Felicia Hardy
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Felicia Hardy (Scenesys ID: 303) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Felicia Hardy | ||
Superalias: | Black Cat | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Metahuman | ||
Occupation: | Jewel Relocation Specialist | ||
Citizenship: | American | ||
Residence: | New York City | ||
Education: | Bachelor of Arts | ||
Theme: | Marvel (VFC) | ||
Groups: | Hellfire Club, Rogues Gallery, Spider-Verse | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 31 | Actual Age: | 31 |
Date of Birth | 13 Apr 1993 | Played By | Sydney Sweeney |
Height: | 5'10" | Weight: | 120 lb |
Hair Color: | Platinum Silver | Eye Color: | Aqua Blue/Green |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
Felicia Hardy has worked hard to become the most prolific and successful cat burglar in Manhattan, if not the world. Her father, Walter Hardy, left big shoes to fill, in that regard. With a fiercely wild spirit, the Black Cat lives her best life behind the mask.
The Black Cat just crossed your path. Must be your lucky day...
1993: Felicia is born in New York City to Walter (an international businessman and thief known as 'The Cat') and Lydia Hardy
2006 (age 13): Walter Hardy betrayed by associates, arrested and imprisoned by a sting operation. Felicia learns his true identity for the first time. This event profoundly affects Felicia, creating a sense of vulnerability and helplessness in her young mind. She begins high school, her rebellious tendencies starting to emerge as a defense mechanism against the loss of her father. She starts training in various physical disciplines like gymnastics, martial arts, and acrobatics, wanting to take control of her life.
2010 (age 17): Felicia graduates high school. During her freshman year at Empire State University studying Art History, Felicia experiences a traumatic event. A boy she had been dating for a week, named Ryan, assaults her in her dorm room after she repeatedly said no to his advances. This event is a major catalyst in her life, leading her to vow never to feel powerless again.
2011 (age 18): Having honed her physical skills in secret, she breaks her father out of prison, successfully evading authorities. This event marks her first major criminal act. During this act, she meets the Black Fox for the first time. Walter Hardy dies at home later that year of natural causes.
2011-2015 (ages 18-22): Felicia attends Empire State University, majoring in Business Administration. This choice is strategic, as she wants to gain the knowledge to run her own operations. During this time, she starts to pick up advanced skills in safecracking, stealth, and infiltration under the guidance of the Black Fox, who gradually becomes a surrogate father figure.
2013 (age 20): Felicia's first solo major heist takes place. She breaks into a high-security facility to steal a rare piece of art, solidifying her reputation in the criminal underworld as "The Black Cat." She starts taking up high-profile heists and building her criminal reputation.
2015 (Age 22): Felicia completes her degree in Business Administration, providing her with the knowledge to manage her growing criminal enterprises and avoid legal trouble. She continues to pull off high-profile heists and becomes a master thief, admired and feared in the criminal world.
2016 (age 23): Felicia seeks enhancement of her natural powers via an agreement with the Power Broker, and she undergoes the procedure, gaining exponentially more powerful abilities.
2020 (age 27): Felicia crosses paths with Spider-Man, marking the beginning of their long, complicated relationship. He helps her retrieve the daughter of one of her clients and break up a human trafficking operation targeting young girls. Their dynamic is one of both attraction and rivalry, as Felicia is intrigued by his heroism but resents his moral code. Over the years, Felicia's relationship with Peter Parker deepens. Despite her feelings for him, her criminal tendencies and desire for freedom clash with Peter's sense of responsibility.
2021 (age 28): Felicia joins the Avengers on a trial basis, hoping to prove herself worthy of being a hero. However, her rebellious nature and penchant for thrill-seeking lead to friction with the team. Eventually, she leaves the Avengers and goes back to her criminal activities.
2023 (age 30): Felicia spends more time in Gotham with the Suicide Squad. During this year, she also engages in a series of high-stakes heists that put her at odds with the Avengers and SHIELD.
2024 (age 31): Peter and Felicia begin dating in earnest. After just a few months, Peter is turned into Man-Spider, and Felicia's penthouse is blown up by Hammerhead in retaliation for her attempts to track down Kraven the Hunter. She fakes her death for three weeks, disappearing off the grid while plotting to kill Kraven, who has been hunting Peter. Peter stops her from killing Kraven, and she rejoins the Avengers, this time with a clearer idea of what she wants from life -- balancing her love for Peter with her need for adventure.
IC Journal
Felicia knows the effect a pretty woman can have on others, and she's more than willing to take advantage of that. Her costume was designed to lead receptive opponents astray of their original intent, and even in her civilian identity, she wears clothing designed to accentuate and enhance her assets. She flirts with men to distract them or gain an advantage. She flirts with women to distract them or gain an advantage. She just...flirts. She couldn't stop it if she wanted to. And she certainly doesn't want to.
Just like a cat, Felicia's mood can switch in an instant. She can go from purring affection to scathing rage in a heartbeat. Grudges can be profound, but may also be dropped just as quickly if the offending party makes amends or does something to appease her. Or maybe not.
As a thief, Felicia lives by the adage, "Possession is 9/10ths of the law." Anything she wants, she takes. What's mine is mine...and what's yours is mine. And those things over there? Also mine. That goes not just for objects, but for people as well. She doesn't like anyone touching her things.
One of the reasons why Felicia can't just stop being a thief is that she's an adrenaline junkie. She needs the thrill of swinging from rooftop to rooftop hundreds of feet in the air, the challenge of defeating a supposedly impenetrable security system, then free falling off the target building only to catch a ledge with a swing line at the last moment. Her greatest enemy is boredom, and she fights it every night she's out on the prowl.
Character Sheet
Bad Luck:
Felicia's metagene was activated with the Power Broker's treatments, giving her the power to cause bad luck to her foes. She has no control over exactly what can happen, only that an enemy she briefly focuses on will suffer some kind of minor and unexpected setback, like slipping on a wet floor or having a brick wall that is being held onto suddenly crumbling. Whatever calamity this power unleashes, special senses geared to avoiding danger do not usually detect the trap.
