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Razing Hell
Date of Scene: 15 August 2022
Location: The Narrows - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Elektra and Barbara follow-up on their victory at the fight club for Lycans! Turns out to be quite a fight, that leads in to even more fighting. Rar rar rar!
Cast of Characters: Barbara Gordon, Elektra Natchios

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The two combatants had just a little while to come down after the fight. A chance to stop by a 'safe house' nearby that once belonged to Elektra's missing friend. There, theyd' had a chance to clean up some, and have a minute to talk about what might come of this meeting.

Babs had expressed her feelings about it, saying that this was likely a very bad idea, but if things go south she'll have her drones on stand-by to call for backup.

She even took a moment to launch another drone from her backpack out a window in the mostly barren apartment safe house. The drone whizzed to life and with a vaguely bat-like silouhette, it set off in to the humid night outside. The sound of thunder rolling across the horizon, a storm not far away.

On the way to the meeting, Babs was still in her Harley hoodie, her hands stuffed in to the pockets, and her backpack back on. She knew where they were going. It was a fairly nice apartment building in a fairly nasty part of town.

Her fingers lift up the card they were given, to check the address one more time before she looked over to Elektra, that mask back over her lower face, her green eyes visible. "We ready for this?" She asks of the rather impressive Ninja-woman to her right side...

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Bad ideas. That seems written all over Elektra considering how she seems to fully support the plan about going to this meeting. She might just be suicidal, or too confident about her own skills (Or Batgirl's)

"It was what we were looking for." She points out about the info they got from the fight club. So why squander the opportunity to dig more on the Lycans' presence here? And to complement Babs' drones Elektra produces some silver-edged weapons for them. Sais for her, along with a sword and a few throwing knives and ..., a gun. Babs gets a choice of weapons too from a cabinet. Seems Elektra's friend had been getting ready for a fight against the Lycans considering how many silver weapons are within.

The thunder on the horizon is perhaps the only thing that has Elektra pause, "A bad omen." perhaps she is supersticious but it quickly dissipates when it's go time.

Elektra goes mostly as she was on the fight even if she gets a bit more armor underneath, her black and red armored outfit. The hoodie continues to be the white one she got from Colleen (with a golden dragon on the back!), her weapons hidden under her clothing.

"We are." Dark eyes fix on Barbara's a moment, studying her expression. "Remember, don't hesitate on killing them. They are killers and won't hesitate on killing any of us if they get the chance." it's clear Elektra isn't here to make prisoners. At least after she gets the answers she is looking for.

And then they are in.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
As they entered the apartment building, Babs rose her sunglasses up over her eyes, then pulled the mask down off her mouth to let it bunch up around her throat. She swiped her red hair back behind her ears to help keep it out of easy view within that stylized hood covering her head, then she just spared a glance to Elektra before they reached the door.

She knocked upon it.

It only took a second before the door is whipped open, and a scraggily 'Rob Zombie' type guy is standing on the other side. "Oh shit, look out, it's the badass chicks." He says with a good natured tone as he raises his glass of whiskey up to sip from it. He looks both the women over with a semi-lecherous undertone before he whips the door open and motions further in to the apartment. "Come on in, ladies. Just don't kick my ass..." He then leans in toward them and whispers. "Too hard anyhow." He emits a loud laugh then as he shuts the door behind them upon both women striding in. "You're here to meet our big bad." The Rob Zombie fellow says, motioning them to follow him. "Come on, I'll see you to him. I'm Ethan, by the by. Though you can call me Ee." He says, his sleeveless baggy shirt dingy and old, showing a Mario Brothers logo on the chest as he walks ahead of the two women.

Babs spares a glance toward Elektra...

Ethan scratches his ass, a loose fit pair of jeans on, with cigarettes visibly tucked in to the back pocket on his lower half.

"Yo, Raze!" Ethan shouts as he pushes aside a veil of colored beads that click and clack together as Ethan motions Babs and Elektra through. "Your Lady Champs are here." He says in to the room.

