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Latest revision as of 16:05, 14 September 2022

It's About the Plan
Date of Scene: 14 September 2022
Location: Penthouse - Historic Clocktower
Synopsis: Babs and Helena share a bit of chit chat over dinner.
Cast of Characters: Barbara Gordon, Helena Bertinelli

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara had invited Helena over for some dinner and to talk about the situation with the Werewolves. The team's leaders need to confer after all!

Plus, this fine spaghetti that Babs had made needed to be eaten!

Dressed in a Gotham Knights baseball tee-shirt, and blue jeans, Babs is serving their meal to Helena at the bar in her fancy Fallout-themed kitchen.

"All of this?" Babs says, making Helena's plate for her. "It's so beyond me. Like, it's dramatic, right? Of course, of course it's dramatic. But it's like, on another level. Lovers, haters, war between clans... It's madness." Babs says before doing herself up a plate, and then setting the pot back in the kitchen before she sits down beside Helena at the bar counter on the tall kitchen counter chairs.

"This Elektra is deep in it too. Like, a lot. She needs help, and I want to give it, but Jesus Christ..." Babs states then with a sigh before reaching for her fork.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli is never one to refuse dinner. She brings along a bottle of wine, because no Italian can come for dinner and _not_ bring a good bottle. It would be grounds for disownership.

Helena wears a gray tanktop under a black, blue and white plaid flannel and jeans with canvas sneakers. The flannel is worn open like a jacket, the cuffs rolled up twice.

Looking at the delivered food, Helena smiles. "Thanks, Barb. It smells really good.." Her eyes light up just anticipating the first bites. But she forces herself to wait, pouring the wine for Barbara and then herself.

"So.. it's like.. Romeo and Juliet but with fangs, claws, and wet dog smell? Ugh.."

"You mentioned before that she had some knowledge? I guess I'm not sure still how she is involved? And what can we do to help her? What does she need?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs waits patiently for the wine, then scoops the glass up to sample it. She shows a enjoyed expression there-after, and at the question she shakes her head, setting the glass down again. Her red hair is tied up on the back of her head, with a few strands around the sides of her face, with dark framed reading glasses worn over her green eyes. "She's making decisions." Babs replies, then smirks at the rest of what Helena had said. "I guess she was in love with one of them. Or, at least, dating? I dunno. I didn't really question that deeply about that. Not my business, you know?"

Her fork goes in to the food and she swirls it around within the noodles.

"But yeah, there's even bratty kids involved. You know, Goth bratty, with powers beyond anything I could even dream of having. Somehow this has all decided to come to our city, like we didn't have enough going on already."

She smirks at Helena then. "The wine is delicious." She notes in a softer tone.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli lets Barbara sample the wine first. On approval, she smiles and sips.

Taking her fork she performs the well practiced art of twirling the noodles around the tines. Shamelessly, she draws the forkful up, noodles dangling. She takes a bite and has to suck the last of the noodles in so she holds her hand under her chin to avoid making a mess.

"Really? So we have werewolves bigger than a truck. And now we have goth kids with powers?" She eyes Barbara, "I think this is where I tender my resignation as Number Two, wish you luck and join a convent." Her tone is sarcastic.

"But I'd be thrown out of the convent in under ten minutes. So. Guess you're stuck with me. But. Damn. We're going to really need to lean on Zatanna and Wonder Girl it sounds like. We can be smart and we can be high tech, sure. This sounds.. like something we need to do. We need to stop. But.." A concerned glance is given to Barbara, her hand reaching over to touch the redhead's knee.

"It also means we need to be real with the team. The risks of being inolved. We're all invincible until we're not..." She shrugs. "We can't just let them think it'll be okay because it always has been."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Some of the food is sampled by its Chef, but she is soon to go back to the alcoholic beverage instead. After Helena speaks, she sets the glass down again, then smiles toward her. "Oh, you're right. This is partly why I haven't brought Elektra in on anything with the team yet. I've been curious to see how she acts out in the field. Not that I'm thinking of recruiting her, mmm, no... I think she's far too independently minded to want to be on a 'team'. But, really, I'm curious how she'd interact with these enemies. She's brutal. Brutally effective."

Babs purses her lips in thought for a moment before she looks back to Helena. "Maybe I should join the Nunnery... I think I'd get welcomed with open arms. Maybe it's a nice and quiet life. The robes look comfortable too..."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli listens as she sips her wine. Offering a nod, she replies, "That seems like a good idea. Keeping her at last at arm's length for right now. If she's half as good as you're suggesting, it might be beneficial to have her in on the missions or at least the final mission whenever we get that far."

"PPfahaha!" Helena cannot help bursting into laughter. "Oh you would HATE cloistered life, Barb. Seriously. You're far too independent. You'd hate the habits. They're not silk or satin. They're itchy and scratchy." She grins again. "And.. I have no intention of letting you run off to a life of celibacy.." Her eyes dance with mischief.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
That last bit from Helena gets a side smirk sent to her from the redhead. "Goober." She fires back with an amused expression on her face. Her eyes drop back down to the food, which she enjoys a bit more of before taking in some more of the wine.

"I think she's reliable though, and... okay, well reliable to some degree. She'd do what she feels is best for her cause. I'm just trying to make sure that our causes are on the same pathway, before I swear any of what we have, to help her for what she wants."

A shrug of her shoulders is given inside her tee-shirt. "All the same though, I want these freaks sent back to their home, and get the Hell outta ours." Babs adds before putting that fork back in her mouth again.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli sticks her tongue out at Barbara. "I may be a goober, which is decidedly _not_ a proper term of affection, by the way. But I am _your_ goober. So you're just going to have to deal with it. Or try to change me!"

"I'm sure she has skill. Your perspective makes sense. It's a good approach. You've built the Birds. We can't risk someone unravelling things fromm the inside or anything." She pauses for more food and a drink.

"Yeah. Out of Gotham and hopefully no longer a threat anywhere else if we can help it. No one else needs their trouble either."