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Starport: Gardens in the Middle of the Sea
Date of Scene: 29 August 2022
Location: Central Gardens - Atlantic Starport
Synopsis: Ororo visits the Starport and is greeted by none other than the Black Panther himself for the start of a little tour. Some of what they discuss may hold more than one meaning to it.
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Ororo Munroe

T'Challa has posed:
The Wakandan ship docked at the arrival platforms, and a contingent of people exited the craft. How Wakanda even has things like that are sure to be a question for some later, perhaps sooner than not, but in the lead is King T'Challa himself. Shuri nearly matches him step for step to one side, and they are flanked by a group of Dora Milaje along with half a dozen other representatives trailing behind. He is in his Black Panther guise, and after brief consultation with his sister, she leads the others off with her for another section of the Starport. Only Okoye remains behind with him.

The two of them make their way to the central gardens, where they are expecting another. "Do you think she will already be awaiting us, or will we be there first?" he asks Okoye. "Friendly wager?" The stern-looking woman, bald but resplendent in her own uniform, cracks a hint of a smile. "Only if I decide the terms. How much do you trust me?" His mask hides any visible reaction to this as he remarks, "Only with my life. I will say she is there now, looking over the flowers."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
It is rare for the King of Wakanda to be left waiting, but here it is. It does happen, apparently, as now is just one of those moments. As the pair walk towards the gardens, Storm is above the waves. Some would have a difficult time finding a floating structure in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, but it isn't for the weather witch. One of her gifts is being able to sense pretty much anything in the world, should she try, and in this case, she is not only trying, but looking forward to landing.

As the two arrive, Ororo is only touching down, her windswept hair settling upon her shoulders. She wears the clothes of a slightly cooler clime, but holds on to the colors of nature. Jeans, a long tunic with vibrant reds, oranges, yellows grace her form, with a pair of boots. She lands slowly, assuredly, and turns her head quickly in order to see if she can't catch sight of T'Challa.

Her arrival, of course, is noted by those tracking the air, and once they determine that she is indeed a 'friendly', defenses begin to stand down.

T'Challa has posed:
Identification is rapid enough that there is no outward sign of any kind that the flier is being tracked during her approach.

Numerous people congregate in the main gardens, with mostly Themysciran-designed buildings in the directions leading away from the center. A cursory scan of the area reveals no sign yet of the Windrider, and Okoye's expression shifts to one of victory. "I will reveal the consequences of your wager at a later time. As they are fond of saying, 'you owe me.'"

If there's disappointment, it fails to show in Black Panther's body language. "Very well. I shall live in dread of that moment. Ah. There she is now." He leads the way along a path through different types of greenery, fountains nearby that empty out into pools, artwork of various styles also mixed in. "They have done good work with this," he adds.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
The approach is met with Storm turning to face them, a warm smile lighting her features. In the gardens, she holds a certain amount of serenity; here, there is peace in her manner, mien, and outwardly, there is a soft, warm breeze that seems to embrace those in the area. She cants her head briefly, brows rising at the presence of the Black Panther rather than simply T'Challa, but it passes easily and without comment.

Inclining her head, Ororo greets the two, first T'Challa, then Okoye. "King T'Challa." Even with her words, the warmth of the sun feels bright upon the grounds. Her attention turns towards Okoye, the ever faithful, adding, "It is good to see you in good health." That, of course, is meant for both.

Once done, however, Storm holds her hand out, palm down, to reach for T'Challa's; a more personal touch. Intimacy amongst friends.

T'Challa has posed:
Black Panther's footfalls are silent thanks to the technology in the suit he wears. It's something that, in situations that call for it, makes it even easier for him to make use of his particular abilities with less chance of being noticed before he wants to be. Arms cross during the white-haired woman's approach, and he takes note of her mood around this place. "Ororo. I might say the same of you. We will see about mine, eventually. It is because of you I have lost a bet to Okoye." He tries to sound miffed, but it doesn't quite reach.

Okoye merely greets Ororo politely, speaking in a stage-whisper, "One day he will learn. Today is not that day."

The King extends a hand in return. The fingers have a slightly thicker appearance to them, given the costume's features, but the claws remain sheathed. "Is this your first time to the Starport?" he asks of the mutant.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
There is a mock expression of concern and contriteness that forms upon Ororo's visage, blue eyes gleaming to declare the lie. "One day perhaps, then, you.." When Okoye gives expression to the weather goddess' thought, she can't help but laugh. "Please accept my most heartfelt apologies," obviously heartfelt, with the smile that creeps upon her face. Obviously.

Taking his hand, Ororo squeezes it gently, fondly before surrendering it, and steps forward, now curious, though she won't give it voice quite yet. "It is. The whispers about it were too much for me. To hear of the gardens, however, and the fact that you could show them off?" Turning slightly, gracefully, Ororo looks to the flowers, the green of life that lies before them in the middle of the blue. "I could not resist."

T'Challa has posed:
The Wakandan man saves Ororo the need to wonder overly long. "It was merely about who would arrive first. Evidently, Okoye still knows women better than I do." It is a joke, of course, or an attempt at one, but the highest-ranking member of the Dora Milaje has returned to her usual demeanor, that of a no-nonsense warrior ready to kick butt. She doesn't even laugh or smile at what is said.

Black Panther returns the gesture casually before advancing, using the same hand to gesture around them. "It is a joint project the likes of which the world has not seen before. Its existence alone will bring questions. Understanding the people responsible for it will surely mean more. Rest assured we have accounted for every precaution and scenario reasonably imaginable. The combined defenses are many steps past simply adequate."

