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Latest revision as of 02:00, 4 April 2020

Mistaken Identities
Date of Scene: 31 March 2020
Location: Chinatown - Founder's Island
Synopsis: Black Canary and the Iron Fist coincidentally meet after purusing the same target. Surprisingly, Phone numbers are exchanged and perhaps further cooperation in the future is on the horizon.
Cast of Characters: Dinah Lance, Danny Rand

Dinah Lance has posed:
It's night over Chinatown, but the community is far from settling in. No, this is the time for deeds that shouldn't be seen in the light of day, done by people who prefer to remain in the shadows. It's also the time for nocturnal predators.

One of the former is going on halfway down the alley from a rather good Chinese restaurant. A couple of guys, exchanging a package in a paper bag for a roll of cash. Unfortunately for them, a figure dressed in black crouches on a fire escape overlooking the alley, watching. Black Canary is acting on a tip that ONE of the two represents a significant Yakuza element; an element that she would very much like to keep OUT of Gotham.

And unfortunately for Canary, her choice of costume (black leather and fishnets) and the double-diamond mask, makes her own legal association somewhat ambiguous to the casual observer.

Danny Rand has posed:
Black Canary was not the only hunter out in the night.

The Iron Fist, who has been tracking the same element through Gotham city these past few days, is perched on the opposite rooftop of Black Canary. Despite his loud colors, he was good at keeping to his stealth to avoid being seen. Though unlike Canary, Iron Fist does not seem like waiting.

Impulsive, much?

Iron Fist actually front flips off of his perch, and lands near the two. "Evening gentleman. Candygram?" Iron fist wore a mask that covered the top half of his face, making his identity extremely difficult to ascertain, though much like Canary? Likely his actions are not exactly of a legal inclination.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Now wait just a damn minute! Canary was just going to do that maneuver, herself!

A moment after Iron Fist's dramatic entrance, the blonde does a similar flip from her own perch to land behind the pair.

"Sorry there, friend, but I call dibs." she declares. "But if I knew you were bringing candy, I would've brought the flowers. So how about you just step back and let me handle this."

Handle this. Canary might reach 5'5" in those heels, but she doesn't look much more than a buck twenty in body mass.

Danny Rand has posed:
Boom! Danny is a show-stealer.

Though when Black Canary descends from her perch using the same move, Iron Fist takes a solid look at her and he actually has to do a double-take. Because uh, she looks like a bombshell instead of a crime-fighter, but Danny eventually gets his head in the right space and he shakes his head. "Uh, no, I was here first. My catch, my payday." Of course, Danny wasn't doing this for money, but the message was still there.

Danny was definitely taller than her, but little does he know that Black Canary is -dangerous-, before he looks at her. "Your not working with them, are you?" Danny seems to tense up. Likely, those criminals look soooo confused right now at the banter going on.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Black Canary settles into a loose ready stance behind the dealers, the outfit providing a fair bit of distraction for the petite blonde as well. "Nope. Not the way it works, I'm afraid. See, I called dibs about 20 minutes ago. It's just not my fault if you didn't hear it."

Because surely that makes sense, right?

"Working with them? If I was working *with* them, would I do this?" And while the blonde, as well as the dealers, seem to be distracted by the conversation, she doesn't even look before hitting the nearest one.

The girl knows how to throw a punch, alright. It's a nice haymaker that crashes right across the guy's cheek, knocking him out as well as down to the pavement.

Danny Rand has posed:
Iron fist shakes his head. "Uh, yeah, I called dibs like two days ago. I did my research, so doubly my dibs." Oh yes, Danny is absolutely going to keep this up with Dinah. He doesn't want someone else, despite how attractive they seem, stealing his kill (not that he was going to kill them) dug gunnit!

He does look on somewhat impressed when she throws a perfect punch to knock a guy out. "Well, luckily for you, I'm not working with them either." Iron fist pops a kick to the side, intending to kick the other dude right across the face hard enough to knock him unconscious.

