it a little artistic."

"Oh if you would like a drink I made sure to bring bottled water. It's important to stay hydrated when walking around all day."

Kamala Khan has posed:
"I can't imagine you as a supervillain." Kamala admits, tilting her head to look at Vivian, a glent in her eyes as she inspects the synthezoid, "Yeah, nope. You maybe have it in you as much as anyone else does, but I don't see it. Too much thoughtfulness about others, empathy for people who generally just seem to not return it." She shrugs demure and shakes her head, "I can see you going to great lengths to protect people who are close to you, but super villain?" She shakes her head again and leans against the other girl.

"Mhm. Right on my wall." Which begs the question of what she'd do with .. that picture. Her lips purse in thought, "That one.. yeah you might be right. I might have to put that one in my desk. It'd be just for me." At least until she gets brave enough to move into an apartment of her own. Which, technically, she could? She'd not given it much thought though.

"Oh, yeah that'd probably be a good idea. It's hot out today.." One of her feet is up beneath her other thigh, leaning a little towards Vivian, temporarily looking out into the penguin area with a thoughtful expression.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"It's a bit of a secret," Vivian whispers. "But I did almost start a tiny war with Russia one time. But they didn't catch me or find any proof. And they'd kidnapped my Great Aunt Nadia so... the deserved it."

"If you move into dorms for college you'd be able to put it up then." She blinks a few times. "Assuming you are wanting going to college. I think you mentioned being an intern with Jen being good for a college application."

She shifts slightly to be more comfortable to lean on, then gets out the bottle of water from her bag. Handing it over for Kamala. "I don't need to consume liquids to regulate my temperature. So feel free to have as much as you'd like."

Kamala Khan has posed:
"You almost started a war with Russia." Kamala repeats in a quiet voice, laughing just as much so to herself, "You will never cease to amaze me... but if they kidnapped your great aunt, I reckon they did deserve it." Even what may have led to a big nasty war that ended in mutually assured destruction. Those are just details.

"mm.." Uncapping the water to take a quick guzzle, she wipes her lip back and forth with the pad of her thumb. "I want to, yeah, but I don't know what I want to go for or even if I'll ever be able to afford it. I'm not the best student.. Teachers say I have an over active imagination and inability to focus on things that bore me." And school does. "It would be pretty cool to workw ith Jen, though. Even if it didn't do much but give me something to do."

She glances up at Vivian, considers... then leans slowly over to lay her head on the synthezoids shoulder. Rubs her lips together for a second and peeks up with a wrinkled nose to gauge her reaction..

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I doubt it would have come to a full war," Vivian confesses. "Just. I threatened a diplomat a little. I had only just awoken from my virtual reality upbringing and finding out everything I knew was a simulation was... a lot to deal with. So I was a little upset when Nadia was kidnapped."

She makes sure her bag is open at an angle which lets Kamala put the bottle back in when she's finished. No sense in them both carrying things!

"You could write fiction? Take English courses and use your imagination to write... I don't really know. TV shows? Movies? Novels? Whatever you want really."

When Kamala scoots in closer and rests her head on Viv's shoulders she blushes a little, then tilts her head a little so it's resting against Kamala's. "I am unsure if we are building up to a kiss."

Kamala Khan has posed:
"I know that it was probably a lot more serious in reality, but I keep imagining you storming up to Putin with a very stern expression on your face and aggressively demanding he returns your Aunt on pain of anhilation." Kamala wiggles her finger at nobody, who in this case, represents Putin. And it brings a big ol grin to her face.

The water bottle, which had been dangling from her hand ala finger wiggling, is slipped back in the bag, "Maybe? I could create television shows about super heroes. But Disney would probably end up buying the rights to them all... which is probably a mixed bag." She muses, since what follows has her heart beating faster.

Looking up slightly at Vivian from where her head rests on her shoulder, she grins and takes in a sharp breath through her nose. "I think we are, yeah." Quietly. "Unless I'm misreading everything, which would be way super embarrassing."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I pretended I was an evil spirit," Viv admits blushing at how silly it sounds. "And it was a little serious. Janet got kidnapped to save Nadia. We stormed a secret base to get them out. A multi-team collection of heroes all working together. You'd probably have loved it."

