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The Cat Without a Hat
Date of Scene: 23 August 2022
Location: Avengers Mansion - Training Facility
Synopsis: Felicia and Natasha catch up over gym.
Cast of Characters: Felicia Hardy, Natasha Romanoff

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Training equipment, that's the sole reason for this room, and for the same reason for most people make their ways to this room. Currently alone, is a white haired woman with a singular focus in that she needs to work out some excess food she might have ingested this weekend while going out with Jennifer, and stumbling upon a few other friends and making a new one.

    Felicia wears her hair tied up with a black scrunchie, half pulled through so it's mostly out of the way. She wears a colorful sports bra on top of a much more mundane black one, for the needed support and stability her work outs require. She also wears a pair of black spandex on her feet and a pair of white and pink tennis shoes.

    The team's cat burglar is hanging from the top uneven bar and is building up momentum so she can spin herself over the bar before coming back down faster and faster as she builds up the speed to the next stunt she pulls off, of touching her toes while spread wide before catching herself on the lower bar several feet away behind her, blindly. Still got it. She tells herself, but keeps the routine going.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The Black Widow, that ever so long a lifetime ago was trained as a classical ballet dancer, is of all things going through a routine. It's one that's played to quiet music. She's not wearing a proper outfit for it, consisting of her combat jumpsuit and boots. Despite her physicality and her experience, there's something just a shade off of her motions. Of a not quite exactness to them, of something just half a heartbeat off from each maneuver.
    By the look on her face as she stops herself, she's aware of it. She pauses, and then goes to shut off the music a moment later. Not even winded or sweaty in the slightest, she goes to glance over at Felicia and gives a nod. "I hope that your exercise routine is going well. Was that your warmup?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia flips through the air after swinging beneath the lower bar, straight as a pencil and twists so she's facing the two bars when she opens her hands to perfectly grab herself and starts to circle around the higher bar once more. Bending at the waist, her feet pointed towards the bar to halt her momentum when she's exactly at the zenith of the spin and is esentially doing a hand stand on the bar, carefully she extends her feet back up above her, and spins on her palm to lower her head upwards and face Natasha. "Warming up. Yes." She notes and smiles towards the ballet assassin. "What about yours?" Felicia asks.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would go to watch over at Felicia for a moment, "Good, you need to exert yourself slightly more. But a warmup routine is essential to start on things. And a reminder to myself that if not practiced over time skills fade. And that to maintain them one must continue to perform them, no matter the experience. And that some things in the end are left to the past."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "I haven't." Swallow. "Begun to exert myself." Felicia says, and lowers herself to press her lips against the back of her hand in a soft push up type move before she extends her arms again and then shifts to one hand, balancing and supporting her whole weight.

    Tucking her legs back in she spins forwards on the bar and allows herself to move through the air in a freefall over to the lower beam and catches herself with one hand, doing another spin. "What skills do you deem unimportant to maintain?" Felicia asks, as she comes to dangle from the lower bar and keep her legs at a parallel to the floor as she does a few pull ups waiting for Natasha's response.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod over at Felicia, "I presume not. One could hardly keep up in the rooftops at your particular hobby if they limited themself that way." It's just Natasha's default mode of interaction. She's well aware of how skilled Felicia is and how fast the girl can move. She evaluated Felicia to some degree. So what comes off from Matasha as just commentary can however be easily taken as chastisement, though not intended.
    Natasha would go on and muse, "Thsoe things not related to the mission. HOwever, many things in a roundabout way can be useful for maintaining a cover. But something for personal indulgence's sake is not something I can afford."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Sounds to me like you need to watch some Jackie Chan movies." The burglar says with a flash of a smirk crossing her face towards the deadlier of the two. "I didn't think it was very Russian for you all to allow practices and learned skills to lapse with the idea that they weren't needed in the moment." The white haired woman teases softly, but then gets to the thesis fo the two ideas. "There is 'kung fu' in everything you do. Meaning everything you do, every hobby or talent or even practice that you do is useful in more ways than you realize at the time."

