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Latest revision as of 13:08, 31 August 2022

Stay Humble. Work hard. Pet cats.
Date of Scene: 29 August 2022
Location: 105 W 29th - Jon and Cael's Apartment
Synopsis: It's an evening of unexpected surprises for Jon.
Cast of Characters: Cael Becker, Jonathan Sims

Cael Becker has posed:
    Having returned from Mercy's garage, Cael is in the kitchen - heating the kettle for some tea, as she makes a little tray with some of the snickerdoodle cookies. There's also a little wrapped bundle on the tray with wrapping paper featuring cats in party hats. Cael is almost certain the paper was designed for a little girl's birthday party - and she's also certain that she gives zero fucks about the fact.
    At her feet, Bear wags his tail, looking up towards the counter as if waiting for treats to fall.
    "Don't be such a dork, Bear. I'm not giving you Jon's //snickerdoodles.// Go lick Nimue or something, huh?" she urges him, giving the pup a nudge with one of her feet, as she loads loose tea leaves into the teapot.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon comes in via portal, looking drained and weary. "I'm home," he calls, voice sounding as drained as he looks. There's flecks of /something/ on him, maybe ashes, but otherwise he's still wearing the bright colors he put on when he left to go talk to Megan Gwynn with Chas and Rien.

    "Well, that was... mostly a win," he comments as he deposits his collapsed staff on a hook near the front door. "Megan asked us to just... exorcise her and get it over with. Seems to be the route people want--get outside help for their troubles." He shakes his head. "So she let her 'demon' out, and we had a bit of a scuffle, and Chas grabbed her soul dagger and tossed it to me. I burned off the webs and captured the bit of the Mother of Puppets that was infecting her, put it in a crystal in the Velvet Room."

    They come into the kitchen and wraps an arm around Cael, leaning down to give her a kiss on the cheek. "What's all this, then?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Oh, I stopped in to see Mercy - and did a bit of shopping," Cael explains - tilting her head back so she can kiss Jon on their chin. "I stumbled on something I thought you'd like, and I couldn't help myself. And I'm glad I got the timing right - the water's about to-" The kettle lets out a musical beep, causing Cael to add an amused, "...beep." She pours the hot water into the kettle, swishes it around once, and then fills it up to let it soak. "Uhhh... how long a timer do set for tea?" she asks uncertainly. "Was it four minutes? Computer, set a four minute timer."
    Cream and sugar are on the tray already - and she picks the whole thing up, giving Jon a gentle nudge to get them off her so she can carry it over to the couch. "So Megan's alright, then? That's good at least. But... do you think they could come at her again?" she asks uncertainly, as she settles onto the couch.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I mean, I suppose so, but I can't exactly /force/ her to go through intensive therapy or whatever." Jon sighs and shakes his head. "I'm definiely becoming..." A pause. "It's starting to be hard, for me to accept people not... living up to my standards. It was hard here, and hard with Lydia. I'll admit I'm feeling a little... mmm. Judgemental? Yes." He sighs again. "Don't really know what to do for it."

    They step away as they're nudged, and head toward the living room. He picks up Nimue from her cat tree without so much as a by-your-leave, leaning down to scritch at her gently. "Who's a good kitty? You are, of course. You'd never ask someone else to do all your emotional work for you, would you?"

    After a moment, "How's Mercy?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "We all get judgemental sometimes, Jon," Cael remarks with amusement - a grin on her features. Some of it fades a little as Jon asks about Mercy, though. "She's fine. She asked about you, as well. I- maybe it was silly of me, but I got a little annoyed when she did, considering how she'd- ...set you off the other day. But I think she does care, even if she comes off a little rough around the edges. It's not like I always say the right thing." Cael can, after all, be very blunt and direct when she wants to be.
    "You should open your little present, though," she says with amusement. "Don't just leave me hanging here. Geeze."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "It's not--" Jon pauses. "It's one of the things I've been worried about. It's literally--I /cannot/ help it. I find myself getting... dogmatic? I don't know how to put it. People not being /ma'at/ is... frustrating, to me, in a way I can't explain. In a way it never used to be." He shakes his head. "It's getting harder to spend time around... mortals, essentially, unless they measure up, I guess?"

    But he finally puts down the cat, to pick up the present, and unwraps it. He's one of those people who refuses the rip the paper, and instead carefully undoes the bow and lifts the tape and opens it without ripping if at all possible. Which makes it take more time, of course.

    They blink down at the present--a cloth pouch with a zipper, decorated with a black cat wearing glasses and a little scarf. Across the top it says 'Stay Humble. Work Hard. Pet Cats.'