Within, music is thumping and there's several people enjoying a pool table lit from a hanging lamp. MOst of them all look like your average punk biker gang types. But amongst them, is one giant black man, bald and covered in muscles. He has a red leather vest worn over no shirt, clinging to his muscular frame. His head is entirely bald, and he's wearing a necklace around his throat made of what looks like fangs...

"Ah!" Raze says loudly, "Come in! You two put on quite a show out there. One HELL of a fight, I would say. I liked your moves." He booms, his voice kind of odd, like deep and high pitched at the same time... likely due to a throat injury at some point in his life.

"Come in, how about we get you two some drinks too?" Raze says, motioning to Ethan who is already on his way over to a bar setup in the corner. "Whiskey? Beers?" Ethan asks.

"Beer is fine." Barbara says, her hands still in her pockets.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The motion of getting the mask on is mirrored on Elektra, the assassin's eyes staying on the redhead even as she pulls the mask up to cover the lower end of her face. Elektra the assassin once again, not the daughter of the dragon. She nods sharply at Barbara and then her attention goes to the door.

And to the man opening it. She refrains from rolling her eyes at the attempt of flirting from the man. Instead she just stares at him in that 'I have no time for you' kind of way. She also refrains from kicking the man's ass when he's walking ahead of them and scratching it while explaining things. And she sort of decides in the moment that if this turns into a fight she will kill Ethan first. Or Ee.

Yet whatever murderous thoughts she may have towards Ee get put aside when she hears that name. Raze. She knows the name. And when she sees him there's a moment's pause. Yes, they are clearly in the right place. She inclines her head in acceptance of Raze's praise of their moves.

"Whiskey for me." a different inflection to her voice just in case Raze might have seen or heard her before.

"We heard you got some good opportunities for us? How much money are we talking about?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The drinks are prepared by the Rob Zombie fella, getting a beer out of the fridge, and pouring Elektra a bit of whiskey over a large cube of ice inside a questionably clean glass. He starts to walk the drinks over to the two women while Raze talks to them.

"Money?" Raze says. "Yes, we got money for you." He responds, with a walking swagger motion back toward the pool table where some of his lady friends are still playing pool. One of them, a dark skinned woman with dark wild hair, and black leather clothing, bends over the table and lines up a shot.

Raze stares at her ass before he smacks his lips and looks back to Babs and Elektra. "But, I also have something far better." He says as he leans back against the table, holding his pool cue.

"Women like you are just what we're looking for." He starts his sales pitch as some of the pool balls go clacking across the table behind him.

"What would you say to the chance to... live forever?" He asks, staring right at the two women, his huge hands clutching that small pool cue, every finger holding some strange, huge, shiny, ring upon them.

Babs fidgets a little and lowers one hand to her side, while the other reaches up for the beer that Ethan offers. "What are you talking about?" The hooded redhead says as she holds the beer in her right hand now.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra watches the comings and goings. Ethan fetching the drinks. Raze swaggering about as if he owns the place. The girls which she still has to place on whether they may be lycans or not. Two men by a nearby door and she is noticing some sounds coming from inside. Maybe a kitchen. It's quite a few people in here.

If it's all lycans... Well, it wouldn't be an easy fight even if Selene was here. Maybe it was a bad idea like Barbara was saying. But there is nothing Elektra wouldn't do to get to the answers she wants. About Selene. About the war. So her gaze only gets more determined.

"Live forever?" She snorts from under her mask. "You will have to explain it better." she mirroring Babs' question about further explanation on what he is talking about.

"But we are still listening at least." Elektra still playing at not knowing the man is a lycan.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Raze flexes his fingers around the pool cue as he moves to stand up at his full, towering, height again. "I know what you must be thinking. 'Immortality? What is this? A pitch for a cult?'" He questions with a booming laugh, before he takes a step toward the two of them. He angles toward Babs though, and looks down at her as he walks around to her left side. Babs just raises up her drink and takes a sip from it before she lowers it again. "I'd like to live forever." The redhead then says in her feminine tone.