Cat's Claws:
Owing to a surprising twist that came about during the enhancement of her powers, Felicia has retractable claws that can extend from beneath her nails. They are good for help in climbing and close-up self defense, but not so much as an offensive weapon.
Enhanced Physiology:
The treatments administered to her by the Power Broker gave Felicia a boost to her physical attributes. Felicia can lift around two tons. Her agility and dexterity were enhanced to superhuman levels, allowing her to perform amazing feats of balance), sprint at a max of 40 miles per hour, and dodge bullets. Her general stamina and endurance were also increased, letting her run or exert herself for a couple hours without rest, and also giving her a slightly better resistance to blunt force trauma than a normal human.
Art Appreciation:
In her first years of college at Empire State University, Felicia studied Art History. She's capable of evaluating art based on its creator, estimated value, and cultural impact. She can also spot forgeries through careful examination.
Escape Artist:
Part of the reason why Felicia's true identity isn't known to the police yet is her skill at escapology. She can get out of normal restraints with ease, usually able to escape police custody before the squad car or transport makes it more than a few blocks away from the scene of the arrest. Ropes, chains and padlocks, straightjackets, and other such restraints are possible for her to escape from in a minute or so. She can also escape electronically locked restraints with improvised tools.
Felicia has trained in multiple martial arts, such as Judo, Aikido, and Goju-Ryu Karate. These arts mainly focus on hand strikes, joint locks, holds, and throws. She can handle multiple opponents and is good enough to handle herself against highly skilled fighters.
Felicia has studied gymnastics from an early age and is highly accomplished. She uses her gymnastics skill to great advantage in combat and general travel, leaping off flagpoles, grabbing streetlights to swing around, flipping through laser traps, and generally confounding opponents.
A cat(burglar) will be seen when she wants to be seen, and not until that moment. Having practiced stealth for many years, she can avoid detection most of the time. Those possessing superhuman senses, or watchfulness bordering on paranoia (Looking at You, Batman) can spot her when she's trying to be sneaky, but in general, Felicia's good enough to slip past military special forces.
Felicia is one of the most accomplished thieves alive today. She's capable of picking any lock, defeating nearly any security system. She's good enough to break into most high-security facilities up to agencies like S.H.I.E.L.D. She keeps up to date on new locks, security systems, and surveillance.
Felicia's costume was custom designed for her by the Tinkerer to supplement her metahuman abilities. In addition to being bullet and flame resistant, it also has retractable steel claws built into the gloves, capable of shredding steel cable. Modified versions of her father's line casters are also built into the gloves to allow her to travel via swinging or to help with climbing a building quickly or stopping a fall. Special contacts lenses provide her with low-light and thermal vision. Several pouches and compartments are hidden throughout the costume to hold tools or stolen items.
Criminal Contacts:
Felicia has been a thief for a while now, and has developed numerous contacts in the criminal underworld. She knows who to go to get information about people, jobs, or to fence any loot she's acquired. She can also use them to get gadgets and computer code breakers to overcome her deficiencies in computer hacking.
Felicia has an array of gadgets that she uses to accomplish her missions. She may not have all of them on her at any one time, but here are some gadgets that she has access to:
Climbing Claws - Retractable claws in gloves and boots to enhance climbing ability and can also be used as weapons.
Grappling Hooks - Compact, powerful grappling hooks built in to her gloves that allow her to swing from buildings or rappel down. They can also be used to wrap around foes, to bind arms or to snag an outstretched arm, like one holding a gun.
Stun Devices - Small, throwable electro-shock devices (she calls Shock-Tacs) that can incapacitate enemies temporarily.
Narcopatches - A small, sticky patch strong enough to nearly instantly knock out an adult for up to an hour.
Night Vision & Infrared Goggles - Integrated into her mask (and available as contacts), these allow her to see in the dark and detect heat signatures through walls or smoke.
Explosive Pellets - Small pellets that can be used to create controlled explosions, useful for breaking locks or creating distractions.
Smoke Bombs - Used to create a smoke screen for a quick getaway or disorient enemies.
EMP Device - Small, portable EMP for disabling electronics and security measures in a small (3m) radius.
Lock Picks - High-tech lock-picking tools that allow her to bypass even the most sophisticated locks and security systems.
Tracer Darts - Small darts that can be fired from a wrist-mounted launcher, allowing her to track targets via GPS.
Caltrops - Small, spiked devices that she can scatter on the ground to impede pursuers.
Holographic Projector - A device that can create realistic holograms for distraction or deception.
Multi-Tool - A versatile tool that includes various functions like cutting, prying, and unscrewing.
Both from what she inherited from her father and her own efforts, Felicia independently wealthy. She has numerous off-shore bank accounts and could easily live out the rest of her life in luxury, if it wouldn't bore her to death. She has a penthouse apartment in East Side, Manhattan, and a black Jaguar XK9 among her tangible assets. Felicia is considered nouveau riche in Manhattan society, her money inherited from her father (who stole from many of the socialites at one time or another), and Felicia gets invited to most of the social gatherings in New York.
Criminal Record:
Felicia has run afoul of the law many times as Black Cat. Fortunately for her, she's never been caught long enough for her identity to be recorded by law enforcement personnel. The Black Cat is currently wanted by the New York Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigations in connection with some of her previous crimes. The International Criminal Police Organisation would like to have a chat with the Black Cat about a recent string of high-profile robberies in Europe and Asia.
Perhaps the biggest character weakness for Felicia is greed. She was raised as Daddy's Princess and taught that she should only have the absolute best in life. Unlike most indulged girls, however, Felicia was taught to earn the best things in life, rather than have it handed to her. As a result, she goes after high-value targets, even though she already has more than enough money. It's a combination of the thrill-seeker in her and this desire for more that keeps her living the life of a thief.