Indicating the plant life and the displays provided by each set of people behind the Starport, he adds, "It is our hope that people will appreciate the opportunity to learn more of us while enjoying what they can see here. Many of the groups that exist have already agreed to have a presence of their own here, so you are sure to see some of them from time to time. Even your people are about," he explains, of the X-Men.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Ah," as if T'Challa's explanation covers it all. It does, really, and she's not at all surprised, and looks it. There is still that gleam in clear blue eyes as she looks fondly behind at the stalwart guard and she nods ever so slightly. "Wise advisor as well." Ororo takes it as offered, the jest amusing, and the fond expression is turned back to the leather-suited monarch.

In his words, she can hear the pride, the no little effort taken to make all this a reality while hiding the truth from the world. Even now, and Ororo turns around to take in the panoramic view of the complex. Still, she always returns to the green; to the life. "There will be questions about Wakanda." It's a given. "I hope you are fully prepared for it."

Storm sounds as if she speaks from experience, and in a way, she does. Xavier's has been a secret for so long, and it's hard to know how much is known and how much is still guess and conjecture. She turns her face up to the Panther made human, and her offer is genuine. "If you need my help, please.. all you need do is ask."

T'Challa has posed:
Black Panther stops before a set of paintings that show elements of all three places involved with the Starport, giving some details without revealing secrets. "As prepared as I believe we can be," he answers, glancing Ororo's way as Okoye begins to slip more into the background. Constant vigilance.

"I have wrestled with the way to do this. There is always the press conference. I can control what is shared that way. I would rather avoid having to explain things after something has happened, but some people back home are still not ready for this. They may never be." There is a certain weight to his words, indicating how much it is on his mind.

Then he adds, "The same promise is extended to you, of course. Wakanda will be a friend to those who strive for peace." Again, he gestures toward the representatives of the Starport, whether building it or helping look after it.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo nods her head slowly in T'Challa's words, both in the meaning and the weight that she so knows that is behind them. If he says he'd wrestled with it, it probably meant many, many sleepless nights, many conferences with friends, family and advisors, full in the knowledge that ultimately it all falls upon his shoulders.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown?

Storm can understand all too well. Even if she isn't with 'her people' back in Africa, her heart is always with them, and their safety is her honor. Her reach is such that they'll not suffer, but now her attention is focused on the needs where she is. They are also 'her people'.

"Wakanda is a place that is held dear," Storm looks to the paintings, the sculptures, and the carefully tended gardens. She steps forward only to crouch near one, and as she reaches to touch the leaf, a small area at the roots looks damp where it hadn't been before. Even though she's still tending the growth, her words are for her friend, "Any who seek to move against her will bear my displeasure," is murmured. "Just as I offer my pledge for .." There's a pause before, "My people.. and my nation."

T'Challa has posed:
"Secrets inevitably have a way of being found out, given enough time," Black Panther says, walking along the path so the two can continue their conversation while seeing different things. Others take separate paths, some watching the pair. "It is in part because of this that it is such an important matter to deal with. It will allow Wakanda to aid those in need more easily, without having to go through unnecessary channels to mask the truth. However, some of my people fear it will bring the outside world in as invaders. They forget what every Black Panther has sworn to since the beginning. Wakanda is under my protection, and that will not change."

Good sleep, bad sleep, or no sleep, it is all the same in the end when it comes to that. "I know you will help if it comes to it, and you know I will as well. But, I would have us enjoy the beauty before us rather than worry over tomorrow or the day after that. There will be time for such things. What do you think of the design? The buildings, the trees, the flowers?"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
She's very aware of those around her; Ororo can feel them, feel their energies. They're watching their King, some are watching Black Panther, and this as of yet unknown woman that walks beside him so comfortably, naturally.

Rising to her full height once more after tending the plant, Ororo nods her assent and acknowledgment before she looks beside her to the handsome man she knows that is within that suit. "I would also enjoy the beauty before us. Something to be treasured. This is truly an oasis. I'm very happy that someone had thought it important enough to add it. Particularly in the central area so to move anywhere across, one has to move through here, and in doing so, runs the risk of losing the stress that may have a hold on them." That's how she feels about the garden!

Resisting the urge to draw her arm through his to take it due to the public nature of the outing, Storm puts her hands behind her back and looks at the buildings as they stroll. "I can see how they've incorporated the core, but I would love to bring more of nature in. Can we?"

T'Challa has posed:
Some are Wakandan, some are not. Certainly, the Wakandans keep a watchful eye on their King, but the Black Panther is a source of interest for others as well. With the suit and mask, with its shaped ears, the look of the panther in human form is an obvious inspiration, and the Panther Habit around his neck and shoulders is a match with a few other parts of the appearance.

"At times, we must remember to slow down and enjoy the things that are before us," he states, and while he is mainly looking at the greenery and all its color, one might guess at whether there's more to the words than just that. "Nature does have a way of helping some of us find our centers, our balance. There is peace in serenity."

The mask succeeds in hiding his reactions, perhaps to Ororo's chagrin. It is a way of allowing him to keep the mystery up. "If you would like to speak to the ones responsible for the design, that could be arranged. Is there a place you would like to see next?"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Wakandan and not, Ororo Monroe is an unknown woman that is walking beside Black Panther, a known Avenger. Watchful eyes are on their king, watchful eyes are on the lithe, white haired woman that walks beside him with a casual, natural air.

At T'Challa's words, Storm tilts her head to look again at the masked man beside her, and a smile touches at the tip of her lips. "I find that the more time spent with something cherished, the time apart is when one realizes the value." With the finality of those words, her smile increases, and those entwined fingers unravel from behind her. In the next moment, one of those free hands snakes in and behind/around one of the Black Panther's arms, and it settles into a most natural pose.

"I will speak to them later," comes as a promise. Instead, her words are soft, and they lift on the light breeze created for the moment, "I would love to see some of the things created by Wakanda, and your lovely sister."