Raze chuckles as he continues to walk around her, moving around behind her as his large booted feet press down with his considerable weight. He ends up behind her, and snuffs at the air. "Who wouldn't? Those who say they wouldn't? They're... lying, obviously." He grunts before passing behind Babs and walking toward Elektra now.

"You two can fight. You two are well trained..." He says, eyeing the darker skinned woman of the pair. "We would be fools not to recruit you in to our family." He says now moving to walk around Elektra back toward the front of the two of them now.

"But. I worry about something." He says, now planting his pool cue on the floor again, standing before the two comparatively tiny women.

"Why the shades?" He asks, looking at Babs. "Why the mask?" He asks, looking to Elektra. "We're here to have fun tonight... Hiding your faces from us isn't fun... is it?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra's dark gaze continues following Raze, not appearing too intimidated by the man's size. They did take out quite a few big ones during the fight after all! She doesn't move though, taking the whiskey but not drinking specially as she still has that mask up on the lower end of her face. And when the man walks around them she doesn't turn, remaining in place even if she does look over her shoulder, "Cults often promise a lot, like living forever. And then they are all found in a little kumbaya circle after committing suicide to find God. So .., I am a bit skeptic." playing it hard to get, trying to redirect the subject to 'them' instead of the two mysterious women.

That last question has Elektra's gaze to show some amusement. "Depends. There's a lot of fun to be had with a mask. I am sure I could show you a thing or two..., if you are actually more than just talk."

Sure Elektra, flirt with the big bad wolf.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Raze seemed to linger his eyes on Elektra more, maybe she's his type more? That playful response from her has him tilting his head ever so slightly as he eyes her eyes back. He grins at her a few seconds after her flirting though, and laughs again, more booming undulations from his barrel-sized chest beneath that red leather vest. "I like you." He says toward the dark haired woman in the half-mask. He turns to face her and takes a heavy step toward her, looking down at her then, probably three or four times her body-mass.

"Problem is..."He starts to say then. "I don't like this one."

His pool cue comes up then and he strikes it at Babs stomach! She defends herself by raising up her knee causing the stick to shatter against her shin, but his strength has her being shoved backward in to a set of chairs and a table behind her!

"We got a BAT in our BELLFRY!" Raze shouts then as he turns to his side to shove Elektra backward away from him with a giant meaty hand also!

"E! get the restraints out! We're gonna have us some real fun tonight!" The massive Raze growls as he starts moving toward Babs who is centering herself in a fight stance now!

Elektra Natchios has posed:
This could be it. The answers Elektra is looking for. Siding with these Lycans now would mean getting into their trust, learning more about their plans here and what they intend to do against the Coven. Along with answers on what they may have done already against them. Yes, she could spin this to her advantage. And what would it cost? A Bat being sacrificed?

Elektra gets pushed back and doesn't even fight it. It means she's mostly out of the confusion as all eyes are turning to Batgirl. She watches Raze approaching. Ee moving to get some restraints. Then she looks at Batgirl, ready to defend herself. A ruthless Elektra would had sold her out. The Elektra from before. But she had changed now. Being in New York, again working with Daredevil, then with Selene.. It had made her someone different. Someone better. And now that she had worked for a while with Batgirl she found her to be someone she enjoyed having by her side.

So it's when Ee gets those restraints and shouts, "Got'em boss!" that the sound of a gun being shot repeatedly is heard, Elektra having drawn out her handgun and currently emptying her clip on Ee. Silver bullets!

She may be a better person now but she did promise to herself when she got here that Ee would be the first to fall.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The presented gun, followed by the sounds of it unloading inside of Ethan, causes the girls in the room to scream in terror at the pool tables! The music is still thudding out of the wireless speakers hanging in the corners of the room, and the pool table light is sent wildly swaying as a pool cue is slammed in to it by one of the frightened women!

