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Latest revision as of 01:03, 27 August 2022

Pigless Iron
Date of Scene: 25 August 2022
Location: Klein's Bottles
Synopsis: Donovan comes into Klein's Bottles looking for help after someone powdered his apartment floor with iron. Luckly, Detective Chimp was there to take the case!
Cast of Characters: Donovan Rowland, Detective Chimp, Delores Klein

Donovan Rowland has posed:
    Donovan steps through the door of Klein's Bottle looking much more nervous than usual - one might even say scared. His normal ambivalence and low-key demeanor has been replaced in his expression by an excess of coffee and a hollow sort of panic; the brim of a plain brown hat rests lower over his eyes a little, and he's fully layered in his long coat and gloves. He only removes his hat once he's stepped fully into the shop and looked around a little.
    He spots Delores and ... is that a chimpanzee? The old man just pauses a moment before approaching the pair, glancing between Delores and the chimpanzee. "Delores- Ms. Klein." He tries to give a polite nod to the chimp, unsure if or how to communicate with him. "Sorry t' interrupt, kinda important. I- uh, need a- recommendation, you could say. M- my apartment was broken into."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp is there yes, not only is he a chimpanzee, but he is a chimp wearing slightly singed clothes, and fur looks like it may have been singed too. He is looking to Delores, "Yea, need something to help with hair growth as it grows back out if you have it. Was a booze demon and it sorta went boom. It will grow back in time, just thinking give it a boost."

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores is leaned over the counter to talk to Detective Chimp. She's smiling, as they are at least friendly toward each other. She loooks up at Donovan and raises her eyebrow, her dimples not fading through that whole entrance. "Oh?" she says. She looks at the chimpanzee. "Seems a little mundane for you, but at least I can help you with the hair thing." She stands up and admits, "Though, it's going to be a special order." She looks at Donovan. "So, why does this have you so scared?" she asks.

Donovan Rowland has posed:
    The talking chimpanzee... surprises Donovan, but not terribly. At this point, he's starting to expect things like this. "Why does this have me so scared?" Donovan's expression darkens somewhat, morphing into a scowl. "I- I walked into my apartment and found the place covered in iron dust. Imagine walkin' into your own apartment and findin' the floor covered in scaldin' hot coals. The police won't do anything about it. Th- they investigated the breakin' and enterin' for a bit, but nothing got stolen, nobody got hurt, so there isn't much they can do. But for my home to be covered in iron..." Donovan slows down and takes a deep breath, emitting a low growl. "Someone wants to send me a message. Frankly, I'm scared outta my mind and I need a detective who's familiar with supernatural business. Nobody else will care or know what to do, and I'm not good enough an investigator to do any of it myself."

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores's smile of enthusiastic friendship turns to one of concern for her friend. "That's terrible," she says. She gestures at the detective before her and says, "You're in luck! My friend here is one of the best detectives I know. Just let him clearly know what's supposed to remain secret, and he's good at keeping those as well." She smooths her hands over her apron. "There. Job well done by me, I think." She looks with a playfully renewed smile at Bobo. "I'll just go brew you something, shall I?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over to Delores as the man needing a detective. He will turn putting his hat back on his head, and "Hello, I'm Detective Chimp." He says introducing himself "So, who know you have a connection to the fae, did you write an article that has upset someone recently? He scratches his chin a moment, and says "Or maybe ticked someone else off or made a deal with someone?"

