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Latest revision as of 16:06, 14 September 2022

Tapping into the Phone Tree
Date of Scene: 13 September 2022
Location: Harold's House of Oddities and Coffee House
Synopsis: Gabby meets Jason Blood, learns of Etrigan, and welcomes him into the JLD.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Jason Blood

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney was a busy little badger having gone through files and resources all night. It was precisely why she wanted a coffee right now, and the Curio's overall atmosphere seemed like a reasonable place to request meeting people. She'd already met one recruit here at least. The coffee wasn't bad, either. For the time being she was making this an unassociated 'office' for meetings because this place probably had the least memories associated with the team. It was time to move on.

Finding a particular name listing an expert on demonology, in Gotham no less, Gabby had made a phonecall requesting a meeting. She's here already with a few cups of coffee stacked next to her, slowly making her way through them all while nibbling on a bagel as she waits.

Really she was an unimpressive figure at her height, and her age, but the fact that her face was heavily scarred might lead one to believe she had some experience of... some sort or another.

Jason Blood has posed:
Another day, another call about his services. Jason Blood sighed quietly to himself, but as always, he took the call. Because what else was he going to do? He had plenty of time on his hands.

He made his way to the coffee shop and enters with a fairly non-dramatic way, pulling open the door and stepping inside. He glances around for his contact, and aside from the shock of white hair amidst a sea of black, he looks like any other dour gent that might be coming in hoping that a bit of caffeine could lighten his load for the day. He moves to the side of the entrance and seeks out the woman who summoned him. Girl, really, he is coming to find out.

He strolls to her table and stops, looking down at her with a skeptical expression on his face. "They have reduced me to being summoned by children," he says with a long sigh. "What is it that you need? I actually do have matters to attend to of great urgency."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney had been mid-sip of her coffee when Jason Blood comes in. There had been a vague description of him in the files so she's at least easily able to recognize him. The mouthful of coffee is gulped down as she sets her mug back, and starts to rise to her feet offering her free hand out to shake--

Until he speaks.

A deep breath is drawn squaring her shoulders. Continuing to stand to her full, unimpressive height, she regards him with a steady gaze. "Yes, I haven't lived many years, but they have been filled with more than most experience to begin with. And," she adds, "I know that it's still not enough experience for what is needed. Which is why I'm reaching out to those who *are*. Thank you for meeting with me," comes the end and she doesn't seem as if she's trying to be sassy about it, either.

Whether he sits or not she sinks back down into her chair and laces her fingers together where her hands rest on the table. "You know of the Justice League Dark," It wasn't a question. "After some current issues our leaders have pretty much all fucked off to live their own lives and have left a lot of people in the lurch. Would you be interested in joining to lend your knowledge when it's needed?"

Jason Blood has posed:
There is a distinct change that comes over Jason Blood's face as soon as Gabby starts speaking. The look of casual disinterest and annoyance is replaced by appreciation. "From the mouth of babes," he murmurs to himself as he moves to take the indicated seat. "My apologies, I suppose I am old enough to know how to judge based around appearances, but despite your lack of years you clearly possess far more maturity than anyone else in that estimable group has. In combination, even, perhaps."

He leans back in the chair, studying her for a moment. Considering quietly. He nods absently, as if to something only he hears.

            She has the look of a child,
            And I sense her blood is wild,
            But already she offers less of a whine,
            Than even the best day of Constantine.

There is a bit of a twist of a smirk on his face. "I have told those puerile imbeciles time and again that they are meddling in matters without anywhere near a level of understanding that is needed, and despite that they were always more interested in self-aggrandizement than actually seeing to what needs to be done. I can already see you have a greater awareness that there are others out there who can be of assistance. So yes, most assuredly. And well met, I should say. Where have _you_ been this entire time that the order has been casting about rudderless amidst of a storm of immaturity and chaos?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney spreads her hands just a bit in a shrug at the question of where she's been. Her hand finds the mug of coffee next to her again though she doesn't move to drink it. It's simply held, enjoying the feel of the warmth seeping into her fingers from where she touches it.

"Around. I'm Gabby Kinney," she introduces. "I work with a vigilante group in Gotham, and I was working with the JLD as well. I'm Rien D'Arqueness' half sister." A slight sideways tip of her head comes as she adds, "Seventy year age difference between us. My family has a long life expectancy outside of our actions to the contrary." At least she can admit they did dangerous things. Allowing herself a grin, she continues on.

"I was the one she informed when she left with the other leaders. If we weren't related, I'm not certain they would have told anyone to be honest. So because of that..." A slow, deep breath is drawn in. "Because it's my family's fault, I've taken it on myself to step up in the meantime. I'm a mutant, not a magic user, but I know how to work with a team and organize things. Something," she admits, "A lot of them didn't from what I'm seeing."

Jason Blood has posed:
The Brit's face twists into a smile. "Honestly, a mutant who is too young to legally vote seems a far better choice to clean this up than even someone like me. When you get to be my age, you end up a bit set in your ways." Jason leans back in his seat and rubs his chin slowly. "So, old leadership out, new leadership in. Already I like the direction as you have demonstrated far more patience and grace than any of your predecessors."

