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Olde Town Reds
Date of Scene: 28 August 2022
Location: Old Gotham - Founders Island
Synopsis: Phoebe borrows Jason Todd to be her Hired Muscle when confronting the man who set the fire that killed her adoptive father and nearly killed her adoptive mother several years later. Jason handily handles a couple of roughs, and there's donuts.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Jason Todd

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    THE OLD GOTHAM is a clattering and crowded tourist area during the day, tiny shops tucked away inside the curving old streets, buildings built on top of one another, dizzying levels of the city that never sleeps for its nightmares.

    To think some people call it 'home'.

    Some street performers are making a ruckus with recycled items, five gallon pickle tubs, big fifty gallon plastic drums and ladders, beating out some funky percussive music. There's others down the way with a hang drum playing new age dreamy steel-tone beats. A bakery that's newly opened is offering bite-sized samples of cookies and cakes in the warm Gotham afternoon. Phoebe had mentioned she was going to meet someone for lunch, and invited Jason to come along as 'backup'.

Jason Todd has posed:
In Gotham there is a long list of individuals to choose from if you need someone to watch your back when going out for night (Knight?) work. When you want someone to watch your back while you're out in civies? There is a list but it is shorter. Depending on the nature of the activity, some are better than others. If there is a chance that things might turn ugly, Jason is certainly near the top of that list.

He is dressed casual, yet stylish (for him), in a red teeshirt, black jeans and riding boots. A light gray jacket covers the ensemble. How else is he going to hide the crowbar and pistols he most certainly has with him? He walks along a half step behind and to the right of Phoebe, his hands idly stuffed in his jean pockets, the thumbs hooked in the beltloops.

"So. Why are we meeting down here? And who? Or is it a secret?" he glances to her with a curious expression.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Funny how sometimes people color-code. Phoebe's wearing an orange shirt beneath a light gray jacket, a gray skirt and tights, and sensible gray boots that tie to her knees. She's got knives hidden, and with her bag she's very, very rarely unarmed. Go Go Magic Bullshittery.

    Phoebe glances over her orange shades, and gives a wry little smile, though she sobers a moment as they pass a very non-assuming door that, if anyone takes a second look at it, the door's gone.

    She turns, looking over her shoulder and signs to Jason:

    -Dangerous- she replies, and looking both ways, she goes down an alley, and ducks down a precarious looking stone stairway that leads to the underside of the Old City.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd watches the crowd absently. Most would call it 'old army training'. In his case, it would be child soldier training if he were honest about it. Still. He is not one to walk anywhere and be oblivious to those around him.

He looks back when Phoebe signs. "Sure. I sort of figured that. That's why I wore my fireproof UnderRoos. I figured it was safer with Wonder Woman watching my ass." He sounds totally serious about this.

He follows her glance back and frowns. "What happened to the door." She's already turning down the alley by the time he asks. A final glance around the entrance and he is following her down the stairs. "Pretty sure these aren't up to current code."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    -Mystery- Phoebe signs in regards to the door, and she pauses, she looks back at Jason in amusement as she signs -W-W?- and turns, shaking her head. Yeah, she can't argue that Diana would be a good person to watch your back.

    Down in the Undercity, there's a lot less foot traffic. Most people here are hurrying to get to where they're going. Lot of grated, barred windows down here for what shops are open.

    Phoebe pauses in front of one, steels herself, and goes inside, holding the door for Jason to follow.

    Inside, it's drab brown and orange, like an early 1980's cop drama donut shop. It smells of stale coffee and overly sweet donuts.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd shrugs. Gotham had a lot of mysteries. When she signs 'W-W' he nods and pats the ass of his jens. "Yep. Patron Saint of fire proof Underroos. Never get in a fire fight without 'em."

He slows to stand near her until she picks the door. He reaches over her to take the door with a nod. "Got it." He lets her lead. He's just here to lurk and otherwise seem dour while Phoebe conducts her business.

With a last glance around he steps in after her.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe pauses inside the door, and she stretches her fingers, and she looks at her phone. She motions to Jason to follow her to a booth, where there is an unassuming and sort of dumpy looking guy sitting, alone.

    Phoebe sits down at the booth, and the guy, without looking up states:

    "Get out, that seat's not open." before he looks up.

    He studies Phoebe, and then gets an ugly, maniacal grin.

    "Oh! It's *YOU*! You finally found me, huh? Putting that Wayne money to use I bet!" he cackles.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods and follows. He doesn't sit in the booth immediately. Instead he leans against the outside of the booth seat Phoebe has taken. He spares a glance to the smarmy guy to judge how much of a threat he may before turning to watch the room as te two do. Business?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "And you hired a flunkie too. Bless your little heart." the man grins, and he tilts his head. "So, I'm going to assume you're here to try to convince me to turn myself in, after the 'clerical error' that resulted in my release?"

    He leans back, his fingers steepling a moment as he regards the silent Phoebe across from him.

    "Or are you trying to enact some personal vengence for nearly killing your mom? How *is* she these days? I *did* try to find out her current address, but you know how slowly the Gotham City Educator database updates, *Miss Wayne*. Or Miss Chandler? Oh, the file on you is such a mess. Do you still have the plot reserved behind Chuck Beacon? Or do you now have a hole waiting for you out in Bristol? I'm simply DYING to know" he asks with barely concealed laughter.