Donovan Rowland has posed:
    "Hello. I'm Donovan." His eyes widen slightly as the chimp starts to rattle off things only someone who knew him would know... or so he thought. The badge in his coat, the way he stood, the gloves he wore, all told more than he could imagine about him. "... Y-you- how did you know I'm aligned with the fae? Uh, the only people who know are... Delores, some friends in New England, and members of either of the fairy courts. Other than that, nobody knows I'm anything more than human. Clearly you're no joke, though."
    He exhales, glancing around superstitiously again before continuing. "I haven't written any articles that would piss anyone off. I'm retired, y'see - I only write freelance, just basic stuff when I feel like it on my blog or for small businesses. And I certainly haven't struck any deals. I only moved to New York a few weeks ago, and I've hardly even met anyone."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks to the man and says "Well, Fae is the most common to use Iron again, a few others, but was an educated guess, and your wearing your press pass in your hat still" He tells the man explaining a bit of how he figured things out. "So, this is someone who knows of your connection but probably not fae themselves. or if so acting through someone, as most would not risk being exposed to Iron just for a warning.

Donovan Rowland has posed:
    Donovan nods. "I see... y-yes, that makes the most sense. There's virtually no chance the person is fae themself, but someone who knows I'm fae... well, it's certainly not Delores - I'd hope - and my friends from New England aren't fae, but they wouldn't do anything like this. We all grew up together since elementary school, and besides, they're still in Massachusetts. Someone from the Seelie Court wouldn't do this, either, as we're on the same side of things. But those of the Unseelie Court also have the same aversion to iron, to my memory... so it would have to be someone connected to them, or maybe a hired hand. At most, maybe a fanatic, possibly even half-fae. Those are just my thoughts."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods his head a bit and pulls out his cell phone and says "Mind giving me the location of the blog you mention, maybe there is something these you did not notice." He then adds "How many haters you have following you, have any idea?"

Donovan Rowland has posed:
    "Uh, dunno. It's drowlandmedia dot blogspot dot com," he enunciates, before adding, "I wouldn't have any idea what kinds of haters I'd have. I just write about history that interests me or random filler pieces on that blog. Think I update it maybe once or twice a month. My Twitter is 'at' DRowlandMedia, but I haven't posted there in years either."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods his head a bit to this and says "Well, I will read over both and see if there is anything there. I would like to have a look at your place, see if there is anything the cops did not find or mess up. You have not cleans up yet have you?

Donovan Rowland has posed:
    Donovan shakes his head. "Nope. I didn't touch a thing. I opened the door, smelled the iron, peeked my head through to look around, and then called the cops. Whatever they touched, it was with gloves on."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, a bit and says "Hold on a moment." He steps to the side and makes a call "Hey George, yea it is DC, you remember when you told me you owed me one for the finance officer, who was trying to hid his embezzling with the murder? Yea well, I got a small bit of information I need to know. You had a call recently at." He pauses and looks to Donovan for his address.

Donovan Rowland has posed:
    "Uh-" Donovan leans in and mutters his address to the chimp. It's an apartment just a few blocks away from Klein's Bottles, so at least it isn't far or difficult to reach.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods and tells the address "Let me know who was on the call, If you can get me what they found great it, not least I know about what level of checking they did." He is quiet for a bit listening to the reply

Delores Klein has posed:
    While all this is going on, Delores is listening while messing with some dried herbs, crushing them up with her hands and mixing them. She reaches under the counter and pulls out a small thing of what's labeled as 'crisco' though the color is wrong for that. She pours in the hand-crunched herbs and puts the cap on, shaking vigorously for most of the conversation.
    She clears her throat with some intent. Holding out the bottle of homogeneous substance, she says to Bobo, "We'll discuss payment later. That should only stimulate the follicles, not generate new ones. Hair just like it was," she says with a proud-of-herself smile. She puts her hands on her hips. "I expect thank you cards from each of you, now git. This is still a public storefront, even if we don't get many customers. Don't want you two to let something private slip to ears that shouldn't hear."

Donovan Rowland has posed:
    "Right. Thank you and sorry, Ms. Klein." Donovan puts his hat back on and tilts it in her direction for a moment, giving a weary, apologetic smile. Turning to Detective Chimp, he nods and gives a small exhale. "Thank you. My own connections only extend as far as the newsrooms or I wouldn't have you call in favors... can't get any information if it didn't pass through a Northeastern newsroom. Shall we?"