    "It's... adorable," Jon says, sounding a little baffled. "But what on /Earth/ am I going to use it for?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "So I usually measure up?" Cael asks in amusement - and that sentiment only grows at Jon's question about the pouch. She lets out a little laugh, and leans in to give them a kiss on the corner of their lips. "I don't know," she admits. "I just- I saw it, and thought of you. I think it's supposed to be a pencil case. I'd say throw it into your luggage so you can put little shampoos and such in it when you travel but- well. I don't know how much a need we'll have for //that// either," now that Jon can just teleport them everywhere they go.
    There's just the barest hint of disappointment on her features - she was so sure that they'd like it - as she adds, "If you really don't need it, I'm sure we can find it the right home. Or Agnes can use it for her school supplies."
    As the timer goes off, Cael turns off the alarm with a negligent, "Computer, stop," before pulling the strainer out of the teapot.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "No, no, I like it," Jon says, looking at Cael with wide eyes. "It's cute! I love it. I just--hmm." He fingers it for a moment, tracing the cloth with a vaguely distant expression.

    Then, abruptly, he pulls his packet of cigarettes out of his pocket and puts it in the case, and the gold lighter with the web design on it, and then goes digging in a drawer for his favorite fountain pen, which he puts into the case too. "I might start carrying around some herbs for using just--generally. Maybe mint to chew, lavender for anxiety, things like that. That could definitely go in here."

    After a moment, they turn away from considering the plants on the balcony, as if they were going to go gather mint and lavender to put in the thing immediately. "You always measure up," he says seriously.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...oh," Cael responds - having completely misread Jon's response. She lets out a huff of air, and smiles with a hint of self-depricating humor.
    As Jon's attention turns from the plants, back towards her, with their serious and unwavering declaration - her smile wavers for a moment. "I'm... glad. I just- I wish I could always convince myself of that."
    She pushes that aside, though, as she adds, "The tea's going to get cold. And you have to let me know what you think of the snickerdoodles, and - umm - how filling they are. For you." She pours the tea into the two cups - adding a splash of whiskey to her own. The only way to drink tea, in her mind.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon takes a moment to cross the room, lean down, and kiss Cael firmly. "You are /always/ worthy of my time and attention, Cael Becker. Always." Their expression is quite serious. "Ma'at listens to you, remember? She trusts you. I trust you. And that you don't ask me to wave my hand and find a way to just make you trust yourself speaks volumes."

    He puts the case in his pocket and goes to sit down on the couch, picking up the tea and taking a sip. "Thank you," he notes. "For--everything, I guess." He picks up one of the snickerdoodles and takes a bite, making a 'hmm' sound. "It's good. Did you guys think of me while you made them or something?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael leans into Jon's presence and lets out a quiet snort - though a smile plays across her lips. "You can do many things, Jon. ...but not all things." Why should he be able to fix her self-doubt? And besides - shouldn't everyone have at least a little?
    She takes another sip of her own tea, before picking up one of the cookies for herself. "Mercy, Gabby, and I all did. I was wondering if it being by //more// people thinking of you would make any difference at all."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I mean it feels... like normal? I don't think the number of people makes a difference. But I appreciate it nonetheless." He smiles, and dunks the snickerdoodle in the tea, then takes a bite. "S'really good, though. And it'll be filling. It--"

    There's an odd sort of chiming sound, a shimmering in the air, and then a small turquoise crystal appears in front of them and drops onto the table with a small clatter. Jon blinks at it. "What in the--I have this place warded, no one should be able to--"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well, it was worth a try," Cael remarks wryly.
    Her form tenses, and she slowly sets down both her cookie and her tea to free her hands at this unexpected event. Bear, who's followed her over to the couch and sat with his head resting beside her, turns as if to sniff at the mysterious crystal - getting a stern, "Leave it," from Cael automatically.
    "...what is it? Is it dangerous?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon frowns at the crystal for a moment, setting his mug down. He reaches out to touch it, then stops, fingers curling back slightly. "It's... familiar. It looks like..." A pause. "It looks like the kind of crystal they use in Nilaa, to send messages back and forth. And it's turquoise." He suddenly beams. "/Martin/." He picks up the crystal.

    A light blue hologram appears from the small crsytal shard. Martin looks older than he did when he left. There are lines in his face that were not there before and he even has a bit of silvering of the hair at his temples. He's also go a rather full dark beard over his jaw and mouth. "Jon," he says, his voice carrying more weight and confidence than he ever did before. "I'm sending this to you as an invitation, not a plea. I am a general in the army of House Turquoise here on Nilaa. There are thousands under my command and it's been something of a tale on how I got here. But that's not important in the immediate. What is important is that I need your help."

    There is a pause and he looks like himself for a moment, a bundle of youthful nerves and held back irritations. "Lady Turquoise is taking us to war against Lord Opal in--I think for you it's three months' time, if I'm converting right. She thinks that now is the time for our attack and despite the repeated advice of all of us, she's going ahead with it. I... I'll be frank, I don't think we will win with our forces as they are. Opal is an extremely powerful sorcerer and his armies are better outfitted than our own, considerable as they may be."