She closes the bag so the bottle doesn't slide back out. "They are the second most powerful Mouse in the world. But at least they would offer career security?"

Her head tilts a little more and she leans closer. To make it clear no misreading is going on.

Kamala Khan has posed:
"The most fearsome evil spirit there ever was." Kamala intones with a flickering little grin that shows hints of her white teeth behind her dark lipstick painted lips. Her hand comes up, laying against Vivian's cheek as she tilts her head back a little. "I definnitely would have loved it. I'd have looked pretty rad in that after action selfie... there was an after action selfie right?"

She doesn't realize she's starting to whisper, it's just something she's doing. Like someone who has watched entirely too many romantic comedies or something. "Who's the first most powerful mouse in the world?"

Doesn't really matter. She's not really thinking about Mickey right now. She leans a little closer as Vivian does. Heart fluttering with her lashes as they get just that much closer.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"No we were operating without permission," Viv whispers back. "No selfies on missions which are potentially breaking international law." It's one of those unwritten superhero rules. Don't document yourself if you end up needing to do something illegal even if it's for a good cause.

"One of the Titans."

She doesn't seem like she's going to be providing much more detail either. And then, optimal route calculated, she covers the remaining distance for the kiss.

She might not be an expert kisser, but what she lacks in experience she makes up for with curiosity and some very rapid machine learning.

Kamala Khan has posed:
"Oh, yes. The heroes code. Do no wrong, but if you do, don't do it on twitter..." Kamala's mouth is working on autopilot as far as responses, just now. She's focused on Vivian, every little nuence detail of her lips and eyes, all very close. All causing her heart to ramp up slightly in pace as she explains that one of the mouses of power is, in act, a Titan.

"That makes sense."

It does, at least as the calculations are made and the course is set.

In contrast, or in much relief, Kamala isn't an expert either. She is every bit as curious, very excited, and learning as she goes. Smiling through what is, at least with anyone who isn't her direct family, her first kiss.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision gives Kamala's hand a little squeeze as the kiss continues. She doesn't actually need to breath in the same way a Human would. So really her kissing is limited by a combination of her partner needing air and social embarrassment causing one or both parties to feel the need to pull away.

Thankfully she is, at least for now, using a little holographic wizardry to stop any crowds gathering to stare at them both.

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala doesn't really want it to end, but she has to breath. Much to her chagrin, she pulls back slowly and then leans back to kiss Vivian's chin. Her head lays back down on the Synthezoids shoulder, far more comfortable, slowly moving so that her cheek is brushing against the other girls exposed arm. With their hands still joined, she slides it down between them and wraps her other arm in to craddle Viv's elbow.

"That... was awesome." She says with a little breathy sigh. Blissfully uncaring that her first kiss wasn't even some quiet affair, but done right out in front of a whole gaggle of people. Nevermind that most didn't care or pay attention, she's unaware that Vivian did her wizardy... but for the buzzing of excitement in her ears.

"So is it fair to say this date is going well?" she sounds amused, eyes flicking up to smile at the other girl.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian blushes and grins after the kiss finishes. Returning the kiss Kamala planted on her chin with one that's on the top of her head after she's resting against her shoulder. "I very much enjoyed it as well," she replies. "Although I must confess to being something of a perfectionist. So I would hope I am able to improve my technique. Perhaps we can try again sometime soon?"

Her other arm is alas busy holding her bag, but her fingers tap at the bag with a little fluttering motion.

"I do not have a lot of data to compare it against. But if I had to guess. I would say yes? I thought maybe we wouldn't be ready for kissing until a second date. But if that's the case I guess the art session /was/ the first date after all."

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala blushes so read she actually turns her face to hide it against Vivian's shoulder, but for the rocking of her shoulders to indicate she's not absolutely mortified. "Yes, I think you'll get plenty of oppertunities to practice." Said against the synethzoids shoulder. "At least I hope so, too... so if we're both hoping? Must be so."

Her fingers slide down the inside of Vivian's wrist, holding her hands from both sides now. Eyes finally daring to glance up at the other girl.

"I guess so? I don't know, I just... we connect. Heck, I didn't even know if I wanted to date anyone.. then we started talking.." She rests her cheek against Vivian's shoulder. "And ... well... here we are. SO I don't really guess it matters which date it is? I really like you. Being around you makes me feel good."