Over the years, Felicia has stolen a lot of things from a lot of wealthy and influential people, criminal or otherwise. There are a lot of grudges against the Black Cat, and sometimes Felicia needs to pull a job to square her record with someone powerful. For the most part, the people that are hunting Black Cat are more interested in using her skill than getting payback, but there's always the occasional double-cross.
Secret Identity:
Felicia has managed to keep her dual identity safe so far. There are both criminal and law enforcement groups that are looking for Black Cat, for a variety of reasons. She maintains her secret identity more to prevent all the hassles that being public would cause than a concern for her own safety or the safety of others.
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Felicia Hardy has
193 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Descent: The Wrong Kind of Heist | March 24th, 2025 | A high-profile Midtown bank heist led by Black Cat escalates into a violent clash with Ten Rings operatives, drawing in Spider-Man, SHIELD, NYPD, and an alien bounty hunter. All hostages were rescued, but the true target remains unknown. |
A Note of Mistaken Identity | March 3rd, 2025 | When a note is left on Peter and Felicia's apartment door, Felicia ruefully returns it to its owner to explain the mix up and meets Karolina Dean for the first time! And while Felicia isn't exactly the best new 'friend,' it may open up other avenues! |
Descent: Return of the Spider-Slayer | March 2nd, 2025 | An arrest gone wrong and an attack by not one, but two Spider-Slayers that are only stopped by the combined effort of a number of diverse heroes. |
Not Yet, Cat | February 24th, 2025 | When Felicia finds a note addressed to her inside a sealed book, she and Peter track it back to the shipping distribution center where security footage has captured evidence of an old friend and nemesis who isn't ready for Felicia to settle down just yet. |
House of Cards... and Avengers | February 10th, 2025 | While lounging in the Rec Room of the Avenger's Mansion and practicing her best Gambit card-toss, Felicia is set upon by none other than Black Widow, Pepper Potts, and the Iron Man himself. In an interesting turn of events, Aunt May gets a new security system. |
The Birthday Heist | February 6th, 2025 | Black Cat gets caught with her hand in the cookie jar by Spider-Man while she's in the process of stealing him a birthday present. The question remains whether sushi and excuses are going to be enough to get her out of hot water. Surely she has a purrrfectly reasonable explanation? |
The Avenger's Mansion is No Place for a Criminal | February 1st, 2025 | Longshot takes Felicia up on her invitation to the Avenger's Mansion, and she introduces him to Natasha and Greer. Meanwhile, Felicia plots to take down the Maggia while drinking champagne from the bottle in the Avenger's kitchen. |
Luck Be a Lady (or a Gentleman) | January 31st, 2025 | Black Cat is in the middle of copying the thumb drive of one of Hammerhead's Lieutenants, Vincent Morelli, when she's surprised (which just doesn't happen) by Longshot. After a brief battle of wills (and luck), the penthouse is left in shambles and they have an agreement to meet the next day at the Avenger's Mansion. |
Descent: Ambush on Coney Island | January 19th, 2025 | An attempted ambush of Spider-Man by the the Sinister Syndicate on behalf of Hammerhead goes very wrong thanks to a little help from his friends (and an Amazon Princess). |
Webs and Resolutions | January 10th, 2025 | Peter finds a nice, out of the way ledge to watch the ball drop and bring in 2025 with Felicia. When resolutions are brought up, Felicia admits that her biggest one is to make him proud, and he joins the very short list of men she's ever been willing to significantly change for. |
Yuletide Apologies | December 31st, 2024 | It was one poorly executed taunt that set the tone for the Christmas party, but it was a lesson for Felicia Hardy. Can the Black Cat be domesticated, after all? Maybe. After apologizing to Peter, it's clear to both of them that she still has a long way to go. |
A Very Spidery Christmas | December 21st, 2024 | Felicia and Peter host a holiday party for their friends at their new apartment in Greenwich Village. Even Lydia Hardy and Aunt May are in attendance! |
HFC: The Bargain | December 19th, 2024 | Sebastian Shaw has something of an indecent proposal for Felicia Hardy. In this case he is looking for someone who is good at obtaining things that they shouldn't. Though in this case, the items that he is interested in have a distinctly supernatural bent... |
Working through the Murdering Memories | December 17th, 2024 | It's Felicia's turn to play therapist with Mary Jane when she has Sonja's memories and the trauma from the Hyborean Age of Horrors. |
No Sleep Til Brooklyn | December 17th, 2024 | Scarlet Spider heads to Navy Yard in Brooklyn to find one Judith Kearse, who knows where Miles Warren is. He's joined by Black Cat and Venom who help him with the riff raff inside. Unfortunately, some goons arrive before he can get what he needs, so Ben takes Ms. Kearse elsewhere to extract Warren's location. |
Across the Threshold | December 16th, 2024 | No description |
The Unexpected Spider | December 16th, 2024 | After blacking out while talking to Gwen in Washington Square Park, Ben Reilly wakes up with Felicia Hardy sitting at the foot of the bed. Unfortunately, sympathy and bedside manner aren't exactly Felicia's most notable assets. |
Tangled Webs and Room to Grow | December 15th, 2024 | Out hunting for a new apartment to call their own, Felicia stalls the realtor and Peter shows up late (surprise, surprise). On the bright side of things, they think they've found the one! |
Hatching a Plan: A Royal Faberge Heist | December 2nd, 2024 | No description |