This makes the room even more crazy, as Raze sees his friend shot several times in the chest, only to see him cockily thinking he's going to recover, with the look on Ethan's face going from a smirk, to a blank expression. The redneck rocker dude falls down in a slump against the bar, his body starting to emit smoking trails from the gunshot wounds.

Silver. Raze sees it.

His nostrils flair as he sweeps his thick neck around to glare at Elektra. He starts to morph. His body starts to pop and change shapes, as he kicks the coffee table covered in ash trays, beer bottles, glasses and more drug junk toward the Ninja woman! He starts to roar as his face elongates and the bones within it break, reforming in to a dog-like snout of slickened black flesh!

And the lights go out! The whole apartment going dark, with the blinded windows now becoming the only source of light, as LED light sources outside the windows start flying by.

Batgirl's drones...

The two other Lycan guards in the room coming in with guns leveled, both flashed by the light from outside, only to get kicked one, in to the other, as Batgirl lunges toward them, her hoodie and backpack gone, her Batcostume on fully now, the cowl and cape pulled from the backpack!

Gunshots ring out in the dark apartment now, as Raze changes and charges Elektra! "Selene's whore!" The growling monster shouts!

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The clip is emptied fully on Ethan. Relentless, Elektra not being the type to do things half-assed and a full supporter of doubletap. The clip hisses out of the gun and onto the floor, silvery trails of smoke still leaving the weapon as she holsters it again. And then the lights go out...

For a normal person this would be a serious disadvantage but Elektra has trained fighting in the dark. She can't actually -see- in the dark but she has learned to rely on her other senses. And Raze makes a lot of noise after all. Specially when he morphs into that large monstrosity. Larger than most werewolves she has fought in the past.

"Let's dance then.." Elektra whispers full of venom in her voice when Raze throws that insult. Silver blade glints in the moonlight coming from the windows, along with the LEDs, she facing Raze head on when he comes charging. She weaves nimbly to the side as a large claw swipes past her head and she feels her blade cutting through the man's side. A good one. She has felled other werewolves with such a move. But this is an old werewolf, not as powerful as Lucian but ..., one of the first. So instead of falling Raze backhands Elektra and sends her flying across the room, tumbling over the pool table and crashing to the ground not far from where Batgirl is fighting the two guards.

She turns and gets up, now on a knee as she catches her breath, "Where is she?" she then asks of Raze.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The two men that Batgirl is dealing with are trying to turn in to their Wolven forms, but their sudden screams suggest that Babs is doing just as Elektra had told her. Kill them, without hesitation! Is she though?

Raze snarls with saliva drooling out of his snout now toward Elektra after he sends her reeling in to that wall. "Hopefully dead!" The giant Lycan growls out before he charges right at her in the dark! He is quite adept at seeing in the darkness in this form, after all!

Elektra is quite nimble though, much like Selene, and as he misses her, he shoulders through the wall, smashing it open in to another bedroom beyond where two people are enjoying each other on the bed, one of them crying out in fear, the woman's voice echoing around the darkened apartment building! This place is a den of depravity!

Raze rips his massive Wolven-arm from the crumbling drywall, and turns toward Elektra again!

"Soon you'll be with her." He says before ripping the furniture out of his way and moving to grab her, to attempt to crush her in his massive arms!

Babs, across the room, is smashing fist after fist in to one of the men on the floor, before stabbing him with a silver spike through his arm, locking it to the ground with a blood curdling shriek following that attack from Batgirl!

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Promises, promises." Elektra retorts back at Raze when he tells her that she will join Selene soon. In death. Of course that pointing out that Selene is already an undead vampire would be lost on him most likely. And who has time to poke fun at a big, bad werewolf when they are running at you?

Elektra, of course.

"As if your mentally challenged lycans could ever get her. Or me." Challenging words. And sometimes they can be someone's downfall for even with all her nimbleness there's a speed to a lycan that is uncanny, faster than human. And Elektra, for all her prowess, is still human. Silver throwing daggers fly from Elektra's hand, embedding themselves on Raze. Enough to perhaps take down a weaker lycan. Not one who was there at the start of it all, who is as old as an elder. The daggers are felt but it doesn't stop Raze from getting what he wants, which is to wrap those arms around Elektra. She feels the pressure, the massiveness of it all lifting her from the ground.