    He wrings his hands together. "I need your help. Bring Cael, bring Agnes, they're more than welcome here. And bring whoever you feel would be best suited, but we need an edge. I don't want to win this fight... I just want to keep Opal away from the borders of Turquoise lands so that we don't end up like the rest of Nilaa. And I want to see you all. I miss you and I need... I need you. With me."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Why should turquoise mean-" Cael starts, cutting herself off as the little hologram displays itself.
    She frowns deeply - a myriad of thoughts running through her mind. The timing is not ideal - she only just took over the pack. How can she leave them now? And- why does he look so old? He's either been through hell or... time has been running differently for him. He looks //years// older.
    ...Jon has missed years of Martin's life? She winces - without adding any comment on the thought.
    "Three months," she murmurs quietly. "We probably don't want to cut that too close to his deadline - incase it turns out he's bad at math - and I know you miss him, but- ...I don't think I can take over the pack, and then disappear within a month of that. I'm going to need a little time to make sure everything's... settled. That no one's thinking of bringing back what Milo and Joseph were doing.. You know?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon's biting his lip, staring at the message. His smile had faded, his shoulders slumped, his brow furrowed. Cael's statement makes him blink and turn to her. "I--I didn't think--I presumed you wouldn't... want to go," he says quietly. "I mean... gods, he doesn't know about... anything that's happened. How can I just... leave the JLD? Certainly not until N--the Crawling Chaos is dealt with."

    He swallows, looking down at his hands. "And pulling Agnes out of school, and... and... gods, I don't know. I miss him. I want to go help. Nilaa's... beautiful. I think you'd like it, although it's literally /full/ of magic. But..."

    Absently, "Martin's a lost scion of House Turquoise. The gems are a big thing in Nilaa."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael gives Jon a small smile - complicated by everything from wry amusement, to trepidation, to understanding. "We have to deal with Narly," she agrees. "We can't leave reality in danger - and Martin doesn't know about that. But... this is Martin. He needs you, and you have to go to him. You want to go to him. You haven't seen him in mo-" She stops herself, blinking as a realization hits her.
    "Shit. You haven't see him in ten years, have you?" No wonder Jon was so broken up the other night. She is //such// an idiot, sometimes.
    She pulls Jon in towards her, burying the fingers of one hand into their hair. "I... I'll admit, that of everyone in this little family of ours? Martin is the one I feel least close to. But he //is// family. And he's important to you, and that's good enough for me. If he needs us... Then we need to send him help. I just... I need to make sure eveerything's okay with the pack first. I have a responsibility, now.
    "...unless you want me to stay here with Agnes? But I don't think she'd like that. And it doesn't sound like Martin will, either."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Maybe you'd feel closer to him if you two worked together more," Jon murmurs, letting their eyes drift shut as Cael works through their hair.

    They frown. "I... maybe we could /bring/ some of the pack? Those who might be willing, those who might want something to fight for. Nilaa's... see, Opal is a /despot/. He's a dictator, he's /ruined/ their society. People have been putting out desperate calls for aid before this. So maybe some people might want to use their newfound powers for good, to help fight against a tyrant. You know? And if they don't, if they want to stay closer to home... maybe you leave part of the pack here to keep defending territory?"

    A pause. "I want you with me. You and Agnes both. I /want/... yes, I want to just run off with the two of us and whoever else you want to bring and go to Martin. But I have to think about what's best for everyone, not just me."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "We can ask," Cael agrees quietly. "But I can't order them. I //just// told them they could go back to their lives..." And if she starts ordering them around like //that//? It completely undermines everything said. Not to mention everything she believes in.
    She takes a deep breath in, and lets it out slowly, as she continues to hold Jon, her fingers gently rubbing at their scalp. "I want you to be happy. I want you to see Martin again. We'll... we have a few months. We'll figure it out. We'll figure out a way to deal with Narly, and I'll spend as much time as I can with the pack, making sure everyone's secure, making sure no one is a threat... We'll make it work."
    There's a momentary pause before she adds, "We'll have to place a massive order for tea to bring with us. I mean, 90% of our luggage should be tea. Don't you think?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon starts laughing, and /laughing/, and abruptly turns to give Cael a kiss. "You're ridiculous," he murmurs. "Just... ridiculous. I could probably /conjure/ tea now, you know."