Cats Don't Play Fair | November 20th, 2024 | While chasing down a way to get back at Hammerhead, Felicia bumps into Sebastian Shaw at the Hellfire Club. It just so happens he might have the leverage she needs. But at what price? |
House Hunting | November 13th, 2024 | Having temporarily moved into Felicia's Safehouse together, Peter and Felicia begin the process of looking for a new place to call home. |
Brotherhood of the Chosen: Dastardly Dick. | October 23rd, 2024 | The team makes it into Richard Brunsman's fortress of a home, only to find out that the real Dick might not be as dastardly as they suspected. |
A Thief and a Barbarian Chat Outside a Bar... | October 17th, 2024 | Mary Jane and Felicia talk after Felicia has made her peace with herself and her new path in life. |
Revengers Dissassemble Pt 1 | October 15th, 2024 | When enemies attack the Mansion, veteran Avengers and new ones come together to fight off the attack! |
Conti in the Crosshairs | October 15th, 2024 | Felicia goes investigating the Conti Crime Family in her pursue of Hammerhead and gets into a scuffle. Luckily, Venom shows up and serves as an amazing distraction! If only he weren't ruining so many of those expensive-looking crates... |
Moving Day In Queens | October 13th, 2024 | Peter and Felicia head out to Queens to pack some of his things for the big move. They take the opportunity to finally introduce Felicia to Aunt May. |
Saving Savannah | October 12th, 2024 | Mission successful. Objectives obtained. But does a new threat loom on the horizon? |
Lunch with a Side of Trouble | October 12th, 2024 | Felicia surprises Peter with lunch between classes at ESU and makes a spectacle by 'proposing' to him in the quad. On the bright side of things, they're officially moving in together! |
The Cat Came Back | October 9th, 2024 | The Black Cat rejoins the Avengers because she's afraid of becoming just a Sidecat to Spider-Man. |
Sweatpants and Champagne | October 7th, 2024 | She was supposed to show up for hero lessons, but instead Peter finds Felicia watching reality TV and having an existential crisis. |
Descent: Crash Course | September 30th, 2024 | The Vulture and the Rhino make some trouble while Spider-Man and Black Cat are out on patrol. Fortunately they are dealt with thanks to a little help from MJ, Cloak and Dagger, and Jacen. Captain Jean DeWolff saves Spidey from an unpleasant police entanglement. |
Back At It Again | September 27th, 2024 | Felicia and Eddie meet up on a rooftop outside of the homes of one of the prominent members of the Conti crime family. |
Descent: Aftermath | September 23rd, 2024 | In the aftermath of Felicia's return from the dead and Kraven's capture, she and Peter return to her safehouse to work through the affects her deceit has had on their relationship. |
Descent: The Hunter's Prey | September 14th, 2024 | A trap laid by Hammerhead and Kraven to get rid of Spider-Man once and for all is thwarted by his quick-to-respond allies, and after being presumed dead, Felicia resurfaces with murderous intent. |
Flashback: Stakeout | September 12th, 2024 | Flashback: High above the Garment District, Felicia _almost_ wins a bet using her thorough understanding of the mind of the common criminal... and a little bit of luck. |
Spider-Night, Quiet Night | September 4th, 2024 | Spider-Friends talk over movie night. |
Descent: The Road To Recovery | August 22nd, 2024 | Peter takes to the rooftops to show that he has recovered from his recent ordeal. Felicia has a secret she's finally ready to share. |
From Hospital to Penthouse | August 14th, 2024 | Gwen Stacy stops by to visit with Peter and Felicia once Pete's out of the hospital. |
Descent: Love and Sacrifice | August 13th, 2024 | Felicia visits Peter after-hours in the hospital while he's recovering. She just wanted to see him once more before she left him for good, but when he wakes up and takes her hand, she can't pull herself away. |
Descent: To Catch The Man-Spider | August 12th, 2024 | The trap is set to try and finally bring the Man-Spider to heel and restore the trapped Peter Parker from within. |
Descent: To Dream A Little Dream | August 7th, 2024 | Felicia and the part of Peter that is still buried deep inside the Man-Spider share an unlikely dream, one that might be more revealling then expected. |
A Bar By Any Other Name | August 5th, 2024 | Felicia stops in to a Bar With No Name and runs into Eddie Brock. |
It's Morbin' Time | August 3rd, 2024 | A collection of friends and allies of Spider-Man seek out the Brooklyn labratory of one Dr. Michael Morbius seeking information that might help cure the Man-Spider. The get a nasty, bloodsucking surprise. |
The Big Gay Spider-Man Meeting | August 1st, 2024 | Felicia calls an impromptu meeting of the Spider-Catching-Society at the Big Gay Ice Cream Shop. |
Spider-Man Is Gone | July 30th, 2024 | Staking out an arms deal to take down so she can reap the benefits, Black Cat is set upon by both Venom and Man-Spider in the middle of her heist, both of whom turn out to be much more of a help than she originally feared. |
Glimpses of Then: The Heist for Hope, Epilogue | July 27th, 2024 | After a harrowing break-up of a human trafficking operation, Spider-Man meets Black Cat at a pre-arranged time and location. They confirm what they both already know: they work well together, their chemistry is alive and well, but they have their own ways of doing things. Still, Spider-Man isn't left empty-handed. Even if you don't count where he was resting his hands, he was left with a kiss on his mask and a phone number to use later. |
Glimpses of Then: The Heist for Hope, Rescue | July 22nd, 2024 | Black Cat and Spider-Man break into a mansion in Bedford Hills to find a dozen missing girls locked in a basement. Spider agrees to say behind to make sure they get proper care while Cat calls it in to get some distance. She leaves him a note with a time and location to meet her, though, so maybe it isn't the last time the Black Cat will cross Spider-Man's path. |