And worst of all she can very well see the razor-sharp teeth closing in.

"Might need a hand here, Batgirl." she hisses in pain.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batgirl's fist is continuing to punch one of the Lycans on the ground who continues to fight her, and try to push the small woman off of his body. But in her Bat-gear she's stronger than she would be outside of it, and her punches start to subdue the huge beast, moments before it grabs her hand with its jaws and starts to bite down.

With a growling shout, Barbara is forced to do what she didn't want to do, and to avoid pain and losing a limb to a beastly mouth, she jams one of the silver spikes in to its eyeball!

There's only a moment of motionless aftermath, before Elektra's words can be heard behind her, and Batgirl spins around, her right hand freed from the beast's mouth, shoots up and fires her grappling gun right at Raze's face!

The line snaps out in this torn-to-shreds pool room, snapping in to Raze's shoulder where his beefy muscles become his neck! The line instantly goes taught, and Batgirl is pulled twenty feet right on to Elektra and Raze! Elektra effectively becomes a sandwhich between the two, as the massive Lycan tries to rip the grapple hook out of his neck!

Batgirl's left hand grabs one of the silver daggers planted in to his huge chest above Elektra's right shoulder, and she moves to jam it in to Raze's neck on the opposite side from which her grapple is already rooted in!

Both Babs and Raze start to shout, before Raze tears the grapple from his neck, and throws both women to the side toward the wooden bar where they're bound to slam right in to all the glasses and bottles strewn across it's surface!

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Was there ever a time tonight which Elektra thought she was going to be sandwiched between a werewolf and Batgirl? The answer is no. So it's rather surprising for the assassin when Batgirl's approach is to shoot the creature with the grappling hook. Not that she can do a lot to react, limbs tight against her body by the suffocating embrace from Raze. It's pretty much only her armor that keeps her from getting a broken bone or three but a moment later....

They are flying across the room..

Elektra twists her body as she is being thrown, hand on another of her throwing dagger and she lets it fly at the lycan's face. It doesn't hit the eye but it's close, brushing past an eyelid which then sizzles with smoke at the silver blade. Yet it also gives them some time to recover because in the next second Elektra is going against the cheap liquor they had at the place. Sounds of glass shattering on the ground, alcohol, then Elektra down on the ground on the other side of the bar. She is breathing heavily.

"Good save.." she tells Batgirl, looking up to see if she is still in one piece. "We need to get out of here." she then adds, looking at all the broken bottles and spilled alcohol and...

"Maybe we really should get this party on fire, mmm?" she suggests.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batgirl lands against the wall behind the bar, after literally rolling right across it. She bounces off the wall, breaking a bar sign, and a bunch more bottles before she starts to right herself, with a little groaning exhale. She puts her green eyes on to Elektra, who's suggestion to light the place up gets a moment of thought before Batgirl is crouching on the bar's edge with her knees up. "No, it'd take the whole building down."

This is not Selene, Elektra's usual partner in reckless abandon affairs. Young Miss Batgirl still has 'ethics' and 'a code', so it seems!

Instead, her eyes rise up to look upon Raze who is shoving furniture aside before he starts to walk toward the two of them. "You've brought this pain on yourselves." The massive Lycan says, his head nearly brushing the ceiling of the room as he pulls one of the silver daggers from his sizzling chest, and tosses it aside toward the battered pool table. His eyes look over to his dead comrade on the ground with the spike through one of his eyes, then toward the dead Rob Zombie slumped in front of the bar that the two women are behind now.

"We'll meet again." Raze then says, before he turns and barrels toward one of the windows. He doesn't even hesitate to just run right through the side of the wall, like a massive, dark skinned Kool-aid man. He sends debris flying outward from the building, with glass, wood, brick, and more crumbling off of the building!