    Phoebe takes out a little pad of paper, and a pen. She writes down the following: 'Bernard 'Bernie' Smith. Worked for the Rose Hill Cemetary. Sold my adopted family their plot. Set the fire that killed Charles Beacon. Set the fire that nearly killed Carolina Beacon.' she writes, and then hands it up to Jason.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd listens silently. Whatever he might think of the man and his treatment of Phoebe, he keeps it to himself rather than beating the shit out of Bernie for one reason.

He looks down at the notepad and reads it in a single glance. There is a nod of acknowledgement before he turns back to watch the room, his right foot raised to rest against the lower part of the booth behind him.

That reason?

Phoebe hasn't asked him to go weapons free yet. Till then he will just be the hired muscle.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Bernie just has one of those faces that makes you wanna beat them up. He probably wasn't a popular kid in school.

    Phoebe leans forward. She writes down a couple of sentences, and then turns the notebook over to Bernie, and then sits back a moment.

    Bernie looks down at the paper. His ears and face get red quickly, and he m otions with his hands.

    Two big guys, probably a good six hundred pounds and five and a half braincells between them get up from thed onut bar, and make theri way over, wearing cheap suits and fake gold grilles in their teeth. One of them has a shaved bald head and desperately needs a trip to the dentist. The other has a head of greasy hair, and his jacket is open to show a chest full of matching hair.

    "You think you're the only one who can find hired help?" Bernie mocks, and he motions to Jason.

    "Show the shrimp what real money can hire."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd doesn't move from his post, holding the wall and booth up. His hands remain tucked in his pockets. As the two want-be versions of The Rock stand up, he disinterestedly looks to them as they stand and attempt to look intimidating.

He looks to Phoebe. Waiting. If there is any reason to be concerned, he certainly isn't showing it so far.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks to Bernie with her patended Wet Cat expression, and then looks up to Jason, and gives a little bit of a shrug. Can't be helped.

    'just don't break their skulls?' is what Phoebe signs to Jason, and then her eyes go wide as Needs-Dental decides he's going to go in with a haymaker to try and knock Jason down in the first round. Chest-hair cracks his knuckles and continues to try and look intimidating.

    Phoebe just presses her lips in a thin line.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd finally pulls his hands from his pockets to sign back.

'Sure. But that isn't very much fun.'

About that time the one lunk tries to take him out with one blow. Ducking under the blow, Jason almost casully steps back. In one fluid motion, his pistols are in hand and aimed at each thug.

He lets them think on their fate for a half second before he figures three shots at each.

The gunshots surely clear the room of everyone not invested in the scene. At the same time the two guys twitch and spasm before falling to the floor like lumps of wet clay, each with three taser rounds sticking out of their chests. One of them is wetting himself.

The guns are put away and Jason steps back to lean against the booth like nothing happened, signing to SkeezyBernie.

'Your move.'

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The Entire Donut Shop of Evil stops and looks at the fight, that... did not happen. Chest Hair and Dental Work collapse to the ground, twitching. It's gross. It even smells bad. Bernie looks possibly even more shocked than the guys hit with the taser rounds, and he looks back at Phoebe, who just has a masterful poker face, looking back at him.

    She leans forward:

    'Twelve. Hours.' she mouths, and then she reaches out, places one finger on her notebook, and then she pulls the paper back towards herself.

    She looks up to Jason.

    -Do you want a donut?- she signs up to him, as if it were a completely normal question after tazing two guys.

Jason Todd has posed:
'Love me some donuts. I think I'll take a dozen. You? My treat.'

He winks at her. Without even looking at Bernie, Jason walks to the counter, "I'd like a dozen assorted. And anything the lady wishes." He pulls out the cash to pay. He wasn't robbing the place after all.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe keeps her expression neutral, though it's easy to see the way her eyes crinkle as she tries not to laugh, taking her notebook and joining Jason as she looks over the donuts.

    -I'll grab a dozen and leave them in the kitchen. I'm sure Alfred will take one with his evening tea.- she signs, and forms a loose fist to dap Jason on the shoulder.

    Bernie looks at the two, and then he stands up, and he reaches for something inside his jacket -- and then appears to think better of it. Hand still inside his jacket, he faces the two and slowly... slooooooowly... exits the donut shop.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods to Phoebe, then to the donut girl - "The Lady would like an assorted dozen as well."

He speaks to Bernie, "Smart choice Bernie. Don't be late. She doesn't appreciate a lack of punctuality."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe just gives a small smile up to Jason, and then signs to him -I told him if a poor little rich girl could find him, imagine what a Bat could do if they found out he was still in Gotham. And then tried to intimidate me. The nerve.-

    Two assorted dozen donuts. The guy at the counter looks to Jason and Phoebe, and then he gives a slight, uneasy smile.

    "Uh... just... don't taze anyone next time, huh? It's bad for business, and we gotta clean up afterwards."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd winks to Phoebe, "Yes. Imagine." Then to the staffer, he shrugs, "They attacked me. I think you'd rather clean piss of the floor than pints of blood, personally. But that's just me. I don't figure I'll be a regular, though. So you should be good."

Taking the two boxes of donuts after paying, he looks to Pheobe, "Ready?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a nod, and goes to lead the way, just in case BErnie decided to stick around.

    -Thanks for being my hired muscle. Five stars. Would hire again.-