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Latest revision as of 14:00, 25 August 2022

Cats in the Gym
Date of Scene: 24 August 2022
Location: Avengers Mansion - Training Facility
Synopsis: Fade to black.
Cast of Characters: Felicia Hardy, Greer Grant

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Back at the Avenger's mansion, Felicia had reached out to Greer after running into him at the mall the other day and had texted that she had so many burning questions, but sometimes schedules never quite cross right. The thief and model tending to do more of her living in the evening to deep in the night. Tonight is no different as she finds herself in the quite early morning hours with the thrum of the night humming through the mansion, even in the training room with a singular light on over the balance beam, lighting up the single occupant.

    Felicia stands tall, or handstands tall, feet pointed to the air and her legs sheathed in tight black spandex, like it's painted on her supple form. She wears two sports bras, for safety and constraint sake, with her hair finally tied into a loose lazy pony-tail bun, that's messy and shows off her volume but keeps it out of her face, mostly.

    A deep breath as she spins slowly, lowering her feet to be parallel with the ground, like a thick helicopter blade as she spins, focusing on her breathing and her hand placements.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Questions in a situation like this are certainly to be expected. Greer would have them if their roles were reversed, after all, and now that the cat's out of the bag, so to speak, he's more open to addressing them. Schedules are schedules, though, so things don't sync up quite right until this early morning. Sure it's a strange time for normal folks, but Tigra is 1) a cat, and 2) an Avenger, and so he's found his way down to the training area.
    He enters quietly, not intending to be stealthy, but as mentioned, is a cat, and quiet usually comes easily. He needs no additional light, so leans against a wall for a moment, watching Felicia at work, checking out her form, and, well, her form. The spinning is analyzed professionally, s/he knows what a move like that takes for someone without powers.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    The former gymnast keeps herself in shape it seems by keeping up her routine. That would explain the callouses and cuts and injuries on her hands, that she rarely hides when out in public, but to see her actually pushing herself is something to behold. She does put on the airs of valley girl, or fashion model, or thief, or Avenger, but the girl certainly can put in the effort and the work.

    Still upside down, she grips the balance beam as she lowers herself by bending backwards at her waist until her rear leg is on the beam and her other is still pointed skywards, toes perfectly pointed. Then once her weight shifts to her feet her hands let go of the beam and she seems to bend further at the waist inhumanly, but practiced until she's rightside up and standing next to her own leg which then lowers to the beam.

    Without much ado though, she moves to sit on the beam, and crosses her legs and speaks, "Heya Greer!" Not loudly, not to ruin the dark and the quiet, but loud enough to be heard clearly. "You don't have to stalk me like your prey." Felicia teases and then lowers her voice and volume, "Unless you want to."

Greer Grant has posed:
    A soft clap from Tigra when Felicia calls out to him, one of appreciation for her pose. "Cats stalk everything, don't you know," he says with a soft chuckle as he approaches. "Haven't had a lot of opportunity to see you at work before. That's impressive," he says about her routine. "Not something I could've done before I got furry, not without a -lot- of practice and training, at least." His tail sweeps back and forth lazily as he leans his side against the beam, facing Felicia.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia sits on the beam, hands on it, her bottom on it and her ankles on it, as she somehow sits crosslegged on the olympic beam, not even four inches thick. "Oh, me neither, it took me a LOT of practice and training. I'm nothing special in that regards." Felicia says, smiling down at herself and then back over to Tigra as he leans against the beam, which is also at the regulation four plus feet.

    "Bet you could do it now no problem, or could have, though I bet your center of balance is all off since the newest version of you came out into the world." Felicia says, frowning as she tries to censor herself but finds she just wants to look away in case she said something wrong or offensive.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Never say you aren't special. If you want to say anyone can do it, or something like that, go ahead, but don't ever talk yourself down," Greer says seriously, but not scoldingly. He leans to the side a bit, looking past her at the beam beyond her, considering it. "I could do it," he says with a slight nod. "Haven't tried that exact pose, but I'm still nimble and agile. Maybe a smidge less, and maybe a smidge stronger. I am -definitely- still getting used to my center of balance, though," he agrees. he tilts his head a bit at the frown. "Something wrong?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "No! Nothing." Felicia says rapidly as she looks away from Greer, running a damaged hand over her face, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear before she shifts on the beam, and has one knee up against her chest and the other leg danging off the side as she lowers a hand, to Greer, "Come on up. I'll help you." She says with a smile. "I won't let you fall, not that you need my help." She says, grinning ear to ear showing off her teeth.