    To punctuate the idea, Felicia lowers her legs and brings them back up again building up more momentum to swing herself over to the other bar. "This gap between the uneven bars is awfully close to the gap between many buildings in Hell's Kitchen and the highest fire escape across the alley." She says with a knowing wink after catching the other side.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shrug, "I prefer Bruce Lee. THe man was talented in his prime. Better than given credit for. Even when he had to slow down so that others could track what he was doing." S he would casually go to offer that up and over. "And there is a difference often between things pursued for personal itnerest and dedication ro professional. Often overlap, but not always. I must do things for my mission. And I'm aware of the relation of the maneuvers, rebenok." Or child if one knew Russian. Natasha had been doing this the better part of ninety years.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "You need to walk the streets more, people give him TOO much credit for as little as he was around." Felicia says, covertly putting her hat in the Jackie fandom ring, and yet not exactly being polite about it. "There is a difference, yes, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't put your all into what you're doing. Be it for fun or work." Felicia says as she brings her routine to an end. Flipping and twisting twice over before landing on her feet on the mat and sticks the landing, bending back and arms out and up and then bows. "Now to really work out." Felicia says as she moves over to the rock wall 'treadmill'.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shrug, "Perhaps." She would leave it over at that. "It's about preferences in combat style as well as aesthetics. Some things are more effective in a fight but are less interesting to watch. And best to not limit oneself to any particular one." She would go to watch over and then head to the climbing wall herself. "If you wish I could go first?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia pauses as Natasha approaches the wall. The thief smirks as she leans back softly and crosses her arms beneath her chest. "No no, age before beauty, I insist." She says, daring to stick her tongue out with a teasing smile afterwards. Maybe she could learn a thing or two from the assassin in scaling walls. Or maybe she's thinking she's already a master at vertical traversal that she could show up Natasha afterwards and show the red head how it's REALLY done.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod at Felicia, "Very well." Not minding the jibe. Experience taught her how to do things efficiently. And she had a long memory. Natasha goes to wait a few moments, calculating angles and trajectories.. Then goes back a few steps and moves to simply start to -run-. A quick leap and flip to launch herself up in the air wiht a jump on par if not quite Captain America's thanks to her heavily enhanced physiology, a hand latching onto the nearest grip on the wall, seeming to almost run up it.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Keeping her feet planted, Felicia leans back to watch Natasha climb the wall and grins as she does so. "The running jump is a bold strategy." Felicia says once Nat gets to the top. "But, if you can handle it, jumping and vaulting using the grips will get you there faster and easier." Felicia notes as she steps up to the wall, and using both hands on a single grip, she pulls herself up through the air to the next grip.

    She does this all the way up the wall, though at the top she holds onto the architecture of the wall and grins to Natasha, though her fingers are raw and cut up quite badly, as well as the callouses on her palms and wrists and knuckles gives her a wince when she picks at them idly.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would smile, "Good." She would acknowledge the other woman. Deferring to the platinum blonde as the expert here and giving a light allowance that Felicia probably knew this routine better than she would. "I'm sure that you've worked with quite a fwe who are adept in this." She would consider.
    "There's a specialist or two in SHIELD that are adept at it." Jessica Drew no doubt.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Sure, others might be better or more adept." Felicia says, looking up from her hands to Natasha, and taking a few quick breaths as she's still in her work out, "But few could do what I do in the field." The thief notes. "I didn't have this kind of place to practice or workout for the longest time. I only had traditional gyms, and the mean streets." Felicia explains. Yeah her dad taught her a lot, so did the Black Fox, but nothing is quite as good as the real deal. "Maybe I should go pester them some time, or maybe not. Not sure I'm welcome around SHIELD anything." Felicia says with a tap of her nose and a wink to Natasha before she leans back, lifts her thighs off the scafolding and pushes herself off into the air to free fall off the wall, landing in a tight roll on the ground and catching herself with her feet wide after the roll.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff woulds hrug, "I would not be the one to ask. You could potentialy negotiate over on a subcontractor's basis." But Natasha is not going to vouch for her trustability! Natasha goes to look over at her as the woman hits the ground in the motion that drives Yelena bonkers each time it's used.
    "And one goes wit the technique that is the most efficient for any given profile and circumstances. Few things are universal."