Glimpses of Then: The Heist for Hope, Prison Bust | July 17th, 2024 | Spider-Man follows Felicia's directions to an empty stretch of road where Black Cat, Bruno, and Boris assault a prison transport bus and capture one of the prisoners. Originally skeptical both of Black Cat's motives and methods, Spider-Man's dedication to help her is renewed when the incarcerated David Benson reveals the location of Vincent Marconi's secret human tracking cages. |
Glimpses of Then: The Heist for Hope, Dockside | July 15th, 2024 | A glimpse into the past. In 2020, Black Cat runs into Spider-Man for the first time while purchasing weapons from an illegal arms dealer. The question is, what does she need them for? |
Descent: Lizard On The Loose | July 9th, 2024 | A rather disparate group of heroes tracks down the Lizard to his sewer lair beneath Central Park in the hunt to save Curt Connors from the beast he has become and reacquire the Neo-genic Recombinator. |
Descent: The Thief and the Mercenary | July 8th, 2024 | Felicia meets with Silver Sablinova at the Black Market to request her services in finding The Lizard, Man-Spider, and the stolen Neo-Genic Recombinator, but that isn't the only job mentioned. Once they put things right, Felicia is set on revenge. |
Descent: Is There A Doctor In The House | July 5th, 2024 | Dr. Curt Connors' efforts to fix Spider-Man's strange mutation goes horribly wrong, leaving Felicia and MJ to pick up the pieces. |
Luck and Larceny | July 3rd, 2024 | Felicia broke into the office of mob boss Marcone, but she wasn't expecting anyone to follow her in. When she meets Roulette, though, she realizes that luck IS a superpower. |
Welcome to My Parlor, Said the Spider to the MJ | June 30th, 2024 | Peter and MJ catch up after his shocking transformation. Felicia soon joins them atop the roof of the New York City Public Library. |
A Safer House | June 28th, 2024 | Peter and Felicia are hiding out in the Safehouse while they figure out what to do with Peter's four extra arms. What they never could have predicted was an unannounced visit from Felicia's mother. |
Descent: Chasing the Man-Spider | June 26th, 2024 | Felicia interrupts Peter's headlong flight through the city and manages to talk some sense into him. |
Descent: Rise Of The Man-Spider | June 25th, 2024 | The Silver Samurai's attempted kidnapping outside a local FEAST Shelter is thwarted. But Spider-Man's troubles are just beginning... |
I Science When I'm Stressed | June 18th, 2024 | Peter leaves something of a mess strewn out in Felicia's living room. She doesn't seem to mind. |
A Night to Recover | June 14th, 2024 | Felicia brings Peter to her penthouse to recover after he checked himself out of a SHIELD safe house where he was recovering from his ambush by Kraven. Along the way, she gives him the black market EMP she got off the street as a sign of good faith that she is actually trying to turn over a new leaf for him. |
A Cat on the Prowl | June 14th, 2024 | Spider-Man takes Black Cat out on their first patrol as partners, and the duo run into a hostage situation in Hell's Kitchen. Unfortunately, Peter's Spider-Sense starts acting up, and Felicia loses her cool on the goon that nearly shot him. In the end, she's not sure if it's the lingering effects of Kraven's tranq dart or her own Bad Luck that nearly got Peter killed. |
The Hardy Pick-Up Service | June 11th, 2024 | Peter checks himself out of the sekrit SHIELD medical safehouse. Felicia is kind enough to pick him up. And she even brings a present! |
The Ethical Thief | June 11th, 2024 | While preparing to intercept a black market EMP, Felicia unexpectedly runs into help from Blood Spider and Iron Fist, and they learn a little bit more about her than they expected, too. |
Dinner with a View | June 8th, 2024 | Felicia invites Peter over to her penthouse for dinner and a chance to feel out their budding relationship. |
A Rise In Crime | June 7th, 2024 | An unlikely teamup occurs -- along with a cameo from a certain feline inspired thief -- to take down the menace of... Stilt-Man??!!!?!! |
Hyborean Heist - The Honeymooners | June 2nd, 2024 | Felicia and Mary Jane go to steal a magic book from a crazed collector on an improvised heist. |
Brooklyn Tower Rendezvous | June 1st, 2024 | Felicia meets up with Peter to give him the evidence he needs to help the police with their investigation into the Bellini Cartel. Sure she could have emailed it, but where would the fun be in that? |
Some people won't ever be able to change what's in their nature. | May 31st, 2024 | Vivian and Felicia catch up while checking out an art display at Chelsea Market. No crimes are commited proving that Greg from Interpol is entirely wrong about Felicia. Probably. |
Hyborean Heist | May 30th, 2024 | Mary Jane and Red Sonja need some help for a heist of a quite possibly dangerous tome. So they go to the girl that makes her own (bad) luck for help. Felicia is of course up for the fun and the two reminisce on chaos and collateral. |
A hard read | May 30th, 2024 | Shredder hires Felicia for a heist, but Tekkai and Danny Rand intervene. |
Gargoyle's Rest: A Heist in the Making | May 29th, 2024 | Spider-Man spots Black Cat and gets into more trouble than he expected. Is he now a simple accessory to grand larceny? Or does Felicia have an even longer game? |
Dragon's Heart, Iron Fist | May 29th, 2024 | Closing out as unfinished. |
Artful Escape | May 28th, 2024 | Felicia takes an Uber after stealing a priceless artifact and has a very pleasant conversation with her driver on the way to the hotel. |
The Sinister Shocker | May 27th, 2024 | A neighborhood in the Lower East Side of Manhatten comes under assault by the Shocker and a number of people arrive on the scene to help the situation out. |
Dent for DA (The Split - Part Two)r | March 28th, 2024 | Harvey Dent shakes hands, makes a speech and survives an assassination attempt. Only he's the one who ends up with blood on his hands. |