Greer Grant has posed:
A slightly skeptical eyebrow goes up at that. No that he doesn't think Felicia could help him up, but play implying that he needs it. "I'm not -that- far off my game," he says dryly. He leans forward into a handstand, lifts his legs straight up and pivots so he's facing away from the beam. he leans backwards, hooking his knees onto it, takes up his weight with his legs and pulls himself upright, sitting on the balance beam facing in the other direction. "I've been practicing a little."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia rises to her own feet and moves to sit casually on the end of the beam and gives a soft applaud to Greer as she watches him work his way up onto the beam. "I didn't think you needed the help. I just. Sorry." She says, fumbling slightly over her words. After a slight pause, Felicia looks back and asks, "Do you want me to get off. Give you all the space you need?" The thief asks, smiling softly up to the more cat of the two cat themed Avengers present.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "I wasn't offended,"Greer tries to assure her, offering a quick grin. "Just playing along. Usually takes a fair bit to ruffle my fur, and situations like this call for more flexibility." A shake of his head at her offer. "I'm not here to work out, not right now. You said you had questions, and this seemed a good opportunity to see if you wanted to ask any." An exaggeratedly slow shrug. "Of course, if you want to get off, well that's your own business."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Rolling her eyes and pouting slightly, "I think I'll stay right here." She teases, and remains seated on the end of the beam, watching with a sort of intensity of someone who notices the minutest of details for a living. She is watching how he moves, how his muscles flex and strain beneath his fur and a sense of awe washes over Felicia. She softly bites at her lower lip, watching the man.

    "Okay, I think the obvious one first, what's it like being a man suddenly? What is different, what's the same? Is your mind different too? How's peeing standing up?" She teases with the last question.

Greer Grant has posed:
    There's a predator's grace and strength to his movements, perhaps a little bit less restrained than before, as he adjusts. His body language is still a mix of masculine and feminine. Sometimes in a more feminine posture, other times shifting to sit more like a "normal" male, making room for the equipment. "A lot's different," he says after a bit of consideration. "I mean, everything moves and feels different. The hips don't sway like they did, I don't bounce up here," he says with a tap against his chest, "like I did. Body tries to lead more from the shoulders than the hips."
    He purses his lips before continuing. "I don't know if my mind's different or not. If it is, I don't think it's drastically so. Like, at the mall, with you and Jen. I always could appreciate how attractive you both are, in your separate ways. It comes easy to me, I'm something of a sensualist even before this, can take someone attractive for what they are, respecting the effort they put into it, and that's as far as it goes. Sometimes I feel a bit further, and not used to that with women. I don't know if that's to be expected for someone in my shoes," here he wiggles his shoeless toes, "or if it's only a result of the change." A broad grin. "Now peeing standing up, I have to admit, that is nice. Really, really weird, getting less so each time, but definitely quicker and easier."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia sits quietly and listens very intently to her team mate, and someone she wishes she could have called friend before now, but that's how life shakes out sometimes. She smirks and even laughs at the bouncing comment, but keeps her retort to herself, as Greer is certainly explaining things and opening himself up to be vulnerable in a way Felicia rarely allows herself to be.

    She laughs deeply, nearly in a sing song sort of way at the peeing comments and synopsis, like he's reviewing a movie, or talking about jogging. It's so mind boggling to Felicia she can't help but laugh at it. "Y'know, I always found you attractive, and yet currently, as you are now..." Felicia says, biting her lower lip as she looks to Greer with a judging eye. "There's a magnetism to you I can't ignore."

Greer Grant has posed:
"Well thank you," Tigra says a grin at being found attractive previously. He then glances down at himself. I don't know about magnetism, but I know I'm good looking like this," he agrees. "And that's not ego. I mean, I see my reflection and appraise it as a woman, so, yeah, kinda hot," he says with false smugness. "Definitely may be something to the magnetism, though, considering how the girl with the symbiote seemed quite taken with me."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "I'm certainly taken with you, but I had to hold my tongue, Jen was right there and ready to beat me up if I didn't stop flirting with you." Felicia admits, and takes a deep breath, with a sparkle in her eye as she takes the moment in. The singular light on, shining only on them, and yet, they're behaving and simply enjoying the balance beam. "I was trying to be respectful and not pounce on you then and there and get us kicked out of the mall." Felicia says, lifting a hand to make a clawing with a paw motion next to her cheek as a sort of joke between the cats.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "I dunno, Jen seemed to be enjoying it a bit, herself, but I could be mistaken." A sly grin, now. "Course, can't say anything about not getting kicked out of the mall. That would've been something else entirely. And to think, hadn't even shown you the speedo yet," Tigra half quips, half teases. "Who knows what might've happened then?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia stands up then, and slowly pads her way down the balance beam, barefeet sliding across the material, worn and abused but sturdy. Sauntering over to Greer, Felicia stops a breath's distance away from the tiger man and puts a hand out to him, to rest on his forearm. "Oh, I have a VERY good idea what would have happened then. And I'm almost certain it'd be worth it."