Vivian Vision has posed:
The synthezoids skin, being pinkish-red, provides good camoflage for blushing against. In theory. Although the second kiss she adds to Kamala's hair perhaps just makes it worse.

She giggles a little and muses "I'll have to make sure we practise before you pick my costume. Just so you don't pick something that makes me look silly."

"We do rather get along," she agrees. "I usually feel like people are distant with me. But I sort of feel like I can tell you anything." She leans a little closer and quietly adds "And spending time together with you does feel good. And a little.. you know.. whenever we're talking about doing another drawing."

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala doesn't seem to notice this theory, suffice that she's perfectly content to use Vivian as the hiding place for her rosey red cheeks. If that doesn't speak to how comfortable she is with the synthezoid, the way she's squeezing her hand certainly should. Breathing her in, close like this, she rolls her head to look at the penguins with a goofy grin on her face.

"I would never make you look silly, unless it was on purpose for selfies." She promises with her eyes cutting to look up at Viv. "I really should have brought my phone. Or a bag to put my phone in..." Silly Kamala.

Silly silly Kamala.

"Good. You can tell me anything.." Her cheek rubs against her shoulder again, as she parses the intricacies of what she means by the drawing. "A little?" She doesn't necessarily move her head, but does shift some to peer into her eyes. "Oh..." ooooh. More reddening. "Does sort of change things a little with that costume." Which doesn't appear to be her reconsidering, just.. considering it more completely. All the information. She grins mischief and lays her head back down on Viv's shoulder. "Would that be considered a third date? Can one activity done at two different times be a date? It can right? What are the rules... we need to have a rule book or something."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Don't worry about photographic evidence of the date," Vivian notes, another smile on her face. "I am basically constantly taking selfies of us both. I could in theory send you a full recording of the entire date. Or just some selected highlight images. Totally compatible with a cellphone."

She glances around, as if checking for a supervillain, then adds "It's probably best that neither of us are able to be contacted. If we were something would have come up."

"It can totally be a third date. And we can do things we didn't do the first time! Like more kissing." She blinks a few times. "Is there actually a rule book? Janet gave me some guidelines. But I wasn't sure if she was giving me the benefit of her experience or if there were formal guidelines."

"She said to be charming, ask smart questions, make you feel special and try make you laugh. Then she said at least she didn't need to buy... that's uh... probably not important."

Kamala Khan has posed:
"I definitely want pictures. This is a day worth remembering." Kamala assures Viv with a definitive nod, laughing at just how effortlessly the synethzoid can document the whole date with a few synaptic snaps. "You're basically in my DMs anyways, so feel free to send them to my phone."

She squeezes her hand again and laughs outright, "Aint that the truth.. We'd be this close to that kiss and then... boom, mecha-doom the giant Slurpie monster would be attacking the family over there. We'd have to save them, of course, because heroes code." An exasperated sigh follows, slowly wiggle-shaking her head, "The moment would be lost. So I'm glad I left my phone at home."

Even if it's going to get her in a ton of trouble probably.

"I.. really don't know? Probably. I figure there's always someone whose got everything down to a science, even dating. Me? I've never seen the guidebook if there is one and I'm sure I'd be too embarrassed to follow the rules even if I did read them." She turns to kiss Viv's shoulder, "And yes, a lot of kissing."

Listening to Janet's advise, she laughs again. "You've been hecka charming.. brought flowers.. and make me feel incredibly special. You're very smooth, Vivian Vision." Curiosity, however. "No no, let's hear it. Didn't need to buy what?" Does she REALLY want to know? She certainly THINKS she does.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Your phone doesn't have enough capacity for /everything/," Vivian points out. "Most devices can't display my sensory output. You need a military grade holographic projection system. But I'll send the highlight images in selfie-level quality."

She picks a selection of her favorite moments. Including one that's mid-kiss. All of which get uploaded for Kamala.

"Ironically science is about figuring things out with experiments and theories. It's not about knowing everything for certain. You just kinda get an increasingly better idea how the world works."

Which probably accurately describes how they're been getting through things so far!