Assassin's Ball | March 17th, 2024 | The Assassin's Ball in the Aegean Sea, mingling and making friends, and shrimps consumed by the Yeen-load. |
Bullet, Meet Lucky Cat | February 13th, 2024 | Everybody wins I guess. |
When Cats and Kits Cross Paths | January 12th, 2024 | Felicia meets Kitkat seeking Greer while doing patrol in front of the MET. |
Along Came a Spider then a Cat! Or is it Along Came a Cat then a Spider | January 8th, 2024 | A Cat and Spider run into each other. One certainly has the attention of the other. Could it go both ways? Time will tell. |
The Black Cat Came Back | January 4th, 2024 | Felicia comes to Avengers Mansion to rejoin the team! There may not even be fingers crossed behind backs. |
The Christmas Delights | December 6th, 2023 | No description |
SUICIDE SQUAD: Into Space! | November 9th, 2023 | Felicia steals a suitable item to gain the attention of the man known as Thanatos! Now the Suicide Squad must make their move and soon! |
Suicide Squad: The Plot to Kill THANOS! | October 26th, 2023 | Having defeated the Harbingers from Outer Space, Wade and his teammates launch their next plan! |
A Catburglar and a Redhead Walk Into a Bar... | October 12th, 2023 | Felicia and MJ chat at the Swordfish Bar. |
Chasing the Odds | September 16th, 2023 | Trouble! |
It's Fashion, Baby! | August 21st, 2023 | Cats of a motley take measure of each other! |
SUICIDE SQUAD!: You're All Fired | July 27th, 2023 | We're all fired! Or put on leave. Road Trip! |
Crash, Thwip, Zap! | June 30th, 2023 | Floating! |
SUICIDE SQUAD: Atlantic City baby! | June 9th, 2023 | Another Typical Suicide Squad Success |
Suicide Squad: Here we are, Pismo Beach, and all the clams we can eat! | May 16th, 2023 | Operation Atlantic City is a Go. |
Catty in the Museum | May 11th, 2023 | Scene Ended |
Stop Me If You've Heard This One: A Bat, A Cat, and a Bird Meet on a Gotham Rooftop | March 12th, 2023 | The Black Cat crashes a little Kane Family training session in Gotham. Friendly introductions are made and a daring, if spicy escape is had! |
Night at the Museum Spiders Come to See 'Em | February 25th, 2023 | Kaine and Felicia have a run-in over a museum heist. MJ just happens to be on duty as a security guard. After a bit of back and forth, the two finally agree to cooperate. No red-heads were harmed. |
Everybody Wants to be a Cat | February 18th, 2023 | Two cat burglars meet and join forces. |
Where Nobody Speaks Your Name | February 7th, 2023 | Jinx sneaks away to the Bar with No Name for a cold one and runs in to <redacted> and <redacted> where they share some gossip and a drink. |
Cat and Bat games round 2 | February 1st, 2023 | The cat came back... not the very next day. Also, not to the same place. But Kate and Felicia have another chase. No one falls off a building this time, and they find a common bond in thrill-seeking. |
Good Deeds In Mutant Town | January 21st, 2023 | Paths of a half dozen people cross at a homeless shelter and soup kitchen in Mutant Town. |
Cat and Mous- Bat | January 15th, 2023 | Batwoman stumbles upon a burglary, then chases the Black Cat. Who has too many tricks up her sleeve for Kate to counter. But what's a little shove off a roof between frienemies? |
When in France, Diplomatically Speaking.. | January 13th, 2023 | A Black Cat prowls the French Consulate while a Mary Jane stands sentry. Verbal sparring is more the name of the game than clashing steel, but one of the ladies ends up ending the night empty handed when all is said and done! |
A Winter Wandering | January 12th, 2023 | Incomplete. |
Keeping an eye on HYDRA | January 12th, 2023 | Kate Kane visits the Avengers to talk with Janet, Natasha, and Alison about possible HYDRA issues. Felicia Hardy makes an appearance as well. |
Black Cat and the One-Eyed Jack | January 3rd, 2023 | Felicia and Thomas run into each other after a long while at a poker game in the HFC. Stakes are high but a surprising turn of luck sends both of them home with winnings and some rapport. |
SciTech Conference | November 27th, 2022 | The first annual SciTech conference and convention goes off without anything blowing up. Doom gives a history lesson and there is a visit from a Borg Queen! |
The Rededication of Lady Liberty | November 17th, 2022 | The Statue of Liberty is reopened and the journalists take an opportunity to throw poignant questions at the President who is, characteristically, ready for them. Are the Chinese right, is Lex Luthor actually putting weapons in to space? |
Age-Up! | November 7th, 2022 | The 10 year olds meet with Clea to regain their adult selves! |
That's Show Business! - Holiday Hope Release Party | November 4th, 2022 | Another successful release party is had for the Holiday Hope fundraiser. There is an interesting turnout to their guest list. Chimps, Tigers, and 10 year olds, Oh my! |
=Sugar and spice, and everything nice | November 3rd, 2022 | The girls are visited by Clea, who is beginning to find a way to overcome another sorcerer's magicks. Not easy! |
A Rousing Good Time | November 1st, 2022 | Felicia gains some glasses, and Clint wrangles the kids with Happy. |
Vague Temptations | October 31st, 2022 | A simple enough job, with less than simple intricacies. Nothing is as it seems. |
More Trick Than Treat | October 31st, 2022 | An attack by Executioner is a trap for the Avengers. Amora the Enchantress uses Norn stones to turn them into ten year olds who have to fight their way across town to retrieve a cure. |
Hot Stuff | October 23rd, 2022 | Felicia stops by FF Plaza and Johnny gives her a tour |
Hang in There Kitten | October 5th, 2022 | Felicia and Mike strut their stuff at the warped wall |
Tinder, Sparks, Hot Hot Time | September 6th, 2022 | Diana and Felicia show up to a burning building to rescue everyone they can before the building collapses from the damage. Real Heroines. |
Cats in the Gym | August 24th, 2022 | Fade to black. |
The Cat Without a Hat | August 23rd, 2022 | Felicia and Natasha catch up over gym. |
