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Latest revision as of 00:42, 7 September 2022

Wakey Wakey Eggs and Where the Hell Am I
Date of Scene: 06 September 2022
Location: Blake House
Synopsis: Gabby and Thomas catch up. Gabby gets a guest room.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Thomas Blake

Gabby Kinney has posed:
True to her word Gabby hadn't gotten drunk. She had however succumbed to a warm, full belly, and the chance to relax while in a safe spot. Really, she had been pushing herself a lot lately, and hadn't realized just HOW tired she was. At least not until she wakes up in a bed that wasn't her own in a room she hadn't been in before.

It takes a few groggy moments for her to fully get up as she was currently entrenched in the softest, fluffiest, largest bathrobe ever. It was one she recognized though and it bore the scent of Thomas. She was still getting used to the whole scent thing but at least his was a familiar one.

Hiking up the length of it so she doesn't trip she pads barefoot out into the regular parts of the house glancing toward the windows to try and figure out what time of day it is. Or what day.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake is sitting at his work table, very carefully reassembling a Desert Eagle hand gun. The parts glisten with oil and he is 90% finished and being very critical about his job. At his side is a well worn gun belt. In fact he is lost n the Zen of Handgun Maintenance and doesn't hear his not girlfriend, friendly girl pad towards him. Unaware for once. Nyahaha!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney walks over, quietly, because who gets a chance to sneak up on him often? Not her. The Desert Eagle is regarded with familiarity and she reaches out to pluck up the firing pin between her fingers. "This brings back memories. How long was I out?" Shifting her weight she leans against him propping her arm up on his shoulder like he were an arm rest. Hey he's sitting, she can do that!

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake puts down the weapon and snakes an arm around Gabby's waist. He leans in to kiss her then stops and says, "Hey... you aren't Pixie." He releases her then says, "The robe has a hood," he says which he plops over her head and upper face. He gives her a friendly head rub.

"How long... Cyclops is now president. He got all his kids from the future to vote for him. You slet through the afternoon and the evening. Zinda stole my robe and the pajamas for you. You finished your steak, half of my second steak, burped and passed out on my shoulder. You wee very cute. How do you feel?" He pulls the hood up to see her eyes.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney freezes a moment. Not at the arm around her waist, but when he leans in to give a kiss. Her eyes widen and she's about to say something when he catches himself realizing she isn't Pixie. A little laugh comes when the hood is plopped down.

"You need coffee," she suggests. The firing pin is placed back down where it originally was on the array of weapons parts to ensure he doesn't lose his place on putting it back together.

Looking back to him when the hood is pulled up she can only offer a tired smile. "A bit better. Still fuzzy. I didn't realize I was that tired."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake does kiss her on the forehead then and give her a really tight hug he can risk with a regenerator. "I got Pix toasted and made her sleep off her ordeal. She's still worried about the whole 'hole in her soul.' I keep telling her it's not a big deal because she /is/ worried about it. I'm turning into a damn therapist... or a priest hearing confessions. I got abstinence worked out. If you finis this hand cannon for m, I'll make you some eggs." He plops the hood back down. Hah. Badger badgered!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney sticks her tongue out from beneath the hood which is about the right height that she looks like some weird monk from a tv series at the moment. "Deal. It's easy enough and I could use the practice." Not getting to deal with guns a lot anymore certainly meant she didn't break down and rebuild them as often. The hood is pushed back down again so she can SEE properly, and she moves to sit opposite where he was to begin her task. "If you got sausage too that'd be great," she suggests with a little grin. "How are you holding up otherwise though? I mean.... You weren't exactly known for, uh, your restraint in the past."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake returns from the fridge. "No sausage, thick cut ham. I'll do you up a Western omelet." He starts breaking and whipping the eggs and is silent for a while. Then he shrugs.

"I spent a year in the veldt alone... I can handle it. I've dealt with starvation, thirst... this is just one other thing I've learned to do without. Besides I can use the cool down period. And..."

"She is the sweetest thing I ever experienced. She looks at me with those dark eyes of hers, and I want to be better than what I am. It just... It's hard. I didn't get this way overnight. I don't know if I can change." He looks around to make sure no fairy is portaling in. "Remember when you saved my ass in AlcheMax, or at the very least made my escape way easier? I'm messed up... I felt good doing to those guys what they wanted to do to me and that nice lady from Damage Control. I'm fucked up."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney works the gun peices togther with a familiarity that bordered on muscle memory. Memory that hadn't been used in awhile, but was still there underneath it all. All the attempts at being 'normal' which never seemed to fit her well. At the talk of Pixie she pauses to look over toward Thomas listening to how he describes her with a growing smile.

"Hah, yeah, I remember," she agrees looking back to the gun with a nod. That was hard to forget, really. A lot had happened that day. "I don't... I mean. Damn." Reaching up she rubs the heel of her palm into one eye with a sigh. "I don't kill, you know that. Or at least I sure as hell try not to if I can avoid it. But... Sometimes I *want* to. So bad. I get so angry and just a hundred ways to do it to whatever's pissing me off runs through my mind. I *could* do it. I just choose not to."

"Because if I ever started giving in *I* might not be able to go back to not doing so. So... I don't think you're messed up for wanting to do that to horrible people. I wanted to, too."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake continues to cook the omelet, which smells awesome already. This is especially true to Gabby. He says, "I never really talk about this but, it started when I killed my father." He pauses, like he can almost see the words over his head. "He abused my mom. He shoved her down a flight of stairs when she finally had enough. ALL the WISE and JUST men of Gotham ruled it an accident. I was scared and uncertain but I KNEW. He abused me, making a man of me. One day we were cleaning his guns... I was little older than you eh... I was a lot bigger. He was getting scared of me and I knew he had palmed a bullet to slip in his rifle. Only... I had the idea first. <BANG> Congrats dad... you finally made a man of me."