He steeples his fingers in front of his face. "So tell me, Gabby, what is it that you wish to know about me, and what do you need from me? I am happy to offer whatever assistance I can."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I actually am old enough to vote," Gabby corrects with one finger lifting, though no upset at being assumed otherwise. "Though only just." Really she couldn't blame someone for thinking she was younger. The darn height thing certainly didn't help nor did her ability to heal and remain young looking. It's passed over though as it wasn't *really* an important detail at the moment. Just a clarification.

"I've read the folder on you, both from the JLD and the Bat." Being in Gotham that's easy to assume who she means. Exactly why she keeps her voice lower so that people nearby wouldn't perk their ears and try to eavesdrop. "It gives a good deal of information already. Mostly, I was curious how you came about your experience with demons. Otherwise, there's not an immediate issue presenting itself that needs dealt with. I'm just trying to lay the groundwork so that when something does crop up we can have the help we need."

"You're also free to ask me anything you want to know, too," she assures quickly realizing this might come off as one-sided. "I'm pretty much an open book. Short one." A joke? A little bit.

Jason Blood has posed:
The smile broadens at the humility on display from Gabby. "My apologies for my comment upon my arrival. Please know that it is because I have assumed poorly of the prior leadership, _not_ anything based upon you."

He nods slowly as she asks about his experience, and his face cracks into a grin. "Let us just say that in addition to having far more time than most have to engage in a study on the topic, I am unique qualified to get into the head of a demon." He pauses. "Or vice versa."

            You can just show her!
            No need to take this slower!
            Her guard it will lower!
            I shant treat her grass like a mower!

Something twists Jason's face most distastefully, and he rolls his eyes. He takes a deep breath, and then sighs it out. "I am sure that will come with time if we are to work together, but you need not convince me of anything else. You have clearly earned the trust of those who know well enough who to trust, even if they care not to be polite to all of them." He offers her a smile. "You have my services at your command, whenever you have need to call."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"No harm done, I know who I am and I'm okay with that. Thanks though, I do appreciate it," Gabby assures at the apology with a renewed grin, and less tension in her shoulders than before.

The explanation he gives, followed with the strange expression, leads her to one singular conclusion: "Ah, you've got a passenger. That makes sense then." While she's not certain of the circumstances she certainly knew of those with similar situations. She'd met Ghost Riders before after all so the concept was at least familiar.

"Awesome. Thank you so much, I think this will be a great help." Her attention turns away to fish into her pocket from which she produces a simple blue key. It's offered over toward Jason. "This is how we access what we call the Velvet Room. It's a location in the astral plane we use for our headquarters. Any door will open to it if unlocked with that key, but when you leave it will bring you back to where you were."

"And actually I could use some help with the Velvet Room itself. We recently had an issue with some Old Gods attempting to breach into our dimension. The breach was sealed but I'd like to make sure there's nothing nasty that was left behind lingering around. Unfortunately, while I can fight things like that, I can't *sense* them." Her free hand touches to a simple wire-wrapped stone necklace she wears. "And this only senses the presence of magic to warn me. It's fairly useless in the astral."

Jason Blood has posed:
There is a sharp laugh from Jason, and he nods. "How insightful. His name is Etrigan. He will be charmed to know that you have deduced his existence." He shakes his head a bit.

He glances down at the key, and reaches out to take it. "Ah, excellent. Thank you. Most delightful." He holds up the key to gaze at it, before spiriting it away upon his person. "That does make meetings rather handy, I would imagine."

He glances at the necklace she indicates, and nods slowly. "Of course. I would be more than happy to assist with that." He peers a bit longer at the necklace, and then back at her. "I do thoroughly appreciate the invitation. I would feel much better keeping an eye on the group than being apart and having to clean up messes afterwards."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney nods readily in agreement. "Oh definitely. No one likes being called in just to clean up someone else's mess without having any idea what actually happened. I get the feeling that happens a lot in regards to magic dealings, though, given so many magic users I know try to go and handle things on their own." Oh she had a list. A LIST.

Another grin is offered to what she now knew were a pair. "I look forward to working with you in the future, then. It's been a pleasure meeting both of you, Jason, Etrigan." Again her hand is offered out to shake though she doesn't press the issue if not taken. "I should be on my way for now. I've got a lot of things to do still."

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason is, among other things, a gentleman. A man of chivalry. He takes the offered hand and shakes it. "I appreciate you taking the time for the meeting. I will gather up the materials I need for a search and cleansing, and insure that our secret base is free of unexpected residents." He offers her a smile as he stands up. "Again, thank you for the invitation. I am appreciative of the opportunity to walk beside the Justice League Dark, instead of cleaning up after it." he chuckles. "Although I imagine there will be a lot less cleanup required now as well, too."

He takes a step back. "And if you would really like, perhaps some day you can meet Etrigan."

            If you let me out to play,
            I promise I won't take my way,
            It will just be a nice polite chat or dud,
            I will not try to spill her blood!

Jason purses his lips. "Perhaps not."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gives a sturdy enough shake for someone her size. No attempts at trying to squeeze hands to breaking point or other things someone less confident might try. "Of course. Never know what the future will hold."

Scooping up her to-go cup of coffee she waves over her shoulder while turning and heading for the door. "Later!"