Greer Grant has posed:
    His hips don't sway as much right now, but he certainly sees felicia's are working just fine in that department, and his tail gives a flick of approval at the sight. He very lightly flexes his forearm, tickling with the fur a bit. "I'll certainly admit, I'm curious, and, well, curious," he murmurs, a touch huskily. "Certainly could be nice to see everything on this side of the street."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia's fingers flex softly against the fur of Greer's arm, and the muscles beneath and she twitches, her eyebrows rising and her eye dialating for the briefest moment as her breath catches. "I'm quite curious myself." Felicia says as she puts her other hand up on the same arm and she rises up on the balls of her feet as she leans forwards, slowly closing her eyes, moving in to gently press her lips to his but she stops. An inch away from him, curious still and not entirely lost to her lusts.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra's not exactly lost in her lusts, but they're certainly new to him, with this equipment, this body, these hormones, this view. He's thinking clearly, but isn't sure that he wants to. He leans in for a light kiss, letting it linger, just for a moment. "Kissed a girl, and I liked it," he says softly. "Don't know that this is a good idea, though. I am...insanely...curious, I'll admit, but we should think about this."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia's heart flutters rapidly, a feeling she hasn't felt since before her break up, and the kiss is soft, a peck, a press of lips and nothing more, she pulls back and does need to catch her breath though. She moves a step back as he speaks, and she smiles, brushing her hair behind her ear again and then leaning back on the heel of her foot, allowing her hand to slide off his furry arm. "I- Think- Curious- Nnn-Yeah. Yeah. Think. We should," A heavy sigh escapes from her lips as she looks away with her blue eyes, "Yeah, we should think about it."

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra glances down at Felicia's chest for a moment as she pulls away. Yeah, that's a nice view from here. "Believe me, I definitely appreciate the interest, and the interest is returned," he says with a quick, toothy grin. "Stuff like this between teammates, though, can get tricky, and I'll be up front with you, I haven't been a one man gal, well one person cat, for a long time. And after I change back..." a small shrug. "Let's think on this, and after thinking come at this again, if we're both still 'curious.'"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "I'm not asking you to be a one woman cat, or man cat either way." Felicia says, looking up, and then back down at her own chest, before looking back into his. "But yeah, I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Felicia explains, swallowing at the fear building up in her throat. "Sure. Thinking on it seems like the adult, proper thing to do." The thief admits, but it's obvious her heart isn't in it, but she's not forcing the issue, or pulling any mean tricks. She's being respectful, and yet truthful with her team mate. "I've just been so alone since things ended with Power Girl, and you're so stupidly hot." Felicia smirks with a gesture of her hands towards the orange furred man. She's obviously frustrated, but doing her best to not push that back onto Greer.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra laughs gently at being called stupidly hot. "I emphasize, I really do," he says. "Don't want to hurt you, don't want to see problems develop. I don't want to offer what's not mine to give, and don't want you to think I'm promising more than I am." He lifts a hand up to gently cup her cheek, fuzzy hand warm against her skin if she permits it. "We take a step back, cool off a little, and, well, then maybe go ahead with getting hot and bothered."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia's face turns, and lifts to press her cheek into his hand, her own quickly lifting up to press against the back of his hand to hold him there, so she can feel warmth again. Even if it is briefly. "I don't think you'd hurt me. Plus, that's part of the risk of having a heart. It's going to be broken some times. Sometimes it won't." She says softly before letting Greer have his hand back. "Take you're time Greer. I'm around, and I'm already hurt, so what's the chance at hurting more?" She says, turning away, and stepping off the side of the balance beam and walking away slowly, not trying to shake her rear, but she can't help how she's made. And she slowly walks out of the single light, leaving Tigra there should he choose to stay.