"I admire your restraint. I don't regenerate or bounce bullets. Someone tries to kill me... they better succeed." He sighs and plates the omelet, setting it out.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances over to listen to Thomas as he explains that with a look of sympathy. Even if she was lucky enough to have family that cared, she knew what it was like to be abused, too. "Yeah. I get that. The people at the labs... Captain Mooney mostly, they just..." she pauses, gesturing at her face and the scars there indicating it.

"I guess I'm lucky I get that choice. My sisters didn't, they weren't mutants. They did all the dirty work and tried to protect me from it. ... I guess, I'm mostly doing it because of them. So all they went through for my sake isn't just in vain. So it meant something."

Turning back to the gun she finishes piecing it back together, and sets it down. "All done," she declares only to reach for the plate. Maybe a bit too eagerly, she was hungry.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake pours some ice water out for Gabby, after what she drank yesterday, he assumed she needed rehydrating. He grabs his nearly forgotten and lukewarm coffee. He examines the handgun before placing it in the holster and putting them away in a drawer. He looks at the weapon a long time, pondering.

"So... Zinda and Big Moose? Were you awake for that? Holy..."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney snorts faintly in amusement. "Oh I was awake for that. Dunno if he's the dating sort, but uh..." Her face goes red as she decides not to finish that particular line of thought. "I mean, she's from an older generation, I guess the really um, masculine types? Are her thing. I dunno. They seemed to be enjoying the company though."

The water is taken and she chugs a few gulps glancing over to Thomas after. "You okay with that?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blakestarts laughing. "I am a lot of things, Gabrielle, I am not a hypocrite. Let them enjoy each other, as long as they're up front about it. If she wants something and he doesn't well, he'll lose the best thing ever happened to him. God help the next guy to get in his way. Anyway... people can change. I may soon be proof of that. But how about yooooou? No news on the love life aside from that Reyes guy having bad judgement? I mean, you're a catch. I was looking forward to beating up guys unworthy of you."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney would snort but she'd just taken a bite of the omelette. It's chewed while she shakes her head in vague amusement. "No, not really," she admits. "Robbie was awhile ago anyway. He broke up with Rien, and now it's just more awkward. Not really an option there." She pauses to consider, taking another bite of omelette.

"Been kind of flirting with Red Hood but he's got a girlfriend. Or had one? I don't think he's figured it out yet."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake considers. "Red Hood is the guy tells the Bat to eff off, right? Careful, he uses guns. Anyway let me get your opinion... that hand canon you were assembling, would you ever dream of Pixie carrying one? I want Cinnamon to start. I think t aids in the disguise. I don't think I'm loading it though. Guns scare her. But... this is why I want Cinnamon to have one. It is very hard to mute the cute on that girl... you know... I thought she was maybe your age or even sixteen when I met her. Heh. She wanted to learn to use that soul dagger. I told he come at me and... I kinda handed her her behind."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yeah, and yeah I know. He's one of the batkids, just the angry one," Gabby explains without giving too much detail away. She's thankful for the change in topic though, and looks to the gun with an eyebrow raising. "Pixie? With a gun? I mean I'm all for people learning how to fight outside their powers. I was taught how to fight like an unpowered person, so I can even without my claws or healing. But..." She wags her fork in the direction of it. "If she's scared of guns she'll need training even without it being loaded. Maybe get her a tazer?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake flails. "It isn't for fighting. She just soul shank whoever or dust them. I want her villain persona to look different. I'm not even loading the damn thing. I'm getting to resistance to her carrying it even unloaded. I am teaching her to fight though. She has these cute little abs coming in and biceps... ahuh. Anyway..."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney shakes her head a little at that. "Doesn't matter if it's for fighting or not. If she's scared of it, it's always going to be there nagging at her and distracting her. That's a liability in a fight, we both know that." She grins a little bit at the mention of the muscles coming in on Megan. She shrugs out of one sleeve of the robe and flexes her arm to show off her own biceps which were... pretty well toned, especially for a woman her size. "Like this?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake reaches out and touches the bicep. He nods, "Getting there." His shirt is sleeveless as usual he makes a muscle for her examination. Under her nose. The little show off. "I told her she should realize she has magic and flying and such to train at too, so fighting close up won't ever be her 'A' subject. I said originally she should duck behind you. I was pretty mean to her when we started out. I was trying to keep her at a distance. I got mauled by this demon we were fighting and she performed first aid. And... things happened. She said she liked the way I was protective of her. She felt safe with me... like you do." He beeps Gabby, the Muscle's, nose. "So... you want a semi-permanent room like the old days? Till you find a significant other? Pix is close to moving in full time. We're right by Gotham, and Mike is down the road. And you can tiger sit for me sometimes."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney automatically makes a little 'meep' noise when her nose is booped. She does nod though, and flashes a grin when he explains the whole situation between him and Pixie. "Yeah. For all your faults, you do look after the people you care about." Then the offer of the room comes. Her fork taps against the plate side a moment.

"Actually... Yeah that would be really nice. I was looking at some apartments but everything going on made that fall through. It's not like I have a legitimate income stream either." What goes unsaid is that it would be good to be around people she could trust, too. He likely got that.