"Because -these guys- have information that I'm looking for about an organizations operations leading into this city, something I would very much so like to avoid- Erm, sorry, do you have a name? I feel really rude referring to you as 'you'." Aaaaand Danny's naivette and standard kindness shines through.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Canary settles into more of a full-on ready stance when Iron Fist's kick takes out the other, still surprised, dealer. She smirks when he drops the other guy, shaking her head. "You're kidding, right? Black Canary, mister nice-kick. And now, since we were both careless enough to knock out these wonderful gentlemen, we need to wait for one of them to wake up."

"Just out of curiosity, though, what organization are -you- looking for? Japanese, old-money, Samurai traditions, except more like when Samurai go bad?"

Danny Rand has posed:
"In my defense, I don't operate in Gotham. Though I'm beginning to think I should." Danny chuckles, but he gestures to himself. "Iron Fist. Nice to meet you, Black Canary, or mistress nice-punch." Can do this all day long, apparently.

When Dinah apparently completely describes the organization he's hunting down, he nods. "Yeah, pretty much actually. Came over from New York to make sure they didn't get too comfortable settling in. I take it you were looking for the same guy?"

He looks at the men they knocked out. "Well there's two of us, two of them, and a lot of tall buildings?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
Canary glances down to the two unconscious men sprawled on the pavement. "It probably was the same guy, yeah." she replies. "Doubt either of these guys would be so courteous as to be carrying ID, but I'm gonna check all the same."

And whether it's okay with Danmy or not, she steps over and crouches beside the nearest to start going through his pockets. "So you're from New York, Mr. Fist? Gotham'a a bit back-water when compared to the Big Apple, or so I've heard. And you came all the way down here for these two idiots."

Danny Rand has posed:
"Doubt it." Iron Fist confirms to Dinah about the ID, though when she asks him about NYC and Gotham respectively, Danny shrugs.

"Yeah, well, if these guys work for who I think they work for, trust me, it was far better that I come down than not at all." He smiles to her playfully then, arms crossing over his chest. "Find anything interesting off of these guys? Well, aside from maybe a gift card to Applebees. Spekaing of which, I'm starving."

Does...he always think out loud?

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance makes fairly quick work of rifling pockets, pulling out a few items and flipping through them. "Well this guy's got a couple of pre-paid cash cards and even an ID. A local." She points to the other one, then. "That one is completely clean, which means he's the one we really want. He's prepared, and he's done this before."

The woman rises slowly, then. "Sorry, no gift cards. If you wanna skip out for a bite, I'll zip-tie these two together and question them when they wake up. Or we could leave them for the GCPD, in which case they'll both be out by this time tomorrow."

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny looks at Dinah as she tries to apparently get him out of her crime scene, though he shakes his head with a steady look of 'nope' written all over his face. "Pass, unless you're going to give me a phone number so I can come back and compare notes." Danny only mildly flirts.


"No gift cards? Shame. Unfortunately, I'm going to need to borrow the guy I'm looking for. He has answers and I have questions. Good deal, yeah?

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Sorry, but I'm not going to let you do that." the Canary replies. "Take this guy, I mean. Not opposed to exchanging phone numbers, though. Since we seem to be at least working on the same side of this particular problem."

While she speaks her stance shifts again, slightly. Right foot back, weight settled. Not quite a boxer's stance, mostly since her hands are low. But she definitely has the energy of a coiled spring. "Worst case, I know people at the GCPD. I can have my chat while he's in a cell."

Danny Rand has posed:
Iron Fist chuckles just a little bit. "Alrighty then." He pulls out a slip of paper from his belt and he writes a number on it. "Here you go. Text or call, yeah? Cause honestly, I'm really curious about you. Something different, can't put my finger on it. But I can tell you're one of the good ones. I'll be in town for a few weeks, so if you want to meet, hit me up." He looks at the guys then for a moment, before he deeply inhales.

"I'll let you do the talking then. Relay the information to me please? I'd really appeciate it. Maybe next time, I'll be brave enough to ask 'why' about the fishnets." He winks at her in flirtation, before he backs away into the shadows, disappearing.

Too many ninjas in this damn city.