You Meet the Most Interesting People When Shopping | August 21st, 2022 | Fade to black with visit to chocolatier! |
How Do You Handle A Thief | July 26th, 2022 | Clearly what you do is heal them, offer them cannoli and oh yeah, find out you might get to date one. |
Date and a Show | July 24th, 2022 | Incomplete. |
Lunch in Brooklyn | July 12th, 2022 | Sara and Felicia have noodles at Rebecca Yee's noodle place in Brooklyn. |
Cat's in the Kitchen with a Suffering Viv | July 8th, 2022 | Vivian Vision is currently in hiding in the Kitchens at the Avengers Mansion. Felicia gets lured in by the smell of freshly made cake. They chat about current events. Felicia explains why Viv is being irrational. |
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Santa Cecilia | June 23rd, 2022 | Felicia ends up backstage at a Nick Drago concert. |
Dinner... and a show | June 20th, 2022 | No description |
A Little Spar Between Friends | June 17th, 2022 | Sara and Felicia attempt to spar, but Witchblade has something else in mind which leads to troubles. |
Coffee and Tiramisu | June 12th, 2022 | Felicia comes by Sara's house for coffee and tiramisu, and for a some friendly conversation. Things almost go go haywire, but the slates are not cleaned, they remain dirty, and that's perfect. |
Sketch me like one of your cyborgirls | June 12th, 2022 | Viv asks Felicia to model for her. Felicia helps Viv become a more comfortable artist. |
Ever Seen a Cat Wear a ThunderShirt | June 11th, 2022 | Thor returns to the Avengers mansion to drop of party supplies. Felicia stands around gabbing. |
Socialness at the Mansion | June 7th, 2022 | Janet, Felicia, Natasha and Greer chat casually in the Mansion Rec Room; Janet offers Felicia and Greer a job taking on a local gangster. |
Time to do a little training | June 5th, 2022 | Sara heads to the Avenger mansion training room and comes across Felicia, the two sit and talk for a time, getting to know each other. |
Evening Run Ins | May 31st, 2022 | Sometimes small talk leads to awkward departures |
My Outer Space is Out of Fashion | May 23rd, 2022 | Nebula prepares to face her most pernicious foe yet. Fashion. Fortunately, Felicia Hardy arrives to provide backup. Fashion doesn't stand a chance. |
Cat Scratch Fever | May 17th, 2022 | Three girls meet at a cafe. |
Sixth Time's The Charm | May 16th, 2022 | Mike and Felicia run into each other again and they take it to the next level. Someone needs to explain to them the proper order of things. |
Tomorrow's Promises Never Die | April 18th, 2022 | Batgirl discoveres a laundering scheme with a gut feeling there's more to it than that. |
Masters of Evil | March 20th, 2022 | The AVENGERS and other heroes face the MASTERS OF EVIL, lead by the nefarious and feared.. Egghead!? Oh, wait, it's one of those Z-Lister rosters, isn't it? Sigh. |
Hellfire Mardi Gras 2022 | February 23rd, 2022 | The Hellfire Club's Mardi Gras party for 2022 sees a lot of beads earned. |
Surprises Should Come with Some Warning | February 2nd, 2022 | No description |
A Propper First Mission | January 30th, 2022 | Black Cat makes a mistake and requires rescuing. Emma, Mike, Jennifer, Tabitha, and Ted all come to rescue her. They're big damn heroes in a night of horror. |
Buxom Burgers | January 18th, 2022 | They have the meats |
Dial 1 for a Representative | January 6th, 2022 | No description |
Calling the Cat Burglar | January 2nd, 2022 | Emma offers to hire Felicia for a job. Felicia declines. |
Pale Moonlight | December 30th, 2021 | No description |
Cat's in the Cradle with the Silver Spoon | December 28th, 2021 | No description |
Paths Crossing | December 27th, 2021 | Spider-Man is waylaid by the Black Cat, who has some interesting news to share... |
You Have a Debt | December 1st, 2021 | A squad of Avengers and one Titan fought Nazi vampires in Argentina. Further mission details redacted on orders of Power Girl and for the livelihood of Scott Lang. |
Scoping out the new kids | November 30th, 2021 | Natasha takes it upon herself to briefly feel out the new entry to the roster, Felicia Hardy. Natasha comes off way nicer than she actually is! No one dies and no secrets are divulged. |
Cats in Trees | November 30th, 2021 | Morgan Finn, Felicia Hardy and Gilgamesh have a team up to rescue a cat from a tree. |
Please Do Not Hang Up | November 26th, 2021 | An Avenger strikeforce digs deeper into the mystery of the phones by digging deeper into snow in the Swiss Alps. |
We've Been Trying To Reach You | November 22nd, 2021 | The Avengers (and Black Cat) attack a filing company in Ohio based on the insane ramblings of Internet conspiracy theories and spam calls. |
A Walk on the Wild Side | November 16th, 2021 | Rogue finds Black Cat sneaking around and assumes she's about to perform a big heist! |
Holiday Hope Release Party | November 6th, 2021 | The party's on at the Sion! Several homeless shelters reap the rewards |
The Cat and the Teeth | November 2nd, 2021 | The Black Cat learns a little more about what goes bump in the night. |
A Hellfire Halloween | October 28th, 2021 | The Halloween bash at the Hellfire Club goes as planned. Darkness, debauchery, deals, and costumes a plenty. Though, given the shenannigans toward the end, the bar might need to put a hold on jello-shots for the foreseeable future. |
Second Dates Shouldn't be so Stressful | October 22nd, 2021 | Power Girl and Black Cat enjoy time in the city, and as night grows darker, they take a late night stroll on the beach until Power Girl needs to go be Powerful. |
Who's Ever Heard of a Super Blind Date | October 20th, 2021 | Black Cat reaches out with a date for Power Girl. Ends up with a friend, maybe more. |
A Black Cat and a Tyger Walk into a Bar... | October 18th, 2021 | Ty goes out drinking, and meets a Black Cat. Then gets frustrated with a Rabbit throwing fireballs! |
Taking a Moment for Yourself | October 15th, 2021 | Felicia and Lara stumble upon each other nursing drinks. |