The sound of the women that had been in the pool room with the Lycans, can be heard rushing out the front door too, along with the two who had been in the bedroom when its wall had been smashed through.

Barbara leaps from the bar and rushes toward the hole in the wall, staring out at the city street where Raze had gone...

on the ground, the second of the two Lycan men is coughing, he's not dead, and he's transformed back in to his human form, now naked and covered in filth from the fight.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
And that's why Ms. 'Code and Ethics' gets an eyeroll out of Elektra for not wanting to light the place up. They would be doing the place a favor! Yet indeed sometimes Elektra forgets that the bats are a different kind of breed. Not wanting to kill, trying to see the good in people. Much like Daredevil.

A second plan doesn't need to be hatched as Raze then jumps out. That strikes Elektra as odd as she gets back up and those long legs swing over the counter to the other side. "Raze never struck me as the type to run away." she squints her eyes, "Something is amiss..." but what it may be is a mystery so far.

Elektra moves to join Batgirl near that exit, "We won't find him if he doesn't want to..." but then she hears the sounds of the man on the ground. So she approaches and squats down next to him. A touch on the silver spike through his arm, just enough to jolt some life into him... And pain.

"Your leader abandoned you." She points out, "Tell us what you know and we will make it quick." her tone even. She clearly isn't a believer in leaving any of the lycans alive.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The man on the ground is hissing with pain right after Elektra toys with the spike through his arm. He breathes out spittle and sweat now that the heat from outside is just pouring in through that open hole in the wall.

"Fuck you." He says back to the masked Ninja woman.

Batgirl appears then over Elektra's shoulder, still standing with her cape swaying around her body. She looks down at the man.

"She'll kill you." Babs warns him then. "I'd speak nicely to her, were I you."

The man continues to breathe heavily, his naked body glistening with sticky sweat and detritus from the fight. His brown eyes look from woman to woman before he speaks again.

"They were recruiting people out of the sewer. You damn bats scared them off. They won't operate anywhere near Bat sightings. They don't want the heat!"

His right hand moves up then as he tries to grab at the silver spike through his shoulder, the smoke trails wafting up from his burning flesh, as he releases a pained hissing noise from it...

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I might still kill you even if you speak nicely." Elektra points out, fingertips now only brushing over the spike, just giving that idea she might start fiddling with it but she doesn't, simply keeping the man on edge. "But if you speak ..., who knows?"

She will most likely still kill him! Unless Barbara stop her most likely. But right now it's answers they are looking for. When the man reveals they aren't operating near bats that has Elektra glance over to Batgirl. "Seems like what you are doing is working." a nod..

It's also when the man tries to go for the silver spike which just makes Elektra push on the spike harder. No hesitation. But she also knows it will take more than silver through a shoulder to kill a lycan. Even if it will hurt like hell.

"Why are you recruiting here? The coven is gone." she states.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The scroungey looking man just shakes his head left and right. He's a Gothamite, it's obvious. So having a wealth of information, Elektra likely knows is very unlikely...

"With the Death Dealers gone, we face little to no resistence. So long as they..." He chin nods toward Batgirl. "Stay oblivious." The man whimpers from the intense pain that he's in, he's doing actually exstremely well at pain control, all things considered. Could be drugs in his system, or just the Lycan abilities themselves.

"The war isn't over. They want more soldiers, powered soldiers, mutants... metas. So they can take the fight back to their home. German, or France, or wherever the fuck they're from." He says before gasping again as more smoke trickles up out of that wound that Elektra is toying with.

"Where did they move their meetings to?" Batgirl asks then, still just standing there with her arms at her sides. The man glances toward her, then to Elektra, then back again.

"An old park, from the Eighties. Closed down because it killed a buncha people. Action Park." He says with sweat just pouring down his forehead.

"And a roller rink on the edge of town. Condemned. It's a fuckin' crack house now."