She shakes her head a little and then whispers "Okay but don't say I didn't warn you... She said 'at least I don't need to buy you contraceptives'."

Kamala Khan has posed:
"Besides which, my phone is pretty cheap." Kamala can accept that Vivian is a whole lot more expensive and technologically advanced than her cellphone. Grinning all the same at what will be waiting for her when she gets back to her phone. She admittedly has a pitter patter of flutters as she squeezes the arm up against her side.

"So, in theory, we're kind of being scientific.. which makes sense for you, you're part of GIRL.. but for me? I barely passed basic biology." Lips quirk to the side, considering, "But I guess now I have another reason to come by, so you can help with my homework?" Any excuse, really.

Any excuse at all..

"oh." She clears her throat with a dry cough, "I... yeah... well.. I mean... she's not wrong I guess." Furrowing her brow, she slowly turns and hides her face. "I didn't want to know." Laughing gently against Viv's shoulder.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"GIRL is mostly based in the Jersey area you know," Vivian mentions ever so casually. "So you can come visit for help with homework there. Or you can stop round my dorm room after school and we can study." She pauses for a moment, then adds "Was that flirting too? I remember numerous references to TV and movies where studying 'biology' was code for making out."

Someone might have watched a lot of movies about school in preparation for attending Happy Harbor. But then it's not like Viv has ever needed help with the academic side.

"But she /did/ say I could use her ticket booking facilities to arrange dates. Which means we can probably get into just about any event short of a trip to the Moon."

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala snickers at Vivian inviting her to study at GIRL, but wouldn't turn down the help with her homework.. "Yeah, I was flirting." She murmurs quietly and pats the back of Viv's hand. "I mean, I definitely could use the help with my school work, so there's a double benefit?" She shrugs a shoulder and sighs in a very happy sort of way.

"You're entirely too cute."

They can do what? "Oh... well then we're going to have a lot of very high profile dates. So.. like.. is she your mom? I kind of get that impression, but I've never really been entirely sure. I know that Mr. Pym helped with creating Vision, but he wasn't very open about a lot of that stuff the few times I talked to him."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Oh! I was unsure because I'm not biological," Vivian explains. "So you can't study biology with me. But you could be the focus of my studies.." Flirting back. Or trying her best anyway.

"I can assure you that you're always being very cute. Even when you're unaware of it."

"It's complicated. Doctor Pym created my grandfather at Pym Industries of which Janet is the majority shareholder, my grandfather then created Vision, and he in turn created me. I was raised in a virtual environment with my mother and twin Brother. Unfortunately when the simulation ended they passed away. So both Janet and Doctor Pym are part of my organic family and her company technically 'owns' me."

Kamala Khan has posed:
Well now, Kamala certainly hadn't expected that! She almost sputters and turns the kind of shade of red that wouldn't be hard to spot even if she tried to hide it! "Okay..." She agrees in a very quiet, very demure sort of distant voice that is equal parts agreeable and embarrassed for having agreed, but far far from ashammed of it.

She wants to say something to that second comment, but hardly has the words. So many compliments. She's forgotten all about those adorable penguins. They never stood a chance against such cuteness though. The cards were heavily stacked against them.

"Oh." Her brow furrows at this, but Vivian doesn't sound upset, so she isn't really sure how to process it. "It's weird. From a societal standpoint, that feels like it should bother me, and maybe it would if I thought Janet had ill intent.. which really shines a light on everything being about perspective. I'm sorry about your twin brother and mother though.. I know how I'd feel if I lost my mother and brother. Does.." This is an odd frame of questions.

"Does it bother you? Their passing away?" She sounds like she's trying to look at it outside the scope of her own bias. Understand it, at least as best she can, from Vivian's.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I am trying to think up a way to make a racey comment about STEM accelerators," Vivian muses. A look of contemplation on her face. "As a way to say you can learn more about me if you would like too.. But it does not seem to work."

"It's... legally speaking AI don't have any rights. And anything a machine creates is legally owned by the people who own the machine. So essentially it follows that Pym Industries 'owns' me. But that's not the way Janet or Doctor Pym have ever treated me. They tend to get very angry at anyone who treats me as anything less than a person."