Fun Times at the Bolero | October 14th, 2021 | Nick, Thomas, and Felicia are grumpy in different ways |
A Piracy Ship Sails into Gotham's Museum | October 12th, 2021 | Gotham gets a new exhibit, Elektra, Selene, and Ka'shira come to enjoy the treasures and follow a target. Felicia shows up to enjoy a different treasure. |
Friend, Doctor, or Monster | October 10th, 2021 | Nick finds a stray kitten named Felicia |
You Buyin' What I'm Sellin' | July 12th, 2021 | Felicia meets with a contact - only to learn of a doublecross! |
A Stolen Birthday | April 16th, 2021 | The confident and veteran Teen Titan ARGENT apprehends Felicia Hardy, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. while she borrows some jewelry from a purveyor of fine cold cuts. Also none of these words are true. |
Casing An Angel | March 17th, 2021 | Kitty meets Rogue at the lobby of Warren's building, and the two run into Felicia Hardy. Who unbeknownst to them was casing the place. They all go for lunch. |
Hellfire Cub Mardi Gras Party! | February 6th, 2021 | The Hellfire Club threw a successful Mardi Gras Party! Nobody died! |
Black Cat and King | February 1st, 2021 | Shaw and Felicia catch up after his return from Tokyo, Shaw has an idea for a event at the Hellfire Club. |
A Girl's Best Friend | October 22nd, 2020 | Crooks try to rob the Gotham Diamond Exchange and are stopped by Orphan and Spoiler, with the Talon Strix helping them out and taking bullets for Cass. Bart zooms through and helps them so fast no one could see him. Meanwhile Felicia Hardy helps but uses it as a diversion for her own theft. |
Bad Luck/Good Luck | October 18th, 2020 | Spider-Man spots the Black Cat, talks about the Kingpin, and introduces her to Mania. |
A Touch of Crimson | August 15th, 2020 | A Black Cat goes looking for a sword and finds a dragon instead. |
A Moment of Peril | August 13th, 2020 | Spider-Man comes to a fork in the road, and accidentally burns it. |
A Woman Sconed | August 13th, 2020 | The misspelling is intentional.... |
Sorry, Wrong Address | August 4th, 2020 | The Black Cat crosses the path of Deathstroke, and luck is not on her side. |
Coffee Break | July 31st, 2020 | Silk runs across a Black Cat, bad luck ensues. |
Oh Come On | July 31st, 2020 | Luke Cage makes a friend by accident. |
Knock-off Spider-Man Sale | July 23rd, 2020 | Spider-Man recruits a Thief for a Suicide Mission (Or just for Crime Fighting) |
A new look for 'Spider-man', stumbling across Black Cat | July 21st, 2020 | Johnny impersonates Spider-Man, Black Cat didn't buy it. |
Vulnerabilities | June 29th, 2020 | Felicia tries to learn to shoryuken someone, but is told to go to bed and heal instead. |
A Hellfire Masquerade | June 28th, 2020 | A Hellfire Masquerade Ball! |
Freeze Frames in Mutant Town | June 27th, 2020 | Wanda Maximoff helps host a charity event, crossing paths with a Black Cat and connecting with a Spider. |
=Malfunction | June 27th, 2020 | No description |
Cat as Catch Can | June 24th, 2020 | Felicia meets Peter, and talk about really big...swords. |
The Burden of Responsibility | June 23rd, 2020 | The Cat and the Spider meet up, share philosophies and contact info. |
Met Gala: Mandate of Heaven | June 22nd, 2020 | The Met Gala brings together the city and unleashes medieval artifacts far and wide! |
A tale of Two Kitties | June 20th, 2020 | Spider-Man meets up with Tigra, crosses the Black Cat's path, and gets close to a Singularity. |
Crossing Paths | June 17th, 2020 | Spider-Man has a Black Cat cross his path (again)...hilarity ensues. |
Chat Contre Chat | May 30th, 2020 | Alexander may have upended Felicia's plans by flipping himself from prey to predator in a |
Stark's Yacht Party | May 28th, 2020 | Tony Stark has a birthday party! |
Moral Compass | May 27th, 2020 | Felicia Hardy meets a young man named Alexander whose questions on morality rival her own ideas...and doubts. |
A Shocking Turn of Events | May 3rd, 2020 | Cat breaks into a museum only to find she wasn't the first one there. |
As Luck Would Have It... | April 18th, 2020 | Felicia meets up with the mysterious John Jones, only to find that he has already unraveled some of her own mysteries. |
Medical Cat-astrophes | April 14th, 2020 | Felicia Hardy attends a medical seminar and gets a sudden and unplanned demonstration of the disease afflicting him. |
Breakfast with Bat and Cat | April 3rd, 2020 | Dr. Morbius has a Black Cat cross his path, but his luck might improve by it. |
The Whole Ball of Yarn | March 20th, 2020 | The Black Cat may have met her match in the new security guard at the auction house. |
Home Ground | March 12th, 2020 | A Black Cat shows up and gets invited to dinner with the Parkers. |
Catch as Cat Can | March 2nd, 2020 | Spider-Man meets with the Black Cat, and there is something dangerous about every part of it. |
When Paths Are Crossed... | February 19th, 2020 | A Black Cat crosses Spidey's path, and his luck changes forever. |
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Felicia Hardy has
193 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
The Death of Felicia Hardy | August 23rd, 2024 | After an evening out on patrol, Spider-Man is seconds too late to stop Felicia from tripping an explosive that consumes her entire penthouse in an explosion, taking her with it. |
Of Love and Man-Spider | July 5th, 2024 | After taking Mary Jane to a SHIELD safehouse for medical attention, Felicia returns to her penthouse to process Peter's transformation into the Man-Spider |
Entertainment Credits
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Felicia Hardy has been credited in
0 shows.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
No shows submitted yet. |
Felicia Hardy has been credited in
0 albums.
Title | Release Date | Artist |
No music submitted yet. |
Felicia Hardy has authored
0 books.
Title | Release Date | Synopsis |
No books submitted yet. |
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Group Memberships
Felicia Hardy has been listed in 2 groups.