    He sighs softly. "You don't have to do this, love. You don't /have/ to uproot your life for me." A pause. "Unless you... sort of like the idea of going and fighting against a tyrant in a magical land where there's clear right and wrong, instead of struggling with the damn Old Ones trying to infect us and our friends...? Because I know that'd be a relief to /me/."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael doesn't answer immediately - though she smiles at the laughter, before returning the kiss. That had, after all, been her goal - to inject a little levity into the situation.
    Still holding Jon close, and pressing her forehead up against Jon's she finally murmurs softly, "I don't want to be without you. I mean - how long will you be gone? We have no way of knowing. And I- I can barely sleep without you, now." Her arms tighten around Jon before she adds firmly, "Where you go, I go."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon sobs at that, and pulls Cael closer, burying his face in her hair for a moment. Deep breaths in. Deep breaths out.

    Sniffling, he says, "Honestly, I--I mean, I told you before. I've been thinking of stepping down. I'm having trouble dealing with the--the nuances of mortal life, here in our world. Somewhere like Nilaa, where things can be more concrete, where I can just be /what I am/, might be better for me. As much as I've /wanted/ to build something here... maybe this is where I should go."

    After a moment, pulling back, "And while I'd never expect you to /order/ anyone to go anywhere--the fact that you got this pack now might not be coincidence. Imagine what even a few werewolves could do to turn the tide in a battle. It just feels... right, I guess." He sighs. "I'll have to tell Chas and Rien. Say goodbye to people. And of course--that's after we deal with the Fears."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael nods in response - though there's a momentary flicker of something in her eyes at the mention of Chas - a tightening of her jaw. The bad-blood she felt towards him evidently hasn't yet disappated. "We have time. And- yeah. Maybe you're right, though I'm not really one to believe in... fate or whatever." Look. She has to draw the line somewhere.
    She brushes her hand over Jon's cheek, murmuring quietly, "You'll see them soon. But for the next two, or three months... you're //mine.// Yeah? I have a family now - and I'm not letting go of that. You keep me sane."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon kisses Cael squarely on the forehead. "I'm always yours, love. Always. You keep me sane, too. And I think--I genuinely think you'll like Nilaa. I think you'll find the forthrightness of the people there refreshing. I think you'll do well. As much as there's magic bullshit." He smirks at her.

    "But the others... well. I'll say goodbye. But you and Martin and Agnes--you're my family. You're the real reasons I dragged myself through Hell and the Astral to get home. Home is wherever you are--but that's all of you. So thank you for... for being willing to come with me."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "You showed me how much you need him, Jon. How much you //miss// him. How much of a bitch would I have to be to try to keep you from him? Or to try to make you choose between us?" Cael shakes her head at the thought. "He needs you. You need him. ...and I don't want to stay here alone. It's simple math, you know?"
    I mean. It has to be - math was never her strongest suit.
    "How long do you think it's been for Martin?" she asks uncertainly. "Since he saw us?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "A few years, looks like," Jon murmurs. "He looks... I dunno, late 30's? Early 40's? Gods. He used to be /older/ than me, and he's probably still younger. Unless it's been ten years for him, too."

    It hasn't escaped Jon that he hasn't seen his husband in over a decade. Not at all.

    "I love you, Cael Becker," he murmurs. "So, so much. You know that, right? You felt that? I /need/ you, too. I missed you just as much." A beat. "And I bet Martin missed you. I don't think you know /quite/ what it means, that he was just fine with our relationship. You matter to him. Gods, who would've thought a--well, for you, a year ago, hmm?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I know that," Cael murmurs in response. "I felt that." She remains close to Jon, her head resting against them. As he continues speaking, though, surprise registers briefly on her features. Why should Martin miss her? Why should he care about... //her//? Tears well up silently in her eyes as she turns her head towards their shoulder, hiding her features from sight. "You really think so?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I know so. I'm an empath, remember? He trusted me with you--he left me and Agnes here, he left his /family/ here, knowing you'd help take care of us. And Martin..." Jon sighs. "Martin has about as hard of a time getting close to people as you do. I'm sure you'll be great friends, in time."

    He smooths down Cael's hair, and then reaches into his pocket to pull out the little pouch. "Well... I'm glad I have this, now. I can remind myself of home, and carry a few mementos." A pause. "We'll have to take Bear, of course. And Lady. And how do you think Nimue would fare?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    Why should Martin care for like that? ....and why was it so hard for her to believe?
    "As long as Bear's with me... he'll be fine," Cael murmurs. And he'll be safe there - right? If it was as dangerous as all that - Jon wouldn't be willing to bring Agnes along.
    She pulls back just enough to wipe at her eyes before adding, "And Nimue... I mean, we'll have quarters somewhere, right?" What will it be //like// in this strange, other place? Did it matter as long as they were together?

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "We'll have something. A tent, at least. We'll figure it out." Jon smiles at Cael, and something seems... lighter in him, brighter, than it has in a long while. Is it the prospect of seeing Martin again? The prospect of this strange other world?

    "Here... let me tell you about Nilaa, alright? We went there rather by accident, I'd just broken my arm, and Martin was taking me home from the doctor when there was this break-in at a jewelry store in Bludhaven..."