"It bothers me a lot. But for different reasons. For the longest time I was hoping I could somehow recreate my twin. In the simulation we used to do /everything/ together. But.. My Mom did something I'd rather not talk about yet. So it's more complicated. And at times I wonder if they ever really existed or if they were like everything else in the simulation. But even if someone was simulated if it was so realistic I couldn't tell them from a real person does it make them less real?"

Kamala Khan has posed:
There's a long series of very self aware giggles against Vivian's shoulder as she tries to come up with some way to explain what she's getting at, but Kamala, rather than commenting, turns to rest her chin on the synthezoids shoulder. Listening to what she's saying.. with a slow smoothing of her grin as she gets into the nuts and bolts of what she went through in the simulation.

"I really don't like people saying that about you." Her shoulders slump slightly, "I know it has to be so much worse when you hear it, but I can't even put together in my mind how they'd come to that conclusion. Which... I'm glad they don't see you that way because I certainly don't. For what that's worth.. I'm a huge fan of Vivian Vision." She squeezes her hand.

Then nods her understanding about her mother, whatever it is she did.

"It's like waking up from a dream that was so real, you are convinced it actually happened... well I guess it's really not like that, but it's the best frame of reference I have. If you exist in a world that was simulation, you're right.. everything that happened there was as real as anything that's ever happened anywhere. Since that was your reality."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"The punchline was going to be that you could study robotics as much as you like," Vivian says, seemingly having given up on making the build up to the comment work. "It was supposed to be very flirty."

There's another squeeze of her hand.

"It happens less than you'd think," she re-assures. "Even though legally I do not have rights people at school are largely positive about me. It helps I've saved several students from being attacked before. I've never had a fan before. I do not know if I should blush or revel in the adoration."

She winks.

"I've always thought you made an excellent superhero. And I'm glad we're friends too." She lets out a sad little sigh. "That's close enough I think. Short of building a fully immersive VR system I can't think of a better way to explain it. And I'm a little nervous about connecting myself to a system like that again."

Kamala Khan has posed:
The punchline hits, even without the buildup. "Oh, it's very flirty..." Kamala nudges Vivian in the side with a grin, chin still resting on her shoulder. "Some of the best pickup lines require a great deal of practice. Maybe you can work through it for when I come over to do the drawing?"

That, at least, seems to ease the tension that was building in her shoulders. That and the flirting, the flirting definitely helps a lot. "I don't want to jump defensively everytime someone cuts their eyes at you. I know you know who you are and I know, or hope, that you are aware of how I feel. So, if I get a little bent out of shape if someone ever DOES say something, I really hope you know it's coming from a good place. I get pretty... I guess flustered.. when people defend me to small brained idiots. I don't want to do that to you, ya know?"

Her lips rest on Vivian's shoulder, just sitting there as she considers, "Well thank you. I haven't been one very long, but I'm trying my best.." As for VR? She nods slowly, "I can imagine. So many unforeseen possibilities with linking yourself back into something like that. If you got trapped, how would I use my powerset, which are not suited for it, to get you back out? Someone smart would have to do it while I sat around worried sick."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"It's still nowhere near as daring or flirty as being my muse and letting me pick any costume I wanted for you," Viv teases back. "Perhaps I can use art for inspiration. Like.. I believe I have a few stored in my memory. Ahah." She pauses to put on her best slightly silly flirty voice. "Nice to meet you. I would shake your hand but the sign says not to touch the masterpieces."

"It doesn't happen enough for me to worry a lot. I really don't care what strangers think of me. Let them be small minded. I would not wish either of us to stoop to that level." And then she shrugs. "But if you did fight someone to defend my honour I would probably be flattered just a tiny bit."

"GIRL has the technology and the experts for something like that. But everyone is really busy with the FTL spaceship and travelling to other plants."

Kamala Khan has posed:
"Hah..." Kamala sits up at the cheesy pickup line and rolls her eyes in the most adoring way possibly, "Maybe it's not, but in my defense... your art is really good and I lowkey really enjoyed playing dress up." Which is surprising to, likely, nobody. She's got cosplayer written all over her. "Besides, it got us here, right? And here is pretty nice..."

Defending honours aand all. "I would too. Give them a heyaah with an oversized karate chop. They'd never see it coming... well they probably would, my hands can get REALLY big, but that'd make it even funnier."