His bare feet start to move around on the filth covered floor at the foot of the pool table. Batgirl glances down at his legs, then back up at him.

"Take the damn spike out of my arm now, fuck's sake!" He grunts angrily.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Sometimes Elektra wonders what would happen if the roles were reversed. If she was the one begging for her life after a wrong decision turned her life around and made her into a killing machine, a monster, unable to stop her depraved urges. Would she be spared?

One hand snakes around the spike, lightning fast and hten pulls it out. Not that it remains out for long because a moment later she jams it right down on the man's heart. She did promise she would make it quick.

And she gets her answer now. No, she would not want to be spared. She would want to be stopped. At least that's what she tells herself after the deed. After all the blood that's on her hands. Maybe she's not that far from being that kind of depraved monster. And she doesn't even need the lycan curse. It's a thought that lasts only a split of a second but it's enough to leave her speechless for a few moments, simply standing atop the now dead man.

"It's done." She eventually speaks up again, getting back up to her feet. "This war won't go anywhere until we can crack down their leadership. And now you know where to look for them."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batgirl doesn't like it. But she also knows there's no where that could feasibly contain these things. Arkham couldn't do it. Nor could Blackgate. Was this the best option? No. But it's all they had at the moment. She needed to talk to Bruce, if he were in a place to even be talked to..

Barbara watches Elektra do what she does, then watches the woman stand up. She lingers her eyes down upon the man for a moment, as life falls out of his body. Her green eyes look up to Elektra's then, and she nods her head once. "Seems so." She says barely above a whisper. "You're good at this stuff." Babs then adds, as she glances at the man on the ground again, before back up at her.

"You're welcome to come with us, should you want to see this through. Otherwise, my people are going to act fast, hit them before they can go underground again."

Batgirl looks around the room once, before she steps over the naked bodies and toward the hole in the wall that Raze burst through. She pauses there, then looks back to Elektra. "Either way, you know how to reach me, and I'll let you know if I come up with anything about your friend..."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The assassin's dark gaze turns down to the now dead man for a few more moments. "Good at killing? Yes." she doesn't sound too happy with that though. But then again who would be happy with it? But she understands the necessity of it, and why people like her are needed.

Heart is still thundering in her chest though. The heat of the battle, the frustration of not knowing what happened to Selene. Of finding Raze and him slipping away. She still feels that tension. She looks back up to Batgirl, "I work better alone." she points out, "But ..., I will join you in this. The lycans are a menace and ..., you can be fun to work with." her eyes gaining a brief glimmer of amusement.

"Even if sometimes a bit too by the rules. But I have seen some glimpses of that wildness.." and by her tone it seems she enjoyed seeing those. At those last words there's a moment of pause, silence, Elektra looking at Batgirl's back and then she finally speaks, "The night is still young.." an invitation?

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batgirl has done what the Bats do, she's already signaled the GCPD to her location. The sound of distant sirens can be heard outside the gaping hole in the wall. She turns at the invite, and looks across the ruined pool room toward the Ninja in black and red.

"We could check on that Roller Rink." She offers then, showing the faintest hint of a smirk. "Could be more trouble though. Are you up for another fight?" The redhead asks, her cape, and fiery hair, gently blowing in the wind rushing in to the room.

Down at the street level, the roar of an engine is heard as it's not the Bat-cycle that rolls up on the building, but instead the two-seater Batmobile that Batgirl has built for herself. A custom, well armored, cockpit-styled racer / tank of a car.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra weaves past the debris and the dead bodies as she walks closer. One last look is given at the bodies. The mayhem they caused but also the lives they most likely saved tonight. Those naked girls that ran off come to mind, on how they most likely would had ended up dead.

"I am always up for another fight." Story of her life, really. Yet by her tone it's almost as if she meant a different kind of fight. She finally joins Batgirl and looks down at the street where the Batmobile is coming to park at, long midnight-black black hair waving about her shoulders at the wind felt tonight.

"Besides, how could I say no to riding on your Batmobile, mmm?"