"And I still can't even wrap my brain around an FTL drive. That's some star wars type stuff.. I get excited if I remember not to put metal in the microwave when I'm heating up a potato."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I like drawing people when they're having fun," Vivian confirms with a nod of her head. Shifting just that little bit closer along the bench. "And it's just.. easier to capture positive emotions in someone if they're feeling them more strongly. The costumes also seem to make people more inclined to open up and chat."

"Here is pretty great. And thankfully the Zoo isn't going anywhere so even if we don't quite see everything today we can come back another time."

"I do tend to try and avoid causing lasting injury. So try not to roll up for a mega-punch and send them into orbit!" She bites at her lip for a moment then adds "I could try explain it but really the only people who understand it fully are Nadia and Valeria. Plus their respective fathers I guess. Oh and I think Supergirl might too. Alien science is far ahead of Earths."

Kamala Khan has posed:
"Well, I laughed the whole time, so that's working as intended. Then we ended up on a date... I dare say you've got people figured out, Viv." Scoots as much as is possible, there isn't a whole lot of room left betwixt them to occupy. Where there's a will, there's a way however!

"The poor penguins barely held my attention for even a second. Someone must be blamed for this." No, there is no need for blaming anyone. "I'll try not to punch them into orbit, though." With a little nudge.

"yeah, I've gathered that Aliens sort of have technology figured all the way out. Metropolis is.. insane. It's like the future, but now. And what you guys are doing at GIRL." She shakes her head and laughs. "Seriously, it's so far beyond my comprehension it barely even NEEDS fanfiction written about it."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I don't know if I have everything figured out," Vivian says shaking her head. "But I'm pretty pleased with how I'm muddling through right now." It's probably for the best there's a holographic field around them. Someone would probably be politely coughing and making comments about people flirting in public by now.

"Penguins are cute but they don't really do a lot aside from eat fish." She leans forward and plants a chaste kiss on Kamala's cheek. "I'll happily take the blame and promise to make it up to you?"

She giggles a bit when Metropolis gets mentioned. "The city comes complete with Titans Tower. The silliest shape a building could possibly be. It's a wonder no villains have managed to make it fall down with those huge T-wings." She hmmms. "As for fanfics about GIRL you could write something about how great people look in labcoats?"

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala's lost in the conversation and speaking in quiet tons anyways, but she would be very glad to know there's a holographic image up around them to prevent prying eyes. She's stopped paying much attention to anything that isn't right here on the bench with her. "I'm up for anything that has us spending more time together, absolutely." Her hand comes up to touch where Vivian kissed her cheek.

Which has her looking around when mentioning the penguins. And the fact they've just been occupying a bench not really paying slap all attention to them. "Huh... well, we'll have to visit again sometime." Not that she's wanting to go, but it's not like they're actually enjoying the zoo at all.

At least not for the animals.

"Labcoats." Kamala laughs and shakes her head, "I'm sure I could come up with 'something' amusing. But it might be more silly, since I don't really know all the technology words. At least not ones I couldn't hear on Star Trek. Bounce the graviton particle beam off the main deflector dish."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I've also taken some images of the animals we passed," Vivian admits with a smile. "So I can send you those too. And that way if anyone asks what we did then we'll have some pictures of something other than us kissing and cuddling up." A beats pause. "Not that I mind anyone knowing that's what we're doing."

The laughter about the labcoats gets a mock offended pout for a brief moment. And then she laughs again. "Oh well, I use mine to cook treats in the GIRL kitchen. So you could in theory just treat it like a science version of an apron. People.. people do write fanfics about aprons I assume?"

Kamala Khan has posed:
"Me either." Kamala says of not minding anyone knowing exactly what they did at the zoo, which is true. So long as anyone doesn't include her mom. That's a bridge she'll have to cross eventually, but it's not one she's ready to expose Vivian too! "The gorillas, we have to see the gorillas. My mother wanted pictures of them, I have no idea why."

With that out of the way, there's a pout that turns into a laugh and Kamal snorts at the question about aprons, "Honestly? Yes.. I'm sure there is. If there's a thing, there's people who write stuff about it in a fictional setting." She takes a slow breath and looks around. "What an amazing day."